![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by Brie“Emery, what do you mean you aren’t doing anything today?” Cara exclaims, her hands placed on her hips. Emery shrugs her shoulders and continues to walk down the hallway, holding reports in her hands. A day has gone by, and Emery is on her way to work as a lab assistant. The minute Cara, her closest friend, heard that today was her birthday, that was all she could talk about. Emery regrets telling her loud-mouth best friend about a personal event in her life. “Cara, I am not doing anything special today just because it is my birthday. I am only turning twenty-two. That isn’t a big deal.” Emery turns around the corner into a room, passing through students sitting on high stool chairs at their lab tables. Cara follows her, rolling her eyes when she hears someone whistling at her. Cara considers herself a good-looking woman, confident in her olive skin. Her full head of black hair and striking sky-blue eyes can cause a row of men to spin around for a double check, and it doesn’t help that she has the right curves around her hips either. However, she doesn’t accept the catcalling from college students who only care about getting their hands in your pants for three minutes top. Catching up to Emery, Cara sits down on the chair next to Emery’s desk, crossing her legs and leaning close in as Emery takes her seat. “Does Andrew have anything plan for you?” Cara smiles, placing her hands on her chin like a little girl about to hear some gossip. Emery laughs, shaking her head. “Andrew has no plans for me. He knows how much this day affects me, and I would like to consider it just like any other day, something you can’t do.” Emery spins in her chair, typing on her computer keyboard to avoid the conversation with Cara. She loves her best friend, but Cara doesn’t know the extent of her past, the trouble that follows Emery where she goes. Cara knows that she has no family just like Emery knows that Cara lost her brother, but that is all both ladies mention about their past and the effect of the disease on their lives. Other than that, they are detailed on everything else in their lives, like Cara hooking up with a new guy every two weeks or Emery fear of getting married. So, hearing what Cara says next shocks her. “I bet, ten out of ten, Andrew proposes to you tonight.” A huge, eager smile is on her face, and it makes Emery spins her chair back around to raise her eyebrows in curiosity. “Is that off a hunch?” Emery laughs, folding her arms across her chest. “Well, let’s just say that a little birdie told me that Andrew was snooping around a jewelry shop the other day and bought something small and shiny.” Cara grins, laying back in the chair and shifting her legs. “Uh, huh. Well, that same birdie knows that I do not want to get married right now, so I hope he can return that ring.” “You won’t really tell him no if he did propose?” Cara pouts, her eyes drooping like a sad puppy. “I don’t know, to be honest. I mean, I love Andrew. He has been there for me through the worse, but I know he won’t leave me if I say no.” Emery searches through the stack of papers on her desk, taking out a paper and writing a note on it for her to review later. Cara sighs and sees this conversation isn’t going the way she hopes it would.go. “Emery, you guys have been together for five years. The world has been recovering since the government created a vaccine.” Cara stands up, leaning her hand against the desk table. “Yes, I know that Cara, but if you didn’t hear, the disease has advanced in the past five years, and frankly, I rather am trying to research into the disease further to find a cure than planning my wedding while there are innocents out there dying. I love you Cara, but I should go to work.” Picking up a few folders and papers, Emery gets up and swings around Cara, walking towards the nearby room. “I’ll make it up to you, though. Meet me around four, and you, me, and the girls can go out for drinks. Deal?” Cara sighs, a smile forming on her face. “Okay, fine, but since you are pretending it’s not your birthday, you have to pay.” Laughing, Emery nods and waves goodbye, stepping into the lab to greet her students. Teaching a class full of freshmen and sophomores is the roughest job Emery has ever done besides the time she was interning with her mentor Mrs. Peterson. All the students crave for is automatic A’s on their assignments and extra time to leave, but Mrs. Peterson told Emery that no matter what, let the students know that she is in charge, and she isn’t. After a few catcalling from some horny boys at one table and a girl complaining loudly that her report was graded inaccurately, a few sips of vodka and club soda doesn’t sound like a terrible idea. Immediately after she dismissed the class, Emery rushes back towards her office, grabs her purse and other belongings along with a few folders of assignments and paperwork, and almost sprint to the building exit. Hurrying down the stairs, Emery looks both ways of the sidewalk before spotting her friends gathered up and chatting. Jogging towards them, she comes to a halt near her friend Sienna and leans her hand against her shoulder, catching her breath. “I’m so sorry I’m late. I was having trouble with a few of my students.” Emery breathes out, taking deep breaths before taking her hand off Sienna’s shoulders. Laughing, Sienna grabs Emery’s folders and paperwork, putting them in her purse. “You almost drop them when you jog over here. I’ll hold them for you and give them back after our drinks.” Sienna smiles at her, and it reminds Emery how sincere Sienna can be. Sienna is the type of woman to sacrifice her life for you if you are in deep trouble. With her coiled hair, bold purple lipstick, and colorful nail polish, Sienna is the energetic spirit Emery dreams of being. Next to Sienna is her other close friend, Ryan, who is the opposite of Sienna. Ryan has a tendency of causing fights, punching guys that grope her a*s in bars or anyone who f***s with her. Ryan’s appearance even matches her gristly side, for she has straight cut hair, dark red colored lips, nose piercing, and a tattoo of a bloody skull on her bicep. Ryan doesn’t take s**t, and that is probably why Emery likes her because she will be straightforward with you and won’t bullshit you. The last of the group, who seems to be missing at the moment, is the sensitive but charming Elektra, who happens to be Ryan’s baby sister. Looking at them, you couldn’t tell they are sisters, but when they are together, their personality emerge. Though Ryan is the stern sister, Elektra is the trickster, charming people with her gorgeous features but smart ways. Elektra’s beauty is unmistakably breathtaking, the way she can stroll into a room and grab everyone’s attention baffles the group, but it always gets them free drinks. With beachy wavy hair, a tan to die for, full glossy lips, and graceful curves, Emery envies her in every way. Cara, Sienna, and Ryan have been Emery’s closest friends for the past four years, teasing and embarrassing her since day one when they met in chemistry. Three of them can agree that Emery is the smartest of the group, but when it comes to her social life, Emery has no social skills. With a boyfriend, Emery never got the experience of flirting and dating like everyone else, but even before meeting Andrew, she didn’t bat a single eyelash at any guy that crave for a night with her. School has been Emery’s top priority, and she wasn’t taking any guy into her life, for being alone was her scapegoat from hurting anyone else around her. Andrew managed to crack the code and find his way into Emery’s heart, but even after five years, Emery knows that she can’t save him if something terrible happens to him. Not thinking about the possibilities, Emery, and her friend decide on going to the bar closest to the campus like they usually do, and begin to head to Elektra’s car, who is waiting for them. Passing the science department building and walking down the pathway in the middle of a field that leads to the student parking lot, they start to chatter about ordering a cake for Emery’s birthday, gushing about the possibility of Andrew proposing. In the middle of their conversation, Emery hears a sudden scream. It is barely audible, but she recognizes the scream and comes to a halt. “Emery, what are you-“ Ryan begins to ask, but Emery shushes her, a finger coming up to her lips. Listening carefully for another scream, Emery looks around their surrounding area, scanning the trees and buildings for anything suspicious. Strangely, the campus seems vacant and silent, like within a few seconds everyone has vanished. Something was definitely wrong about this scenario, and it made Emery question where everyone has gone? Then, like an answer to Emery’s question, she sees a group of people running towards them, passing by. “Get out of here! One of those creatures has been spotted on campus!” A guy yells at them, gesturing for the ladies to follow them. Puzzled, the ladies watch as the group continues to sprint off into a building, closing the door behind them. Staring at each other, Sienna is the first to speak. “Guys, I think we need to leave like now. I do not want to stay around to be killed by one of those things.” Sienna’s glowing skin has flushed into a ghostly pale, her hands shaking. Sienna, just like Emery, has been face to face with the vampire-like creatures, barely escaping the attack that took her whole family. Sienna’s fear triggers Emery, and she can feel her knees becoming wobbly. Another scream rips through the area, and suddenly, it comes to her why the scream sounds familiar. Emery quickly drops her stuff on the ground and without hesitation, runs in the direction the group had come from. “Em! Where are you going? Come back!” She hears her friends calling after her, hollering for her to return and not to be stupid. Emery hates to leave her closest friends behind, but after seeing multiple people killed in front of her, she feels like today is the day she is meant to save someone for once. Inspecting her surrounding, Emery pauses, hearing a clear scream from the right side of her. Darting in that direction, Emery hears a pattern of screams becoming more audible until it is loud enough to make her stop. She is in a parking lot and glances behind a car where two figures are on the pavement, one of the bodies fighting over the other. Rushing towards them, Emery swallows down her fear and prepares herself for the worse, building up her confidence. Getting closer, though, the figure on top suddenly appears clearer, and all the confidence inside Emery goes out the door. Her brown skin rapidly becomes pale in color, her eyes widening with shock. Her mouth hangs open, and her feet feels like it is merging with the ground, for she can’t move. Coming into view, Emery sees that the creature terrorizing the campus is no other than her boyfriend, Andrew. Andrew is on top of Elektra, who is fighting off Andrew, screaming at him. Squirming under his hold, Elektra is trying to escape, clawing at him. The disease hasn’t taken full toll of Andrew yet, for his skin is transforming into an eerie color, but his eyes haven't become the infamous yellow associated with the disease nor the peeling, balding, or devouring of the face. Everything seems wrong. This isn’t happening right now, Emery panics, her hand over her mouth. Backing up, Emery shakes her head, tears coming down her face. Seeing Elektra struggling, her mind is conflicted, for she wants to push Andrew off and save her, for she owes Ryan that satisfaction that Elektra is alive. On the other hand, Andrew is the love of her life, and without him, Emery doesn’t think that she could suffer her nightmares or panic attacks anymore. Time was wasting, and Emery knew that for standing there in shock isn’t going to do anything for any of them. Before Emery has a chance to make up her mind, she hears her name being called and turns her head around. Ryan and Cara are rushing towards her, yelling for her to get out of the way. Elektra recognizes Ryan’s voice and screams for her to help her. In the span of a minute, hell breaks loose. Andrew’s head raises to meet Emery’s terrified eyes and immediately frees Elektra, slamming her head with full force against the pavement. Elektra lets out a piercing scream as her head reaches the ground, and Ryan races to her side, almost tripping over her own feet. In the meantime, Andrew is dashing towards Emery, his eyes reddening with anger and a low growl coming out of his mouth. Emery snaps out of her daze and begins moving her feet, running to Cara, who is hollering for her to hurry up. Emery spots a pistol in Cara’s hand, and her anxiety shoots up. Cara is going to shoot down Andrew. Suddenly, Emery isn’t focusing on running towards Cara. She stumbles on her feet and crawls on the grass to the opposite direction, rapidly get back on her feet. “Emery, I’m right here! Get him over here!” Cara shouts, her finger on the trigger of her pistol. Emery notices one of the buildings in front of her and spies an unlocked door on the side. Running as fast as her aching legs can take her, Emery bolts towards the building and, she ignores the yelling and growling behind her. She rather gets Andrew away from her friends than get him shot. He might not be Andrew anymore, but he is still her lover. Tumbling on the doorway, Emery scrambles back up, hurrying up the stairs adjacent to the emergency exit. A violent snarl reverberates through the stairway, and Emery trips on a step, covering her face from crashing against the edge. Emery feels a grip on her feet and is sharply dragged down the stairs. Kicking back, she shrieks out, her head bopping against the steps. Closer to him, Andrew clasps his hand over Emery’s throat and lifts her up. Choking, Emery jolts her feet at him, aiming at his chest and face. The higher Andrew raises her, the more his grip on her neck tightens. Emery is gasping for air, gradually losing control of her limbs. Tears roll down her face, and a speck of light blinds her eyes. Her lungs feel like it is being vacuumed of air, drying up as more light cloud her vision. Her fingers are gradually losing sensation, her feet dangling in the air. Emery closes her eyes, praying for her death to come faster. Before she exhales out her last holding breath, the tight grip on her throat releases and Emery is dropped, her body slamming against the stairs. Her body spasm, arching from pain as she wheezes out for air, her hands touching her throat. Coughing, Emery finds the strength in her legs to get back up, to face Andrew. Without hesitation, Emery jogs up the stair, tumbling a few times while Andrew just follows her, walking. He is torturing her, letting her build up her strength to drag her back down and bring more pain. Falling on the flat space between the stairs, Emery coughs again, crouching in a fetus position. Her body is throbbing all over from the pain, her arms and legs giving out from underneath her. Her lungs are struggling to fill up air, soreness around her chest and neck. Andrew takes this opportunity to grasp both of her ankles and yank Emery aggressively down the stairs again. Crying out, Emery protects her face, squirming under his grip on her. Within a second, baring teeth are crashing down on her skin, and a scream escapes her mouth. Andrew tastes blood from Emery’s leg, licking it up. God, please, save me, Emery prays, kicking her legs to get Andrew off her. She can’t even consider him the person drinking up her wound the love of her life anymore. Andrew isn’t Andrew, and the realization finally pops in Emery’s head. Shutting her eyes, Emery surrenders and weeps, her body becoming numb. Her stupidity led her to this, believing that Andrew was still deep inside, the loving Andrew that chased her when she pokes him or that kiss her face late at night before going to sleep. All the memories of his touch and kisses speed through Emery’s head, the times Andrew held her at nights, when they watched movies together on the couch, or when he made love to her after her nightmares. Every sweet reminiscence of Andrew floods her mind, and Emery is weeping, begging for all of this to be finished. But she hasn’t noticed that the mouth on her leg has disappeared, and through her whimpering, she doesn’t hear the coughing of blood. Andrew hurls up Emery’s blood, bend over on the stairs. A huge thud booms through the stairway, and Emery freezes, her eyes bolting open. Wiping away the tears, she peeks through her hand to see Andrew leaning against a wall, groaning. Sneaking up the steps slowly, her muscles begin to recuperate. Aching, Emery discovers a wall on the left side of her, and her palms stick to it, pulling herself up. Biting her lips, she leans against the wall, staring at the open wound on her leg. Vomit comes up to her throat as Emery cringes at all the blood spurting out of the wound. She looks down at her top and finds the hem, tearing it off into a small strip of fabric. Wrapping it around her leg, Emery glances back down at Andrew, or what is left of him. His eerie gray skin has changed back into its original ivory color, and his lips are covered with her blood. Astonished, Emery is taken back, staring at Andrew, hunched over on the ground. Down a few flights of stairs, the door Emery came through is now wide open, and the sound of sirens are echoing in the building. She considers standing at her current location, waiting for Andrew to transformed back into a monster and attack her. Looking at his grim appearance, however, she knows he won’t be leaving anytime soon. So, cautiously, Emery holds onto the ramp and goes down the stairs, wincing at every step. Andrew’s body flicks for a second, and Emery stopped, pleading to God that he doesn’t wake up. Continuing, she steps over his legs and freaks out when they move. Almost plummeting down the stairs, Emery catches the ramp and halts, taking deep breaths. Carefully heading down the stairs, Emery drops to the ground when she is at the last step, screaming out in pain. Fire is erupting through her bloodstream, and her heart is pounding against her chest. Pulling out her hair, Emery covers her ears, the sound of sirens and noises of people roaring through her head. A light flashes in Emery’s vision, pain rippling through her body. Then before she can open her eyes, everything goes dark, and all of the sound goes still.
© 2017 Brie |
Added on June 11, 2017 Last Updated on June 12, 2017 Author![]() BrieHattiesburg, MSAboutI am a student in college, about to graduate. I have a passion for traveling, fashion, the arts, and community service. I like to write stories, even though I feel like I have never finished a story more..Writing