![]() StephanieA Chapter by BrieOkay, so I lied. I am not originally from Clifford Heights. Honestly, I don’t know who wants to call this place their hometown. I prefer Nashville and Memphis over this city, and that says a lot because I hate both cities. For any chance to get to Liam, though, I will say and do anything. It has been awhile since I have seen quite an attractive guy like Liam. I mean, yes, my boyfriend is the cream of the crop, but Liam easily trumps over him in appearance. There is something about the structure of his jawline and cheekbones that seem quite strong for a teenage boy. So devilish and sexy. His dark blue eyes are the type of eyes that belong in stories, for they are so unbelievably charming. Liam’s full smile is gorgeous, and after seeing the outline of his abs and chest, I felt like my body was boiling in lava because I couldn’t contain the sweat forming. There is something about him that I can’t put my finger on, but I would love to put my entire hands all over. Jake wasn’t that thrilled to see my arm wrapped around Liam’s biceps, strolling out of our French class together. Although it is only the second day of school, I know more French than the people in that classroom, even the teacher. The class is an easy A for me, though, and now knowing Liam is in the class, it makes suffering through a whole year worth it. I smile keenly at Jake, aware of how this whole picture appears to him. Liam, who has been quite coy the entire class, sees Jake, and I can imagine what is going on in head, for his face looks stiff and uneasy. God, he is even hotter when he is nervous. “Jakey, sweetie, how amazing is it that our new friend here, Liam, was in my French class? Now, I won’t be so bored to death in that class.” I say in my theatrical voice. When Jake’s face tenses up in a dubious expression, that usually means he doesn’t like what he sees and doesn't know what to say about the situation. Having taken theatre for two years with his sister, Jackie, I have learned a few tricks to sure him I am not up to any good. With Liam next to me, though, I am thinking about being naughty. “Uh huh, yeah, that sounds great, Steph,” I release my hold on Liam to walk up to Jake, hugging him as he kisses me on the lips softly. I do appreciate the way Jake can get protective and jealous, for when he is tempted, he likes to show his affection for me in public. Turning his head around, Liam’s eyes are exploring the hallway, shifting his backpack on his shoulders anxiously. “Where is your next class, Liam?” I ask in my innocent voice, which makes him focus his attention back on Jake and me. He runs his hand through his hair that sparkles with red in the light. “I actually know where my next class is. It’s with Mrs. Douglas in the science lab. I can walk over there myself, but thank you, Stephanie. I will see you and Jake at lunch.” Before I even have a chance to stop him, Liam is already heading down the hallway, dodging people in the process. “You are testing me, Steph. I know what you are doing,” Jake says, his face turning into stone. His light brown eyes, though, are looking my body up and down. “Jakey, sweetie, I don’t know what you are talking about. I am doing nothing wrong besides being friendly with the new guy, who lost his tour guide today. He is new, after all, and he might need someone to show him around.” I caress Jake’s cheeks, pouting my lips like a puppy. In his eyes, he is surrendering, and I know I still have control over him. “Who was his tour guide?” He places his hand on my back, resting above my butt, and I start walking down the hallway. I tell him how Cheryl isn’t feeling well, and I offered to help him with his classes and around town. I also told him that I invited Cheryl’s friend, Willa, to lunch with us, which makes him stop in his tracks. “That was sweet of you, I guess,” He looks at me suspiciously. All I can do is smile and nod before continuing to walk towards my classroom before Jake kisses me bye and heads to his class two doors down. The entire time, I can feel the eyes watching us, envying us if you will. Jake and I have been together since eighth grade, and that has made us the Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds of our school. It doesn’t hurt that everyone also admires us, and we are part of the elite in town. Now, I know what you are thinking. I must be what everyone claim I am, the cutthroat of a b***h who swims in her own money. Well, I am about to lay it all out for you, disclaim the rumors. Yes, my father is one of the wealthiest men in the town, maybe even the entire state. Am I a daddy’s girl? Well, he is all I got in my life, so of course, I love my father like any daughter raised without a mother would. I have a little brother named Seth who I love to death and would do anything for, and no, a nanny doesn’t take care of him. My step-mother, whom I have become fond of, takes care of him while running an online business. I am a little spoiled, I have to admit, but I do community service work on the weekends at the local hospital. Okay, also yes, I do not like Cheryl Bellini, but that is for reasons no one needs to know about. I will say, though, that it is not because of her skin color. I don’t know who spread that rumor, but I do apologize for what I said to her last year. Did I deserve that punch in the face? Maybe, but then again, my distaste for her grew after that fight. A ton of foundation couldn’t cover up the bruises I obtained, nor could I stop listening to the conversations saying she beat the s**t out of me. I felt humiliated and ashamed to show my face after my suspension was over. But now, here is my chance for sweet revenge, for, with Cheryl gone for the day, I have her new boy toy and her best friend, and with the lunch bell about to ring in a few minutes, I can’t wait to chat with both of them to use against Cheryl. Yeah, that sounded like a cliché thing to say, but who says I have to be original? The bell rings, and I am immediately heading towards the door, my two closest friends following behind me. I love both of them, but Jasmine and Amber can be quite dependent on me. It’s like they have to have my approval to do anything. Yesterday, Jasmine called me at six in the morning, talking about she can’t decide what to wear for the first day of school. I do agree that I have one of the best styles in the school, but I am not a stylist. So, I told her to wear whatever she wants to wear and hung up. She came to our first class together in the outfit I knew she was going to put on, her cut-out sunflower dress with the gladiator sandals I let her borrow a few weeks ago. Today, both Jasmine and Amber voted we all match; I didn’t vote. Jasmine is wearing the purple boxy crop top Amber gave her with black distressed skinny jeans, and Amber is dressed in a sheer black shirt with the purple skater skirt Jasmine gave her. What did I put on for today, you might ask? A white and blue floral off-the-shoulders jumpsuit. “Did I mention how much I love your jumpsuit?” Amber says, putting her hair into a top knot bun. Jasmine is nodding on the other side of me, fixing her top. I have known these two since middle school, and it still surprises me that they aren’t from the same family. They are similar in facial structures and height except Jasmine has midnight black hair with light brown eyes, while Amber has strawberry blonde hair with hazel eyes. Both are annoying as s**t, but they know my deepest secrets. So, I have to keep them around. “Yes, you have already mentioned how much you love my outfit, Amber.” I smile, though, in my mind, I am rolling my eyes. “Is Lucas coming to Gee’s? Because I swear, every time I see him talking while chewing on his mussels, I vomit a little.” Lucas is Amber’s latest boyfriend, and truth be told, I hate him more than her last boyfriend, Peyton, who was immature for a college student. Lucas loves to eat, and when I say eat, I mean chomp down on anything in his way. I swear I got pieces of food on my shirt the last time he joined us at Gee’s. “No, he is going to eat with his friends at The Talking Taco. He apparently wants Mexican food.” She shrugs, her eyes glued to her phone. I am assuming she is texting him right now. “So, I heard some people talking, and they are saying that you invited Willa Abbey and Liam Kennard to Gee’s for lunch. Is that right?” Jasmine asks, her colored-in eyebrows raising as she stares at me. “Yes, I invited both of them. It will be a nice change to our usual people.” “Liam is so attractive! If I weren't with Lucas, I would quickly snatch him for myself.” Amber fans herself with her hand, closing her eyes. She almost bumps into someone, and I can’t help but laugh. “Yes, he is, and I got to see what is under that shirt of his yesterday.” Both of them stop and stare at me identically with their mouth opens. “What?!” “Does his body looks better than Chris Evans?” Smiling smugly, I put my hands up, which makes them stop talking. It is like I am holding a piece of candy in front of my kids, and it only makes my smile grow wider. “Jasmine. Amber. You know I can’t tell you anything, but let’s just say that it made me reconsider being with Jake.” They both gasp and floor me with more questions, asking if I will break up with Jake for Liam. We are walking towards the parking lot, and I know that Jake is already waiting for me by his car, so I tell them that Liam is supposed to be going to the football practice this afternoon, so maybe they will see his body later on. Ditching them once we are closer to Jake, I give him a kiss on the cheeks, and we hop into his Lexus. “Stephanie, you know I have been thinking. I am still trying to understand why you will invite, um, Willa to lunch?” He put the car into drive and is staring out onto the street, motioning for someone to go in front of him. I glance down at my phone, texting Amber about going out to see about my arrangements for the party Friday. “Well, I thought that it would be good to get to know her. I mean, she and Jackie hang out so much, that I find it strange I don’t know much about Willa. Plus, come on, Jake, I know that they are dating.” That makes him turns his head around, his eyes wide in shock by my words. “How do you know that?” He asks astonished, staring back at the road but peeking from the corner of his eyes at me. I shrug my shoulders and lower the visor, checking myself out in the mirror. “It is evident, Jake. I mean, every time Willa comes to your house to hang out with Jackie, they are both in Jackie’s room with the door closed. If they were the closest of friends, they wouldn’t be so quiet when you pass by the door. They will be chatting it up and watch tv. Plus, I once heard moaning.” I am reapplying my lipstick when Jake suddenly presses on the brakes, causing me to smear lipstick on my cheeks. I curse under my breath, glaring my eyes at Jake. His mouth is slightly open, shaking his eyes in disbelief. “Jacqueline would have told me if she was in a relationship with a girl. She tells me everything.” “Well, I guess this is the one thing she didn’t want to tell you. I mean, Jake, see how you are reacting to it right now. Maybe she isn’t ready to tell you something that huge.” I dab a napkin on my cheeks, carefully removing the lipstick on my cheeks to avoid running my foundation. Once I get it off, I sigh in frustration, for I still have to reapply my foundation. I curse again, digging through my purse. The entire ride to Gee’s Diner, Jake doesn’t speak, sometimes his mouth opening up only to shut. I can identify when his mind is on overdrive, baffled by what I just told him. Parking in the lot next to Gee’s Diner, I spot Willa hopping out of her green Jeep, grabbing her purse. I would admit that I knew Willa before she started hanging out with Jackie. She sat in front of me in English class freshman year, and all I saw in my view was her dark copper hair that glowed strawberry in the light. I was quite envious of her hair, for it is the type of hair color that you see in commercials, but you know you will never copy accurately. Besides the acne and circle-framed glasses she wore, Willa looks like the cute girl-next-door who will grow up to be the most beautiful girl in the school. Now, seeing her walk into the diner, I see I was correct, except the gorgeous red hair is replaced with dyed blonde. “Hey, I will meet you inside. I still feel like I need a moment.” Jake says behind me, making me jump. I turn around, hand on my chest, and stare at his face. His light brown eyes have softened a little, filled with confusion and pain. Understanding, I nod and head towards the diner, taking my phone out of my purse. I search from my contacts and tap on the number I wanted. Hey, we need to talk about something. Not now but after school. Within a second of sending, I hear a ding while opening the door. Looking back at my phone, I see the response. I don’t know why we can’t talk about it in the diner, but okay, whatever. I look back up from my phone and spot all of my friends divided between two booths. Gee’s Diner is owned by Valerie Moretti’s grandmother and has been our hangout spot since freshman year when Valerie became Amber’s step-sister. When you walk in, it brings you back a few decades back. The Pepto Bismol pink patterned floor tiles match the neon pink and mint painted on the walls and in the decors. The booths are the vintage diner booths decorated with mint leather, pink trimmings, and a white rectangle streak down the middle. Valerie’s grandmother still has the restaurant’s first clock hanging over the kitchen area, and everyone is dressed in polka dots skirts and aprons. According to Valerie, her grandmother was a huge fan of the 50’s when she came to America and wanted an Italian-American restaurant that matches her passion for everything 1950s. Even Elvis Presley is mounted in a corner, guitar in his hands. Amber waves me over, and I walk towards everyone. In one booth, Valerie and her boyfriend Nathan Browning, Eric Fitzgerald, Regan Sanders, Claudia Harris, and Jackie are talking among each other while Jasmine, Amber, and Willa are situated in the booth adjacent to them. Willa is squashed in the corner towards the wall, avoiding eye contact with Amber. When I walk up, her face becomes a center of emotions, expressing how nervous and uncomfortable she is. I slide into the booth and plop across from her, giving her one of my generous smiles. I only use those smiles when I am doing my community service or around my dad’s government friends. Willa appears like a lost lamb in a den of sheep, and I know I need to save her from embarrassing herself. “Willa, I am glad you made it! You didn’t have any problems getting her, did you?” I exclaim cheerfully, causing Willa to shift in the seat and Jackie’s head to slightly turn in our direction. My smile grows wider. “Um, no, I didn’t. I have been here before with my family.” Her voice is quiet and soft, barely audible. A curly headed woman with a black and pink polka dot dress pops up to the table, her name tag above her chest. I have been to the diner for four years now, but I still have found myself forgetting all of the servers’ names. Looking at her name tag, I notice it says Pinky. “Your name isn’t really Pinky, is it?” I question, setting my arms on my lap as I sit back. Pinky grins at me, but I can tell in her dark brown eyes that she isn’t amused by my question. “No, it isn’t, but I go by Pinky because I love pink. Now, is there anything I can get you to drink and eat?” Her voice has a high pitch accent, but I can recognize the sass in her tone. Turning my attention back to Willa, I say, “Water with lemon. Tell Robert that Stephanie is here, and he will know what to cook.” I can hear the snort come from Pinky’s nose, but she walks away. Willa quickly takes a sip on her cola. “Wow, she was a b***h.” Jasmine rolls her eyes and puckers her lips. I smirk, ignoring Jasmine’s comment. “Where is Jake? Is Liam coming?” Amber is leaning across the table, handing me a small piece of paper. Without looking at the paper, I know it is a receipt for the supplies they bought for the party. Willa peeks a glimpse of the paper, though, showing an interest in it. “Jake is outside. He needed to take care of some business. As of Liam, I am about to text him now to see where he is.” I put the receipt in my purse while grabbing my phone. I glance back up at Willa, a huge smile across of my face. She sinks back into her seat, continuing to sip on her drink. “Wila, you don’t have to seem uncomfortable around us. I figure it would be great to get to know one another a little bit better besides the fact that we both know English.” She nervously laughs, putting her drink down. “I’m not uncomfortable. I just still in shock that you invited me to eat lunch with you.” Willa folds her arms, meeting my eyes. Her emerald green eyes appear relaxed, but the rest of her body is expressing uneasiness. I am starting to think it is not us making her anxious but that Jackie is sitting right behind her, listening to our conversation. “Willa, give me your hands.” I reach my hands out onto the table, and hesitating, Willa puts her hands out reluctantly. I gently grab them and look back into her green eyes. “Wila, I consider you a friend, and my friends get the privilege to eat with us. I want you here, so relax. I promise I won’t bite.” I show her my teeth, and she nods shyly, sliding her hands back to her side. Someone clears their throat, and I spot from the corner of my eyes that Pinky is back with my drink and a tray of food. She passes out everyone’s food before handing me my drink. “Robert says he is preparing your salad now,” Pinky tells me with a straight face, her eyes narrowing at me. Before I can comment, Jake and Liam are by her side, interrupting the tension in her eyes. “Oh, hello, I wasn’t told two more people would be arriving.” “I apologize, ma’am. I expected my girlfriend to tell you when she came in.” Jake scoots up to me in the booth, Liam following behind. Pinky’s eyes widen, and I can imagine the thought that it is going through her head. “I will have some lemonade and an Italian beef sandwich with extra roast beef. What would you have, Liam?” Liam shrugs, looking over Pinky’s shoulders at the large menu displayed. “Um, you can just give me some water and your chicken Caprese sandwich with a bowl of your special soup.” Pinky writes their order and stares at me before leaving, shaking her head. Jake looks at me, but I shrug like I haven’t done anything. Amber and Jasmine straighten their back, gawking at Liam as he makes eye contact with Willa. I can imagine they are telepathically saying to each other how awkward this is. Jake stares at Willa, his lips becoming a fine line. Willa gets a glimpse of Jake’s discomfort and shrinks in her seat, looking down at her food. All of the emotions at this table is becoming overwhelming for me. “Jake, I see you found Liam. I had just texted him to see if he was on his way,” I rub my thumb against his jawbone, getting his attention away from Willa. Before he gets a chance to say something, Liam interrupts. “Yeah, I had a little trouble getting here. The map on my phone brought me to the wrong street.” He tilts his body forward to get a glimpse of me past Jake. “Oh, I’m sorry. I should have made the directions more clearly. I’m glad you are here, though.” I wave my hand in the path of Jasmine and Amber, who are trying hard not to drool over their foods. “This is Jasmine Young and Amber Ryans, my closest friends. In the other booth, starting from the other side with the long black hair is Valerie Moretti, her boyfriend Nathan Browning, and his best friend Eric Fitzgerald, and the red hair behind Jasmine is Regan Sanders followed by Claudia Harris, and Jake’s twin sister, Jacqueline. Some of us call her Jackie, but you can call her either if you prefer.” “Call me Jacqueline.” Jackie turns her head around, smiling at Liam. I roll my eyes, forgetting her problem with people calling her Jackie. “Of course. It is nice to meet all of you.” Liam smiles, running a hand through his auburn hair. The way his shirt is fitted against his biceps, you can view his muscles contracting, and I feel a ball of heat growing in my body. Jasmine and Amber must feel the same thing because their mouths are slightly open. Jake clears his throat, and Jasmine and Amber blink, blushing equally. Liam does not notice both of them and brings his focus to Willa, who is silently eating her food. Pinky breaks through the awkward tension of the table, and Jasmine and Amber immediately go back to eating their food. Pinky observes the table and gives us a confused face as she places plates in front of Liam, Jake, and me. After putting down the guys’ drinks, she steps over to Valerie’s table, talking to her about something. Liam and Jake start munching on their food, and Liam didn’t mention whatever he had to say to Willa. I, however, am curious what was about to be said. “Liam, you were going to ask Willa something?” I stabbed my fork through my Greek salad I have Robert, the head chef, cook for me every time I come in. It is strange to order Greek food at an Italian restaurant, but I pay Robert a pretty good amount to make me my salad. “Oh, um, I was going to ask her if she has talked to Cheryl since we last talked,” He says mid-eating, taking a bite of his sandwich. Willa looks up at both of us, putting her fork down from her mouth. “I have. Cher hasn’t replied back.” She quickly answers, going back to eating her food. “You know, Willa, I see that you are always at Jake’s house with Jackie here, but does Cheryl hang out with Jackie too?” I ask interestedly, staring at Willa as I eat my salad. She puts her fork down completely, stunned by my question. Jake completely stops eating his meal and spins his head towards me, narrowing his eyes. I can see the veins in his neck popping out. Jasmine and Amber glazed uncomfortably down at their food, shifting in their seats, and Liam is looking at all of us in confusion. I can hear the conversation at the other table becoming quiet, and it feels like the whole diner is anticipating for Willa’s response. “Um, well, Ch-Cheryl doesn’t really know that I hang out with Jacqueline,” Willa stutters. “She knows we did art projects together, but that’s it.” Willa touches her hair, pushing it out of her face. I smile smugly and pick at the tomatoes in my salad. I can see from the corner of my eyes Jake’s nose flaring up. “But you and Jacqueline are like the closest of friends. You hang out at each other’s houses and go to theater plays and movies together like the best of buddies. I just find it weird that I haven’t seen Cheryl with you guys.” Finishing my sentence, Jackie faces our direction, focusing her eyes on me. I just smirk at her, eating some of my salad. I hear someone cough, and Amber begins to sip on her drink. “Stephanie, whatever you are scamming up in your head of yours needs to stop. Why can’t we all enjoy our lunch without you manipulating someone?” Jake says through gritted teeth, his hand grabbing my wrist under the table roughly. I flinch and slap his hand away from me, darting my eyes towards his direction. Jake knows not to touch me that way, for I can easily spill out the truth about his family and his sister. Jake might think he wears the pants in our relationship, but deep in his soul, he knows that I have the pants and all the power. Sensing the friction unfolding at our table, Eric walks over to our booth and clears his throat, getting our attention. I glare at Eric, ready to release my anger at him for disturbing our table. Eric plays for the school’s basketball team but is the son of Clifford Heights’s new channel anchor, Tiffany Fitzgerald, a native. So he knows everyone’s families practically, including some information on my family, which means I have to be careful about exploding on him. I soften my eyes, readjusting the scowl on my face. “Yes, Eric?” “Well, since you are mentioning Cheryl’s name, I thought to break the tension at this table by announcing something about her.” Every curse words in my head come to a halt, and a smile begins creeping up on my face. Gesturing for him to continue, he sees his Adam’s apple move before he resumes. “Well, I used to be Cheryl’s neighbor until last year when we moved.” Willa looks at Eric with bewilderment, her eyebrows rising. I am as curious as she is about this newly announced information. “You were Cheryl’s neighbor?” Willa asks, folding her arms. I can see the doubt in her eyes. “Yeah. I was her neighbor for a while, and both of our moms knew each other in high school. Cheryl never came out of her house unless for soccer practice and school.” “Wait, so why are you telling us this, Eric?” I stare at him, and he puts his hands in his jean pockets. Besides being on the basketball team, Eric is the president of the student government and journalist club, which automatically attracts girls, but he knows way too much information about everyone, so it turns girls off. Right now, I am just becoming impatient. “Well, I shouldn’t be saying this to you because I could get in trouble, but in my defense, I am only human.” “Spill it, Eric!” I fold my arms across my chest, gesturing for him to continue. “Fine. Well, there was one time Cheryl came out of her house, and well, you have to see for yourself.” He takes his phone out of his pocket, roaming through it until he finds what he needs. His cheeks are reddening up with embarrassment, and he passes me his phone. I snatch it out of his hands, guarding it against wandering eyes. Glancing down at the picture in front of me, a huge wicked smile spreads across my face, and I glance back up at Eric. “Oh, Eric, you are a naughty boy.” I coo playfully, almost laughing. Everyone stares at Eric in unison then at me, questioning what can be so shocking about what’s on Eric’s phone. “Eric, what did you do?” Jasmine and Amber demand, motioning towards the phone. Eric puts his hands up in defense, backing away. “Eric, can I send this to my phone?” I am already taking my phone out, going to send it without his permission. He nods, and I press send on his phone, excited when the picture pops up on my phone. Jake gets a glimpse of the picture and shakes his head, frowning at me. I don’t give a care, though, because I have been waiting for something like this, something that will be worth the trouble. I thank Eric and give him back his phone. Willa is staring at Eric the entire time, giving him a resentful look. He goes back to his seat, and she turns to me with a disapproval stare. “What is on the phone, Stephanie?” “It is just a picture that is between Eric and me. No need for everyone to have to see it.” I put my phone back in my pocket and take a sip of my water before looking back at Willa. “Now, if you excuse me, I think I am done with my lunch. I will see everyone later.” I motion for Jake and Liam to move out of the booth. Liam immediately steps out of the booth, and, glaring at me with annoyance, Jake slides out. Grabbing my bags, I get out of the booth quickly. I stare at Jake one more time before focusing my attention on Liam. “Liam, I am still planning on giving you a tour around town today.” I beam, stepping up closer to him. Swallowing, he steps back into the booth, taking his seat. “Oh, about that. After practice, I promised my little sister that I will bring her somewhere important since I didn’t bring her yesterday. Raincheck?” Frowning, I reach into my purse to grab some cash. “Yeah, that will be all right.” I place the money on the table and take out my sunglasses, gesturing them towards Jasmine and Amber. “Girls, it’s time for us to leave. I have really enjoyed this lunch with everyone. I wasn’t expecting such juicy information, but now, I think I am fulfilled for the day.” I wave at everyone at the other table before heading towards the door. I don’t have to look back to see Jasmine and Amber swiftly grabbing their bags and rushing behind me. Outside the restaurant, I inhale a deep breath and cover my eyes with my sunglasses, exhaling out a wicked smile. I walk eagerly to Jasmine’s car. “Stephanie, where we are going?” Jasmine runs in front of me, unlocking the car doors. “Yeah because I wasn’t done eating my lunch.” Amber whines, shoving her phone in her bag. I stop Amber as she walks up to the passenger seat, and she sighs, opening the backseat. Once in the car, Jasmine starts the car up, staring at me for directions. I just glare out into the street, not paying attention to Jasmine. “Jasmine. Amber. Remember when I said that this would be my year?” From the corner of my eyes, I see both of them nodding their heads in confusion. “Well, I was correct. This is the year of the rose.” “Isn’t it the year of the monkey?” Amber asks, leaning closer to the middle of Jasmine and me. “No, Amber. It is the year of the rose. Now, Jasmine, drive me to the market area. I have something important to do before lunch is over.” Amber looks at Jasmine and me, but Jasmine just shrugs, backing out of the parking lot. Deep inside of me, I am screaming at the top of my lungs in excitement. I know you are probably witnessing the mischievous side of me but wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will be performing my best role as the popular girl, and I am beyond thrilled.
© 2017 BrieAuthor's Note
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Added on July 7, 2017 Last Updated on July 7, 2017 Author![]() BrieHattiesburg, MSAboutI am a student in college, about to graduate. I have a passion for traveling, fashion, the arts, and community service. I like to write stories, even though I feel like I have never finished a story more..Writing