The Media and Its Evil Ways

The Media and Its Evil Ways

A Story by Brentley

Just a simple thesis paper, that is it.


Television is one of the biggest informational gateways. Most people enjoy watching the six o’clock news and the eleven o’clock news. The stentorian voice of the media affects our day to day lives. This information, like most, is biased. The media is controlled by the liberal scum of society. They will make sure all of their malignant thoughts are heard, no matter what.

            Most people don’t see the biased thoughts, and watch the news like they always do. They do not realize they are being brainwashed. It’s amazing how just a small change of words can alter the meaning of a story. A small argument between two people can become a full fracas by a small change of words. It is hard to believe that the news is so controlled.

            The way they control the thoughts of people is simple really. They say a lot of big words, they talk in circles, and they only interview people that share their beliefs. Finding the truth in a news story is hard. The topics are vague and the stories are misleading. The evidence isn’t falsified, but is only heard in bits and pieces. They are masters of misquotations.

            Unfortunately, this isn’t where most people are brainwashed. The fiction stories are more despicable than the news. In the fiction world they don’t hold any punches. They don’t even use subtle hints. They just attack. It’s amazing how the person that opposes their thoughts is always fat, stupid, or a criminal. The good people share the same beliefs as the television station. They are always beautiful and intelligent.

            The media is trying to brainwash each and every one of us. If the majority of people vote democratic this year, then the media has done their job. They prey on the stupid and unsuspecting. They prey on people that only get their information from one source. Their outreach is amazingly strong. They have control over our students and faithful news watchers. The people that were once conservative are now liberal, just because they have given in to liberal lies.

            Slander is a good word that describes the media. They are excellent at hiding it, and they get away with it. There is nothing to stop them because people believe their television, and their newspapers. The best piece of advice I can give to anyone is to watch FOX station, don’t ever read the New York Times, and don’t listen to Katie Couric. These things will help stall the media’s mass brain washing. No one can allow this, because if they are changing opinions with in the news; what else will they change?





© 2008 Brentley

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And, if you got satellite connected up to the hypnotically wide screened digital control box in the corner of the room � you have no chance!

Not so much an essay as it is a good old fashioned rant!


God's Blessing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

One problem about this. I willingly admit that I have no doubts what-so-ever that some media soaked stories will never have the real truth about them be revealed, but not all writers are bent on tearing apart everything piece by piece, only taking the basic ideas of their original information they had worked ("so hard") to gather only to build it all back up again on their principles. Everything is going to be biased if it's written by a human. Humans are generally selfish creatures and always think the world should be changed, and in many ways, it really should.
But the world's problems can't be solved too simply. Nope, not at all. Because in order to solve these problems, (mass media brainwashing included, if that is what you think is the appropriate title for it) a huge majority of the human population would have to agree. Now, as I said before, humans are generally selfish creatures. What is stopping them from just arguing more and setting aside the problems effecting everyone within the hemisphere and trying to convince everyone else around them that their idea, one in quite possibly a million, is the best way to fix it (and when I say everyone within the hemisphere, I'm not talking about environmental problems because that is not what this started out as. I'm just simply saying that everyone on earth is effected).
I whole-heartedly agree that the media is brainwashing people (to some extent), but I most certainly don't think that it should be obliterated altogether (not only because the world would become self-destructive and everyone would turn on each other out of impatience [like getting off of drugs, caffeine, or nicotine] and no doubt, in various corners of the world, some people would go into withdraws) because then people wouldn't hear about anything going on, big cities would become even more dangerous with crime rates going back up because no one is hearing of the new dangers popping up everywhere, everyone would have to resort to not trusting anyone (no doubt driving society to the very brink of insanity), and finally, huge mass murders all over the world because humanity wouldn't be able to take this change lightly.
Then the only people left on our planet would be us, the people thinking media should perish. I'm not suggesting that we should be the only people left. I'm not trying to start some deranged cult. I'm simply saying that no media would lead to basically the end of almost all our world. A demand in adaptive change like that would be too stressful for the normal, everyday work person, who already has so much stress that they become overworked, get into the habit of being overworked, actually start 'enjoying' it (more like it being the only thing they know) and then continue life like that until the day they die. They would no doubt self destruct.
I believe that media is no doubt laced in with some critically dangerous literary 'misinformations' that should never be used (even though lies are used all the time...), but that doesn't mean you should ignore it altogether. Take the basic idea of the report, if it seems important, do a little research on it for yourself. If it doesn't, throw it out the window and get on with your life.

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Those who hold the power of our media sway millions. It has always been such. How do we effect a change?

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

An admirable subject to raise awareness about.
I mean, a lot of people are aware of this, and yet they still get sucked in.
Your News (U.S.) is more dramatic than ours, but I think they're equally untruthful. We might be less censored in terms of criticisng the government, I'm not sure.
We dont get any proper facts or in-depth analysis, it's all about headlines and soundbites. i really hate it. i don't read newspapers because I think you'd have to read them all to be even halfway near a balanced story, and I haven't got time to read every single newspaper. 'The Independent' is quite a good paper, and 'Channel 4 News' is better than any of our others, but it's got stuck in a rut of thinking hardcore journalism is never letting anyone finish a sentence, which means the viewer feels that they're observing controversy, but aren't really sure what the hell it's all about.
The media has way too much power, and never seems to use it for good. Only evil sensationalism.

"It's amazing how just a small change of words can alter the meaning of a story."
Language can be dangerous when wielded in the wrong hands, and I think the media know this.
If a 17 year old stabs someone, he's a man.
If a 17 year old is stabbed, he's a 'teenager', which often progresses to 'schoolboy' as the day goes on.

This is a good article. you haven't ranted, instead trying to be informative and focused.

Well done.
Thanks for posting this.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on March 11, 2008



Coatesville, IN

I'm an 18 year old high School student who lives in the middle of no where. I'm a dork. I've been technically writing for about 6 years, but I didn't really start writting until about two years ago. M.. more..

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