YOU AND ME, thats what i need

YOU AND ME, thats what i need

A Poem by Brian Kraklau

The door's unlocked baby,

Come on in and recline,

I'll be out of the shower in dear time.


I smell of the earthy grime.

Even the air

Would be driven

Straight out,

In a breezy hurry,

But don't worry

I'll hasten my wash,

And rush to see you smile,

Before we fall into

The sleepy Nile.


A fire can't breathe  

Without a kissing spark,

Setting broken tinder burning,

Throughout the bleak of winter.


Your love is like this,

Gentle to bleeding lips

Dried and cracking

Into your heart laughing.


Our love may have tosses,

Torturing turns,

And quiet squirms,

But through all this crazy turmoil,

This petty toile

No allow lover

Could ever foil.


We will break down these walls,

And make this world hear our calls.


We will be,

You and me,

In loves sweet taste,

Setting our chains free.


A fire can't breathe  

Without a kissing spark,

Setting broken tinder burning,

Throughout the bleak of winter.


Your love is like this,

Gentle to bleeding lips

Dried and cracking

Into your heart laughing.

© 2013 Brian Kraklau

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I liked the pace of this ....a gentle rhythm ...familiar and sweet.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 7, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013
Tags: 2013, B, Brian, Kraklau, brian kraklau, Lee, free, freedom, love, free love, odd stuff, search, quiet minds, doors, is, poems, love poems, sex, porn


Brian Kraklau
Brian Kraklau

Las Vegas, NV

just another human trying to analyze this reality from my own limited perspective. I'm here, there, and throughout each word i write. perhaps in time I could find myself within this mess. outside of t.. more..
