Tragedy of War and Justice of Love

Tragedy of War and Justice of Love

A Chapter by Brandon Lee Cochran

All of us were concerned with what just unravled out there. Why didn't the zombies tear me apart? It was as if there were afraid of me. Madi, Angel, and Aaron were looking me up and down. ''Bro, where can I get a suit like that? Honestly I'd be walking and be like 'Oh yea ladies, space pants. This a*s is out of this world!' '' asked Aaron.

I just looked at him and shook my head. Madi was the brave one who asked what we were all wondering about ''What happend out there?'' Aaron and Angel nodded as if wanting to know what happend as well.

''To be honest guys, I have no idea...'' I explained all the details to them. About the way this clown zombie talked to me tellepathicly to about how the zombies seemed afraid of me and didn't want to harm me. "Madi, your the zombie expert out of all of us. What the hell is going on with me and this whole crazy s**t with the zombies?''

For once she seemed at a lost of words ''I don't know, Brandon. I've never read a book or heard of such things of what happend today. I suppose theres something more to our mutations than I thought.''

Angel, who has been silent ever since the battle, spoke ''I agree. Nothings going to happen to me. I've had no mutations. I just survived.''

Aaron looked at the zombie that stood at attention next to me like a guard to a royal king might be posed. ''So, what are we going to do with Mr. Decaying Clown right here?''

I looked at Aaron ''We take him with us. He clearly has no reason to harm us or he would have done so already.''

Madi looked at me then at the zombie ''If he tries anything I'm popping a cap in his a*s.''

I nodded ''Now we have to get back to getting down to the plan since we've been distracted.'' They all nodded and knelt down all focused on what I had to say. ''I'm thinking that if we can find a cargo ship and stock it full of food, oil, matches, clothing, and anything else we might be able to use to survive and build a new home. Angel, Madi, I want you guys to team up together and look for food and clothing-''

Aaron chimed in saying ''And condoms! You never know when were going to have some the urge to get down and dirty.''

I continued ''- Aarons going to come with me for the fuel, shelter materials and anything else that might be helpful like ammo. Zombie, stay here and wait 'till we get back.'' They all nodded and we took our seperate ways ''Oh, and please, be careful. I don't want to have to look for body-bags while were out here too.''

"Damn it! I should have told them to get XXXL size condoms or their going to get them too small and theres going to be a s**t load of mini Aarons everywhere.'' Declared Aaron.

''Bro, theres only two chicks with us. Angel and Madi. Angels spoken for and Madi doesn't like you like that.'' I stated.

"True. Thats like major c**k block there.''

I nodded. Aaron and I have been walking for hours, breaking into stores, rummaging through isles to try to find anything helpful and so far all we have is a black trashbag full of random crap. ''Aaron, we have pretty much accomplished nothing here. All we have so far is soap, towls, shampoo, and a few ammo packs.''

"Don't forget the lubericant bro! Thats always comes in handy!''

I shook my head. ''Who do you plan on banging? Dead decaying p***y?''

"...You have a vary valid point there, bro. I don't want to f**k dead cats.''

''Thanks for seeing my reasoning. Keep to beating off for now.'' Aaron glared at me but didn't have anything to say back at me so we continued to walk. "Lets go check out the cargo ships. Look at the fuel, make sure the tanks full so that we we're not stranded out in the middle of the ocean.'' Aaron nodded.

We reached a big ship called the U.S.S. C**k 'N Go. Aaron looked at me and chuckled ''Hey bro, it's named after you.'' I couldn't help but chuckle too. We entered the ship and stood at the main hall. ''What smells like s**t? I don't have cow crap on my face still do I?''

"No-'' I knelt down to the ground and touched the floor. Foot prints. Recent, maybe about 2 hours ago. ''-I don't think we're alone, Aaron.'' I drew my sword and Aaron withdrew his 44 magnum hand gun from its holster attatched to his ankle. We searched till we got down to the cargo hold. I smelt something. Not a zombie, but I did smell blood. Crimson droplets were leading to a space behind a couple of large crates. I held up my hand signleing Aaron to hold his position. I walked around the crates, sword in hand. I looked in the space to find a woman laying there unconcious. I walked closer to her and knelt down. She was half clothed and looked fatigued. I put my index and middle finger on her wrist to check her pulse. Still alive. I stood and looked at her face. ''Holy s**t...''

''What is it bro?'' asked Aaron.

''Its your girlfriend, Janie.''

"Bro, thats not nice. Don't be f*****g with me like that.'' anger in his tone.

''I'm not. Shes still alive, but barely. Shes fatigued and needs patched up really bad, and shes unconcious.''

Aaron shot around the corner to join me ''Oh my god. Bro we gotta do something!'' worry in his tone made me uneasy.

''I know. C'mon, lets get her to the captains lodge. Surely theres a medicle kit up there.'' He nodded and picked her up and carried her to the captains lodge with me. "Sit her on the bed.'' I found the medicle kit and knelt beside her. ''I'm going to put an I.V. in her to keep her hydrated.'' He nodded, a concerned look still on his face. I stuck a bag of morphene on the bed post and stuck the needle in her arm. ''She'll be OK for now. I want you to stay here incase she comes back to conciousness. Don't leave this cabin for any reason. Understood?'' He nodded and I left for outside. Now, I need to find Madi and Angel.

I was running, faster than my usual mutation would let me. Speeding by bungalos and corpses lying on the streets. I stopped to catch my breath. I heard a scream in the distence. More survivors? Or was that Madi and Angel.... Aw f**k. I rushed towrds the direction the scream came from. I saw Madi yelling and pointing her shotgun at Angel, and Angel was crying. I slowed down when I reached them. ''What the hells going on here? And, Madi, why are you pointing a gun at Angel for!?''

Madi looked at me, concern in her eyes ''Because shes infected.''

I stumbled back a little ''Shes what?'' I asked.

Madi frownd ''Brandon, shes infected. Shes been bitten.''

I looked at Angels for arm and saw bite marks, the color drained from my face. ''No... no, no, no, NO!'' I fell to my knees. ''It can't be....''

© 2011 Brandon Lee Cochran

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1 no one uses fatigued like that 2 morphine is a drug that has potential to kill or addict you just FYI but for the most part its good

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great! Gah! :/

Posted 13 Years Ago

Haha Okay, Angel. SPOILER ALERT!!! Your death has yet to be determined. You may or may not die.

Posted 13 Years Ago we go..write more..because that made me cry..I love you Madi! Don't kill meh!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on October 11, 2011
Last Updated on October 11, 2011


Brandon Lee Cochran
Brandon Lee Cochran

Terre Haute, IN

My name is Brandon Cochran, I'm a fictional writer. A lot of my writing contains vampires, demons, werewolves/lycans, or zombies. The characters in my book are based off of my friends and myself, with.. more..
