![]() A SIncere, Yet Solemn, Farewell.A Poem by Aloysius Cotterman![]() I don't know.![]() "I suppose that explanations are everything. Take, for example, the fact that very few in this world seem to be capable letting bygones be bygones, and moving on (myself included). Then there are those who believe themselves to be of a superior standard. To choose to separate themselves, and look down upon their kin with distaste (myself excluded). To these groups of people, I find that one common personality trait is attributed. An uncanny ability to nitpick everything that goes unsaid. If you don't explain it, they don't understand it. If you explain it after they've pointed out the problem, they continue to refuse the information. That's why, before you ever say anything, explain absolutely everything you're about to say. However unreasonable, irrational, uncalled for, it is a necessary evil."
"Can you not understand? Is your feebly simplistic mind so pathetic in rational sense that you are rendered incapable of comprehension? I assume so from the ways you criticize. It is as if I should point out every little obscure detail, bring it to your attention, and make sure you understand all aspects of it before I present you with the whole picture. Do you actually believe this to be a request worth bothering with? Worth giving any attention to? If these are the questions that you bring to me, I am afraid that my only options are to leave you. If you are so lost when you hear my words, grasp no form of understanding when you read them, and feel nothing when think about them, leave me. Leave me now, or it will be I who leaves, and you who is left behind, unsatisfied."
"It goes without saying that change is inevitable. It is always occuring. The very earth itself is dramatically different from the prehistoric times of pangaea and panthalassa. Look around you for once. The trees which you sat beneath only days ago for the wondrous shade they provided have shed their leaves, and are welcoming no more. The very home you live in is undergoing constant change. It also goes without saying that change is often painful. Change is simply another expression for loss of the familiar, and gain of the unknown. When one clings to the familiar surroundings in life, as humans are so often drawn to do, and change takes place, as it so often does, humans are left feeling lost, displaced, forgotten, left behind. Now, with all of this in mind, my question for you is really quite simple. If you, as a human, were to forget all that was familiar, and simply to constantly change things for yourself, making change the familiar... Would change hurt? And if it did, what would that change be?"
"Look forward, brothers and sisters. Now look back. Do either exist? Is anything ever taking place while you are not there? And if it is, how do you know? How do you know that what you don't sense exists? When you touch the earth, and it feels dry, you know it is dry, but how does the earth feel when you are not touching it? When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? And for that matter, did the tree ever fall in the first place, or was it simply brought into being like that? Broken, and shattered, to rest upon the foilage. If you do not experience something, there is no proof that it took place. That it ever took place. Yes, you see the pyramids, but who requires that a pyramid must be built by human hands? Isn't a human mind strong enough? After all. It is with the mind that we percieve everything."
"What you see before you, my dear Sebastian, are thoughts. Human thoughts, but thoughts nonetheless. Note the absolute unimportance contained in each one. There is nary a thought that actually, truly holds any necessary information. Why, look at this poor young fellow. His paranoia that the people around him can read his mind envelops everything, but he rarely takes note of the signs that really mean anything. And this girl here. So consumed in being surrounded by new experiences that she has forgotten what it is like to hold onto what you hold dear. Lost her heart she has. Of course, who am I to say what is important, and what is not? What importance is anything, when you think about it? Quite the dilemma, I must say, eh Sebastian? Quite the pickle, indeed."
"Words sound weird, don't they? Say something to yourself out loud. Take a really simple word for example. Leaf. Leaf. Leaf. Think about a leaf. Any sort, really. It doesn't matter what kind. I think of a big green one, with a ridged edge. Does the word Leaf really feel like it suits that object? No, don't say it, because I know that you've come to the same conclusion that I have. Words don't make sense. For that matter, when do random symbols make sense either? That's why I sometimes fear that someday I won't be able to make sense of a thing anyone says."
"Once I was told to think of a problem that I couldn't answer. And then I was told to find the answer. I spent a week on that, and I found plenty of unanswerable problems. Unfortunately, when I thought of each unanswerable problem, I eventually found a solution. There weren't any problems that I could think of that I couldn't also find an answer to, so there weren't any problems I couldn't answer. And then I realized something. It was all a trick."
"Hear the birdsong. Feel the wind. Is this life? What about the rush of traffic? Is this value? What are these things, that we give meaning? I know death is. An absolute, unquestionable end. There's no coming back from true death. There's no changing that scenario. But what about life? What exactly is life? And I know you can give me an answer. Life is 'Yakkity yak yak'. But think about it. Can you honestly answer any of these questions?"
"Music... Where does it come from? Why do we hear something and say, 'Oh that sounds pretty"? It doesn't make sense to me. It's been on my mind for a long time, and it really doesn't. What stage of human evolution found it necessary for us to appreciate our surroundings?"
"Are you confused yet? Because I am." © 2008 Aloysius CottermanAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on February 6, 2008 Author![]() Aloysius CottermanEmporia, KSAboutMatthew Ervin, I thank you very, very much. And I know that the thanks have probably gotten a little old by now. *sheepish grin* Sorry about that. Aaanyway. It turns out that I just needed a helping .. more..Writing