![]() SEX, iPHONES, AND UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC PROGRAMSA Story by Brentwood Belair![]() This is a recent post from my sports blog. I'm new here, so comments are welcome.![]()
A man, pulling an IV, wedges sideways through the room's triple wide
doors, and flops down on a bench. Three young ladies stand against the
far wall. A blond, a brunette, and a mixed.
He is excited by the large waffle of skin that hangs from her upper arm. Very excited. He continues to stare at her arm. Beads of sweat form on his forehead. That magnificent arm belongs to the brunette. He looks down at his G42000model800, and texts her. "You're it my dear. Not to embarrass you, but it's not the plumpness of your breasts or thighs, but the back of your arms. That wobble. Yaow-zza!" "I'm glad you like," she texts, and shakes her arms. "That's how I'm made. At 5 ft 3, I have to stay between 325, and 350, but thanks to you I'll also be able to hit my monthly work quota. If I get much larger, we wouldn't be able to physically do this." "I'll be honest with you. I have a girl friend, and well, we tried, and you're right. We couldn't do it. I pushed but I just couldn't get there. But she's okay with this." He looks at her thighs, like jelly. His face turns pink, his hands shake. "You're my reward, " he texts, "I kept my weight between 825 and 850, for three months. It wasn't easy." "Congratulations." The other ladies turn, heads down, dawdle out, dragging their IV's. "This is an important day for me," he texts. "I'm 24 so I've got what, five years until the Diabetes takes me. I'm already starting to go blind. But at my age that's normal." "I'm 18, so I have a few years. What do you do." "I'm a doctor." "Are you a real doctor, or a Phd?" "You got me. I'm a History Professor." "Well, you know what I am. That's what my testing showed I was best at. It's how I can best serve my community, my country, the Wizard." "Did you know that people used to live to be 80 years old?" "Get out" she texts. "Fact. And they were really scrawny. 25 years old male, 6 foot tall, weighed about 180 - 190. That was considered healthy. I saw pictures. This was about 200 years ago. Second half of the 20th century into the 21st." She sits by him on the bench. She clutches her IV. "How could anybody live like that?" she texts,. "So thin. What happened?" "Well it was an economic thing. Back then the Wizard taxed everybody. But about 1990 to about 2020 the richest people made friends with the Wizard, so they didn't pay much in taxes. That limited the amount of money they had for public education. So to make it work, they did away with all physical activities, their sports programs, and concentrate on academics. "We have sports. Darts, Curling, and what about Poker?" "Not quite the same. I'm talking running, jumping, throwing balls. If they knew how the lack of real exercise would effect everybody, they would have concentrated on finding more money than cutting sports. "Since then the human body has lost it's muscle. And since we text so much we've lost our voices, too. Believe it or not, there was no Diabetes to speak of back then, before computers and iPhones. People without much money bought cheaper food, food without nutrition. That made everyone more obese." "How could people live that way. I don't know how I could live without my IV, or my computer." "People didn't talk, they texted. And they learned everything from computers, like we do now. That's how it started. The human body needs to be active. But if I walk more than ten feet a day, I have to sit down. "Well, why doesn't the Wizard start making us exercise more." "Good question. About that same time, around 2000 - 2025, the 10 largest corporations in the world teamed up with the Wizard, and bought the world's oceans, That's how they make our food for our IV's, fish and sea water. Eat too much, it ruins our productivity, but if we don't eat enough, profits are lost. "But hey, that's all history. Lets think about tonight." "Boy I like you. You're so smart." "So, let me go home and rest up. Those wobbly upper arms of yours. They're so exciting. So exciting," he texts. "Watch out. You might lose a few pounds tonight," she texts. "Oh boy, I forgot about that." He looks at the flab around her middle, and takes a deep breath. "I'll take my chances." He hoists himself up, and duck-walks sideways out through the triple-wide door. She winks and waves. He has a smile on his face. -------- StiffLeftJab.com Help comes from: The Washington Post/Cutting Athletic Programs. University of Maryland/www..umd.edu, Google, Wikipedia, USAToday.com/sports/kibosh on sports/2009 © 2012 Brentwood Belair |
Added on March 14, 2012 Last Updated on March 14, 2012 Author![]() Brentwood BelairLos Angeles, CAAboutStiffLeftJab.com is a Parallel Sports Universe. My friends and I interact with sports every other day or so. StiffLeftJab, chronicles those intersections. Visits from the likes of Terrel Owens, Joe .. more..Writing