Girls' Night Out

Girls' Night Out

A Chapter by Brendan2k5

The women of the Toss Family take Kyomora by storm.





Chapter 4: Girls' Night Out





“Terra, glad to see you’re feeling better.” said Mom when she saw Terra's sight restored.


“I call it 'Restoration’.” She said. “It has the power to restore anyone suffering from anything—even if it's not known what it is.”


“Congratulations, Celes.” Mark Anthony said as he came into the room. “Jenna has been reborn!”


“Thank you so much!” She said, giving him a hug. “I’m glad I was here for it before I go with my sisters to Kyomora.”


“I’m looking forward to it, too.” I said. “The first time we’re all going to do something together.”


“Too bad Alana is too small to come,” Said Celes. “At least Serenity is coming—what a way to spend your 3rd birthday!”


“Sorry ladies but I, too will be coming with you.” Said Midas. “It is my home planet, after all.”


“I’m ok with that.” Katrin replied.


“You’re not of this world so that makes it ok, I think.” I said. “Or maybe she just likes you?”


“Did you just read my mind?” He asked.


“Uh-Huh,” “I replied. “And yes, I think Dad might be concerned if you two decided to—“


“Angel!” Mom exclaimed. “What did we talk about concerning reading someone else’s mind?”


“Don’t do it without telling, first.” I replied.


“That’s one of the reasons I’m coming with you. Said Mom. “We can’t have an entire planet talking about you!”




“Preparations are complete,” Said Mark Anthony. “All you need to do it get in and I’ll send you.”


“Give my regards to King Xanga.” Said Dad. “And tell him I’ll be happy to tell him more about City Year in time.”


“I will.” said Midas. “You have my thanks, Ted Toss.”


“Hey, don’t go yet!” Alex exclaimed as he nearly fell down the stairs. He jumped into the transporter just before it activated. In the next moment the seven of us were beamed across the galaxy to the Planet Kyomora. We decided to come with Midas as part of a goodwill mission. That and we wanted to further develop our powers with out fear of reprisal on Earth. King Xanga would provide us with the means to do so.


“What was that package Dad gave you earlier?” Katrin asked me.


“I don’t know.” I replied.


“Let’s say we find out, then.” She suggested. I ripped open the box and we were shocked to see my Lunar Blade waiting for me. Attached was a letter. It read:



Dearest Daughter,



When Ann told me you and Katrin inherited her special abilities it filled my heart with joy. I knew then that one day you or Mark Anthony could one day wield my Time Blade. As you know, it is a blade I was given after a duel with an Angel. Tom recently returned with enough materials for me to make new weapons. Yours is the Lunar Blade, a powerful weapon forged with powerful Lunar Energies. Mark Anthony will receive the Solar Blade on his next visit as well. Use this sword to further your training—one day I will test your skills!



Love, Your Dad



“Mom, did you know about this?” I asked.


“No, I’m as surprised as you are.” Mom remarked in amazement.


“She’s telling the truth.” said Angel after apparently reading her mind. Mom ignored her. “I also have a few things as well for you. I have the Flame Lance for you, Katrina and for Serenity I have this Thunder Axe from her Mother.”


“An Axe?!” Katrin exclaimed.


“Actually, a pair of axes.” Mom replied. “One's a two-handed Axe and the other is an Axe for throwing. According to Terra they’ve been passed down in her family for many generations.”


“I hope we don’t get sliced by those!” I replied nervously. “Of course, Swords have a natural advantage over Axes but still.”


“This is why I am sticking to Terra Magic.” said Angel as she displayed her Rune staff. “It’s clean and efficient.”




“That makes me the sniper, then.” I replied.


“You brought a Gun here?” Katrin asked in surprise.


“Of course,” I said as I displayed enough arms to supply a small army. “Someone’s got to represent the art that made the 20th Century so famous.”


“Wow…that’s evil…” said Midas as we passed exited the lab. What we saw made everyone forget about my weapons cache. Before us, the capital city was in ruin from an obviously recent battle. Rubble, debris and corpses littered the streets. “What the hell happened here?” Midas exclaimed.


“Is that you, Prince Midas?” We heard someone say. A moment later five Leo Kyomorians in their beast form appeared before us.


“What happened here?” Midas demanded.


“A surprise attack from The Outcasts,” One of the soldiers said. “While you were on Earth, the Outcasts attacked us. They started at Tippa and hit the capital in a matter of days.”


“And what of my father?” Midas asked. “We managed to protect the King during the attack.” He replied. “Prince Luther gave his life to ensure his safety.”


“My brother is…dead…?” Midas trailed, in complete shock.


“I’m sorry, Prince.” Said the soldier. “We were just about to go to Earth and get you. It will do the King good to see you here.”


“Excuse me, but are there plans for retribution?” Celes asked one of the Guards. “A member of the royal family is dead and in my book we need to hit back the same way.”


“Celes!” I exclaimed in surprise.


“No, she’s right.” Said Midas thoughtfully. “This one of the reasons I’d like more trips to Earth to be arranged. Humans may have a violent nature but on my planet, such is what we need more of. Come, let’s see my father.”




“Your Highness, Prince Midas is returned!” His councilor announced as myself and the girls entered the King’s War Room.


“Thank Mara you’re here!” Father cried. “After the attack I summoned all my sons and daughters to the capital. When I remembered you were still on Earth I was fearful The Outcasts would find the lab. I told your escort to destroy the Space Bridge if they could not locate you.”


“Rest assured, I am well,” I said before adding. “Now let’s get to the business at hand of planning a counterstrike against The Outcasts. Do we know who led the attack?”


“It was Shinon, the White Wolf.” Xanga explained. “Before we proceed, who are our guests from Earth?”


“A thousand apologies, father.” I replied. “These are some of the female members of the Toss Clan. As you can see, every age group of their species is represented here.”


“I’m Ann Marie Toss,” Ted’s mate introduced. “On earth I am one of the wives of Ted Toss and am the mother of everyone here except Serenity. I developed powerful psychic abilities when I was a child and plan to hone my skills as Summoner.”


“So there are Summoners on Earth?” King Xanga asked. “That’s certainly good news!”


“The name’s Katrina Toss,” My good friend said. “I am a Healer on Earth but I have been trained in the ways of the Lance by my Father. My twin brother, Fin is a powerful Warrior who fights without weapons as well.”


“Good to make your acquaintance,” The King replied. “I would also think you would make a good mate for Midas.”


“I am considering prolonging my stay here, actually.” She replied. “It all depends on how things go.”


“My name is Alex Garcia,” said Celes’ lover. “I am a Holy Knight on Earth and fight with my Holy Staff. I also have the power to grant temporary immortality to anyone I chose.”


“That’s quite a skill.” I replied. “We may need use of this skill later on.”




“The name’s Celeste Toss,” said Celes. “I’m good with computer systems and I’m not too bad with a blade, either. If you need to bust up someone’s security, let me know. I'm also a doctor on Earth and will require some time to study Kyomorian Physiology before I can treat anyone here.”


“Now that’s something I didn’t know.” Midas replied. “I think we may need use of your skills pretty soon.”


“My name is Angel!” said my 2nd newest sister. “At 8 years old I am the most powerful Spellcaster on Earth. No one save my own mother can compare with my abilities!”


“There may be some who wish to challenge you here.” said King Xanga.


“And finally this is Serenity Toss.” I said. “At age 3 my dad somehow put in time for her to learn to wield a pair of Axes. I can only assume there is a huge reason behind that.”


“It could be that Ted anticipates an upcoming battle,” said Midas. “Our young are trained in the art of war as soon as they can walk upright.”


“Now that introductions have been made, let’s get to knocking heads with this Shinon guy.” said Celes.


“I could not possibly get you involved in this,” Said the King. “Successful or not, you run this risk of The Outcasts attacking Earth directly.”


“That’s asking for death,” said Angel. “The 20th Century is the bloodiest century in our species’ history. In that 100-year period, we came up with over 1,000 ways to kill ourselves off. I assure you that if we can kill over 100,000 of ourselves with a single Bomb there is no way we will allow these Outcasts to exterminate us in our backyard.”


“Angel!” Mom exclaimed. “That is no way to talk about the human race!”


“I was originally supposed to be a living weapon of mass destruction.” Angel remarked. “As such, I can honestly say I could kill off a thousand people and feel nothing.”


“Compared to what Mom and Dad did in High School, that's nothing.” Katrin remarked.


“That’s just sick…” Alex trailed.


“People have been doing that forever.” She replied. “Osama bin Laden killed 10,000 people before the Dad finally took him down! Where’s the irony in that?”


“Fine, we’ll agree to disagree.” said Celes. “The point we’re trying to make your majesty is with or without your permission we’re going after Shinon.”


“You don’t even know where to look!” he exclaimed. “Are all humans in such a rush to die for nothing?”


“If you want to call it that,” she replied. “As for me, I’d call it doing you a favor.”


“I agree with Celes.” said Midas. “I will lead a small group into Shinon’s stronghold and destroy it. Afterward, we press on to Tibet, their capital.”


“Alight, you win.” The King said. “I can see you have your minds made up. I will ready what you need in the courtyard.”


“You have my eternal thanks, father.” Midas replied. Afterwards, we were ushered out of the War Room to prepare. Midas took me to his personal bed chambers, where we made love.


“We have a saying on earth that goes ‘revenge is best served cold’.” I said afterward. “Do you think your dad will let us get married?”


“Providing we live through it, yes.” He replied.


“Then let’s not die then, huh?” I replied. “I can see us being perfect for each other in more ways than one.”




“Where were you two?” Mom asked Katrin when she came into the courtyard with Midas.


“Someone’s got the fever!” Angel exclaimed. That’s when Mom smacked her in the face. “Ow!”


“I told you not to keep doing that!” Mom exclaimed. “You know all your brothers and sisters are Asian and either Black or Hispanic. You may not be biracial but don’t ever say that to any of your siblings again!”


“Sorry…” Angel replied, clearly embarrassed.


“We’re about ready to move out.” I said. “We’re to hit Shinon’s Fortress North of here and then go straight for the capital. Reinforcements will clean up what we miss.” Using her Psychic Powers, Mom lifted the group into the air and brought us right up to Shinon’s Fortress.


“Everyone, prepare for battle!” said Midas as he put on a pair of claws to go with his real ones. “Give it everything and don’t die on me!”


“Let’s do this!” Mom said before shooting the doors open. After that things got crazy. “Magic users stay behind the front line!” Mom yelled above the ruckus. Myself, Katrin, Midas and the Kyomorians with us pressed onward while everyone else covered the rear. When the enemy soldiers came out we cut them down as if they were paper. When you fight in the name of vengeance you feel as if you are unstoppable.


“They’ve entered the throne room!” Someone yelled. We were in an expanse room that we presumed was Shinon’s main chambers. The Outcasts before us were heavily armed compared to what we just went through.


“Let me handle this!” Angel suddenly said.





"I call upon thee in the land of the Elements to unleash thy fury of Thunder: Indignation!"


At that moment, the roof of the castle was ripped off and carried away, exposing the blackened skies. A ring of energy surrounded the room and struck its center. The shockwaves eliminated everyone short the one sitting on the throne. “The fact that they were all water-based creatures played a huge role.” I said afterward.


“Who are you to dare attack one of The Outcast Grand Lords?” The man asked.


“I would ask the same of you, Shinon!” Midas exclaimed. “Attacking the Capital and murdering my brother. I would have my revenge against you!”


“I haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about.” He said. “I haven’t been told to move on your father the King. I do not attack unless ordered to do so, you know that.”


“My father identified you as the one who slew my brother Luther.” Midas replied. “Either confess your sins as the one who did this or you will be the first to fall on the way to The Outcast stronghold!”


“I haven’t the time for this.” Shinon replied before sending Midas backwards with a Wind spell. Katrin and his bodyguards came to his side.


“I suppose asking Luther himself would be the way to find out the truth.” said Shinon as he walked towards us. “Before I reunite you two, who are the people you brought from Earth?”


“You know of Earth?” asked Katrin.


“I know that its inhabitants are skilled in the art of war.” He replied. So skilled that you regularly kill each other off over petty differences.”


“How dare you!” Mom exclaimed.


“I merely speak the truth.” He replied curtly. “I may have sworn loyalty to Aslan but I am not one to speak falsely of such things.”


“Shinon is famed to be a man of honor both in combat and on a personal level,” Midas whispered. “I know him well.”


“If one of the others ordered the attack in my name I will investigate and find out who.” said Shinon. “But alas, I have said too much. Orders or not, I will stop any who wishes to attack my liege. Prepare yourselves!”


“Wait—you’re a Magic Knight, aren’t you?” asked Celes.


“And if I am?” He asked.


“Angel, we will fight him together.” She replied.


“What?!” I said in surprise..


“Either way, you’re all going to fall to my superior technique.” Shinon said before transforming into his beast form. Shinon’s transformation rendered him into a Silverback Gorilla but with wings. He now sported twin blades as well. “Prepare to be cut down.” He said.


“Let’s go!” I said as I prepared a spell.





I watched along with Midas and the others as Angel and Celes took on Shinon. Celes engaged him directly while Angel attacked from a distance with Magic. Every now and then Shinon would blast both girls with a powerful spell to make sure they couldn’t keep a Rhythm for too long. “It’s like watching a DVD skip!” Katrin exclaimed. “There’s gotta be something we can do.”


“All we can do is watch and wait.” Midas replied. “The fact that they survived this long against a powerful opponent is proof enough.”


“Lights…Out!” Angel said before casting a Powerful Dark Spell. It blinded Shinon for a moment but that was all Celes needed to land the deciding blow. She knocked the first blade from his hand and kicked him off his feet a moment later.


“I believe this fight is over,” Celes said as she stood over him triumphantly, her sword pointed at his throat.


“I concur.” He replied. “If you wish to finish me, do it quickly.”


“A warrior to the end,” said Midas.


“Warrior or not, I can’t kill someone who was holding back.” Celes replied as she helped him to his feet. “If you wanted, you could’ve killed me in 5 moves.”


“True,” He replied. “But because of your sister that never happened.”


“I want a rematch with you later on.” said Celes. “With just the two of us, when my skills have greatly improved. That way there won’t be any excuses.”


“I wish my last opponent was as adamant as you are, Celes.” Shinon replied. “In exchange, I’ll give you some information today that may be of use tomorrow.”


“Wouldn’t that get you in trouble with your superiors?” I asked.


“Aslan trusts me so much that this would be a minor thing.” He replied before turning to me. “You are a Summoner, correct?”


“Why yes,” I replied, shocked that he could tell by just looking. “Then you may be interested in making a pact with the Summon Monsters of Earth and the Summon Spirits of Kyomora.”


“I have made a pact with Niagara, Lavos, Aeris, Gale Wind, Gaia and Odin of Earth.” I replied.


“Then you are well on you’re way to becoming a Master Summoner.” He replied. “On Kyomora, when someone dies they live on in the land of The Summons deep underground. While the living can never enter this place you can call upon the power of the deceased simply by making a contract with them.”


“Would that mean anyone on this planet can be summoned?” I asked.


“In a manner of speaking,” Shinon replied. “So long as the pact made is mutual and the spirit in question has a tomb or shrine in its name.”


“I see…” I replied. “If you end up dead before I do, I’ll be sure to make a pact with you.”


“I would look forward to that.” He replied. “But much time has passed. The light show has no doubt summoned reinforcements from the Outcast Capital. It would be good if we are not seen together.” With that he flew out the room towards the capital. We all watched, wondering if it were possible to convince this remarkable War Lord to switch sides without bloodshed.




“Now would be a good time for us to leave as well.” Mom said as we heard approaching soldiers. We vacated the fortress and headed back to the Palace. Based on what Shinon had said we would have to formulate a new plan. The king was relieved to see us all back alive.


“How did it go?” He asked.


“We attacked and destroyed the Fortress, father.” Midas replied. “As for Shinon, he retreated but not before he was mortally wounded by Celes and Angel.”


“Very impressive!” the king replied. “Shinon is said to only fight those deemed worthy of his blade. If you bested him then perhaps the swordsman in him is finally at rest.”


“In a…manner of speaking,” Midas replied. “Though I fear we should prepare the Capital’s Defenses for the forthcoming counterstrike.”


“Yes, of course,” said another voice. We turned and were looking at another Leo Kyomorian that resembled Midas. “I have taken care of the preparations already, father.”


“Good timing, Ewan!” Midas replied with cheer. “Come meet some friends of mine.” When Midas introduced Celes and Angel as the ones who defeated Shinon, he was stunned.


“Before he died Shinon said only Luther was his equal on the planet.” said Ewan


“Well, we’re not from this planet,” Celes replied. “I know that if I want to take on stronger enemies I must grow stronger myself.” The sound of my phone ringing pulled me out of the conversation. I excused myself and answered it.


“Katrin, you girls need to get back to earth right away.” said Fin, who was on the other end.


“How can you call me from so far away?” I asked.


“Mark Anthony adjusted the Space Bridge so we can make contact.” He replied. “They hit Boston and the city is on fire. You’re needed back here now!”


“Who are ‘they’?” I asked.


“The Togo Institution,” he replied. That was all I heard before killing the call.


“MOM! We gotta get back!” I exclaimed.


“Your childhood attacked Boston in search of revenge!” I said. The reaction I got from her and Angel told me they were ready to do some hunting.


“Let’s roll.” she said as she grabbed Serenity and headed for the door.


© 2008 Brendan2k5

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Added on February 20, 2008



Boston, MA

I'm a Writery by hobby and up until recently my work has only been up for public viewing at my own website and Fictionpress. I've written many stories since 8th Grade and have decided to bring my newe.. more..

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