The One Mistake

The One Mistake

A Story by Bra.Kofi

This is a story of a young couple with dreams of starting a family and their lives took a twisted turn when they were both not ready for it.

It was not until 21 December that she realized that she had been with the wrong man. She sat on the edge of their wooden bed throwing herself against the freshly painted walls. It was almost Christmas. The curtains were Turkish made and draped their wide window panes. She observed closely the cause-effect of the sweet breeze and how they push the heavy curtains to and fro like the bob of a grandfather’s clock. Jasmine is a strong-willed lady in her prime Full of life, supportive and carries a charming charisma that many adored. She reflected on many things that night as she watched George snore and turns around comfortably in bed. 
All she could think of herself was how stupid and blinded she has been for the past 3 years. She’d found it all figured out, “it makes sense now, all of it” she murmured gently so not to wake George up from his sleep. “I have to think very fast and come out with a smart decision as soon as possible” Jasmine thought to herself. Maybe I should just wake him up and ask what conversation he had with that strange lady on his phone saved as “Willy� ” or I can pack my things and get going before he even wakes up. 
Just before she almost chanced on a decision, She saw him turning, the snoring stopped, he moved his arms to hold and snuggle her up like he does mostly when they sleep but there he couldn't feel her in bed. He jumped out of bed as though he woke from a nightmare where he was going to be fed to a camp of witches. He called her when he saw how she was sitting all by myself at that time of the night, alone and apparently not looking any cheerful.
 His eyes were like a hot furnace with rich supply of well seasoned wood, he was sweaty even when the weather was very religious. She gave out a fake smile that lasted as quick as lightening and he drew closer and held her hands, rubbed it with his thumb & asked “have you been up long?, why are you not sleeping? Are you okay?” Jasmine only gave a nod and looked away. “I woke up because I couldn't feel you around me”, she recollects him say, “Really??” She asked cheekily.
 He looked at her for awhile and walked away into the kitchen to get some water. He sat on the cabinet for sometime after drinking to his full and came back into the bedroom and fell right back into his spot. “Whenever you wanna talk” he said & went right back to sleep. She then walked to the balcony and watched from there as the whole city stays lit before her eyes at midnight, so calm and peaceful yet so conflicting.
 “Does George even love me? He’s cheating on me, I mean all those messages I read on his phone says it all. But why do I doubt he’s been unfaithful after even what I saw? Maybe it is because I have been poisoned into believing he was different”. “There’s just too much going on in my mind right now, I can not even sleep if I went right to bed. Yet he’s sleeping like he’s got no problem”.
 ( Well, George is one of those people who have no problem with sleep at all, they can even sleep on speakers in a club)

 At 6am and she woke up in bed well covered, she does not remember how she even got there, last thing she could remember was, she in the balcony siting in the cane chair. George was already up and doing laundry in the garage, she put on her towel clothes and made some coffee, one for herself and the other cup for him. He thanked her and took sips, just when she opened her mouth to ask how she got into bed, he explained he carried her there when he found her sleeping in the chair outside. She felt well protected. She felt it was the right time to hit the nail on the head
 Jasmine: George! 
George: Hey Love 
Jasmine: Promise to be sincerely honest in whatever I’m going to ask you and please do not be angry. 
George: C’mon just ask already 
Jasmine: That’s not a promise 
George: Okay, whatever! I promise 
Jasmine: Who is Willy? 
George: O Jesus Christ!! You’re snooping!!! 
Jasmine: Just answer my question please.
George: Nobody is Willy! It is just a prank I pulled on you and I used my colleague’s number from work for that! Jasmine: You expect me to believe that you can go this low to act so petty? And for what? You better tell me who that person texting you is George!
George: Listen I just told you the truth. And I’m serious, believe me. Do you even have to question my faithfulness to you after all these years? 
Jasmine: Whatever you have going on you better make sure I do not find out! 

She walks out on him and banged the door behind. Enters the bedroom and lays on the bed with her face staring at the roof. George moves in after about 2 minutes and kneels by the bed and apologizes for playing that “stale joke” on her. She helps him up and tells him it’s alright! (Even though she still does not believe him and knows she’s not going to let that just slide without her finding somethings out.) He gets up and hugs her tightly and kissed her ears. She smiled beautifully and giggled uncontrollably. 

       Later that day, after they were less busy and were all relaxing they heard a honk at the gate. It was George’s only close pal, Gozo and his wife Cecilia. They are a young couple who got married months ago and lives in the next town after George’s. The couple automatically became Jasmine’s friends also because of how genuinely special the friendship between the two men was and their partners got along so easily too. They had lengthy conversations about how fun college was and how life was so simple and beautiful growing up, their usual job activities and their daily happenings. 
     Drinking their favorite ale and chewing some chips Jasmine fried in the morning, they were really having a good time to even realize how quick time was flying. Then Cecilia drew Gozo’s attention to some things she had to take care of before the following day which is a Sunday and apparently the only day left for the weekend before their exhausting work activities for the week begun. Jasmine went up fast to meet Gozo in the kitchen alone when he was going to fetch his car keys and asked under a low tone what he thinks has been going on with George lately and if he’s ever seen him in any suspicious situation with any female lately but Gozo answered negatively. “He wouldn’t even say if he knows anything, Gozo is as loyal as a dog is to its master” Jasmine said to herself and Gozo reassured her not to worry about a thing because George was a very good man who will never jeopardize what they had.
 Jasmine gave a grin and thanked Gozo and walked them out the house and into their car. As they drove out the gate, Gozo said softly into George’s ears “Take Care Of What You Have Bro” and waved goodbye.  

Just after they left, Jasmine walked straight into the bedroom to pick and prepare her clothing for the week whilst George walked slowly into the lounge and sat in the couch in a very sober mood pondering over Gozo’s last words, he flipped on pages of an old magazine because he wouldn’t want his fiancée to notice that he isn’t alert. 

Then he reflected on what they have both been through and how important this lady was to him. To even begin, Jasmine is from a very well-to-do family where her father is a Supreme Court Judge and her mother a Pediatrician, she has two sisters who are both architects but she decided to take after her dad and read law. Jasmine’s parents did not even want her to even date George let alone talk of marriage. But she didn’t budge to none of their pressures and that even drew her apart from her dad and brought discord between she and her big sister Selorm, who agrees with her dad for her to terminate the relationship she has going on with George who according to them is a nobody and will amount to nothing and is only around her to siphon their money.

He reflected on all she has done for him even when they were both in college, she has practically given him a life and helped him all through graduating even through the university. He knows deep inside he owes everything he is to his loving fiancée Jasmine, so he thought to himself: has he been fair to her?, is he been truthful and faithful to the lady who has practically laid down her life for him? The responses he was getting were not the best and as he sat lost in his thoughts he felt a touch… It was his beautiful lady, she asked why he seemed so lost and couldn’t even hear her?
 George could not find any comforting reply but playfully tickled and fondled her. He looked right into her eyes and reassures her of the love he has for her and promises not to try mess that up, he swore he was going to make her his wife before the end of the first quarter next year. She smiled so beautifully and kissed him and says “I love you more George, forever!” 

They moved into the kitchen to make dinner and as usual, George would help his lady by cutting, cleaning and washing or sometimes just tell his normally boring jokes and riddles until dinner is served.
 It was Christmas Day and George had already fixed the tree lighting and gifts all over their tree, bought cakes and groceries and a whole lot of shopping items for the Yuletide. They played music and danced, ate and drank, kissed and made love after which they decided to rest. As Jasmine rests her head on George’s chest, untangling the hair on his chest and he also caressing her silky and sweetly perfumed hair, George’s phone rang out very loud and it caught their eyes both staring at the contact name on that dial. It was nobody but their only “Willy� ” 

            Emotions run deep, adrenaline pumping into their bloodstream, George’s heartbeat rate changed, Jasmine felt her fiancé’s heart stopped she feared he was going to die of a heart attack. But ohh he is a strong man who can handle whatever happens George went reluctant on picking up his phone with the excuse “my friend is just going to probably send me season greetings” but Jasmine insisted he picked up. And just when the call was about to end, he picked up but luckily for George the call dropped. “wooooosshhh what a relief” he said to himself! Jasmine suggested he call “Willy” back but George declined and since she didn’t want to look suspicious, she let that just go, with a smile on her face she added “it’s alright”
                                                Who is Really Willy� 
Back in College, in George’s hall was this good-looking South African girl with black curly hair and round cheeks which creates an enticingly lovely dimple anytime she smiled. A curvaceous girl with a body type that makes you wonder if she was by any means a descendant of Sara Baartman. George bumped into her at the main library entrance & she was not pleased by how grumpy he was.
 “How can you go about crushing into people like that? Aren’t those big eyes of yours been used?” 
As he lifted his head to render an apology to how disorganized and pressured he was that morning, George got struck by the beautiful face of this lady, her eyes shone with pleasure & the light of an unending desire of being possessed. 
He couldn’t utter a word at the first glance, he thought to himself “how come I never met any one of these nice girls over here and just when I got the chance I blew it by being a dick, my enemies must be way behind civilization”! George helped wipe her shoes and picked all her books for her and rendered an apology and gave out a soothing compliment about how great she looks, that gave birth to a contagious smile.
           He took charge of the moment and asked for her name and gave out his, she’s Winnie. A friendly conversation ensued and they both spoke at length as though they never almost fought. It was just lit, how they quickly bonded and talked about everything, George took her number and got other important details he thought were needed. A spark that was never meant to die struck. It felt special, meeting someone you think is way out of your league but been able to bond effortlessly. 
              That night after his evening lectures, He gave her a call, she picked up the phone and sounded drained, sleepy and vulnerable. George felt lucky, he could start a convo that would brighten her night and clear all she went through during the day. He spoke nice things and made her laugh and that really did work, she was outspoken and felt very comfortable speaking with him.
 George loved her accent, you know that Afrikaan accent when you hear them speak some English. They spoke for long and ended their call. They grew fond of each other over time and became an item as they are been seen together everywhere. It was magical. They eat together, took long walks, grabs drinks and gossips about everything; they fell in love. 
  The semester was almost over, everybody was preparing to leave campus and make their way home. George was sad, he isn’t going to be able to see his “Cinderella”, she will be traveling abroad. He thought to himself how lonely he’s going to be but he tried not to be weak, he didn’t want to show too much emotion, he’s neither good at being stoic. 
He went over to pay Winnie a visit, she stays alone in her hostel apartment, they drank some imported red wine and watched their favorite comedy show “The Big Bang Theory”. Winnie thinks Sheldon is just a stupid kidult but George feels different. 

               They snuggled and kissed, she went down on her knees and it was just dope the way she blew him. He felt his soul being suck out of his body. It was right there, he could not feel his face, he prayed not to bust in her face, God listened to his prayers. He took her up from her knees and kissed her, he ran his hands over her voluptuous body. Every curve had a name, each was very special, they craved proper handling. He massaged her body from her shoulders and towards her back down to her extra soft buttocks. She liked been touch, he could hear her skip a few heartbeats.
 He felt her getting moist from the under, he run his fingers over her fat p***y, it was juicy. He took off her panty, got her laying on her back with her face looking up, he split her thighs and kissed that p***y, that clitoris was engulfed with so much blood you could see the nerves pumping. The walls of her inside were super moist and the juice was dripping, he ate that p***y like he was served vegetables with cream. She could not help it but arch and moan. She held onto him and pleaded for him to give him some strokes of his hard and veiny dick. He gave in to her plea, pushing it through the gorged walls of her p***y. It was warm inside of her, George did not wanna leave. 
George was trapped inside, it was the greatest room he’s ever entered. He pushed in and out of her striking her g-spot and that made her uncomfortable because she felt like passing urine, she didn’t wanna embarrass herself but she was just liking that feeling. Winnie couldn’t utter any constructive sentence, all she could murmur was how good she was feeling, moaning and turning. George wouldn’t want to bust so quickly so he got out of her, turned her over for the doggy position, spanked her soft butts and pushed his dick inside of her through her back. He worked on that a*s like he’s always been fantasying about, he squeezed her a*s and fondled her n*****s as she vibrated all over, her legs shook and power run out of them, she fell to the floor trembling and moaning. She had just had her first orgasm. 
That felt so good she said out loud and laughed. 

That was a good goodbye gift he’d always wanted! Days went by fast and school resumed, they met again, George welcomed his baby with a fat kiss and they both laughed and were happy to see each other after the long holidays. After about a year, a fight broke out between George and Winnie over he not giving her the attention he used to give and not even picking up her calls and always giving flimsy excuses as to his new change. Winnie decided to end the relationship after trying to set things straight with George.
 He couldn’t take the news and was very heartbroken. Winnie left the country to further her studies in London. This broke George even more. He felt distressed not only by the break up but for the fact that he’s never going to see the love of his life any time soon.

 Depressed, broke and disappointed George met Jasmine during these times. She was that special friend who looked out for him, and met most of his needs because she understood his condition. He found solace in Jasmine and opened his heart once again to reconsider falling in love.
 ( I mean Jasmine is irresistibly hot and her brown skin was always well moisturized, glowing anytime she’s in the light, there was no way he could have held back on loving her).
 Jasmine proved herself worthy of George’s love and affection. They went through the second to their final year in the university together and graduated just last year. Just when life was going on smoothly after school, they both found jobs and were living their happy lives in their small rented apartment. It has always been love and faithfulness from both parties until… 

               One fateful afternoon when George was at work going about his daily activities happened to meet one good looking lady who to his outmost surprise happens to be Winnie. George felt confused and started sweating, his hands twitched, his voice faltered. He felt miserable.
 He was torn between love and hate, it was a mixed feeling. Winnie wanted to apologize and make amends, she wanted George back, she has realized what a big mistake she made by letting him go just because she was traveling and excuses of not paying her enough attention. She held him, looked right into his eyes and shed a tear, she said she’s sorry and wanted him back in her life. George shook his head and looked away, he said no, he is happy now with another lady and already engaged. He’s not ready to lose all that. Winnie pleaded and let tears down her face, she loves him and wanted him back. George is fighting the fact that he still loves her and never got over her before he moved on. He’s not ready to fall back. She handed an address and number over to him and asked him to call her after work.
 At about 5:30pm when George was leaving the office he looked at the card and pushed it under his books, he closed his room and went away. He never gave Winnie a call until Friday afternoon after he had had lunch and thought to himself “a little passion wouldn’t kill” he took out the card and dialed the number, he held on for some seconds and there it was, that same sweet voice he loved listening to and there was a rekindled chemistry.
 They spoke for awhile and had a good laugh, Winnie asked him to come pay her a visit at her new residence. They set Sunday as the perfect date for their meeting. He hanged up and continued with his work. 

        On Saturday George and Jasmine had a special moment, singing and dancing. Winnie made his favorite food and they ate. The following day they got dressed up for church and left for the morning service which lasted for 2 hours. They came back home at 12 and George gave an excuse of meeting up with his colleagues at a local pub across the street where they live. 
He went up to meet Winnie, and they reconnected like she never left, the sex was magical like it's always been. She felt tighter and well preserved, George feels lucky doing it will a lady he respects and knows won’t just do it with just anybody. She feels loved all over again although George never made mention of that words. He still respects his lady. After their special time, she snuggled up next to him and asks if he still loves her and wants her back. “I cannot talk about this now Winnie” he retorted.
 Winnie feels used and believes she deserves better, she has kept her body untouched all over the years still believing she would come back to her George and they would start afresh all over. But that was different, she feels she’s lost him, He’s gone, he no longer has feelings for her.
 She feels pained. George faked a call and asked for permission to exit her premises. He got dressed and headed to his car. She lay in bed wondering how stupid she has been and how unforgiving she is going to be with him.

Weeks went by and George has started ignoring calls and text messages from Winnie, he regrets ever doing it with her. He should have stayed faithful, he’s not ready to double date or stay untrue to himself. Winnie wanted a get back at with George, she missed her period and believes she might be pregnant. The test results came out positive and wanted to talk to George but he would not pick up his phone even once.
     So she decided to get to him at his workplace which she did and told George about her predicament. He almost lost his mind after hearing that, he couldn’t hear a thing after the news, it was as if he went deaf. He couldn’t take the news, it was unbearable. There it was, right in his face, he fucked up. He messed what he had up, he blew it all up.
 He could not think of any way to clear the huddle right in his face neither could he even try to jump over it. He really wanted Jasmine and not Winnie, whatever they had he believed was dead and gone and wouldn’t let Winnie ruin his life and future plans. He asked Winnie what she wanted them to do about it, She couldn’t say anything specific but didn’t sound positive or even considerate with George’s situation. She left his workplace and George wanted to think it through.
                        The Twist
 Winnie is “Willy� ” as saved on George’s phone. But Jasmine did not get that Winnie was pregnant because they never spoke about that in writing but about how they have missed each other and how good it was to finally meet and be in each other’s arms. 
Jasmine never let the whole explanation George gave as being a joke get to her, she followed her instincts not to believe all that to which she terms garbage. She started her own investigations and dug out a really sketchy image of a girlfriend George had back in college before she met him. “This could be her” she said to herself. 

             George on the other hand has been thrown into a state of oblivion with his surroundings including his gorgeous fiancée. He feels almost insignificant and very powerless. Trying to come out with a solution that would help him get out of whatever confusing state he was but the closer he drew to one, the farther he actually was. Should he just be sincere with Jasmine and open up about all that which has happened? Jasmine would leave him on even hearing all this nonsense, he remembers how she has always threatened to leave him any moment she thinks he is not been faithful. “There’s no polishing to undo what great damage I have caused myself” he sobbed.       He does not underestimate Jasmine’s smartness and her quest to finding out things even before he knew them. He knows what kind of lady he has and how possible it was for her to find out. He cannot want her to find out by herself because that would be worse, yet cannot man up to admitting the truth.

 That evening George got off work early, he took straight off to the house, took off his shoes and sat in the lounge. He headed over to the bar and got some old rum that he’s always drank religiously because of how expensive it was. He took the cork off and poured him a glass full, it took about 30minutes to get done with the glass he poured and before he could even finish he was already lost. Drunk and feeble, he laid in the couch, with his tie hanging from his neck and his shirt half-unbuttoned. 
He looked a mess and spoke slurry words that did not really make any sense. Jasmine was devastated to see her baby boy looking so drunk, she hurried to him and took away the drink and asked why he’s been drinking when he just got back from work.
             George only laid on the couch saying he is so sorry for letting her down and begs that she forgives him. She couldn’t understand what could make him say those things, she took off his clothes and held him to the bathroom where she turn the faucet on and the cold shower fell on his body, she wiped and cleaned him and took him back to the lounge and gave him some soup to drink. Jasmine went up to change her clothes, wipe off her makeup and came back to the hall, after about 40mins George could speak better than before and his words made sense now. 
She asked him what was wrong with him and why he was asking for her forgiveness, George broke down in tears, sobbing like a baby, (well he is a baby; Jasmine’s) Then he mustard the courage and explained what has been going on and said it just happened once… Jasmine was fuming and burning, she couldn’t even believe her ears, she could not believe George has been lying to her all this while. 
She wouldn’t even buy into that “it was a one time” thing. She knows better. She had regretted not listening to her Dad and her big sister. The betrayal, her dreams and plans are shattered. She has grown to believe if a person cheats once, they’ll find a way to do it again and again if they got the opportunity. That is why she would not even allow herself believe what George had said.
 She did not know what to do now and how to even begin whatever she feels will be the rightest decision to make. Should she leave George and his lying-a*s? Maybe she should just let Winnie have him since she’s pregnant now, she wouldn’t want to marry any man with a child outside marriage anyway.
 But if she left, then Winnie would have won and gotten back with her baby boy and that would mean all her sacrifices, plans and goals all go down the drain and where will she start afresh from? 
               She pondered over these things in their bedroom which she locked behind her to prevent George from coming closer to her who might even disclose more that would add salt to injury. Jasmine broke down physically, emotionally & spiritually, she wondered why bad things happens to good people and what she has done to deserve such a twist in her life.

© 2016 Bra.Kofi

Author's Note

ignore grammatical errors etc

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Added on May 20, 2016
Last Updated on May 20, 2016
Tags: Love, African, Ghana



I am Man I am Man

A Poem by Bra.Kofi


A Story by Bra.Kofi