The Angel Project

The Angel Project

A Chapter by Brendan2k5

The Final Chapter is an epic story that goes deep into the past of Ann-Marie Toss. Angel and Zenith, products of the Togo Institution are introduced. Abyssion Highwind makes a cameo appearance as well.






Chapter 6: The Angel Project




A/N: This takes place at the same time as everything after Chapter 1 except Hannah's story, which is was originally part of a compilation of short stories I did a few years ago.



“It’s good to see you in good spirits.” I said after me and Ann met with our longtime friend, Tom Ado. His full name was Tomiko Morado but he preferred Tom Ado. He’d just finished his tour of service in the Middle East and had landed in London with the rest of his unit. We hadn’t heard from him since he’d been deployed and it was surreal.


“Did you really think I’d come back in a box or on a stretcher?” He cracked. “I went to Afghanistan to fight, not die. Now come on, let’s go grab a bite to eat!” After he got his things, we took them to the hotel at which we were staying and went to a nearby restaurant to celebrate his return.


“You know, you haven’t changed all that much since the old days.” I remarked. “You were always into action as long as you were the one doing the a*s kicking.”


“Yeah, and you were always into Ann-Marie Johnson and Terra Garcia.” he shot back.


“And now I’ve got both!” I replied with a laugh.


“Where is Terra, anyway?” he asked.


“Visiting Fin in Little Rock.” Ann replied. “Katrin’s looking after Celes in Boston and Mark Anthony is in Florida.”


“I could definitely use some rest and relaxation myself.” Tom remarked with a smile.


”And you’ll get to do all that when we get back to the States.” I said with a grin. “Just sit back. This one’s on me.”




“I think I’ll call it a night,” said Tom when we got back to the hotel late at night. “I’ve had a long morning and I could use some downtime.”


“We’ll see you in the morning, then.” said Ted after getting off the elevator. “We can work out heading back to America in two days.”


“Later, then.” He said. “I’ll be seeing you in the morning. And Ann?”


“Yes?” I replied.


“Try not to have that baby overnight, now.” he said as he put his hands on my belly. “You'd have to get a passport to bring this English-born child with you back to the states.”


“What!” I exclaimed as he jumped back before I could punch him. He then turned and retreated into his hotel room. “Can you believe that?” I asked Ted. “That is just the wrong thing to say to a pregnant lady.”


“I think he was just messing with your head.” He replied with a laugh. “That, and you are running late—again.”


“You know I don’t like to rush these things.” I said. “Fin and Katrin came early and Celes came right on time. I like waiting for things to happen, you know that.”


“It can’t be helped.” Ted replied as he opened our hotel room door. “Let’s just—come on.”




I woke up the next morning and got ready to go to breakfast with Ted and Ann. As I was getting dressed my personal cell phone rang. The number I saw on the screen surprised me. “Shiva?” I said into the phone.


“Good to see you remember me, Tomiko.” She replied. “It has been a long time.”


“Please, call me Tom.” I corrected her. “I only use my full name when I’m with my war buddies.”


“So what does that make me?” She cracked with a hint of sarcasm. “Fine, 'Mr. Morado'…” Now I was more than slightly annoyed. She was really trying my patience.


“Look, just tell me what you want.” I said impatiently. “I haven’t the time for this.”


“Just what I wanted to hear.” She replied. “Listen. I have a job for you. Payout’s half of a Billion—providing you want it, of course.”


“Where?” I asked.


“Capetown, South Africa.” She replied curtly. “You and at least two other people—one of them female—are to sneak White Apartheid-era activists out of the country to Sudan. If you accept, I will take care of your military status.”


“Where the hell am I supposed to find extra bodies to go with?” I asked. “You know I only roll with people I know.”


“You’re a big boy, Tomiko.” Shiva replied. “You figure it out. Oh and there is one other thing: My contact in South Africa has already hired another guild for the job. They’re expected to arrive in Capetown in 3 days. If you get there before the other guild does your pay will be doubled.”


“Way to put it all in my lap, huh?” I replied as I thought of the prospect of having half a Billion Dollars. “Alright Shiva. I'm in I’ll be in South Africa in 36 hours.” After hanging up the phone I began to plan how I was going to convince Ted and Ann to go along with this high risk job worth $500,000,000.




“Tom, are you going out already?” I asked when Tom came out of the elevator. He had all his gear and was dressed in his army fatigues. “I thought you wanted to play catch up in London?”


“Who says we still can’t?” He asked, throwing me a bulletproof vest. “You’re coming with me.”


“Something tells me this won't be a peaceful kind of thing....” I trailed.




“Where exactly are we going?” asked Ted once the plane was in the air.


“South Africa.” He replied.


“Aww, you shouldn’t have!” I exclaimed sarcastically.


“Sorry to break it to you, but it will not be a sentimental visit.” Tom said. “Just so you know, by getting on this plane you accept any and all risk involved in this job.”


“Don’t tell me you spoke to—did you speak to Shiva?!” Ted exclaimed. “You said you were through taking side jobs on active duty!”


“I’m not on active duty, Ted.” He replied. “I was deactivated before I arrived in London. I’ve got some time before I have to report back to Germany so I figured I’d do one more job before the start of my next commission.”


“I still don’t see where Ted and I fit into all this.” I said.


“Part of the deal is I have to bring at least two more people.” Tom replied. “I decided to pick you two and a pilot in South Africa.”


“This better not go bad, Tom.” Ted warned. “If it does and we survive I will personally kick your a*s.”




“Ah, there you are.” said my contact in Capetown. “We heard about you from Shiva. Are these your people?”


“Yep,” I replied as I introduced. “This is Ed Ross, my wingman. I picked him up in Johannesburg. The other two are Ted and Ann Toss, two friends of mine I brought along from the States.”


“So I see…” The wiry man replied, all the while staring at Ann’s pregnant body. The way he stared at her was rather unsettling. Immediately I knew what was crossing his mind and pulled him aside to speak privately in Afrikaans. “You’re taking a huge risk with someone in her condition.” He said. “It could be trouble at the boarder cross.”


“Nonsense, Bragg!” I shot back. “With her along, we are guaranteed a quick pass through security. It is very common for Asians to dump their kids in China and leave before the government knows what happened.”


“For your sake you had better be right.” Bragg replied as he beckoned for me to lean closer. “I know that there are people who would be willing to pay a lot of money for that woman in particular.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I exclaimed as I shot a look at Ann. “If you’re looking to set me up, I’ll kick your a*s!”


“Relax, Mr. Morado.,” he replied as he handed me an envelope. I noticed his hand shook as he gave me the envelope. “Here’s $250,000,000. “My counterpart in Hong Kong will give you the rest of what you are owed.”


“Now that’s more like it.” I said as I pocketed the envelope. “If I find out you gave the job to someone else, I’ll come back looking to skin your a*s.”


“J-Just one more thing, Mr. Morado.” The man said. When I turned he saw that he was sweating profusely. “Do you want to know why there are people in the region you are headed for who have a large bounty on that woman?”


“No, but when I find out something tells me Ted and I will handle it.” I replied as I turned heel, examining a copy of a poster with the picture of a young woman resembling Ann on it. The reward money was $10 Billion to whomever captured Ann, listed as an escaped fugitive of the Togo Institution.


“For all of your sakes, I certainly hope you're right...” he trailed.




“So, how’d it go?” I asked Tom as he got back into the Truck.


“We got it.” He replied, displaying a wad of bills. “Me and Ed have done this so many times in the past, all who see us will be more than willing to help us get whatever we want. I got some false identification papers for you and Ann, though. I respect your jobs too much to let your good names get tarnished. You two are Roy and Meryl Jackson, traveling Arms Dealers.”


“That Bragg guy kept staring at me.” Ann remarked. “I don’t know what was up with him but the way he looked at me was creepy.”


“He’s always like that when I bring someone he doesn’t know.” Tom explained. “He’s been double-crossed by would-be clients too many times to relax when someone he knows drops by.”


“I don’t mind tagging along on this mission with you but if we get set up I will personally kick your a*s.” I reminded him.


“If anything goes wrong I’ll handle it.” He replied, slamming a new magazine into the automatic handgun he was holding. “Nobody in their right mind will dare try to f**k with me.”




“ETA 5 minutes,” Ed told me as we drove through Johannesburg. We were on our way to pick up the three men who needed to get out of the country. I didn’t know their names but Bragg assured me that they were expecting us. We pulled into a long driveway and stopped at the large Victorian. It made me wonder if we were still in Africa.


“Your plane has been prepared for you.” said the man who greeted us. “I am Kodak. Follow me.” We followed the burly man through the expanse house to its library. Inside were two guards and 3 men in suits. These were the men we were to escort out of South Africa, I presumed.


“Ah, so you are the fabled Tomiko Morado!” said one of them. “I am Victor and as you can guess, I have heard much about you. Your reputation speaks for itself, I might add. Every job completed no matter the difficulty or danger.”


“That’s what some people say.” I replied, not wanting to engage in this sort of conversation. “Your friend mentioned a plane has been prepared for us. My man Ed here can fly it. If you are in a rush then we should go now.”


“Oh, how rude of me!” Victor exclaimed. “We have already prepared it. Come with me, the plane’s in the back.” We followed him to the makeshift runway behind the house. I couldn’t help but notice how crudely thrown together everything looked. You’d almost think the plane had arrived just before we did.


“Everything is ready.” Kodak informed us. “Let’s go.”




Ed boarded the plane first, followed by myself and Victor’s companions, both of which I did not know. Ted, Tom and Kodak followed as did Victor himself. The seating had been pre-arranged, it seemed.

“Where have I seen her before?” I overheard one of the mystery men ask the other in perfect Korean. I hadn’t heard anyone speak it so well in almost 30 years and looked up in surprise. When the man noticed my surprise he asked me, “You speak Korean?”


“Yes.” I replied in Korean.


He just smiled. “You look like someone I know…”


“We’ll be departing for China shortly.” Ed announced as he emerged from the cockpit. We’ll be making a refueling stop in Kabul and from there we’re going to Beijing. In the event of an emergency, I will steer the plane into a remote area and weather it’s a land or sea landing will decide the number of survivors—or dead.”


“Just a second, Ed.” Tom said suddenly as he pulled a piece of paper from his jacket. “Victor, Roy, outside. Now.”


“Whatever you have to say you can say in front of me.” I said.


“I agree.” Kodak added, gripping the assault rifle in his hand.


“You can watch from the door then.” Tom replied, leading Ted and Victor outside.




“What’s this about?” I asked as we stood a few feet from the plane. Kodak watched us from the top of the stairs, ready to react at the slightest sign of trouble.


“You’re not the people we’re here for are we, Victor?” Tom asked. “And don’t even think about calling your giant over there—I can hit him from this far with my gun so fast he’ll think I just bit him.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Victor replied.


“The guards, the lack of preparation…Come on—I know you’re just a decoy.” Tom pressed as he displayed the paper he was holding for both of us to see. “I don't suppose you wouldn't mind my telling my friend here you're trying to collect the bounty on his wife, then, huh? Look, if you don’t tell me where the true targets are I’ll kill you where you stand.”


“Is there a problem?” Kodak shouted.


“It’s alright, I can handle it.” Victor replied. Right after saying that, 3 guards pointed their weapons at me and Tom. “You see Mr. Morado, your being here is an inconvenience to the powers that be.” I looked back at the plane and noticed a look of confusion on Kodak’s face. Apparently he didn’t know this was going to happen. “I assure you that if I wanted I could kill you where you stand. However, I am one who doesn't like to waste bullets and have already snared a much bigger prize!”


“Whose idea was this?” Tom asked him. “When I’m done with you, I’ll take care of Bragg personally.”


“That senile old fool doesn’t even know.” Victor replied with a laugh. “I suppose I’ve spoken too much now.”


“What is the meaning of this?” asked Kodak as he walked over to us. “This was not part of the deal!”


“You’re a big man, Kodak.” Victor replied as he pointed a gun at his bodyguard. “You figure it out!” Before anybody could react, a bullet silenced Victor for good. We looked and saw that it came from Ed. The moment he dropped his guard he was thrown to the ground and the plane violently moved forward.


“What the--?!” I exclaimed. Coming to his senses, Tom pulled out his handguns and took out all three guards. After the last one fell he jumped into a nearby car followed by me, Ed and Kodak. We sped after the plane in the hopes that at least one of us could board it before it took off. When Tom saw the runway shift out of our favor he was forced to stop in frustration. We could only watch helplessly as the plane flew off with Ann still on it.


“F**k!” he spat. “What the hell is going on here?! If you wanna kick my a*s Ted, now would be the time to do it.”


“Glad you remember,” I replied as I threw my swords to the ground and punched him in the gut.




“Sorry about all that back there.” Ted said to Ed when we got back to the Victorian. “Me, I thought the fall killed you.”


“We have to find those men.” I said. “And not just because Ann was on it, either.”


“Yes.” Kodak added. “I was hired to protect Victor. Now that he is dead I am obligated to see his killers killed. I go with you to ensure that his death is avenged.”


“That's fine by me.” Ted replied with a sigh. “Although right now my priority is getting my wife back. I have no problem taking out anyone dumb enough to get in my way.”


“I wish I knew where they were going.” I said. “If we knew that much we could meet them at wherever they’re landing.”


“I think Ann knew one of them.” Ted noted. “I overheard them speaking in Korean.”


“That’s a start…” I replied as I examined the Bounty Poster again. “Wait—wasn’t Ann born in South Korea?”


“Yes, she was.” Ted replied. “Her parents worked in a sweatshop. She herself was born in a minefield. Her parents had just made it across the border. She later learned her parents wrapped her in a blanket and left her at the boarder shortly before they were shot by North Korean sharpshooters. She was raised in an orphanage for 2 years before she was taken in by an organization that specializes in turning kids into assassins by manipulating their force energy through artificial means.”


“How long did that go on for?” I asked him.


“Fourteen years.” He replied. “When she was 15, she snuck out and disappeared into the night. She crossed into China and caught a plane to America where she started over. A year later we met and the rest, as they say is history. Why do you ask?”




After the plane took off, one of the men used gas to knock me unconscious. When I woke up, we’d already landed the next day. The problem was I didn’t know where. “Where am I?” I asked the man sitting next to me.


“Come on, even YOU. Of all people should know where this is.” said a man who walked on the plane in Korean. “After all, this was your home for some 14 years.” When I saw his face, I knew exactly where I was.


“The Togo Institution.” I said with a look of disgust. “I swore I’d never come back to this hell hole.”




Get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness!” the guard spat. “What the f**k you do you think this is, you little w***e? I’ll teach you some respect for your superiors!”


No, Please no!” “I shrieked. My pleas fell on deaf ears as he dragged me into a room with no windows or furniture save a bucket for using the bathroom—or spitting blood. He tied my arms to the wall, tore off the back of my shirt and whipped me until blood ran down my back.


Tears rolled down my face as each blow hit its mark. After feeling he’d done enough he cut the binding rope and shut the door. I just laid there; too weak from the beating I’d just endured to move. “This is it, I’m going to die,” I thought. I then watched in shock as the wounds began to heal themselves. In the next moment I stood up, wondering what the hell just happened.




“25 years and you still haven’t changed.” He replied, looking me over. “I knew that one day you would come back where you belong. It was only a matter of time, my dear. Come, let’s go.” Two burly men picked me up and carried me outside. Along the way, my previous captors took an envelope from the twisted man before they flew off in the plane again.


“Let me go!” I screamed. “You can’t touch me! I’m an American! When my husband and his trigger-happy friend find out where I am, you’ll all be dead!”


“Still making things up, I see.” The man replied curtly. “My father told me you’d say things like this.”


“Wait--Hurley?!” I exclaimed in shock.


“That’s right.” He replied, his grin growing wider. “When father died 10 years ago, I promised I would find the one who thought she could just walk away. I would find her and remind her of where she belongs and that's here—the Togo Institution!” The two grunts carried me into a nearby building with Hurley following close behind. “You should consider yourself lucky I don’t just kill you now.” He said as he put a hand on my belly. “Since you are pregnant, you’re useful to me.”


“What do you mean?” I asked, now afraid for the first time. He opened a cell door and stepped inside. I looked around and saw several women and children either sitting on beds or on the floor. The grunts dropped me on the nearest empty bed and walked out of the room.


“What is this?” I asked Hurley.


“Your new home.” He replied calmly before locking the door behind him. “We have quite a bit of catching up to do, actually. You would do well to get along with your room mates—some of them are quite hostile.”


“No! Let me out!” I exclaimed, pounding at the door. “You’ll never get away with this!” When the door suddenly swung open I nearly fell over.


“You didn’t say please.” Hurley said before shoving me further into the room and slamming the door shut again. I felt myself falling hard and rolled into a ball like I’d practiced. “You will do good to learn some respect for once!” He yelled through the door. “If you are stubborn then your suffering will be prolonged!” The opening closed and I was left there to lament what would become of me.

When I looked at the rest of the cell occupants they quickly looked away. They feared what my reaction would've been to them. I shrugged it off and sat on a bed set next to a window.


As I looked outside, I was horrified at what I was seeing. There were several hundred people in the courtyard undergoing extreme training regimens. The thing I had to remind myself about them was that they were prisoners of the Togo Institution. Since I'd been here 24 years ago it seems they had greatly improved their training and reprogramming techniques. They’d also stepped up on their weapons cache since the turn of the millennium. I knew then that my only hope for escape this time depended on Ted and Tom finding me. Thanks to the injection I'd taken in South Africa, I wouldn't have to worry about giving birth for a few weeks.


“This bed’s taken.” One of the prisoners said. When I saw him, I thought I was looking at Kodak. The man was simply huge, his arms as big as thick branches. “New inmates sleep on the floor.”


“You’ve got to be kidding.” I replied. “Can’t you see I’m pregnant?”


“I don’t care.” He replied. “Skull will break you in half if you will not move.” When he lifted his arms, I decided I’d rather not find out just how strong he really was. I created a shard of energy in my hand and threw it at him. As soon as it touched him, his soul was separated from his body. He then fell to the floor, dead. Everyone else just looked on in shock.


“This bed belongs to me now.” I announced. “That is the fate of any who would dare oppose me!”


"Who are you?” I heard a soft voice say. I turned and saw a young girl who looked a bit older than Serenity. She wore a drab gray shirt that fell to her knees and baggy pants that nearly covered her feet. Her long, white hair was tied back in a ponytail. Something about her reminded me of myself when I was her age.


"My name is Ann." I said. "24 years ago. I became the first person to ever escape from this place."


"That's impossible!" said one of the other inmates. "I have been here for 48 years and haven't heard a word of it!"


"When I escaped, security wasn't like it is now." I replied. "I mastered all the training I was given. That made it easy for me to get out of here."


"If you managed to overpower the guards, then maybe you can help me find my mommy." The little girl remarked. “I don’t know where she is.”


"What's your name?" I asked.


"I don't have one." She replied. "Hurley never gave me a name. He said something about me having to earn it Everyone just calls me #487."


"Where is your mother?" I asked.


"A few months ago she tried to escape." She explained. "Unlike me and a lot of the older inmates, she wasn't born here. When the guards caught her she was put in isolation and I was put in here. If you can help me, we must act fast! She's going to be executed tomorrow!"


"I am sorry but I don't even know if I can help you." I replied sadly. "This place has greatly improved over the years and if they caught your mother there is no guarantee I will succeed where she failed. Although I was taught--no--trained to be an assassin, I never used what I learned here when I escaped. I fell in love with someone, got married and had children."


"Mother always told me no one like me deserves to be left alone." The girl said sadly. "I miss her so much..."




"Ted, I got us a lead." Tom announced. Three days after loosing Ann, we went to Saudi Arabia to plan our next move. Kodak decided to join up with us and Ed Ross was promised a large sum of money if he tagged along as well. If that meant me having to be the one to pay him then for this it would be well worth whatever he wanted.


"What have you got?" I asked him.


"It seems our friends are slave traders." He remarked. “Before I got off the plane I left a GPS transmitter on board. Based on the log I'm looking at they made a stop in North Korea.”


"North Korea?!" I exclaimed. "That country's a cesspool for terrorism and organized torture chambers!"


“I know Ted, I know." He replied. "It seems that after that they flew to India to pick up 2 passengers and are en route to Hong Kong. Care to guess why?" That was all I needed to hear.


"Let's go cut down those b******s." I said as Ed Ross started up our new Transport Helicopter. It was heavy but it was modified to maneuver like a Blackhawk. As we flew over Pakistan I couldn't help but wonder if Ann was still alive, wherever she was. "When I find the b******s who did this, I'll make them wish they never thought of doing this to me!" I spat as sheathed a sword I hadn’t used in some time…




Two days passed since I’d returned to the Institute. We’d just been let outside for four hours of exercise when I saw the girl’s mother being prepared for execution. The day before, I learned that those who had no name were given a number. In the case of this girl, it was #487. Another inmate mentioned that Angel had been part of some kind of experiment and everyone stayed clear of her, not wanting to be nearby if she unleashed her powers.


"Attention all you worthless broads!" A guard yelled in Korean. "This woman made the mistake of believing she could escape from here. Now, she will executed according to the rules here at the Institution. If any of you even think of trying to leave this place, this will be your fate!"


"No, you're wrong!" I shot back. "If death is the punishment then kill me first!"


“You will do well to watch your mouth, maggot!" The guard warned.


"If you know who I am, you'd know I escaped from this place 24 years ago!" I shot back.


"And the only reason you're still alive is because it is the will of Hurley!" screamed the guard. With that several men tied the little girl's mother between two poles and tore off her shirt, exposing her bare skin.


"Mommy!" The girl shriek, terrified. When I saw her dart forward I grabbed her in an attempt to spare her from having to watch what me and all the other inmates were forced to witness, or at least tried to. She pulled away and watched what no child her age should ever have to see. Warm blood flowed from the back of girl's mother with each lash of the whip, each blow more powerful than the last. Although the girl wasn't being spared from watching her mother's execution she would be spared hearing it—her mother was silent the entire time. After only a few moments, it was over…or so I thought.


"That's good, she's dead." Said one of the guards, signaling for the lash to stop.


"No, wait." said one of the executioners as he continued beating what was now a dead body. Flesh and blood flung with each additional blow.


"I said that's enough!" The overseeing guard yelled, pointing a pistol at the man who continued. This made him stop decimating the woman's body.


"We already broke them—there was no need for an overkill." The overseer explained.


"That was a message to the new one." The man replied. "After she has that baby she will be next. No one talks that way about the Master and gets away with it!" The remaining executioner untied the body and dragged it away to be burned. The girl only stared blankly, showing no sign of emotion.


"It's over." I whispered as I put a hand on her shoulder.. "I'm sorry." The other inmates immediately realized the girl I was with had just witnessed it all and knowing who she was, started to flee. The girl just stood there as if she died on her feet. I reached out to touch her when she finally came around.


"What am I going to do now?" she asked me as tears flows from her eyes.


"I...I don't know." I replied solemnly. I was at a loss for words.


“They...they killed her.” she said and then screamed, “They...THEY KILLED MY MOMMA!” The girl suddenly released a massive amount of Force Energy, sending me and everyone around me flying backwards. When I looked up, the girl's hair was glowing silver white, her eyes pure white and her pupils, now blue appeared in them. As she screamed she let off more and more power while I could only watch, shocked and amazed as I realized that this little girl and I had both had the same kind of training program.


“Excellent.” I heard Hurley say. I looked and saw him standing behind me with several guards. “Restrain her at once.” The men quickly surrounded her and pounced. That ended up being fatal, as she burned them all to ashes with fire.


“What the…?!” I exclaimed as I watched, dumbstruck. I then turned my attention to Hurley, who appeared to be enjoying every minute of it. “What the hell did you do to her?!”


“She was created to be the most powerful creature on earth starting from conception.” He explained. “I admit I was worried I would have to wait before I saw any sign of her awesome powers. Now that her true powers have awakened, the REAL Training can begin…” I turned back to see the girl passed out in the courtyard in exhaustion. As I looked at her, I couldn’t help but think of my last memory of this place…




"That does it—I have to get out of here." I said to myself as I sat in isolation. "They can take away my freedom but they won't take away my sanity!" I'd just been thrown into isolation for attacking several guards. The rigorous training I'd received made me much stronger than anyone of the grounds. Growing fearful, The General had me put in this dungeon of a cell.


What even he didn't know was thanks to the training he himself oversaw in Psychotherapy it would be effortless for me to escape this room. By focusing my mind on one of the walls I was able to move it out of the way as if it were a door. I moved it back to its original position and walked toward the outer gates. So far, so good.


I was too small open the gates under my own power and the concrete surface made digging impossible. I'd have to make it over the tall walls using my powers. I was scared, having never used my abilities on myself before. After getting three feet off the ground I relaxed a little. When I reached the top of the wall I saw the search light heading in my direction. I cleared it immediately and landed in a tree.


"Whew, that was close!" I breathed. At that moment I heard an alarm coming form the compound. They noticed I was missing!


"All guards, be on the lookout for #003, Ann-Marie..." I heard over the loudspeaker. I jumped to the ground and ran as fast as I could. I stopped right before a large cliff.


In front of me was the sea and China was on the other side. Behind me I could hear men running and searchlights fanning the area. I'd be caught for sure if I stayed there. "Time to see what these powers can really do!" I said before jumping over the edge...




That night, I thought about what I'd seen earlier. After I escaped I did use my powers until I met Ted and that was just to deal with hostiles. After we were married I used my powers only on occasion when Fin and Katrin were small. I looked outside and saw a broom propped against a building. When I saw a guard walking nearby I decided to try moving it. I focused my mind, imaging myself picking up the broom. When I felt I had it, I made it fall right into the guard's path. He ended up falling on his face, making a racket on the way down.


"What happened here?" Asked another guard who heard the commotion.


"This broom tripped me!" He explained.


"You need to watch where you're going." The second man said before putting the broom away. I took that moment to hit him in the face with it, breaking his nose.


"What's going on here?!" Asked the first man. "There's nobody here with psychic powers!"


"Let's get out of here!" said the second before the two ran off.


"How did you do that?" asked #487. "You have psychic powers?"


"It seems I still do." I replied with a grin. "I was taught the ways of using the mind in ways like this when I was last here."


"I heard about people going through things like that before." She said. "Since I'm the only one here who is being trained on it, I felt so alone."


"You're not alone anymore." I replied as I gave her a hug. "And don't you worry, either. We'll get through this."


"You really think so?" She asked.


"I know so." I replied. "And I'm going to give you a name, too. From now on your name will be Angela, or Angel for short. How does that sound?"


"I love it!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug around the middle.


"I'm glad you like it." I replied. "Now you need to get some sleep. Since everyone’s scared of you, you may sleep on my bed. There’s no telling what we might be doing tomorrow, either..."


"Say Ann, can I ask you something?" She asked as she got herself comfortable.


"Sure, I guess." I replied as I stared at the night sky.


"Since my mom died today and we both have special powers, can you be my new mommy?" she asked. “I…I think my mom would’ve wanted that.” This request caught me by surprise and I almost didn't answer.


"It's fine with me." I finally replied. “You’ll be happy to know you have brothers and sisters back in America waiting for us.”


"" Angel said as she fell asleep. “I love you…”




"Hold it right there you heartless b******s!" Ted shouted at the men who'd taken Ann from South Africa. They jumped in surprise and reached for their guns. Ted broke them all with his sword, making them useless. "You didn't think you'd see us again, did you?" Ted taunted as he stalked them. I knew better than to interrupt when he got like this—he slaughtered his entire High School Senior Class. The men started yelling and shouting in Korean but Ted said something in their own language that made them all shut up. Kodak and Ed came in after searching the rest of the building.


"She's not on the plane." Ed reported.


"What!?" I exclaimed, taking a pistol and shoving it into the face of one of the men. Now it was my turn to be pissed off. 'Tell us where you took her or I will kill you where you stand. Ted, translate." After translating, one of the man sputtered something about taking her to a place in North Korea.


"Where in North Korea?" Ted demanded. I caught a man trying to hit Ted from behind and pistol whipped him.


"That just cost you your manhood," I added, shooting the man in the genitals. The 2nd shot was to the head. “Come on, Ted. Let’s get the f**k out of here. I feel like doing some hunting.”


"Kodak, finish this." Said Ted after knocking out the man he was speaking to. "We're out of here."


"I take it you know where they took her?' I asked as I followed him out of the room.


"Those b******s took her to the Togo Institution North Korea." Ted explained. "It's a place where people are trained as kids into soulless killers."


"Didn't she escape from there?" I asked.


"Yeah, but then she was 16 years old and she wasn't eight and a half months pregnant." He replied. "It seems those two decided to take up the bounty put out on her. Those two wanted to take advantage of the situation when they saw her."


"Don't worry, we'll get her." I replied reassuringly. "I got you into this s**t and I'm gonna help you get her out."


"Thanks, but if this place is as tough as I hear it is, we'll need some help." He replied.


"Anyone in mind?" I asked. He just smiled.


"Hopefully, it's nothing Leviathan can't handle..." He said as his sword began to glow. Moments later a huge sea dragon appeared and Ted mounted it.


"Wait—what about the other bounty?" Asked Ed. I opened the closet where the men were left. They were still breathing, good.


"Let's make this quick," I said hastily. "One stop and after that we're going to Korea."




"That's wrong, do it again!" The trainer shouted at Angel. Me, Angel and several others in the Psychic Soldier Program were in our 8th day of training. In that time I had quickly regained the full use of my powers. Of course, I kept that information to myself.


"I can't move it…it's too heavy..." Angel breathed as she collapsed in exhaustion. I looked at her in shock. All of us had seen what she did after her mother was executed. Had she not fully recovered since then?


"You, #003!" The trainer yelled at me. "Demonstrate to this insolent little brat how to move that statue." With a flick a finger I lifted the metal statue high into the air. Even the trainer was surprised at this display of power. Another wave and it was sent flying far into the horizon. Everyone could only watch, speechless. "Very nicely done." The instructor said, all the while staring me down. I could tell he knew I was more powerful than I let on. “Now bring that same statue back here.”


“I can't.” I replied curtly. “Much too vulgar of a display of power.”


“Why’s that?” he reasoned. “You didn't seem to have a problem throwing it across the sky.”


“Why don't I just throw you across the sky?' I proposed. “I'm sure no one here would have a problem with my doing that.” The rest of the training went without further incident. At the end of the day me and Angel were moved to another room in another part of the facility. It actually had running water for showering and two beds. We were told I would be personally supervising Angel as she underwent her Psychotherapy Training. I could only assume this change was Hurley's way of monitoring the two of us more closely. I just shrugged it off, knowing I'd be gone long before that would begin to matter.


"When my husband and his friends get here I'm taking you with me back to America." I said to Angel that night. "It's the only right thing to do."


"Will you really do that?" She asked.


"Of course." I replied. "You'll have at least 5 new brothers and sisters and maybe one more when we get out of here."


"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, giving me a hug. "I'm so happy to know I'm going to have a real family. Oh! I can feel the baby kicking!”


“And the baby will be coming soon...” I trailed, remembering my other big problem with being in this place. “I just hope it's not while we're in here. I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for your birth mother to have you in a place like this.”


“I remember.” she said quietly as she leaned on my belly.


“Remember what?” I asked.


“Being born.” she replied as she slipped her head in my hands. I realized she wanted me to visit the memory with her “It's why I have a different eye and hair color from everyone else. My birth...was special...”




7 years ago...


Hmm...this one will do.” Hurley said as he chose subject #386. “Strong vitality, considerably advanced in both Terra and Soul Energy, a viable age...yes, she will be perfect. Let us begin Gene Therapy treatment immediately.” #386 was taken from her holding cell and escorted to a laboratory, where she was immediately strapped to a gurney. Once this was done the guards left the room and a team of scientists took their place.


Greetings, #386.” Said one of the scientists. “You have been chosen to give birth to what we hope will be the first of many Super Humans with advanced abilities and near-limitless Force Energy. Because the child you will give birth to is going to be the prototype, you will live in this laboratory for the duration of the pregnancy.”


Beginning Gene Therapy treatment.” another scientist said as a robotic arm bearing a syringe with a red liquid lowered itself to #386. it then injected the solution into her abdomen. At the same time, a second needle pierced her neck, knocking her unconscious. When she awoke the next day, she was in a holding cell.


Congratulations, #386.” the scientist who first spoke the previous day said as he opened her cell. ”You're pregnant so now the real fun can begin...” two guards entered the room, grabbed her and dragged her back to the lab where she was strapped into a chair and injected with more liquids. This continued for the duration of her pregnancy. As she entered her 9th month of pregnancy, Hurley visited the lab to personally check on her progress.


Everything is proceeding as planned, I see.” Hurley remarked as the Lead Scientist gave him a full summary of what they'd done to #386. “Good. The baby's a girl but we could breed it when it becomes of age...” Once she entered her 5th month, they cut her belly button open to create a line directly to the developing baby. That way they could bathe the child with massive amounts of Terra and Soul Force Energy.


They had to keep the mother drugged so the massive amount of energy her child was being integrated with didn't kill her. With the day's round of experiments completed, she was taken back to her cell. The child within her was so strong, she had to use her own Force Energy outside the laboratory to move. Because of all the injections she'd been given, her belly glowed whenever the child was awake, allowing the baby to be seen through her skin.


The following day, #386 went into labor just before her scheduled round of injections. Hurley was notified immediately so he could be present for the birth. Not wanting the child to be weakened through natural birth, they operated at once to remove the baby from her body. Once the baby was extracted, they closed up the mother and put them both in a recovery room.


She is perfect!!” Hurley exclaimed with glee as he held the newborn. “In time, she will lead an army of many like her on a campaign to overthrow the world!”


With the data we collected, we can easily make more Super Humans.” The Lead Scientist remarked as he reviewed the data he from the successful project. ”What would you have us do with #386?”


As soon as she is able, impregnate her again.” he ordered. “I want to be absolutely sure the same system used to create this child can be used on a much bigger scale...”




When the memory faded, I noticed Angel was now sleeping. Disbelief, Horror, Pity, Sympathy. These and more I felt for her. In seeing this I now knew she’d gone through a traumatic experience before she was even born. Watching her mother’s execution may have done more than awaken her powers and it made me fearful. I didn’t know what Hurley’s true plans for her were and I didn’t want to find out.


I was a bit upset the drug I'd taken had quickly gone through my system and now I was using a bit of my Force Energy to drastically slow down my pregnancy. It was a technique Terra taught me when she had Serenity. I'd been doing it for a few days and I knew I couldn't do it forever, as I’d eventually exhaust all of it. If Ted didn't get to me before I give birth I would be killed and Angel along with our child would be doomed to live the life of an Assassin and that was one thing I wanted to avoid at all costs. If necessary I would even use a Lost Art of Spellcasting I was taught by Hurley’s father but I hoped I wouldn’t have to unless there was no other option.




"Cool, we're close." Tom remarked as we flew over North Korea. "We should be at the Togo Institution in about 5 minutes."


"The sooner, the better." I replied as I gripped the hilt of my sword. We'd just finished Tom's bounty and in addition to the money we traded in our plane for two Blackhawk Helicopters. I rode Leviathan solo while Tom shared one with Kodak. Ed Ross piloted the other alone as well.


"Look alive, they've seen us!" Ed warned after narrowly evading an anti-air battery. “Evasive Maneuvers!” In the next moment we were all under fire from the towers.


"Take out those towers!" Tom exclaimed. Leviathan fired a beam of Ice from its mouth and blew away the first two. "I'll take the right." Tom said as he veered sharply. "Ed, you go left, Ted up the middle."


"I follow," I replied as Leviathan prepared to raise a Tidal Wave.


"Copy that," Ed responded. We pounded them with everything we had until all the towers and defense systems were completely destroyed. We even managed to pick off several defensive turrets set up outside the facility's perimeter. The danger passed, we set down in the main courtyard, grabbed a weapon and surveyed the area.


"You know, when I was a kid I played a lot of video games." I said to Tom, Aqua Blade in hand. Leviathan wrapped itself around the Helicopters to protect them with its tougher than steel body.


"Halo's a personal favorite of mine." He remarked as he patted his M-17 assault rifle.


"This sort of thing just seems natural, I guess." I said with a laugh. "Let's get to it."


"Right," Tom replied. "Ed and Kodak, guard the choppers. If anyone attacks you, take 'em out."


"Understood." Kodak replied.


"Let's go." I said to Tom before turning to my Dragon. “Leviathan, cover us from the air.” It nodded in acknowledgment and flew up high. Tom and I went through the facility building by building, taking out any and all foolish enough to oppose us. When we entered a room full of prisoners, we unshackled them and escorted them from the building. The pattern repeated itself for two hours until there was only one area we hadn't checked out yet. The bodies of those we killed littered the entire compound. 'Psycho Ward' was the name of the building. I could only wonder what they were doing with Ann inside. It didn't take me long to find out.


"Ted, I'm here!" Ann exclaimed. I looked around and could see no one.


"Where are you?” I asked, still looking around.


"Inside the building in front of you." She replied.


"Why can't I see you?" I asked.


"Because I'm speaking to you using Telepathy." she replied.


"The Force Energy I've sensed so far—it's warped and unstable!" I exclaimed before realizing I was letting my guard down. "We'll talk in person." A well-placed Aura Cannon blew the doors open and we let ourselves inside. Tom shot off the locks and I looked inside each room. Scared occupants were all too happy to be freed.


When I came to the final room I was met by two guards, both of whom were immediately shot dead by Tom. "I take it this is where Ann is." Tom remarked as I broke the door down. Inside, I not only found Ann but a little girl as well.


“Jeez, Ann it looks like we got to you just in time.” I remarked, regarding her huge midsection. “You look like you could go in labor any minute.”


"I knew you'd come and get me." She said as we embraced. "Now come on, let's get the hell out of here!"


"Wait—who is she?" Tom asked, referring to the girl we found in the room. On second look I noticed her white hair and blue eyes.


“What in the…?!” I exclaimed in horror. “Her Force Energy exceeds me and Leviathan's combined! Not even the Twins gave off this much energy at her age!”


"This is Angel." Ann introduced. "Her mother was killed the day I came here. She has no other family so I decided to adopt her into our family. Trust me when I say she’s better off with us than what the b*****d who created her has in mind."


"Agreed." I said, knowing how the rest would go. “She can come. Still…I can’t shake the fact that she has all the different types of Terra and Soul Force Energy within her being. It’s extremely rare for any human to be naturally born like that. Speaking of which, what about the rest of your powers? Are they all back now?”


"Yes they’re back," she replied. "In fact, since being back they’ve become much stronger."


"This is amazing…" I said as I threw my hands up. "Who knows—Mark Anthony or Celes might be able to use Force Energy…"


"So I can come with you?" Angel asked me.


"Yes, now let's get the hell out of here before more guards show up." I replied as we headed for the door.


"Not so fast." Said a new voice. I turned around and saw who I assumed was the b*****d who ran this place. "You may do what you want with Ann but the girl belongs to me."


"I don’t think so." I replied, pointing the Aqua Blade at him.


"You're wasting your time." he said, waving one of his hands. In the next moment the wall behind us was blown out and we were all swept outside.


"Oh, s**t..." Tom managed to say as we all got to our feet, Angel and Ann having a much softer landing. Our new friend was none too surprised to see this.


"I was right to suspect you were stronger than you let on." the man said to Ann. "Now you and I shall fight."


"No.” I said as I started toward him. “You'll have to kill me before you can get anywhere near her!”


"Stay out of this, Ted." Ann said suddenly as she began to glow. "This is between me and Hurley. I've been wanting to fight him for a long time now." She then floated into the air, Hurley following suit.


"Now, show me all of your power." he said. "Hold nothing back!" I watched as the two fought back and forth across the sky. They were moving so fast I could barely keep up. Ann struck a decisive blow that sent Hurley crashing into the ground. Upon landing, Hurley got back up.


”What's the matter?” Ann taunted. “Surprised I can move this fast despite being pregnant?”


“I'm just getting started!” Hurley exclaimed as he began to recite an incantation.” I, who stand in the full light of the heavens commands thee who opens the gates of hell! Come forth, divine lightning! Descend now—INDIGNATION!” When I saw the blast of white lightning fall, I ordered Leviathan to deflect it. To my dismay, my Dragon was downed, defeated. I was surprised when Angel appeared in front of me and absorbed a second attack, this time directed at me. After doing so, she fell to the ground.


“What the?!” Ann exclaimed as she landed nearby. And then Angel got up on her own as if the attack never happened.


“Uh, Oh…” I trailed as she stared at Hurley with cold, lifeless eyes.


“You're an evil man who doesn't value life of any kind.” Angel said to him. “You killed my mother, kidnapped innocent people and worst of all, created me. Everyone knows children will one day surpass their parents. Your father paid for his sins with his life and now you will, too.”


“What makes you say that?” Hurley asked, unfazed by the words of his own creation who was about to kill him.


“Because I am going to do something I've never done before and that is unleash my full powers!” she exclaimed as she began to give off a large amount of Force Energy. ”This I promise—I WILL KILL YOU!” With a blast of energy I fell back, fearful for what was going to happen next.


“Her Force Energy is enormous!” I remarked, suddenly realizing we were all in very real danger.


“I'll show you how powerless you are—All Creation!” That was all I heard before blacking out. When I came to, the Facility was aflame, all of us a safe distance from it.


“What just happened?” Tom asked.


“Angel unleashed her full power back there.” Ann said as she emerged from one of the helicopters. “If I didn’t summon Gaia we would’ve been killed.”


“You can summon?!” I exclaimed in surprise.


“Of course.” She replied. “I’m several years out of practice but the fact that we’re alive right now proves I’ve still got it.”


“Where is the girl?” Tom asked.


“She passed out after destroying the compound.” Ann replied. “She’s resting in one of the helicopters the poor girl. At least now she doesn’t have to suffer anymore…”




"Thank goodness that's over." Tom said when we were back in London. "If I ever go through anything like that, it'll be too soon."


"Then let's just look ahead instead of the past." I replied. "Speaking of which, we should be getting back to Boston."


"I guess this is goodbye, then." Said Tom. "Me, Ed and Kodak here are going be helping out the guys over in Iraq. It turns out they could use guys like us who have seen our share of battle."


"Seems like a pretty tall order even for you." I said as we shook hands. "Like always, make sure you come back in one piece."


"Of course." He replied. "You just make sure you take care of your family and we'll call it even."


"Deal." I said.


"I just got the paperwork finalized!" Ann said excitedly as she ran up to me from the US Embassy she was in with Angel. "We can take her home with us now!"


"I'm guessing they took a look at our track record." I remarked.


"All I had to do was tell them the truth, actually." She said. "It'll take some time learning English but she'll be fine."


"Hear that, sunshine?" I said to Angel in perfect Korean. "You're coming home with us! Would you like that?"


"I'd love it!" She replied. We caught our flight back to the States and landed 8 hours later. I decided to show Angel Boston from another view so we rented a helicopter to ride home. I could tell she was thrilled. When we reached home I saw that there were several people in the front yard. Fast forward to where we are now.


“…And that's pretty much the whole thing.” Ann finished. “It was a vacation that turned into a whole lot more.” With so many people in the house, I was surprised we managed to find a place to sleep for everyone. Fin, Gina and Hannah shared a room with Hannah's son in Fin's old room. Katrin shared her room with Jenna as well. Celes shared hers with Angel and Mark Anthony still had his own, as did Terra and Serenity.


"If there's any more additions to the family we're gonna need a new house." I said to Ann that night. "Wait—there are more babies coming, aren't there?"


"Of course." Ann replied. “More than expected but…yeah, there are—where are you going?”


“I’m sorry, but I have an important meeting to attend.” I replied as I grabbed my Aqua Blade.


“At this time of night?” she asked.


“Of course.” I replied before going out the door. I went out the back walked into the woods. After going far enough I made a campfire, sat on a rock and waited. After a few minutes, someone came the same way I just came from. When the person came closer, I was surprised to see who is was. “Angel, what are you doing here?” I asked.


“I couldn’t sleep.” She replied. “I don’t know why but something about Celes’ baby is making me restless.”


“That’s because like you, her baby is special.” I replied. “When I first saw you, I could tell your birth was special. You’re the most powerful Terra Force user in the world. Even I’m not that powerful.”


“Is that…ok?” She asked, this time in English. “Why was I made like this?”


“Seeing as the person who made you is dead, I think only God can answer that one.” I heard another voice say. I looked up to see Celes coming from the opposite direction. “To answer your first question, it's more than ok. It’s great. You’re a sweet, beautiful girl who would’ve been used as a weapon if not for Mom and Dad. I’m sure my baby feels the same about you that you feel about her. If I didn’t already have a name picked out I’d name her after you.”


“Thank you.” Angel said, tears sliding down her cheeks.


“Please don’t do that.” Celes said as she hugged her. “You should be happy.”


“But I am happy.” She replied. “I’m happy knowing I have a big sister that loves me so much.”


"So much for sleep..." We heard another voice say. "Wait—what are you all doing out here?” We watched as Fin and Katrin emerged, each coming from opposite directions.


“I could ask you the same.” I replied.


“We were supposed to meet Mom at this place.” said Katrin. “She left a note in the house asking that the two of us meet here with her at this time.”


“Well, I don’t know anything about that.” I remarked. “I did leave a note asking Celes to meet me here at this time, though.”


“Wait a minute—Angel, how did you know how to find this place?” Fin asked with a look of concern.


“I came with Mom.” She replied.


“What?!” I exclaimed. “Where is she?”


“Right here.” A new voice said. Before anyone could look around, Ann landed nearby. “I got tired of walking and decided to fly here.”


“Had I known you were going to be out here, I would’ve waited for you.” I remarked.


“Yeah, well I wanted to have a baby out here and didn’t want you to be around for it.” She replied before adding. “And no, I don’t want to have it in the hospital. It’s too late for that now.”


“Well, it’s a good thing Celes is a doctor, then.” Katrin remarked.


“What?!” she exclaimed, knowing where this was going. “Oh…I don’t feel so good…” Fin caught her before she fell over.


“She fainted.” He said.


“Well, it looks like this is going to be like when Fin and Katrin were born.” I remarked as I looked at the sky. It suddenly began to snow heavily.


“Katrin, go back to the house.” Ann said. “I called some old friends and they should be waiting there now.”


“Don’t bother, we’re already here.” A new voice said. We looked and saw Terra, Mark Anthony and everyone else coming with Dr. Derek Stiles and his Assistant, Nurse Angie Thompson.


“You guys think of everything, I see.” Angel said with a smile. When the sky lit up with lightning, we knew the danger was far from over.


“I’ve got my Solar Blade.” Mark said as he unsheathed his sword.


“I have my Lunar Blade, too.” Celes added, having been aroused by the light show.


“And I’ve got my Flame Lance.” Katrin remarked. “Dad, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”


“Let’s do it.” I said before the four of us jumped into the air, landing on the top of a few trees. As the lighting started to fall, we deflected it with our weapons. The strikes grow stronger and more frequent as Ann’s labor progressed. Remarkably, we kept up without too much difficulty.


“Look out!” Mark suddenly exclaimed. I turned to see Katrin just missed a stay bolt, which was heading to where Ann was.


“Not on my watch!” I said as I sheathed the Aqua Blade and then unsheathed my other sword, the Time Blade. Using its power to stop time, I destroyed it and landed safely nearby. After resuming time Celes, Katrin and Mark joined me. We looked up and saw the sun rising in a clear sky.


“It’s over…” Celes trailed as she sheathed her sword. “If the light show is over, that means…” The sounds of a crying newborn filled the air, bringing out attention to Ann.


Congratulations, it's a boy." Said the doctor once we got back. "Do you have a name picked out?"


"Nicholas." said Ann. "Or Nick for short."


"That makes it three boys and four girls." Terra remarked.


"Yeah, but who gave Ted more sons and daughters?" Ann shot back.


"Oh, hell no..." I said with a laugh. " Don't say anything to Terra to make her want more kids! That's how Serenity came about!"


“Did I forget to mention you have a new daughter as well?” Dr. Stiles asked me.


"What?!" I exclaimed.


"No, I kid." He replied with a laugh.


"Stop messing around and just show him.” Nurse Thompson said with a laugh. When I saw them both, it was like seeing Katrin and Fin being born all over again.


“And we thought our birth was going to be one to remember!” Fin exclaimed.


"That's...saying a lot." Celes remarked. “Angel told me hers was one to remember, too.”


"Katrina and Finneran Xavier and Nicholas and Ilana Alana." Ann said. "It seems like something out of a fairy tale."


"And this one looks like a happy ending." said Katrin. “I have to admit I was worried when I missed that last one.”


"I’ve got some other news for you guys as well.” Dr. Stiles said as he handed me a folder. " I did the tests like you requested and the results just came in. Celes, Katrin and Fin all have advanced neurological properties."


“What’s that supposed to mean?" Celes asked. It was then that Ann told them about her past and her advanced psychic powers. Considering what just happened, they took it well.


"Could this mean that Nick and Alana have psychic powers as well?" Ann asked as Fin and Katrin held them.


"We'll have to wait and see." I replied. "You’ve got a lot of power and I do but not in the same way. I’d say all signs point to yes."


"If that’s the case, then maybe..." Celes trailed, putting a hand to her stomach.


"We already know your baby is extra special, Celes." I said. "All that's left is to wait for the big day."




“What in the world…?” I emerged from the underground bunker, seeing the Togo Institution in flames. It seemed something catastrophic had occurred in the last 12 hours, as no one had come to feed or train me. When the high security system that kept me locked away disengaged, I decided it would be best to not waste the opportunity presented to me.


“You…you’re free…” A new voice said. I turned to see Hurley lying under a collapsed wall. When I drew closer I noticed the lower half of his body and one of his arms were missing. He was bleeding profusely and would be dead soon.


“How the tables have turned…” I said with a smirk. “It’s ironic. You kept me locked up like an animal and the ‘less dangerous’ sibling ended up being the one to kill you.” Seeing two swords lying nearby, I picked them up . One had “T.F. Blade” etched into the hilt, the other “S.F. Blade”. I decided to keep them seeing as their previous owner wouldn’t live long enough to miss them.


“#488…if you value you life, you will use your powers to heal me.” Hurley breathed.


“I don’t think so.” I replied sternly as I knelt next to him. “You know, you’re really pathetic. It’s no wonder you’re getting what’s coming to you. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a sister I haven’t seen since birth to find.” I rose and headed for what was left of the front gates. Remembering one more thing, I turned back one last time. “And Hurley—my name is Zenith. Remember it well.”


“I’ll see you in hell soon enough!” he roared. “You and your sister!” I walked a ways before coming to a beach. I could see land on the opposite shore. I wasn’t partial to swimming so I decided to fly over instead. I hadn’t gone far before three figures appeared before me. Two of them looked a bit older than me while the third looked much older than they.


“Most impressive.” The older man said. “My children and I were just on our way to destroy the Togo Institution to get something of value of us. I’m amazed you managed to pull it off by yourself.”


“Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not the one you’re after.” I replied with a smirk. “I’m actually trying to find the people right now. My sister left with them and I want to thank them personally for busting me out in the process. Just who are you, anyway?”


“My name is Abyssion Highwind.” The man replied. “These are my children Aurina and Damien. You want to find your sister? I know where she is. I happen to have business with one of the people she left with. Take note that because of that facility’s destruction, her new protectors may now be in very real danger. In order to face that danger, one would have to be very powerful.”


“I can take care of myself.” I remarked. “What concern is this to you?”


“Don’t you get it?” he asked. “If you face this danger unprepared, you will be killed. Allow me to train you and you will be able to overcome any obstacle no matter how strong or stubborn.” I regarded the man for a moment. He wore a black jacket and his hair was longer than mine. I spied two scabbards tied to his waist. Perhaps the most defining feature was his crimson eyes. When I looked into them I could tell he was not only powerful but refined. I knew not why but I knew he was one man I could never defeat on my own.


“Very well.” I finally said. “I accept your offer. My name is Zenith, by the way.”


“Excellent, Zenith!” Abyssion exclaimed. “If you learn quickly, you will be rewarded with weapons to add to your arsenal.”


“I’m ready.” I replied. “Let’s begin.”





© 2008 Brendan2k5

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Added on February 20, 2008



Boston, MA

I'm a Writery by hobby and up until recently my work has only been up for public viewing at my own website and Fictionpress. I've written many stories since 8th Grade and have decided to bring my newe.. more..

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A Chapter by Brendan2k5

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