Chapter 3  - Generation X Part II

Chapter 3 - Generation X Part II

A Chapter by Alem

A young boy named Joker Survived a horrible crime. He saw his brother killed later he got adopted but then he realized he could see right trough people at their darkest moments. He became a detective

                     Chapter 3
                    Generation X 

Killer 2: I cannot kill him yet because i do not have a good visual shoot, damn it! 

Killer 2: I cannot see a thing the cops are blocking my vision too kill my target, damn it.  

Joker: We need too ask you about,  Generation X? 

Gem: Tell us or we will make you suffer even more jail time perhaps you wont see a light of the day ever again. 

Killer ( Jin): I told you everything i know!!!! I do not know anything. 

Joker: I think you know everything about Generation X because we believe somebody is after you and you do not want to be seen as we told you earlier... The second reason is you are really professional at lying and killing because you have too be apart of an crime syndicate to be able too be that good and the last part is you told us that you wanted information about Generation X  which means you know them, That trick you just pulled is a very old trick that gangsters us to deceive people by feeding them the wrong information. 

Killer: Damn your a good cop but you do not seem to be like them at all, you are different. Am i Wrong?

Joker: You are right Im a detective new to this business but i  work hard too make that come true. You say you know little about Generation X but i think you are in their organisation? 

Killer: It seems that you have learned alot. I can tell by looking at you, that you have alot of sadness in your life. So something must have happen too you which made you become a detective. 

Killer: You are correct! I belong to a crime syndicate called Generation X and I have been there whole my life since i was young kid, i learn plenty of things too survive in this world as an assassin. 

Gem: We need to know your base Location and who is running it? 

Killer: Sorry! Nobody knows because the boss is good at hiding, we learned from the best, stupid!! I wont tell you the location but i might make an exception, Let the girl arrest me? 

Gem: That wont happen you must have a plan? 

Killer:  I do not have any plan i just do not want to be killed by the legendary assassin, I have no room to escape? 

Killer 2: S**t! He is really good at hiding it seems like Generation X has taught him well this might be more problematic then i taught... 

Joker: We have no choice Gem! We have to believe in the killer words otherwise we wont find the location... 

Strange... My eye is not hurting which means he is not lying, for know. 

Joker: Ema! Please do it! 

Ema: OK! But it is on you! If something happens to me...

Joker: I hate to say it but you are right, Ema!!!! 

Gem: Officers Wait! Give Ema pair of Cuffs...

Officers: Yes, Mam? 

Officers: Here you go!!!

Ema: Thanks! Alot! 

Ema: Now you must tell us the location of your hideout... Where is the hideout?

Killer: I do not think so...! Look down at your back, Miss, Scientist?

Ema: Whaaaat!!! 

Killer: There is a knife in your  back, Genius!!! Is it not?

Ema: Joker! Please tell my parents that i really enjoyed my part time job as an student... 

Joker: That was a good joke. Please cuff him know before he hurts everyone else. 

Gem: He is telling the truth! Joker he has a knife in his shoes and he is threatening her. 

Joker: Damn it!!!!! How could i missed it! He is more dangerous then i taught? Gem, Can you take him down? 

Gem: Sorry!!! If i shoot now, in the head, back, shoulder. She would be dead? My only option is shoot him in the eyes but you must be a really good at this s**t, Scheisse!!!!!!!!!. There is no one in the world that knows how too shoot that skillfully. 

Killer: Joker your dedication where spot on but miss scientist got a tiny bit wrong   when it comes too buying shoes. The crime syndicates taught us very well meaning to handle every situation carefully which means you always have a back plan... 

Gem: That is insane how they teach young kids this!!!!

Officers: We do not have any good visual shoot either!!!!!

Joker: This is not good at all.

Killer!: That is why we have a moto in our lifes that drive us to move on and that is; ''One kill & One world''  

Ema: What the hell does that mean?

Killer: That means, for every kill we make the world gets better...

Joker: That way of thinking it is psychological and dark.

Killer: It might be. No more talking!!! Let me out of here and i will spare this girl.

Gem: Das ist catastrophe!!!!!

Police: Ja! Das  ist nicht gut!!!!

Killer 2: Damn, That Jin traitor!!!! He is better then i have imagined. Smart move from him to make since he knows that i cannot shoot children and he even made good plan too put a knife in a  shoe. It makes it harder too shoot the target since he can have some reflexes even if i killed him the body might work on its own for a while it is called the nerve system. The shoot is risky that even i cannot dare too pull, me the greatest sniper assassin in the world, Well played Jin!!!! My only chance is too call his cellphone and wait for a reaction, The timing is not a problem for me but if Jin is going to answer it because Generation X has taught them well i must admit. 

Ema: What is that noise?

Killer 2: Beep, Beep, Beep... Damn i have to answer it because it might be my boss, so no word on your behalf, miss

Scientist or any off you!!!!!!

Police: Understood!

Gem: Fine!  

Joker: Understood!! 

Killer 2: You made a mistake!!! 

Killer: Who is this? Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Killer: Who is this? Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ema: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! It is blood?

Joker: stay calm Ema, You are not injured it is the legendary assassin!!!! 

Gem: Jin Is dead!!!!!! He fell on the floor and the bullet enter his eyes and head...

Gem: I have never seen such an good shooter before this is skillfully, the legendary assassin is here. 

Legendary Assassin ( Voicemail): Well Well!!!! I see that you are calling me by that name and i do not liked it, so call me vision!!!

Vision ( Voicemail) Do not move or i will kill you as you saw how i did to him. 

Joker: Why are you speaking to us, Vision? Are you delusional?

Vision: Nop! Since i cannot leave my signature behind near the body i have too just say, ''Catch Me If You Can''

Joker: I have my own version too you as well, '' Check the card near the body'

Vision: You trickster! You are stealing my idea from me... You are the annoying detective that always put a card near the dead bodies just to piss me of and give me attention, you are one scary detective i must admit, but tell me why or i will shoot you? 

Joker: You stole my brother for me so im stealing what is yours and one day im going too  send you too prison for life...

Vision: Wow! Im so scared! Click, Click!!! Do you hear that mr trickster im loading too kill you. I cannot understand how you survived a brat like you all these years. In my years as an assassin i have never missed my target even once. This makes me feel bad, a pro! like me but before i kill you tell me this how did you survive the Lion fish poison?

Joker: I got Lucky i got immune and i called that faith.

Gem (Whispers): My Police force! Slowly approach that, Brandenburg Gate!!!! The Scientist have analyzed the sound and it comes from there...

Police ( Whispers) Jawohl! 

Gem: You better spread put the force into teams and shoot if needed, be careful!!!!

Police: ( Yes, Mam!!!)

Vision: Im going to shoot you know, Goodbye mr trickster!!!!! Baaaaam!!!

Joker: Bang! That was a close one, I managed to hide behind a police car if you have not notice.

Vision: Do you why they call me vision because i see it all!!!

Gem: One officer is down, Code RED, CODE RED!!!

Joker: You imbecile be a man and shoot at me!!!!

Vision: Sorry! You are my satisfaction i envy you too manage too survive all this hellish years on earth i can call you my rival because you are not fragile as any other humans.  

Ema: That is a psychotic way of thinking!

Vision: If you where not an child i would have killed you in an instant!!

Ema: Im not a chiiild im an teenager that just looks like a child you scumbag!!!

Joker: Bam Bam Bam!!!!! 

Ema: Why are you shooting with your gun? He cannot hear a thing i said to him!!!! 

Joker: Ema Do not get carried away otherwise i have too declare you dead because he is in a whole different league

than us. Hurry and Run to the car, you both!!!!

Gem: You Heard the detective!!!

Police Force: Yes Mam!!!

Vision: Click! Click!!!!  My Accuracy is 90%Correct and i have killed 99% of my targets you ruined me trickster. 

Joker: Stop calling me, Trickster, my name is Joker!!

Vision: That name fits you well!  Click! Click! Tapp! Know you all must die goodbye.

Police:  Boom! Vision! Hands in the air where we can see them!!!

Gem: Do you really think we would be that stupid to let you do as you wish!

Joker: Where are you right now, vision?

Vision: Outside too kill the world!

Joker: Argh!!!!!! My left eye!!! Gem!!!! Call your squad and make them run, nooooow!!!!!!!

Gem: Why?

Vision: Seems like the lion poison is still effecting your system, you got lucky that i aimed at your eye because if i aimed at any other parts in your body you would have been dead!!

Gem ( in Mobile): Officers!!!!!!! Take a run, hurry!!!!! 

Police( Voicespeakers) But Why? We have him?

Joker: That is called an ambush he is not outside he is inside, the weird noise we heard was from the stairways. 

Vision: Tschuss! As you say it in German, Bang!, Bang!!, Bang!!!

Police Force: ..... Peep.Peep, Peep

Gem: Neeeeeeeeein!!!!!!!!!! Second Squad please answer!

Police: We are engaging outside with Vision! Arghhhh!! Arghhh! 

Gem: Scheisse!!!!!!! Ist alles Gut?

Vision ( Voice speaker) Nein!  I killed them all

Vision ( Voice speaker) Nein!  I killed them all. This is message to all police force in the world, Do not anger me and let me do my job or there will be more casualties, only Joker and his Assistant might come after me, Since It is them i want not low-life police force or you Officer!!!!!!

Gem: We have lost all contacts of the squad. 

Joker: I see!

Ema: Did Anyone survive?

Gem: Nein!!

Ema: Oh God What a Monster! 

Joker: Ema You are now officially my partner and you cannot go to school or live a normal life because right now you are being famous and all crime gangs will know your name im  afraid even i do not know how to handle this situation.   

Ema: But what about my grades and my graduation to become a scientist? 

Gem: Kleine Mädchen!!!! Im afraid that Your only graduation will be a diploma in our academy. 

Joker: I agreed!! Since our situation has changed lets head back too headquarters.

Ema: I choose this work because i taught a crime scene would be the best way too get me a good grade... 

Joker: You are one stupid girl, If you think that a crime scene is an easy way too get a good grade, you are wrong!!!

Headquarters, Officers:   Hello! Why are you so down?

Gem: Nicht Gut! We failed the mission!

Gem: Lets go to the chiefs office

Ema: Alright!!

Joker: OK!

Chief: What you have failed the mission!!!!. The killer died and the legendary assassin called vision killed half of your squad,

Gem:   "Entschuldigung" 

Chief: Das ist nicht gut, Gem!!!

Ema: So this is German language!

Joker: It seem so!

Chief: On the behalf of our country i apologies, Ema!!! We didn't taught a simple crime would be a world wide

Assassin. As an Chief i must tell you that you cannot go to school anymore or see your friends this is more dangerous then you think, I will call your school and tell them that you have injured yourself really bad in the line of duty and that the doctor said that you have to rest about 1 year in the hospital... 

Ema: That is wrong? My friends would think im dead and i will never get the chance to graduate. 

Chief: I have Called the American Headquarters where you are from and explained to the chief. 

Joker: ''Ema the world is a cruel place, As all the assassins tells us it is not fair but what drives us too not be like them is a compassion for somebody that you don not know''

Chief: That is correct! That is the moral code we teach too the  police academy worldwide.

Chief: How do you know that Joker? Your journal says you have never been to a police school?

Joker:  Home schooled, My adopted mother is chief in America.

Chief: She never told me that!!!!!! 

Joker: Probably too protect me. 

Chief: Oh I see!

Gem: Her is your tickets back too  America!!! Get some rest it is tomorrow, you  guys deserved it...

After a very long flight they have arrived in America!

Headquarters: Welcome!!

Chief ( American) : so i  heard you have failed your mission the German police branch told me that. 

Chief: You damn Fools!!!! Look what you have done. Now i have too call the school and tell them she is in a coma and

her whole life is over, I taught as my son you would have some brains or guts too tell her too just sit  back in the

office? She could have been killed and She could have learned all this by recording the crime scene and just send it

too her. This disaster could have been easy avoided. 

Joker: HHEHEHEE!!! I never taught about it and she was always talking about how she wanted too be a scientist  so i

taught one simple case wouldn't harm her if she looked. I taught she is used to it.  

Chief: How did i raised such an idiotic son!!! 

Headquarters, Officers: Now you done it Joker!

Ema: It is not his fault i kindah pushed him into it.

Chief: You are a teenager and destined to cause trouble he should know it. 

Chief: What is your school name?

Ema: Scientific-health university 

Chief ( On Computer): I got it!   

Chief ( ON Phone): Hello is this, Scientific- Health University 

S.H.U: Hello! Yes you have come to the right place, What have our students done know?

Chief: Nothing!

S.H.U: I see! Then what about it!

Chief: It is about a reckless student of yours  she is in a coma, She is called Ema. She stupidly wanted to wright a project about crime scenes!!!

S.H.U: I know! Our Ema! I see!!!! This is Horrible!!! She was one of our brightest students we have, To think that this happens to her what an shame. I will call her parents and friends and tell her the truth. You understand that their parents will make a lawsuit claim on you!!!

Chief: No need we are paying her hospital bills. 

S.H.U: I see! Take Care! If she wakes up give us a call!

Chief: I will, Hmmm! 

Chief: You poor souls must be tired! I forbid  you too take a case until you have rest. You get 4 days brake!!!

Ema (Crying): Ok; Sniff Sniff Sniff  

Joker: Yess!!! 

Chief: Ema! Do not cry!!! Everything will be fine... For now get some rest, and later we need to talk about your education...

Joker: I have been with Ema for some time, She will come true this testing of yours and she will pass!!!

Ema: Thanks! 

Gem: I think he is right! She helped us alot!

Chief: I see! You are all dismissed for know. remember you are having a 4 day long break. 

© 2017 Alem

Author's Note

Alem Please follow me and read my book. I would love too if you could give me some tips or maybe brainstorm some chapters.......

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Added on May 1, 2017
Last Updated on May 1, 2017
Tags: story, lightnovell, novell, chapters, manga, book, crimescene, life/slice, police, detective



Stockholm , Sweden

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