Chapter 2 - Berlins Night!

Chapter 2 - Berlins Night!

A Chapter by Alem

A young boy named Joker Survived a horrible crime. He saw his brother killed later he got adopted but then he realized he could see right trough people at their darkest moments. He became a detective

      Berlins Night

Berlin middle of the night at police headquarters.

Joker: Ema we have finally arrived!!!

Ema: Finally the trip was really long.

Chief: The new guys come to my office at once. 

Joker, Ema: Yes sir!!! 

Chief: I heard you were good and you have solved alot of cases in the past, so we need your help. Meet your squad leader general, Gem. She is the best and highest ranked general in Germany. You guys will follow her to the crime scene and together you will solve this case. 

General, Gem: Let me review this case for you! There was a man in a motorcycle that was shoot and killed with one bullet but the killer fired 2 shots, the other bullet got stuck in the fuel tank which indicates that the killer wanted him to stop in a certain  place   we believe that the killer knew the victim. As you may know Joker, the case is connected to yours because we found a card next to the victim so that is  why we called you because you know more about the killer than we do... After i answered all of your questions we have to go to Branden Burg

Gate where the victim was killed. We also believed that the killer was the same criminal who killed your brother and nearly you because the cases are linked. 1. The killer is a professional assassin, 2. The bullets prove that he is good at shooting from a long range. 3. The card.     

Ema: I feel that this case is definitely weird in a science point of view because you  found 2 bullets,right?
Gem: Yes! 

Ema: You guys says that the killer was a professional in a scientist way i feel that your wrong because a highly skilled assassin would have killed his target and my second point of view is he wouldn't leave bullet  traces behind.  Im saying that there was another person at the scene and that the case is more complicated.      

Joker: I believe in Ema 99% Ema: Whaaat!!!! I taught you meant 100% You oldy... Joker: Do you see that Gem! When it comes to science she must always have right, hahaahhaahhaha. 

Gem: HAHHAHAHAHAH! I guess so. 

Chief: What im worried about is the card and if it was a second person that means the case is more dangerous as we taught.

Joker: Indeed, Boss! It seems that we caught ourselfs in  a weird case.

Gem: Lets go now to the place where the crime occurred. 

Ema: So this is the crime scene!

Gem: It is correct! As you can see the victim fell of the motorcycle and the victim fell on the ground but the question is that he did not got any scratch mark from the fall he is completely clean

Gem: It is correct! As you can see the victim fell of the motorcycle and the victim fell on the ground but the question is that he did not got any scratch mark from the fall he is completely clean... The victim fell near the big gate so what we believe that the victim used a  sniper rifle to kill the victim... 

Joker: Ema can you please take a look at the crime scene i trust your judgment. 

Ema: Yes i can!   I  Found something that you guys overlooked, the victim had been shoot in the head but the tricky part there was not alot of impact since snipers have very hard and strong calibers but small bullets but this bullet gave the victim a small wound and alot of blood. The tricky part is that when i saw the 2 bullet hole it was a small one, So i say there was two shooters on that day. 

Gem: Scientists:!!!! Come over here! How did you miss that, answer me? 

Scientists: We believe that the killer used 2 guns one long range and one short range, we also believe that he wanted to make it a personal kill. 

Joker: It might sound logical but if you think like that the killer would escaped really easy, since a sniper need to be far away, the killer would have escaped easily our would had more bullet wounds and too me he doesn't sound so sloppy.

Scientists: We believe that the killer were near by the victim because he could have been on the roof, Brandenburgs Gate.

Joker: That might be true but the killer would have seen him or heard the shoot ... If the killer did that it would indicate he was unprofessional and that ruins the German police forces claim that the killer was professional ... 

Gem: Im going to cut down your salaries short, if you keep on humiliating me like that!!!!

Scientists: We are sorry!

Ema: Gem & Joker i found something there is a card near the body and it says X on it and if you turn it down it says, ''Catch me''

Joker: Whaaat!!!!! I started to hear how my heart pounded quickly in pain i felt really anxious, it seems your police force made a good find, Gem.

Gem: Of course we did!!!!! 

 I watched how the police officers panicked and they wanted to calm down people and stop them from running away.  All i know about the killer is that he left me a card near my brothers body that said,''Catch me'' So that is new for me and very strange or perhaps the killer wanted to help us but why?  Whenever i solve a case i put my own card next to the victim with my own sign too attract the killer that murdered my brother. I want him feeling that im catching up to him and perhaps he would start making mistakes.

Ema: Joker while you were thinking i was searching for the meaning X in my Ipad and the symbol X stands for a criminal syndicate called, 
''Generation X'' Gem i need your help to call the police headquarters so that they can inform us about them. 

Gem: Allright, nice work!!! Im going to call the an old friend of my his name is, Axel and he is our very own professional informer. .... .... ....
Hi, THERE!!! Is Alex im talking too.

Alex: Yes it is! Long time no see, GEM! I known you along time so i know when you call it is urgent. 

GEM: I  need information on, ''Generation X'' Im counting on you!

Alex: OK! 

The public: When can we go home we've been waiting all night long!!!!!!

Police: Sorry but you have to wait because there has been a murder and we cannot let people go home yet because the killer might be one of you.

The Public: Go to hell! We want to go home we have waited far enough... 

Joker: Ema can i talk to you i need you to verify something for me. Ema: Yes! Joker What is it? Joker: Can you analyze the bullet and tell me which bullet was faster, the one in  the head or the one stuck in the engine? Ema: Why do you need that for? Joker: Just trust me on this!!! Ema: Well then i think it is time to test my very own invention, I just need to grab my back bag and use the,''Bullet vision'' The bullet vision analysis the distance of the bullet and the impact or it can also found gun powder.  Joker: That is so typical you inventing stuff soon your going to invent your are very own husband. Ema: Shut up!  Ema: I almost forgot to tell you joker my Bullet vision can also detect warm and cold bullets. Joker: I see, so basically your going to scan if the bullet is cold or not.

Ema: That is right and the ballistics said that the shot in the head came first and the in the engine came second. 

JOKER: EMA you are a life saver!!!! I figured out the case and how to catch the killer it is really simple.

Ema: How?

Joker: Indeed on that day it was 2 shooters and one victim. I believe that the 2 shooters new each other but our first shooter seems that he betrayed his trust. Idon't  know where the sniper toked the aim but it must be from a tall building far away from this place. 

Ema: Just go to the point! You were always like this, explain everything.

Joker: Fine! You know that the killer  had a gun which means he needed to be close to the victim to shot in the head because shooting somebody afar with a gun is very complicated and only few people could pull it off. What does an engine have?

Ema: AH, I see! Oil it has oil. Wich means that our killer must have  dirty shoes because they stepped on the oil. But how can we found him, He must have been long time gone?

Joker: Don't worry the killer is not going  anywhere because he fears the note... The second shooter planet it there to pin point the criminal. 

Ema: How could he do that? He was far away?

Joker: it is simple, Ema. The killer went back because he wanted to dispose his shoe prints but when he arrived he saw the note. Our Murderer is scared so he is hiding in the huge mass and watching our every move. He wants to steal that note even if it means he might be killed. If my dedication is correct he is from Generation X. The killer also would have cleaned his shoe, tossed them or just bought new pair of shoes and that is the key to find the killer. 

Joker: Ema go tell the police what i just said and bring these people here so that i can talk to them.

Ema: Alright!  
Not so far away from the scene 

Killer 2: Damn! That traitor! He got what he deserved, he could not follow a simple rule!!! 

© 2017 Alem

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Added on May 1, 2017
Last Updated on May 1, 2017
Tags: story, lightnovell, novell, chapters, manga, book, crimescene, life/slice, police, detective



Stockholm , Sweden

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