Prologue: Into The Ocean...Blue October

Prologue: Into The Ocean...Blue October

A Chapter by Brit Nicole

I was standing in the ocean. Sand under my feet. Waves crashing around my bare legs. The sky was dark and freckled with stars. I felt completely at peace in that moment. I could hear the sound of the water and the wind blowing through my elbow length, ash blonde hair. I took a deep breathe. Breathing in the smells and air of the salty ocean water. I couldn't remember why I was there, but it didn't matter. I was so at ease that I just didn't find it important to remember why I was standing in this blissful place. I'm not sure how long I stood there, it felt like hours.

I finally looked back at the beach. It was empty but for my sandals and sweatshirt. I sighed before turning and walking to my things. I picked them up and headed towards my house. It wasn't far from the beach, which was nice. When I opened the door and stepped into the silent, dark house I sighed. Of course she wasn't home. My mother was never home. She was out with her latest 'boyfriend'. I was sure. I didn't bother turning the lights on. I just headed towards the back of the small cabin to my bedroom. I flipped on the light and took in my room. Deep purple walls, light hardwood floors, a couple shag rugs, a full sized canopy bed draped in more deep purple, a chair, and a dresser. I walked to the dresser and grabbed a long shirt and changed into it before lying on my bed and curling up in the comforter. I quickly fell asleep.

I was standing in a small room. I could see my mom sitting in a blue chair not far from where I was standing. My mom was crying. I wanted to comfort her but couldn't bring myself to move or speak.

I woke up sweating and feeling confused. I looked around and realized I was in my room. I breathed a long sigh of relief before deciding to get up.

© 2012 Brit Nicole

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Added on April 9, 2012
Last Updated on April 9, 2012
Tags: breaking, fall, love, coma, tragedy, suspense, mystery, romance, friends, best friends