Midas Kyomora

Midas Kyomora

A Chapter by Brendan2k5

Ted visits the Planet Kyomora for the first time and meets King Xanga.





Chapter 3: Midas Kyomora





"You know, when I let you use the basement to do research you told me you wouldn't go screwing up the forces of nature." I said to Mark Anthony in the living room. "Teleportation is one thing but this...it just goes too far. If word gets out on this do you know what will happen?"


"No." He replied.


"People will be lining up asking you to bring back the dead!" I exclaimed. "That is not something you want to be responsible for, believe me. When people die, regardless of how they die they should stay dead. I admit, I thought it was funny when you made that Hitler clone so people could kill it but this is serious."


"What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Eve is going to have the baby in 8 more days and I promised Celes."


"Alright—fine." I replied. "This one can go as is but you can't let Eve leave the house. I don't want people nosing around. After that no more human cloning. Got it?"


"I understand." He said. "I'll just give Eve to King Xanga."


"Who?" I asked.


"King Xanga is ruler of the Planet Kyomora in the Falfa Solar System.” he replied. “Yeah, I've been in space, too..."


"Oh, damn..." Was all I could say. "Let me see it—him—now!" He took me into the backyard, followed by Dexter and Rose. He pulled back Astroturf to reveal a platform.


"Stand on this space." He said. "I'll open the Space Bridge to Kyomora." He entered something into his computer and after a moment a light fell on where were standing. I watched as the ground slipped farther and farther away as we were pulled into air, then space. I watched in amazement as the earth slipped from view, then the sun and finally the entire solar system. A few a minutes later we touched down on another world.


"We have arrived." Dexter announced.


"I see..." I replied, looking around. We were in what looked like a transport room of sorts.


"The Kyomorians' technology is far more advanced than ours." Rose explained.


"Daddy?" I heard Serenity say. I looked down and noticed Serenity standing in the transporter.


"She must have walked on the pad while it was active." said Mark Anthony before picking her up. "Follow me, if you will." We followed Mark Anthony through a series of halls and rooms. I saw lots of windows and Kyomorians going about their business. I saw that the Kyomorians remarkably resembled humans both in appearance and in personality. The exception was in the fact they looked like earth's mythical creatures—Mermaids, Golems, Centaurs, Birdmen, Werewolves, Vampires, Dwarves, Elves and more.


When we reached the throne room we were ushered into the presence of the King. One of the guards stepped forward and injected a needle into my arm. "What's that about?" I asked Mark Anthony.


"A translator." Mark Anthony quickly explained as Serenity was given an injection. "You will be able to speak with King Xanga and all of this planet's creatures this way."


"A warning next time would be appreciated," I replied as we entered the throne room.


"I see Mark Anthony has returned with Miss Rose, Sir Dexter and two strangers," said the King. That's when I looked upon him for the first time. Had I not looked twice I would've mistaken him for The Beast from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. "Don't be frightened by my appearance, friend." He said. "I, King Xanga know much about you humans of earth."


"My name is Ted Toss, The Mayor of the City of Boston on Earth." I replied with a deep bow. "By your standard the title of Lord would suffice. I am also Mark Anthony's father."


"Good to meet you at last, Ted Toss." The Kind replied, extending an arm. I extended mine as well. "Your son has told much of the things you have done on earth. It is good to hear of good things after the last century."


"You and me both, King Xanga." I replied with a laugh. "Before I go on, just how long have you and my son known each other?"


"By Earth time, I'd say about a month." He replied. "He sent out a signal into the far reaches of the galaxy and we picked it up by chance. We traced it to earth, where we made contact. That's when he built the Earth Space Bridge and visited a few days later. Can you imagine getting a visitor from another world out of the blue just like that?"


"Yes, I can relate," I replied. "We have the same feelings on this very subject on earth. Though I am afraid it may not be safe for you to come and visit with things the way they are."


"Yes, I hear your World Leaders would just take advantage of what we could offer them and use our technologies unjustly. I have already decided not to allow any of our technology to be openly given to anyone from earth until we can be sure it will be used to the benefit of all."


"A wise decision, your majesty." I replied. "The last thing I need is America threatening other worlds..."


"Oh, I wish I could visit Earth just once!" Said a young man who walked into the room from a side door. This Kyomorian resembled the king so I assumed he was a relative of the King.


"Impeccable timing, my son." The king replied. "Lord Toss, meet my son, Prince Midas. As you can tell he has a thirst for adventure and he has nearly exhausted it all on Kyomora."


"Please let me visit your planet!" He asked me. "If only a little while. The scientists have perfected suitable human disguises I can use."


"I don't know if it's a good idea," I replied. "There's so much risk involved."


"Maybe this will ease your worry." Midas replied before pressing something on his cape. Instantly his form changed until he looked human.


"He'll pass, King Xanga." I said. "And that's a definite yes."





"Now remember, don't do anything that might give you away on earth." I said as the scientists readied the space bridge. "You may look like one of us now but you must still be careful."


"I'll give you some clothes that should help you fit in on earth," said Dad. "They're my other son's but I'm sure he won't mind."


"Are you sure you don't want some soldiers to go in disguise?" asked King Xanga.


"My wife and all of my daughters on earth have Psychic Powers." Dad replied. "He will be in no danger no matter what."


"How much trouble could I possibly get into in an earth week?" He asked with a smirk.


“Hey--not on my watch." I replied before we were teleported back to earth. Back on earth Dad immediately went upstairs with Dexter to check on the twins. We'd only been gone a few minutes but they didn't even know we'd left.


"Here's our home." I said as I gave Midas a tour of the house.


"Simply fascinating!" He replied as I showed him how many of our things worked. "I see we have much about each other that should be understood."


"Welcome back, Mark Anthony!" I heard Eve say when we entered the basement. "How was your trip to Kyomora?"


"We brought back a guest." I replied, pointing to Midas.


"He looks familiar," Eve remarked.


"That's because it's Midas, the Crown Prince of Kyomora." I replied, then whispered to Midas "I gave her the specs on Kyomora but like me this is her first time seeing you looking like a human."


"My disguise is that good, huh?" asked Midas. "Good to know!"


"Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet," I replied, knowing what he was thinking.


"Mark, your father is looking for you!" Rose suddenly yelled from upstairs.


"On my way." I replied as I hurried up the stairs, followed by Midas and Eve.






"Ann ran into some unexpected company a short time ago.." I told Mark Anthony once he came into the Living Room. “While they were fighting it off, your mother lost her sight.”


"WHAT?!" He exclaimed.


"They were attacked by a monster high above the clouds." I explained. "Angel used magic to weaken it while Ann made a contract with it, adding it to her summoning arsenal. It appears your mother was blinded as an aftereffect of Angel's spell."


"No..." He trailed.


"We have to go to her.” Mark Anthony said. "Now!"


"Ann is on her way from the island right now to pick you up." I said. "Celes got there just in time to give birth to her daughter, my granddaughter and your niece, Aeris. Ann will bring Serenity there as well."


"What about me?" asked Midas.


"You...will be staying with my oldest daughter Katrin in New York for a few days." I replied.


"You have another daughter?" He asked in surprise.


"Five, actually—22 year old Katrina, 17 year old Celeste, 8 year old Angela, 2 year old Serenity and 3 month old Alana." I said.


"What about you?" asked Midas. "What will you do?"


"I've arranged for Dexter and Rose to watch the twins here at the house.” I replied. “I called Mark Anthony because you're going to Katrina's House via the Internet."


"You can do that?" Midas asked him. "No wonder your Space Bridge has proven to be so effective!"


"You'll be in New York City in 2 minutes," said Mark Anthony as he started up his computer.


"And what will you have me do, sir?" Asked Eve.


"You're going with him." I replied. "When Celes comes home you'll both return as well."


“Wait—Dad, what about you?” asked Mark.


“I just got a call from City Hall.” I replied. “Obviously, you've forgotten I'm Mayor of this City. A situation has arisen and I need to get downtown.”




"And the winner of this year's American Idol is...Katrin!" As soon as I heard the announcement the crowd went crazy. Of course, such should be expected of someone who won the 12th annual singing contest. As rehearsed, I shook the hand of the loser, smiled for the camera and sang the song that won me the contest.


When asked what I was going to do next, I said "I'm going home to New York—I'm exhausted!"


"Wait—don't forget to sign your recording contract!" said the network producer.


"I don't really want it." I replied. "I just did this for fun—go give it to someone else." Right after saying that the crowd went nuts. I took that moment to make a hasty exit. As soon as I got off the studio lot I saw the full effect of being the first person to turn down a million dollar recording contract—lots and lots of fans.


"How do you plan to get out of this one?" Asked studio security.


"I think I'll fly." I replied as I rose into the air. I'd used my powers to win the singing contest but now I was using it to escape a riot. "Goodbye, LA! I'm never coming back!" And with that I flew east for New York. I had been in the air for about 2 hours when I realized I was flying near Little Rock. Fin and I hadn't seen each other since the Holidays so I decided to drop by. It was a minor thing and I could easily make up lost time. I touched down in front of Central High School, walked to Fin and Gina's house and knocked on the door.






"What a time to split your concentration," said Gina when both the door rang and the incoming Bio Transfer notification happened at the same time.


"I'll get both," I replied as I headed to the front door. I was shocked to see who was on the other side. "Katrin!"


"I was in the neighborhood and decided to visit." She replied. “Did you miss me?”


“Weren’t you in—Of course I missed you!” I replied as we hugged. “When I told my team you were on American Idol they freaked out! I must say I am surprised you turned down that recording contract. How did you get here so fast?”


“I’ll explain everything to you guys over dinner,” She replied. “I exhausted a lot of my energy flying and need to recharge. I think I’ll be here a few days, at least.”


“Do you need to call anyone in New York?” I asked.


“No, not really,” She replied. “I left City Year for the contest, remember? I should probably check in with Dad, though. I heard Celes had the baby and Terra lost her sight in some kind of freak accident.”


“That just reminded me about the Bio Transfer!” I exclaimed. I ran into the basement to see who would be coming in. There was a pre-recorded message from Mark Anthony.


It said: “Fin, this is Midas, Crown Prince of the Planet Kyomora. Mom was in a car accident and Ann’s coming to get us. Although he is disguised as a human we don’t want to risk bringing him along so I’m sending him to you along with Eve, my Pregnant Android. If Katrin is there, tell her to bring Prince Midas with her back to New York!”


After a few more adjustments were made, two figures materialized in the transfer gate. Right then Katrin, Gina and Hannah walked in. “Ladies, meet the Prince Midas of Kyomora.” I said. “He and Mark Anthony’s latest creation, Eve will be with us for a little while.”


“Nice to meet you, Prince Midas.” said Gina. “How are you doing so far on Earth?”


“Midas is just fine.” He replied. “On earth I am trying to keep a low profile.”


“This is my daughter Hannah and my wife, Gina.” I said.


“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Midas replied.


“And the one staring at you with little regard for proper manners is my twin sister, Katrina.” I finished with a laugh.





“Katrin’s just fine,” I said as I felt my face turning bright red, more to Midas than anyone else. “I’m sorry but your being here made the birthday wish I made when I was 16 come true.”


“I knew it!” Fin exclaimed. “The one thing you swore never tell anyone until it happened. “I said I wanted Gina to notice me and we ended up getting hitched!”


“Fin, stop that!” Gina exclaimed. “You’re embarrassing Katrin and Midas!”


“No, it’s quite alright.” Midas replied with a laugh. “I must say that although I am happy I made your wish come true, I believe in love at first sight. Right now, I have failed to see it.”


“That’s ok,” I said with a smile. “You’re coming with me to New York. Maybe all we need is some time alone together.” Right then we heard a crackling sound coming from the Bio Transfer Gate.


“It looks like you won’t be going anywhere today,” said Hannah after looking it over. “I can fix it but it won’t be ready until tomorrow.”


“I promised everyone I would talk about my exploits over dinner, anyway.” I replied. “Let’s get to it, then!”






We decided to have dinner in the backyard under the stars. Fin and Gina made New England style Corn Chowder and it was tasty. As we sat under the night sky eating I told everyone about the Singing Contest I entered and won and Fin talked about opening up Little Rock’s first Mega Mall. I had to admit that was a pretty impressive thing to pull off in The Natural State.


“So, what does City Year think of all this?” I asked.


“Just like you, I left CY Little Rock to do this full-time.” He replied. “I pissed off a lot of people doing it but then again, we need the money.”


“That takes a lot of courage, Fin.” I replied. “Good for you.”


“Excuse me for asking but what is City Year?” asked Midas.


“If you weren’t from this planet I’d be disappointed, Midas.” said Gina. “Before Katrin and Fin take turns talking about the 'Family Tradition', be prepared to want to do it yourself.”


“Heh, I’ll think about it!” He exclaimed.


“So, do you want the 30 Second or the 30 Minute Explanation?” I asked as me and Fin zipped up our Bomber Jackets.


“Which is better?” Midas asked.


“30 Minutes it is, then!” said Gina with a laugh.


“City Year was started as a summer Pilot Program in 1988 in Boston.” Fin started. “It was started by Alan Khazei and Michael Brown with the hope that young people would be able to serve their communities.”


“Until 2005, City Year could only be done by US Citizens.” I said. “The opening of City Year South Africa changed all that. Just four years after the Second Gulf War, City Year opened in Iraq, Kuwait, India, Pakistan, Israel/Palestine and Afghanistan.”


“From 2005 to 2015 City Year had an international explosion.” said Fin. “City Year opened six sites in Europe—The United Kingdom, Germany, France, Greece and two in Russia. City Year went across the Pacific with three sites on the Korean Peninsula, two in Japan and four in China. City Year also opened two sites in Canada and Mexico as well as one in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. There are still plans to open more sites in South America and Africa as well.”


A/N: As of 12/07 the only International site is City Year South Africa, though there are has been talk of plans to open in the UK, Afghanistan and India. There are also only 19 official US City Year sites with Los Angeles and Miami being the last two.


“Locally, City Year can be found in Atlanta, Alaska, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbia, Columbus, Cincinnati, Detroit, Denver, Dallas, Hawaii, Houston, Little Rock, Louisiana, Las Vegas, Louisiana, Los Angeles, Laramie, Minneapolis, Miami, New Hampshire, New York City, New Jersey, Orlando, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, Syracuse, San Antonio, San Jose, Seattle, and Washington DC.” Said Fin. “As you can see, that’s nearly everywhere in America. As an Americorps Organization, City Year is Putting Idealism to Work in one City in one Year at a time!”


“I would like something like that done on my Planet.” said Midas. “Maybe the first Inter-Space version of City Year…”


“My father will worship you if you made that happen.” I remarked with a laugh.


“I will talk to my father the King when I return about the matter,” He replied. “He may request more information before going forward.”


“If you want, you can visit with my team in New York City.” I said. “I’m sure they’ll be very interested in meeting you.”


“Didn’t you say you quit?” asked Fin.


“There’s a difference between quitting and taking a leave of absence,” I said. “I decided to go with the latter.”






“How long have you been lying next to me?” I asked Katrin the next morning.


“As soon as you fell asleep,” She replied. “It’s funny: for some reason, being this close to you helped my energy not only fully recover but increase. I feel as though I could fly to Kyomora now!”


“It’s 10 Million light years from Earth,” I replied with a laugh. “Even our fastest starships would take at least a week to reach this planet.”


“Oh, you have emissaries, too?’ She asked.


“Of course,” I replied. “Not everywhere yet but 100 years ago we did master the art of transfer gateways.”


“And to think my little brother did that in only a few weeks.” Katrin remarked. “How long does your kind live for, anyway?”


“Naturally, we of the Leo Clan can live to be 500 years old,” I started. “Though, if there is war and strife the years can be much shorter. My father is the oldest Leo on Kyomora at 270.”


“That’s amazing!” she replied. “So there are other Kyomorians besides your race of Leo?”


“Why, yes.” I replied. “They’re viewed the same as America views races—friendly on the outside but spiteful on the inside.”


“You know, my entire family is biracial.” said Katrin. “My dad said he didn’t want to have all of his children to look the same and it’s probably why he turned to bigamy. The upside is we recently found out the entire female half of the family inherited awesome psychic powers.”


“That sounds a lot like my father,” I replied. “My father took a member of the Pisces Clan for his Queen though I have brothers and sisters from every Clan on Kyomora. If you visit, perhaps I will introduce you to them.”


“I’d like that, Midas.” She replied as we locked eyes. In that moment, I found myself preparing to procreate with an Earth Woman.


“Would you like to see what I really look like?” I asked her.


“Yes.” She replied.






“Whew, you reek of onions!” Hannah exclaimed when she opened the door. “I think I’m going to need my eyes replaced!”


“Sorry about that,” I replied. “My last job ended in my taking an Onion Bath. It was either that or feed the lions.”


“Damn Tom, there’s a hose in the back.” said Fin when he came to the door. “I’ll bring you some clothes from upstairs to put on, too.”


“Many thanks, my boy.” I said as I opened the gate. Imagine my surprise seeing a large Lion in the backyard with Katrin. “I didn’t know they let you take something home from the Safari.” I said out loud to get her attention.


“Oh, Tom!” She exclaimed. “I didn’t hear you open the gate. Are you alone?”


“Of course.” I replied. “Kodak and Ed are vacationing in Europe.” Right then, I saw the Lion transform into a person. “Is this one of Mark Anthony’s latest creations?” I asked with a laugh.


“No,” He said. “My name is Midas. I am from the planet Kyomora and am visiting Earth on behalf of--“


“I think that’ll do.” Katrin said, cutting him off. “So anyway, he’s the first visitor not of the world since its creation.”


“O-K…” I said. “I can see I just interrupted what would normally be a crime against nature. Seeing as such is not that case, I think I’ll take the hose into the shed.”


“Actually, we were just leaving.” She replied. “I’m taking Midas with me back to New York.”


“Does your father know about this?” I asked with a slight bit of concern.


“Of course.” She replied. “See you later!”




“Who was that man?” asked Midas.


“A family friend.” I replied. “He and my dad and mom go way back. He was a war hero after the turn of the century but his honor was thrown in the mud when the Government used him as a scapegoat.”


“I see…” He said.


“I think he’s going to Boston from here.” I continued. “It seems everyone knows about what happened with Mom and Terra now.”


“Something tells me we should go to Boston, too.” said Fin as we walked back in the house. “I’m sure Dad will be in need of the help of the firstborns.”


“One of the benefits of being someone’s twin is you always seem to know what the other is thinking.” I said to Midas and Gina. “Get the kids and Tom while I program the Bio Transfer Gate!”




“Will things be fine with everyone here?” Dad asked as we all stood in the living room.


“Why, yes Dad.” I replied. “Hannah will watch the house while we’re here.”


“Did you bring Eve with you?” Mark Anthony asked. “It’s just about time for her to have Jenna.”


“Why, yes,” Gina replied, pointing to the leaking android standing in front of the basement.


“I’ll take it from here.” He said as he ushered the figure into his laboratory.


“I would like to see Terra.” said Katrin. “It’s no secret my voice has the power of healing.”


“I can vouch for that!” Said Tom. Dad just looked at him. “What?” Tom asked before Dad laughed in his face.


“I'm sorry, Tom.” he said. “I just don't believe you actually WATCHED American Idol tis year.”


“What was wrong with watching it this year?” Gina asked me.


“By auditioning, Katrin ensured only she would have any chance of winning.” I explained. “Didn't you find it odd that Katrin was always voted unanimously? She always opened each airing with her Soul Seduction Hymn. I stopped watching after she made the final cut because I knew already she was going to win.”


“Interesting...” Dad remarked. “That would explain why she turned down the contract...”


“Anyway, I think I can help her recover with my healing abilities.” Katrin said in a bid to change the subject. “We have to be in the same room for it to work, though.”


“She's upstairs in her room.” Dad said. “The rest is up to you.”


© 2008 Brendan2k5

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Added on February 20, 2008



Boston, MA

I'm a Writery by hobby and up until recently my work has only been up for public viewing at my own website and Fictionpress. I've written many stories since 8th Grade and have decided to bring my newe.. more..

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