Color Eyes, Black Eyes

Color Eyes, Black Eyes

A Poem by Bridger Hall

some secret flour, eggs of desire, and sugar and sprinkles made into a love story cake.

i swore i wouln´t do this to myself
this game of pain and distance is somthing like hell 
but you pull me in 
chains and fish line intertwined with the colors of your eyes
i´m so helpless
the tears in your jeans show off your knees and the scars and the hearts that put you on the same page as me. 
well your pages are burning
and im hurting to know if all this means the same to you
i read faster
forget your life and be by my side
just like when our eyes shook hands for the first time
i´ve got a golden angel set up high on my castle with a seat inside just for us
tell me you love me
i´ll be the wave and you´ll be the tide, tied together like the stars in the night sky
say you´ll be my princess and i´ll be the white dress that holds on to every little curve or your body
you are what i want and what i´ve always been asking
take my hand and this chance and we´ll make it
just trust me

© 2012 Bridger Hall

Author's Note

Bridger Hall
yea yea yea yea yea it´s new ya´ll

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1 Review
Added on July 17, 2012
Last Updated on July 17, 2012
Tags: love


Bridger Hall
Bridger Hall

Preston, ID

I am from Idaho. I love it. I don´t appear to be complicated... But i am in a constant war with myself. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will never deny it. I .. more..

She She

A Poem by Bridger Hall