

A Chapter by Brie

After getting back from Jake’s house, I spread out on my bed and glance over at my phone. The entire time at his home, I was hoping that Cheryl would text me back, but yet, the only message I received was my sister. Of course, I knew Brenda was going to be highly upset at me for not bringing her to the ice rink, but the minute she realizes that I stopped by the grocery store across from our block for her favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream, she’ll forgive me. Maybe I should text Cheryl to see what her favorite ice cream, predicting that it’ll probably be rocky road because that used to be her ice cream of choice in her past life.

Stop it, Liam. You are getting weird again. You can’t text her what her favorite ice cream is.

I groan silently at myself and roll over on my bed, glancing around my room. We moved into our house a week ago, but I have suddenly decided to decorate my room. Posters of rock bands and football players are poorly placed on one side of my room while pictures of my old classmates and family trips are by my bed. I reach my hand out for one of the pictures of my family in Germany, 12 years old me having a crooked smile and Brenda crying in Mom’s arms. The times our family spent in Europe was one of my most loved memories, for my parents gave birth to Brenda in the same hospital as me in London two years earlier, and I was excited to be a big brother. Well, until Brenda barf on me while holding her. Our family traveled to London for two years before moving to Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and France. Every country was like a dream for me, for I would admire the architecture of the buildings and the placements of parks and flowers around the cities we visited. I couldn’t understand a single word anyone spoke in those countries, but it would always tickle me with joy when they would give me pastries and candy. Staring at the picture I am holding, I feel a small smile on my face and tape the picture back in its place.

I continue to look at the Polaroid pictures taped on my wall, grinning happily at the picture of my football team and me at Santa Fe. I grew so close with my team, the Santa Fe Falcons. We were undefeated for three years, which I would admit was probably cause of me. Even Coach Peter credited me for their wins at the star quarterback. I considered Santa Fe my second home, extremely upset when we had to move here because I meant my best friends in Santa Fe. I pick up a picture of me and my best friends, Brad Templeton and Scott Easton. After relocating so many times, I didn’t think it was possible to meet best friends and become so close with them. Brad and Scott were always encouraging me to go out and date, which I did, going to parties at their houses and dating Iris Cassidy, one of the most beautiful girls at our high school. Surprisingly, she broke up with me, for she didn’t feel like it was meant to be, which I understood was the truth. I was a little heartbroken because I did like Iris, and I felt like we could have made it work, but when I had a sense that I would finally meet the real love of my life, the thought of her curly red hair and bubbly smile started to fade. I still have a picture of us together, though, for even though we weren’t meant to be a couple, I appreciated her as a friend.

Thinking about Iris is suddenly replaced with the thought of Cheryl and the way her golden brown hair and her soft smile. Yeah, you can say I have a thing for curly headed girls, but I promise you it is not like some weird fetish or anything like that. Iris and Cheryl just happened to both have curly hair. Cheryl’s hair, though, has extra bounce and character to it, which is totally the opposite of her. I can’t understand how someone as bitter as Cheryl can glow with such beauty and not know that when she walks, everyone is paying attention to her. Her grace and charm are what has already captured me about my beloved, the confidence she empowers inside of her. I see a glimpse of that within Cheryl today, and part of me is hoping she will showcase that side of her more. I just have to get past her polar and cutthroat side.

I hear a knock on my door, and I sit up straight on my bed, putting the picture of Iris and me on my nightshade. After inviting whoever is at my door, I gather my backpack and zip it open. My mom peeks through the small opening of my door before widening it completely open.

“Hey, mom. I know, I need to be doing my homework.” I joke, pulling my laptop out of my backpack. She is shaking her head, a huge, sweet smile on her face.

“I did not come to talk about that, but it is pleasing to know that you are working on your assignments.” Mom pauses and takes a seat on the edge of my bed, admiring the set up in my room.
“I see you have started putting some of your pictures and posters up. That’s good.”

“Yeah, I figured this is better than staring at blank, empty walls.” I open up the lid of my laptop and begin typing my password in to unlock my laptop.

“Well, I came to talk to you about your day and your sister. Now, you know how important it is for your sister to play on the hockey team this year.” Mom says objectively, her soft voice adding emphasis to her statement, so I can understand how important this is for Brenda.

“Mom, I know how important this is for Brenda, and I apologized to her multiple times about not bringing her to the ice rink today, but I told her I would bring her tomorrow. I even bought her a pint of her favorite ice cream as a peace offering.” I slightly holler, aware that Brenda is listening in on Mom’s and I’s conversation. Once I hear the tapping of her foot going down the stairs, a full-blown smile is spread on my face, and Mom just giggles.

“Knowing that was her running down the stairs, I am pretty sure she forgives you. Tell me how school was, though, today sweetie. From my understanding, you had a busy day.”

“I just got to meet a few friends today. I went to the café over there by Sullen Drive for some coffee with a girl who helped me around school today, and one of the football players introduced me to his buddies, and I am going to talk to their coach tomorrow about starting on the team.”

“Now, Liam, you know that your dad and I discussed you are focusing on your grades and not doing any sports this year.” Her hand is placed on her lap, her smile dialing down into a fine line.
“Mom, I am going to focus on my grades, trust me. It’s just after playing with the guys today, I realize how much I miss being with a team. Besides, it will be a great way to meet friends, which I am already.”

My mom shrugs, feeling defended and rises from my bed. “Okay, fine, you can join the team, but you have to let your father know about all of this. Besides that, I want you to find a tutor for your classes because you can’t get into college with the GPA you had finishing junior year.”

“I know, I know. I promise that I will pull my GPA up and hire some tutors.”

My mom smiles and walks over to my side to give me a kiss on the forehead. “I love you, sweetie. Talk to your father.” I nod and watch as she exits my room, slightly shutting the door behind her. Sighing out, I peek a glance over to my phone and see that I received a text from someone.

Hey, Liam.

Who could this be? I unlock my phone and tap on the text notification. Stephanie Rose pops up on top of the text, and I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. Did Stephanie put on phone number on my cell when she was putting her address in? I type back hello, and before I even have a chance to put my phone back down on the bed, I feel a vibration on my hand. Raising the phone back up, I tap on the text to see what she replied with.

Don’t let Jake know I have your number, but I was hoping we can chat.

Um, sure. I type back on my keyboard, now curious why she wouldn’t want me to let Jake be notified that I have her number.

Great! I’m sorry you had to see me and Jakey fight today. I promise we aren’t always that way.

Um, it’s fine. I didn’t really hear or see much. Where is this conversation going? I mean I just met Jake and Stephanie today, so I feel like I should respect some boundaries if I am going to be friends with Jake, but on the other hand, Stephanie did invite me to her party. Any chance of saying something the wrong way can end up with her taking back her invitation. I guess I am going to have to play along.

Well, that’s good to know. So, I hear that Cheryl Bellini was your guide today around school?

Yes, she was. She also introduced me to her hang out place. Why would I tell her that?

Oh, well, I was wondering if it will be okay if I can be your guide around town this week? I have lived here all of my life, and I am pretty sure I will know more spots than Cheryl. There it was. That is why she is texting me. Now, I have to make the decision of cooperating with Stephanie and letting her be my guide instead of Cheryl or telling her no and having to deal with the consequences. Either way, it goes, this is a lose-lose situation. S**t.

Well, I don’t know. I know Cheryl said she'd give me a tour around town, but let me think on it, and I’ll let you know in the morning. It’s better to play safe than to make an immediate answer. I don’t know what would happen if I said no. Hopefully, she takes the bait.

Yeah, that is fine. Let me know at school before the bell rings. I will be waiting by your locker.

How the hell does she know where my locker is?

Laying down on my bed, I glance up to the ceiling and close my eyes. Of all of the cities and towns my family has been to, I am starting to believe this is going to be a more fascinating city than the other cities we have been to. Exhaling, I push my body up a little, so I am leaning against the wall and continue with my homework. It isn’t until 7 pm that I hop out of my bed to grab dinner and chat with my dad. The conversation was short and straightforward.

“As long as you get help on your classwork, you can play.” The only words my father said to me, which in translation means, “I am saying this so your mother doesn’t get on my case, but I have always wanted you to play football.” Hugging him goodnight and giving my mom a goodnight kiss, I run back upstairs to my room and shut the door.

I walk into my bathroom and open up the cabinet above my sink, sliding the door to see all of my prescriptions. Recently, I have been struggling with insomnia, which my parents nor the doctors can’t explain why I am having this problem. So, to make sure I am going to sleep, my doctor prescribed me to some sleeping pills, and my mom bought me vitamins and supplements to keep me wide awake during the day. This has been going on for a few months, but I have to find a routine of taking them late at night and early in the morning before school. I can’t risk taking my pills to school, for who knows what people will think of me. Typically, I will take my sleeping pill around 11 pm, the time I prefer to go to sleep, but after the day I had, I think going to sleep early won’t hurt. I draw out a pill from the bottle and close the door, swallowing the pill dry. My face cringed at the aftertaste of the pill on my tongue, and I put on the sink faucet, bending down to get a slip of water. I pick up my toothbrush, and once I have a dot of toothpaste on it, I begin brushing my teeth, timing myself before heading to bed. The pill takes effect usually after ten minutes, so I rush myself and brush my teeth promptly, washing my mouth out. I splash some water on my face and reach for my towel, drying off my face.

Five minutes left, and my eyes are already fighting itself to stay open. I immediately cut the light off, wiggle my pants and shirt off, and climb into my bed, placing the covers over me. I can only pray that tomorrow will not be a disaster. I mean it’ll be only Tuesday, and nothing dramatic happens on a Tuesday.

“Liam! It’s time to get up for school!”

I groan, covering my eyes with my hand. My other hand reaches out for my drawer, rambling through my stuff for my phone. Grabbing it, I gradually open my eyes, peeking through my fingers to see the time on my screen. 7:15 am. S**t!

I bolt up and jump out of my bed, hustling to my bathroom and stripping my boxer off before cutting the water on for my shower, stepping over the tub and closing the shower curtains. I nearly jump out of my skin, for I didn’t realize that the water was icy cold. I am out of the shower within two minutes, towel wrap tightly around my hip. I slide the cabinet door open and grab my weekly pill container, take one of each vitamin and supplement. Brushing my teeth, I step out of my bathroom and go into my closet, choosing an outfit for today. I settle on a pair of dark jeans and a green tee shirt, which seems like my usual outfit of choice, something simple and minimalist. I step back into the bathroom to spit out toothpaste and finish cleaning my teeth. Pulling the shirt over my head and stepping into the jeans, I bend down on the floor to search for my black tennis shoes and a pair of socks. Looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, I run my fingers through my hair, tossing it up a little into a desirable style before hurrying towards my bed to grab my backpack on the other side and my phone on the nightstand. Before I shut my door, I see my leather jacket hanging on my clothes rack and pull it off the rack, putting it over my shoulder as I jog down the stairs. I see Brenda on the high bar stool by the kitchen island, chewing on her toast that I predict has her favorite chocolate spread on and wave her goodbye.

“You aren’t going to get some toast? I saved you one.” Brenda mumbled, her mouth full of food. I sigh and turn around, dragging myself into the kitchen to my sister. I reach over her plate to grab a piece of toast with chocolate spread on top and give her a kiss on the head. Before I listen a sound of disgust come out of her mouth, I dash out of the house and shut the front door behind me. Throwing my stuff into the backseat of my truck, I leap into the driver’s seat, toast between my teeth, and put the key into the ignition, backing out of the driveway. Peeking at my stereo, the stereo clock says 7:30 am. Timing my drive to the school, I know that I have ten minutes until I am in the parking lot of the school. That means that I am going to have to rush my conversation with Coach Harrison and try my best at avoiding Stephanie because even after a good night sleep, I don’t know what to say to her.
By the time I am in the parking lot, I park the car in a spot and grasp for my backpack and put my arms through the sleeves of the leather jacket. Hurling the backpack over my shoulders, I lock the truck and sprint to the football field, dodging some cars. Once I arrive at the locker room, I examine the locker room, searching for the coach’s office. I hear the shuffle of papers on the left side and walk towards a office with four glass windows surrounding it and a tall, physically fit man with a bald spot going from his forehead to the middle of his head. Nervous, I knock on one of the windows, partially startling the man. He opens the door on the side and looks me up and down with an annoyed expression on his face.

“Um, sorry, sir, my name is Liam Kennard. Jake Rivera told me to speak to you about the receiver position.”

Coach Harrison stares into my eyes before nodding, gesturing for me to come into his office. “Yeah, we have an opening for a receiver position, but I don’t know if I am interested in recruiting a new member unless you have something special to give to this team.” He takes a seat on his chair, facing me with interest.

“Well, I played three years with Santa Fe High School as their star quarterback, and I helped our team win three championships, and I also played football in eighth grade in Atlanta as a running back.”

The coach’s eyes light up at the mention of three championships wins and put his hands under his chin, rubbing the stubble on his chin. “How about this, we have practice during the fourth period and stay until 4:30 pm. I will write an excuse for you to miss your fourth-period class, and I want you to come back here. Do you have some practice equipment and shoes?” I shake my head, and he nods, turning around on his chair to write something down on a piece of paper. “Still come by, and I will have you covered. What shoe size are you?”

“Twelve, I believe.” I can’t remember the last time I have measured my shoe size, for I have been wearing the same shoe for the past year.

“Okay, I got you a pair of shoes and a uniform. Jake will give you your stuff when you come in. Okay?” I say yes sir and firmly shake his hand before rushing out of the locker room, thanking him as I exit through the door. Running towards the school building, I squeeze through people and enter the school, heading towards my locker. As much as I want to avoid Stephanie, I also know she will find a way to get me alone and get her answer. Speaking of the devil, Stephanie is glancing down at her phone, tapping her feet on the ground. Man, what am I going to say to her?

“New guy? Liam!” I hear someone call out my name and spin around to spot Cheryl’s friend, Willa, wave me over. Knowing Stephanie heard Willa call my name, I walk swiftly to her.

“Hey, um, Willa. What’s up?” I breathe out, still catching my breath from all the running I did earlier.
“I have a message from Cheryl. She wanted me to tell you that she won’t be able to give you a tour around town today. She woke up with a throbbing migraine and could barely text me her message.” I feel my heart drop to my stomach, and from the pity look on Willa’s face, I can tell that my face shows disappointment.

“Oh, that is so terrible! Well, tell Cheryl my condolences goes out to her.” I turn my head around to see Stephanie is behind us, her hand over her heart and a pout on her face. Well, damn it, I guess Stephanie will be my tour guide for today.

“Yeah, it is terrible. Anyways, she should get better and be here tomorrow. See you later, new guy and um, Stephanie.”

“Wait,” Stephanie walks in front of Willa, her hand put up to put Willa at a halt. “Since you won’t have your close friend, why don’t you come hang out with Liam and me at Gee’s diner, with everyone else. Jacqueline will be there.” She bats her lashes and smile, the same smile she gave me yesterday. Willa looks at me then at her, discomfort showing on her face. Tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ears, Willa adjusts her backpack over her shoulders.

“Yeah, I can do-“ Before Willa can finish, Stephanie has her arms around Willa, hugging her close.

“Fantastic! I will see you around noon.” Stephanie is beaming at Willa, but Willa is shyly smiling back at her, and I recognize the same uneasiness I had yesterday. Stephanie has a tendency of doing that to people, I see.

“Okay, bye.” Willa pulls away from Stephanie’s hug and hurries down the hallway, disappearing into the crowd. Stephanie licks her lips and takes a step towards me, her eyes lusting down my body like yesterday except it is in full force. Oh, Lord, please have pity on me and save me from this.

“Well, I guess it is just you and me, Liam. How about I walk you to your first class?” She slips her arms under my arm, interlocking them together. I swallow my fear down my throat and smile.

“That is fine. It is Room 320 with Mr. Simpson.”

“Oh, well, isn’t that funny? I have Mr. Simpson, first period as well. Perfect!” She guides me through the hallway, and I suddenly grasp the fact that I am now Stephanie’s pet for today.

Yep, I can sense this is going to be an extraordinary day. With Stephanie by my side, this can only lead to disaster.

© 2017 Brie

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Added on June 7, 2017
Last Updated on June 7, 2017



Hattiesburg, MS

I am a student in college, about to graduate. I have a passion for traveling, fashion, the arts, and community service. I like to write stories, even though I feel like I have never finished a story more..
