People don't wait because they have nothing better to do. If waiting was the best way to spend time, it would be called Everyday Life, not waiting. Waiting is defined by how many things one would rather do, by what you get out it. There are ways to spend your life without waiting, if you become what everyone else is waiting for.
Sooner or later, we all have to wait. Wait for someone to call, wait for the filibuster to end, wait for the right moment. Wait to matter to the rest of the world. While we wait, we think about how we could better spend our time. As possibilities fly past our minds, they seem so tiring. So more often than not, we wait.
What comes at the end of waiting? A reward, perhaps, the fulfillment of the wish that started us waiting. Or just a release from the waiting, which is a reward in and of itself. We return to Everyday Life, and for a time, remember the wait. We vow never to wait again. This is soon forgotten, and Everyday Life is so exhausting. So we welcome the wait, and are caught once more.