Guess What's in My Pocket

Guess What's in My Pocket

A Story by Libra Lynn

A man offers an item to the world, that is, if they can guess what he carries.


“If you can guess what I have in my pocket, you can have it.” A man offered the world.

“Can't you give us a hint?” They would ask.

The man would simply shake his head, “make your guess.” He would say.

The line was constant, some were on their third pass, waiting hours for a brief moment with the man. As word travelled, people journeyed further to the line. It seemed the man had fooled the world into thinking he carried the very secret of life within his pocket.

“Is it the magical lamp of the jinn?” Someone asked.

“No.” The man said. Clutching a staff he sat at the base of an apple tree. An endless supply of fruit lay about to satisfy his hunger as the thousands of people attempted to guess what he carried in his pocket.

“Where are you from?” Someone finally asked.

The man smiled, “perhaps the object in my pocket will answer your question.”

“That doesn't make any sense . . . do you have a treasure map in your pocket?”

“No.” The man answered.

Finally a child approached, without mother or father, the child was no more than five years of age.

“Have you come alone?” The man asked.

The child nodded.

“Care to guess what I have in my pocket?” The man asked.

The child shook her head and pointed to the apples. The man smiled, offering her the best apple from the grass. Accepting the fruit she said, “I bet you have nothing in your pocket.”

“That would be rude of me to offer nothing. The world wants more than that.”

“The world doesn’t know what they want.” The girl said through a mouthful of fruit.

“Quite wise, care to sit beside me?” The man asked.

“Only if you tell me what’s in your pocket.” The child said.

The man smiled and retrieved a peice of paper from his jacket, “can you read?”

“No.” The child said, “what does it say?”

“It has today’s date written upon it.” The man said.


“It’s the date for the end of time.” The man whispered.

The child skewed her face. “The end of time? Time doesn’t end.”

“That it does, and it will, today.” The man said.

“Then what?” The child asked.

“Then it starts over.” The man said.

“That doesn’t make sense.” The child said.

“Sure it does.”

“No it doesn’t.” The child said.

“When time ends, it only begins again. I know this because I am the keeper of time.” The man smiled.

“Keeper of time?”

“Yes, I keep charge of time. And this peice of paper is my curse. I have seen many times come and go, but this particular peice of time has been favorite.” The man looked to the line of people, standing just out of ear shot. “Truth is, I don’t want time to end, this time.” The man confessed.

“Then don’t let time end.” The child said.

“That’s not how it works.” The man said.

“Who says?” The child asked.

“Time says.” The man said, considering the words of such a small being.

“What happens if someone guesses right?” The child asked.

“Then they get to have what is in my pocket, along with the duty of forever carring the end of time in their own pocket.” The man said.

“What will happen to you?” The child asked.

“I will no longer be the keeper of time. It is my only escape. I cannot give it away. I have to be asked for it.” The man said.

“Can I have it?” The child asked, chewing a large portion of apple.

“What would you do with control of time?”

“Probly wait to end time ‘till everyone was good and ready.” The girl said.

“Good answer.” The man reached it his pocket and handed the girl the paper.

The moment her fingers accepted the paper, time stopped.

“You are the new keeper of time, child.” The man said, “good luck. I think time is ready for a child to take charge.”

The girl stuck the paper in her pocket. “Thanks.” She said.

Skipping away from the apple tree, the girl’s feet erased everything behind her. Life, matter, and all of existence vanished in her trail. Ahead was a new era. As the new keeper of time, the child formed the creation of art, fantasy and imagination. Without such a young mind to take charge of time, the world would never know imagination, and life as we know it, would be quite boring.


© 2017 Libra Lynn

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The man would simply shake his head no (if he shook his head, that indicates he's saying No,you don't need to write it)

particular piece of time has been (my) favorite

The man said, the child said, 'when there are only two people in a dialog, you can omit most of the tags, unless needed.

carring the end of time in their own (carrying)

I enjoyed this piece; a child the keeper of time, beautiful. I imagine all art is a person's childish expression leaping from their enclosed sprite and mind. Well done.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I love it! Aside from what Jack pointed out, the story flows nicely. It is often the place we least expect that we find wisdom beyond most people's understanding. Very well written and a captivating red. Thank you for sharing!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

The man would simply shake his head no (if he shook his head, that indicates he's saying No,you don't need to write it)

particular piece of time has been (my) favorite

The man said, the child said, 'when there are only two people in a dialog, you can omit most of the tags, unless needed.

carring the end of time in their own (carrying)

I enjoyed this piece; a child the keeper of time, beautiful. I imagine all art is a person's childish expression leaping from their enclosed sprite and mind. Well done.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 23, 2014
Last Updated on June 7, 2017


Libra Lynn
Libra Lynn


Imagine. That's all. more..
