Old Reunion and a Blazing Love

Old Reunion and a Blazing Love

A Chapter by Brandon Lee Cochran

Our Apocolypse army of three meet an old friend. Does Brandon of deep feelings for this friend?...


It had to be noon, the Sun was high in the sky. Its light and heat scorching in our journey to California. It was unusually quite, that is untill Aaron tapped me on the shoulder and said "Dude, look at those rocks, don't they look like b***s?'' I looked back at him. He had a grin that looked like he had just made a great discovery.

I chuckled at him "Aaron, my horny friend. You need to quit thinking with your penis and start thinking with your brain.''

Aaron opened his mouth to say something but closed it knowing he couldn't win this arguement. We continued to walk untill what I assumed was about 3 o'clock-ish.

I raised my hand signaling Aaron and Madi to stop. Then I guestured for them to join me where I was standing. ''Here it is, California. The once loved place for spring break... now an intoxicating pit of hell risen zombies.'' We walked into the city, what it was called I had no idea. It was set a blaze, ransacked when the population was in a panick taking what they could till they realized that it was ever when this plague ripped through the city like a bull in a China shop.

I couldn't shake the strange feeling that we were being watched. Scratch that, we were being watched, I could smell a person... A living person, the smell was... intoxicating, not in a bad way, but it just smelt... good. I stoped and Aaron and Madi looked at me. Madi asked ''Everything okay?...''

I took me a moment to reply but finally I spoke ''Yeah, im good...'' Changing the subject I said ''This cities huge, it's going to take us forever to clear it.'' I looked at Madi and then Aaron ''Split up, we'll cover three times the ground we would as a group. If anything happens pop a flair. We'll meet you there in no time.'' With that they nodded and we split.

That intoxicating smell became stronger. I now knew I was the one being watched, I heard no foot steps, no noise at all, and saw nothing, not a zombie, not a sight of who or what was watching me.

A flash, a vision crept in my mind. Someone I hadn't seen since the virus was released. Was this something from the past, or was it some freak mutation that I was undergoing... The vision faded and I was brought back reality, alone... or so I thought...

Foot steps, I could hear them, creeping up behind me. They didn't sound like the staggering footsteps of a zombie, these were human, live human. And that smell, that same intoxicating smell was now stronger than ever. I stood still, acting as if I was not aware of the pressence, I couldn't risk it though, it might have been a mutation of zombie. In one swift motion I drew one of my machetties done a backflip through the air and landed on me feet behind the persuer. I took my free arm and grabbed them and held them against me so that they could not struggle. I took the blade and put it against their throaght. ''Who are you?...'' I was extreamly surprised to find it was a females voice.

''An old friend of yours... Brandon.''

"Who are you. Tell me now before I slit you throaght...''

"It's me, Brandon. It's Angel.''

My eyes widened to the mention of the name. "Angel...'' I took the blade away from her throaght and released my grip around her torso and backed away.

She turned and looked at me in the eyes. Her eyes.... those eyes, that face, flawless... I shoke my head trying to get out of the daze. I couldn't be doing this. Not in the open. "Angel how did you survi-'' I was cut off from the flair being launched in the air. I cursed under my breath ''-S**t!...'' I looked at Angel and said ''I have to go- Aaron and Madi- they need my help...'' She nodded.

"I'm comeing with you.''

I had no time to argue. They needed me. And I knew she could't keep up with me, not with the speed I had ''Come on, hop on my back. We'll get there faster.'' She did so reluctaintly. And we were there in a matter of minutes. Angel hopped off my back, and pulled out a sawed off shotgun. Aaron and Madi were pinned in a small bungalo. I unsheathed my two machetties, I caught a glance from Angel and she said.

"Machetties, really?''

I nodded not feeling like explaining. I charged the horde of zombies. And decapitated several while Angel, of course, decided to piss off the biggest mother f*****g zombie in the attacking horde. I rolled my eyes, she had to be the toughest chick I knew. I snaped the neck of and approaching zombie with ease. And took my one machettie and threw it at the Tank zombie and he was down for count. I retrieved my machettie and looked at Angel and asked ''The big basterd? Really?'' she shrugged like it was no big deal. I shook my head. Aaron and Madi came out of the bungalo. I jerked my head guesturing to the large mansion in the distence. the seemed to have an oddly large deffense. ''Set up camp you two. I want to an explanation when your finished. They nodded and walked off to set up camp.

I had to give Madi and Aaron credit, they sure knew how to make a temporary camp feel like home in the middle of a zombie Apocolypse. Angel was minding her own buisness, sitting in the tapistry New England chair she was cleaning her shotgun. I raised an eyebrow wondering a shotgun, really? Of course Madi's favorite weapon was a shot gun but she always used dragons breath ammo. But hers was a basic old looking shotgun.

It was midnight, I could feel it, the chill in the air. Even in California the nights were chilling. I told Aaron and Madi to get some rest, that I'd take first watch. Angel sat next to me. I looked at her, seeing her shiver from the chill in the night. I slid off my jacket and handed it to her. She raised her eyebrow in question. ''Take it, your cold, I can tell. And don't say your not.'' She nodded and slipped on the black jacket and zipped it up. ''First things first... How did you survive Terre Haute?...''

She looked at me and said calmly ''I don't know. I just new something was wrong and then I noticed all of it... the zombies the blood... All of it...''

I nodded seeing she was being honest ''And what are you doing in Cali?''

''Same thing you are. I'm looking for survivors, food, and shelter.''

There was something in the air, I could feel it. Not death, blood, darkness, sorrow, but... Something else was here... Something I haven't felt in five years. Love and warmth... She looked at me and gave me a warm, reasuring, loving smile... I missed that smile, I regret that day I left her... It still haunted my dreams. I could never admit it to her but that day, letting her go... Was the hardest day in my life. Even harder than loseing my nephew, neice, or Nicala. Now that she was here. I felt whole again, not worrying about anything. I was just glad to have her back. I could tell she felt the same way. I could tell she hadn't had rest in a while. The bags under her eyes said that. "Hey, get some rest. Looks like you need it.'' I gave her a reasuring smile. She looked over at Aaron, which was sprawled out on the couch snoring, I rolled my eyes at the sight, then she looked at the chair in the room, which Madi was sound asleep in. She started laying back to the floor ''Nope,'' I looked at her smiling ''Your not sleeping on the floor, you don't deserve that.'' She gave me another warm smile and layed her head on my lap and she was sound asleep within seconds. I looked down at her... It was hard to think, the only woman I loved in the world was back in my life again, after I thought she'd been dead. I whispered in her ear knowing she couldn't hear me ''...I love you...''

© 2011 Brandon Lee Cochran

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1 Review
Added on July 31, 2011
Last Updated on July 31, 2011


Brandon Lee Cochran
Brandon Lee Cochran

Terre Haute, IN

My name is Brandon Cochran, I'm a fictional writer. A lot of my writing contains vampires, demons, werewolves/lycans, or zombies. The characters in my book are based off of my friends and myself, with.. more..
