![]() Chapter 3 - Generation XA Chapter by Alem![]() A young boy named Joker Survived a horrible crime. He saw his brother killed later he got adopted but then he realized he could see right trough people at their darkest moments. He became a detective![]() We are now in Germany, Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate where the victim died last night and know we are looking for some clues and we found some that will make us identify the killer, the killer could have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the engine. JOKER: GEM!!!!!! GEM: what is it? Joker: I believe i have solved the case and i have to tell you to call the police i need their help because we have to talk to bystanders that saw the crime scene. Just call the police force over here and i will tell you the details. Gem: You really did solve the case, impossible!!! what about the Generation X? Joker: Yes i did!!!!! It is very simple, if you think about it. The Generation X information can wait because i dont want to lose the killer. Gem : I understand!!! All the police force, hear me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Police Forces: Yes, Mam!!!!!!!!!!! Gem: Joker it is your turn to explain us the case!!! Joker: The case is very simple one, if you think it through. The killer made a mistake, we believe that he or she has most likely visit a store or maybe changed the shoes or got rid of them. Police Forces: Why is that, sir????? Joker: I will let, Ema explain that in a scientific way. Ema: We believe that the killer is still lurking in the shadows
watching our every move because he knows that he messed up by killing
the victim. We believe that the killer had an intention too kill the
target but he got interrupted by another shooter and we also believe
they knew each other. I bet my money on that the killer didn't realize
that his partner wanted to shoot him. The killer got lucky since he missed it so we taught. The reason we believe that there were 2 killers is that we found 2 bullets that doesn't match the same gun. One gun was a handgun and one was a sniper. The killer could have gotten away with his crimes if the bullet didn't hit the engine but it did and that means our killer is frustrated right know because he/she knows that they accidentally stepped on the oil. The second thing is that he/she is afraid of the card. Because they pissed off the world best criminal assassin if he runs know the assassin would find his target and kill him so basically that is why we believed that the killer is still here with us. To arrest the killer all we have to find is oil prints on the shoe or an confession. Just to make sure have forensic come here and test the shoes if there was any oil spilled, tonight. Police Force: Understand!!!!! Gem: All the Forensics at the scene, now!!!! Forensics team: Mam, We found oil near the motorcycle joker was right but sadly we cant identify the killer. Joker: Do not worry i got this!!!! Gem! Can you let the police search for people that witness the scene and see if they have gone to a store recently, near by or lost a shoe. Bring them here for an interview. Gem: I need all the police force to help us out to find the killer. Search for people that lost a shoe or recently visited a store. The Police Force: Yes, Mam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ema: Joker! Do not forget to put your warm eye drops when it is night otherwise you will be blind, im a doctor i can tell just by looking at your left eye it is red. Joker: S**t! You are right i forgot all about it, your my guardian angel, Ema! Ema: It seems so! The Police Force: We found 4 suspects, you may interview them. Gem: Good Work. Joker and Ema we have 4 suspects and i will give you a short intro about them. Suspect number 1, his name is Shira and he is 25 year old that works on a fishing company he says he lost a shoe when he was fishing, he lost his shoe into the sea. Joker: Well bring that guy over here so i can talk to him. Gem: Officers! Bring Shira over here! The Police Forces: Here he is mam. Gem: Thank YOU! So Shira tells us what you did in the middle of the night when the murder occurred? Shira: Yes i will! Like i told the officers i was fishing since i own a big fishing company. I lost my shoe when i was fishing thanks to that i got an huge bite and i slipped and my shoe fell. Joker: My eye is not reacting so i have let him go he is clean. Shira, Thank you so much! You may leave us. Shira: Arigato! Ema:That means hi in japanese! Gem: The 2 suspect, his name is John and he is 30 years old. He was in a hurry too an interview. We saw him near the shoe shop store so that is why we bringed him over here. Joker: Good Work, Gem! Gem: Officers, bring John over here!! Officers: Here he is, Mam Gem: Thank you! So, John tell us what happened with your shoes when the crime occurred? John: Like i told the officers early i was hurrying to work for an interview but today I´am out of luck. i stepped on a dirty mud. I was at the store trying to buy some new shoes because to be honest i cannot look like this on my job interview. Joker: My left eye is not twitching which means he tells the truth. Just to make sure, John that you are not lying to us, if you could give us your old shoes so that we can test them for foot prints? John: You are in luck today, Joker? I honestly never taught on tossing my old shoes as matter of fact since they are expensive i want to try to clean them. Joker what happened to your left eye it is all red? Joker: Allright, Thanks! Ema Check the shoe for me. I forgot to take my medicine and it turned red i have problems with my left eye but im not blind. John: Oh I see!!!! Ema: I have checked his shoes he is clean; it is just a mud. Joker: John you may go for know! John: Thanks! Gem: Our third suspect name is, Ema she is 18 years old. She is an exchange student and currently studies and lives in Germany but she is from England. Her heel broke and know she is walking barefoot! Ema: That is so cool we have the same name! Ema 2: Yeah it is! Joker: Let her go! Because it is well known, it usually happens when you wear high heels. Gem: You are actually right! It happens to me very often, i hate high heels. Joker: Ema 2 you can leave for now! Ema 2: OK! Gem: This is our final suspect his name is Emre he is 20 years old. He is an exchange student in Germany but he lives in Turkey. We believe he is the real killer because we think he copied Ema´s testimony? Officers: Can we know bring him for an interview? Joker: We do not need that he is not a murderer. Gem: Why? Do you know how many killers pretend to do the same things as the victim so that they could miss guide us. Joker: Your rightl But the problem is in Germany their are a lot of exchange students, all we gotta do is ask Ema 2 and verify it. Joker: Ema go and ask if she knows him. Ema: Have you seen Emre before in you're school? Ema 2: Yes i believe i have!! Ema: Joker and Gem he is clear. Joker: We must have missed something, but whaat? Im trying to concentrate to scan the whole area nothing was odd. But then i saw somebody running up on stairs next to a store. I taught to myself i have to talk to him. Joker: Officers!!!! Hurry and pick this guy who is running do not lose him. Gem: DO as he says that is an order!!!!! Officers : Yes MAM!!! Officers : Here he is. Gem: State your name and why you are jogging when there is a murder. ? Jin: My name is Jin and im 28 years old. The reason i was jogging was i wanted to lose some weight. i was keeping on running because i taught the police had all under control. Joker: No response from my left eye so that means he is not lying!!!!! Damn either he is good at lying or he is not our killer, think joker, think. Ema: Joker i feel that something is wrong with his shoes? Joker: Ema why is that i because i have seen his shoes they look normal to me. Ema: Of course silly they look normal to you because you have never jogged before. Joker: How do you know? I have never jogged before in my life? Ema: Because daily joggers would realize the problems with his shoes. Joker: What is it? Ema: Jin!!! You were lucky to fool others but not me because only
joggers know this, that your shoes doesn't match a runner. Shoes for running are special they are lighter at the top and the heels are tall so that their footings get steadier. Jin: You can run with all kinds of shoes and it does not make me a killer. Ema: The reason you are the killer is pretty simple. You said to us
you want to lose weight which indicates to me that you done this before and you are very knowledgeable to sports. Which is all a lie. Jin: It is just a shoe it does not mean im the killer? Jin: What is wrong with your partner? Ema: He has an eye problem it hurts him sometimes. This pain it is so strong you can never imagine it my pain in my left eye. It feels like im losing control of my entire body, But right now i know he is lying too us since my left eye turned foggy. Joker: You are the killer and the reason is like Ema said it. You had
too toss your shoes because your shoes where exposed to oil and you
were afraid of us getting notice. The way you hidden you're identity was
good because nobody would expect a runner since everybody does that. So
it is not suspicious. The other shooter gave you away when he missed
the shoot. Correctly if im wrong Jin??? Jin: You are right i cant hide it anymore damn it! Gem: Why did you kill him? Jin: Because i felt doing so! Joker: It pains me to say it you are wrong. Could tell that even if my eye hurts. Tell me are you from Generation X Jin: I wont tell you!!!!!!!! © 2017 AlemAuthor's Note
Added on May 1, 2017 Last Updated on May 1, 2017 Tags: story, lightnovell, novell, chapters, manga, book, crimescene, life/slice, police, detective Author![]() AlemStockholm , SwedenAboutHi! Im a very outgoing/social guy that loves too be creative and also i love too listen too sports and music. more..Writing