![]() My Secret Life.A Story by ElizabethChapter 1 Rose,first fight. Hey I am Rose. I am a vampire, who's fifteen. I never thought it would be so cool, but having to keeping a secret to people you have known for long it could be weird. But, I am like a normal girl I like boys clothes, not girly, I go to school but I have fangs and I love blood but as I tell me you my life story, you might understand. I sighed in my shame. Im not like most vampires I eat some foods, but I can be outside in the sun alittle bit. Anothing I'm, like, sorta, goth. I smell cooking from down stairs "ROSEE breakfast." My mom said from down stair. "COMINGG." I ran down stairs. Thats my mom. She was a warrior for vampire council she is like most mothers though, oh and she can go out side some good days. If you know what the council its a Group for higher level strong vampires, that also as lots of powers and so yea now you know alittle. I hugged her and sat next to dad, While stuffing a bunch of bacon in my mouth. "Did you get you homework done?" Dad asked me reading the newpaper. "DADDY, I was gonna get it done at school." I told him. "Thats my dad he was in the counil until he met mom." "You gotta get going before you late for school." Mom told me. I ran out the door. "ROSEE!!" Eric yelled from across the street. "ERICC whats up?" I asked him when I got to him. "Nothing much just walking to school with you." He laughs. "This awesome guy right here is Eric he is one out of lots of people who knows I'm a vampire, he is one of my best friends and he can see stuff I can." I thought. The wind Blew throught my hair I look over at the woods. "Did you get the history report done?" he asked me notices Im not paying any attietion. " Rose did you?" He asked again. "huh NOOO THATS WHAT MY DAD WANTED ME TO DOOO Im so dead. " I told him. Eric was looking at the woods like I was a sec ago. "Eric you ok?" I asked. My eyes widen as I push Eric out of the way. When my knee smashed into the tile sidewalk someing rushed passed us. "Eric you ok? I look over at what it was. A big wolf was 30 feet away from me. Its eyes was watching me something was so cold in my body from looking at its eyes. "Eric I want you too go get my parents I will deal with this." I stand up. My eyes close really fast. "But your knee?" Eric stands up. "IM FINE GO!!" I put my hands together. Eric rans to my house. My sword appears out of the wind the wolf runs at me it slashes its claws at me. I block as quick as I can. My feet were dragging on the ground. I look at the wolf and a bunch of wind glathers up together a it, makes a large noise. I gasp and get blown into the tree. "Its too strong." I fall to my knees. "Warrior!" The wolf whisper so soft. Eric screams my name from far behind I use all my stranght I have to see him run to me and my parents defeat the wolf away. All three brought me to the house Eric watched me nervously. "E-Eric, what are you doing here?" I ask him. " What do you mean?" He asked sitting by my side. "I thought you would just leave me!" I watch him as the tears welt in my eyes. "Your a fool you know that! your my best friend you know that." He looks at me closing his eyes. "But?" I look at him. "No buts, I am never gonna leave you no matter what happens your one of my friends friends be there for eachother no matter what I care so much about you, I don't wanna lose you." He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes the tears he kisses my cheek and hugs me I forgot all about the pain in my body and I feel safer then ever when I am with Eric. "Jeez just say you love eachother get it over with!!" Mom said out of the blue. "MOOMM ." I hide under the covers. "What, my little girl is not gonna love no boy, mostly human boy." Dad Growled. "DADDDY!!" I yell again. "You better take care of my little girl punk." He tells Eric leaning over him. "Yes Sir." Eric said nervously. "ROBBBB." mom yells dragging him away. Eric and I laugh, we look at eachother then away, I see his face is blushing and I just smile.
Chapter 2. Rose's F, The Bully and control.
Its been a week since that attack, I couldn't stop thinking about that wolf. "Warrior, what did he mean?" My mind was gone from class. The teacher kept saying my name, I look up at her. Miss, Webber her oldness is not like her evilness and glare. She handed me a paper, there I saw it, A BIG FAT F. "WHATT?" I screamed, "You didn't finish it and it was wrong." She said with a evil grin. "I'm Want to meet your parnets next week." She said walking away. I trembled a shook my head, I looked at Eric and prayed. Eric gave a small chuckle. The bell rings for lunch, I take my stuff and run out the door grabbing Eric's hand. "Do you see this? well do you? My parents are going to freaken kill me when they see this." I started to flip badly. Eric was laughing, "Calm down Rose you'll be fine." He told me. "HEY GOTH GEEK COME HERE." A voice so fimillar scream. I turn around and see Katey the over grown Dumpster that is suppost to be a 15. "You talking to me?" I pointed out. "Yea I am Now get over here." She screamed again. I slowlyed walked away and with out seeing a big arm grabs me by my hood of my hoodie and slams me into a medal locker. "When I say come you come." She said with a ugly look. I look at Eric and grin. "Hey Katey, did you know if you pop your zits and work out you wont be so huge." I told her. She gripped harder and kicked me in the stomach. I coughed so hard and smile. Eric's eyes were staking Kids Gathered around saying fight over and over again. I look at my feet, I felt a crack on my teeth and get little sharper and smirked. I stand up fully and look at her, she charges at me and raises her fist at me, I caught it and jumped on the lockers and jumps behind her flipping her. Katey runs away in pain all the kids starts cheering. "What was that?" I asked. "Almost the coolist thing ever." Eric cheered spinning me around and hugging me. Miss Webber appeared behind me dragging me to the office. "Snap!!" I sat on the chair. She went to go call my parents. I felt my mom's sudden energy and started trmbling and shaking. Eric textes me. "Hey Rose, meet me at the park later ok!!." I text back to him and send it, My mom appeared out of no where and took my phone. "Shoot caught by the old lady.'" My face dropps to the ground. "We will talk when your father gets home missy!!" Mom pointed the finger at me. "Yes mom." I said and went with her. Miss Webber looks at me and fixes her glasses. "Where is something weird about that girl and her family." she said with a reflection on me.
Chapter 3 The Talk/ Meeting
"Your teacher told me you beat up a student? Whats up?" My mom asked me. "It wasn't my fault, she was beating me up and somethig was controling me I am serious, I dont know my fang grew my eyes were like evil I Grew strength, mom whats wrong with me?" I Complained, my mom paused and looked into my eye. I trembled. "I'll talk to your father tonight, and you when he gets home." She told me baring her fangs. "Wow she can get that mad." I said in my mind. "Yes I can get this mad." Mom said reading my mind after a while I told her not too. "MOM DONT READ MY MIND" I growned. We pulled up to the driveway and Dad appeared out on the step. My eyes widden in Fear. I crawl out of the car. "H-Hi Daddy." I said shaking. "I know your fight I felt your strength from my work." He said freakly. "Come on in dear lets talk with your mother." he said in a caring away. I walked in, "Daddy It's not my fault my body was being controlled I tried to stop but it was geting the power over me." I told him sadly. "I know hun I know, its becuause your vampire powers are coming." He put a hand on mine. "Really?" I felt like something stabbed throught me. "I have to meet Eric at the park." I stand up and take my bag and coat and walk out the door.. "Eric HEYY." I slapp him in the back of the head because he is already not paying attiention. "AHHH DUDE." He rubs the end of his pam to his head where I slapped. "Anyway what was that at school?" He asked me. "My vampire powers are coming in I am guessing." I said sighing. "Really thats amazing isn't it?" He asked me. "What?" I turned quickly and Eric's lip pressed against mine, my face turned red, he gave me a tender kiss on the lips, no tonge just a normal kiss, we looked at eachother and blushed. That was amazing, My heart was racing so much. We sat on the bench and I laid my head on his shoulder and we held eachother. "I wish we can stay like this forever." I said. "I know!" He said with a smile.
Chapter:4 Sneek attack. Sneaking out.
Thinking back to the time in the park, I start to daydream during dinner, Eric gives me a kiss and hugs me, "Your so beautiful Rose I love you I have ever since we met." He told me with dreamy eyes. "Oh Eric I love you too." I blush super red. "Rose, Rose, Rose." I hear him say in more and more, until. The dream was over and I see my parents around me. "Are you ok dear?" Mom asked me with a giggling tone, "What are you daydreaming about?" Dad acting stern around me. "Oh Nothing, is it alright if I go to the park?" I look at my mom. "Did you finish you homework?" She raised a eyebrow at me. "Yesss." I gulpped down my blood in my mugg and run out before she could answer. I start laughing. I ran and I ran, kids were comming off the bus and I jump over them, they laughed and waved to me saying "Bye Rose!" I waved back. I catch my breath and wipe my forehead. When I put my foot out I stop and saw a shiney thing coming at me, as fast as Icould I flipped back and dodged the attack. "What was that?" I look around with out hesitation. A man came out from behind a tree and he had a leather coat on, and glasses so I couldn't see his face. "Hello Rose, or should I say vampire, I am Dan." he glanced at me his lips went into a smirk. My eyes widen I started to tremble. "How do you know that?" I asked him. "I been watching you from your house drink blood every day looking at your fangs." He pulls his sword out and throws it at me , I see the handle and grabbed it before it hit me. "mmm Beautiful and fast!" He told me. "If you dont want your family killed then wear this necklace around your neck!" He tosses me it. "If you dont want to be killed then you have to be my wife you have one year left if sooner open it and I'll know." I watched him disappear as I put it on. I run as fast as I can home, I slammed open the door and ran upstair passing my mom as fast as I can. "Hello dear I thought you were-" She stopped. "Yea changed my mind." I close my door and open my laptop to my chat room and see that Eric is on. Fangsbat: "ERICC I need to tell you somthing!" Mr,COOLman:"What is it is there a problem?" Fangbat:I got attacked by a man. Mr,COOLman:"Really tell me about it but later, my mom whats me to get off seeya." "Rose we're going to bed." Mom yells from her bed room. "K." I look up the Who the man was, files pop up. I click on one the first word was slayer and I start shaking. I kept doing rearch until it was the right time. I tippedtoed to my parents door and hear snoring and sleeping. I sliently got my hoodie and careful closed the door. I run from the house to Eric's. I jumped from the ground to his window and got a tight grip. I was shocked on how I did that. Eric got up from his bed and looked out the window and raised a eyebrow. "Open it Eric." He reaches to open it and I clibed in. "You know some people sleep and is not up haft the night. "Shh." I whispered. "I got attacked by a slayer named Dan." "I Dont know he told me to meet him where we first met in one year." I looked at Eric. "And are you?" He folded his arms. "I dont know thats why I need your help. I have a Plan." I sit one his bed. "By The way how did you get up to my window?" He asked me woundering. "I jumped." I met his eyes in shock."Wow." I began to say a nother word. "He wants me to be his wife too." I heard Eric feak. "WHAT!" He yelled. "SHH."
Chapter 5:PTO Kyle. My eyes open very slowly as a I satup. " Oh no, its the Pto today." I eyes widen. I jump out of bed and got dressed. "Dear you ready for your teacher to meet us today?" My mom asked me. I strapped on my bag and glanced at mom seriously putting the toast in my mouth. "To bad Rose your mother and I are going to meet her." Dad said. "DAD don't read my mind." I yelled. "Rose don't worry everything will be fine." Mom said with a warm smile. I rolled my eyes "You guys are so embarssing tho." I walk out the door. I stepped on my skate borad and started riding down and checking up to Eric. "Hey Rose whats up." I picked up my skate borad as he asked me. "Very poorly its gonna be bad." Eric laughs and steps infront of me. Iput my head up and stopped I met his eyes and begin to blush. Eric smiled and pushed the hair from my eyes. "All better now I see that pretty face." I started to feel warm when he said that and kissed his cheek. I ran into the school, he blushed and smiled. "That girl." He walked in. At the last bell, I hooked on my stapp from my bag. "Rose when are your parents coming?" My teacher asked me. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at her. "Never." I said. My insides were trying not to laugh. My mom got my ear and pulled. I sqeeled. "We're right here" My mother smiled warmly. There is a monster I am staring at when she gives that, it means she gonna be mad. I walk out and give my parents and teacher time. A sound came from the gym I walk down there and see a boy playing basketball. Eric was right next to him shooting. "Rose hey whats going on?" He waves to me. Him and the other boy walked right to me. "This is Kyle." He said to me. I gave a light smile. "Kyle this is my best friend Rose." Kyle smiled at me and blushed slightly. He walked closer and took my hand gave it a kissed. I blushed and watched. "Hello there you are very pretty." I smiled and still blushing. "thanks." He gave me a Nod. Eric gave a smile but faint . He walked over to the blechers and sat down. My eyes followed and then went back to Kyle's charming face. "So what are you doing?" I asked him. "Eric and I are shooting is all...You wanna try." He passed me the ball. "Well I don't know how to really." I put down my bag. "Well I can show you some stuff." He took the ball. Eric just watched and then got his Ipop out and listened not paying attietion. Kyle did some tricks with shooting. After a hour, he tossed me the ball. I threw the ball and it hit off the rim. I sighed. He gave a smile and took the ball tossing it back then a few secounds later I felt arms wrap around me and hands on mine. My face turned all red. Eric looked up and growled little in jealousy. "This is how you do it." He put his hand on my waist and we both tossed the ball and it went into the basket. I clapped. "Rosee." I heard my mom calling from the door. "Comingg." I got my bag on and smiled at Kyle and told him good bye. I ran over Eric and hugged him. "How did it go?" I asked mom. "Very well dear." She told me.
Chapter 6: Jealous Friend. feed. The next morning Eric didn't say one word to me, he looked away most of the time we were walking to his house. "Eric?" I tilted my head to the side. He walked away from me as I stopped. "Eric wait stop. What I even do?" I touched his shoulder and he pushed it off hard. "SHUT UP." He yelled turning to me. My eyes widen and I started to tremble. "You and Kyle were getting pretty close yesterday." He said angeryly. "Is that what it is your jealous." He stop as I said that. "No its not that." he turned away looking down. "Then what is it?" I raised my hand up slowly. Eric turned around very quick grabbing my hand and kissing me on my lips. My eyes widen and slowly start to close. I feel my fangs slide outslowly. My stomach started to make noise. "E-Eric." I pull away. "Come with me." He takes my hand and we run to his house and into his room. He closes the door. He sits on the side of the bed showing his neck to me. "Eric no." I gasped and turned away. "Your hungary do it." I slowly walk over to him and touch his hand. I open my mouth and sink my fangs into his neck and he flinched. I feel his hand on my back and slowly gripping my hand with the other pulling me on his lap. My face slowly turns red and still taking a gulp of blood that is also running down my lips. I take my fangs away and look at him he kiss me lightly and I kiss back. Eric holds me on his lap kissing me with passtion. He breaks the kiss away and stares into my eyes. "I......" He stopped. He layed down on the bed letting me lay down with him holding me as my head is on his shoulder. We fell asleep at the same time. "Eve tho we did this we'll still gonna be best friend but not telling anyone I fed from him and that we really like eachother." I said in my mind.
Chapter 7 :Nightmares.
My eyes opened, the place was so foggy I was guessing I was on a path to some place. I looked around till I saw a light from far away. My feet began to move as a I ran to that light, when I got to the last step I saw a village on fire, people scream running out from the village. I notice a very small boy a small verison of Eric watching this fire. I looked to the gate and there I saw, Mom and dad with me in my father's arms passed out and burned. My insides started to scream I covered my mouth when my eyes started to water and widen. The small boy ranover to my parents. Hearing my dad said, "Little boy run please its to dangerus hear." I fell to my knees listening. Eric opened his mouth, " Give me her and follow me I can get you out of here." Still watching. Eric put me on his back and him and my parents ran away from the burning village. I ran after them, Hearing there voices again. "You dont care if we are vampires?" My mother asked. "No I dont, I love vampires, whats this girls name?" Eric asked them. "Rose!" I heard them say. Then All at ounce Eric said, "I am suppose to be a slayer but, I cant hurt vampires. I am a slayer though. You don't need to worry I wont hurt you." What he said made my eyes widen and my needs started to get weak and fall. I felt my fangs sliding out my comes and something ripping in my back and pain bloody way I saw fangs my eyes was beginning to turn fully red. I stopped. I began to see face all around me and fire, until I saw that man's voice from in the park telling me what he said. I held my head screaming and shaking, crying in pain and sadness. Waking in bed I sat up in a blink of a eye in a cold swet. I check the clock and it said 6:30 am. Looking at my arms and legs and feeling my face I sighed in relieve then I saw it. my arm was bleeding from my dream. I got up a got ready for school bandaging my arm.
Chapter:8 Poor Eric! jelous and sad Rosie! A unexpecting kiss?
I walked threw the hall way, I looked up and saw Eric. I ran over to him crying. Eric looked over to me and cought me in his arms, He put his arm around me and raised a eyebrow. "Whats wrong Rose something happen?" He put my chin up look at me. "I remember the fire from when we were....." I couldn't say it I saw his eyes widen like he knew what I was going to say. His locker door shut closed and there she was, little miss preppy girl Kelly. She long on to Eric's arm and said with loving tone. "Hi Eric sweety how are you?" She asked him hugging him. Eric's face was stern, he kept looking at me as I watched her. Kelly looked up at him and then glared at me. I saw fire in her eyes. "He is mine you stupid emo goth, why dont you go hide in the corner to cry or cut your self." Eric growled little and looked away."Shut the hell up, Eric arn't you gonna say anything?" He just stood then looking away. "He doesn't want you dumb goth." She yelled at me. I took a step back. "He has me!" she giggled and then forced up and kissed him, his eyes just widen and he freezen. My eyes widen in shock and something in my chest felt like a pain. My eyes watered and I covered my mouth when I felt my eye liner smugging. I ran away from Kelly and Eric, "Rose, Waitt!" Eric tried to tag on my hoodie sleeve when I slapped him. "I Thought you were suppose to be my Best friend?" I Yelled. Eric looked down and tears fell from his chin slowly. "Thats what I thought! Forget it." I ran away from him and Kelly. I passed Kyle in the halls and he looked me woundering and ran after me. " You dont need her hunny, you have me. She is stupid a ugly." She said to him. Eric got up and raised his head alittle. "Shut up..." He said. "What?" She asked. "Shut up.. I don't love you, I love Rose and she hates me now thanks to you." He yelled. "But what could you posibly love about her?" Kelly asked in confusion. "She is smart, beautiful, she is her own leader and she is indepent. She is also my best friend." Kelly started to cry and ran away. I touched the locket around my neck thinking on if I should open it. I felt an arm go around me. I looked up wiping my tears. "Hey Rose whats wrong? what happen?" Kyle asked. "Eric he..." Kyle raised a eyebrow. I told him everything that happen and Kyle growled in anger. "Rose your so amazing to be treated like that I cant believe he did that to you, what the hell." He stood up. I glanced at him and blushed that he actally cared. He looks at me in the eye. I looked away and he gave me a warm smile. "No one ever as said that before." I said in a shy tone. He stretched him arms up. "Well you diserve it." He chucked. My heart pounded and I stood up watching him. "Just one kiss on the cheek just one." I got closer to him with out him know. I was about to kiss his cheek until--He moved his face to me and our lips met. Both our eyes widen then slowly calmed with a small blush. I closed my eyes and I felt his hand goo on my cheek with one in his pocket. My hands were clenched together. I felt so warm and relaxed. He pulled away and smiled and said "Wow." My face was red and I started to shake. I studdered so much. "W-Well bye. " I ran away from him looking down still blushing and ran home.
Chapter 9. The fight.
I ran into my room, shaking so hard and panting. My head started looking down at my feet, I slid to the ground holding my knees. Something started to buzz in my bag I got my phone out and it was a tone of texts from.."Eric." I said to my self tears dripping on the phone. From the corner of my eye, I opened the window and jumped out. Landing on my feet looking down my hair blew threw the wind and I started to growl. I started running toward the park, knowing Eric is there. Eric was on the bench looking at the pictures of him and I, "Rose!." He said with tears running down his face shaking madly. "Rose!." He said again hugging his phone. I dropped down infront of him and stood up still looking at the ground. He looked up at me, he was about to open his mouth. I raised my hand up and I smacked him in the face. He flew all the way into the tree and tried to stand up. So fast, I appeared infront of him looking up with red eyes. Eric's insides started to tremble. My eyes turned normal and my fangs started to sink back in my gums. "Why?" I said softly looking at him. He stood up and watched me. "WHY? why did you let her kiss you.Why didn't you stick up for me. Why why whyy?" I yelled at him. "Because...I couldn't say anything. I was mad and what you were about to say I could never ever tell you. Thats what they told me." He said. "Tell me what? That My memorie went away in a fire, or or that my best friend is really a.." I was about to say it when something made me stop. "A what go on say it." He said getting anger. I cocked my eyebrow and glanced at him. "A murder slayer who's gonna come and kill my parents and I." Then Eric started spinning something in his hands and appered behind me. He locked my arms and Held the stake to my neck. "I'M NOT DEADLY, I WOULD NEVER HURT YOU OR YOUR PARENTS. Don't you dare say that. If you do I will come after you Im not in a well mood so I can hurt you." My eyes widen and trembled. Erics eyes blinked alittle and he let go dropping the steak and I fell to my knees and shaking to death. "R-Rose, I'm sorry I didn't mean too. I.." He stopped looking down. I got up and smacked him in the face that made him fall. The next three words came from my mouth. "I Hate you, I never wanna see you again." I snapped off the necklace, Eric gave me when we were young and threw it on the ground. I ran away from him crying alot, Eric watched as the tears streamed down his cheeks, he sat up looking at his hands. "Rose, if only you known the truth of my true feelings." He closed his eyes and clenched the necklace. I stopped on the side walk crying. I touched my locket that man gave me. "Soon I'm gonna open this. I don't care anymore!" I walked home looking down. From behind a building something, or Someone was peeking from the corner. A girl. A black cat with a witch hat on appeared on her shoulders. "Is that her, Cristal?" The cat asked. "I'm sure, its princess Rose it's our best friend. Lina turn back now!" The girl said. "Nooo I wanna be a cat longer it's fun." She told her while licking her paws. The other one just sighed and shook her head.
Chapter:10 Old friends. Cristal and Lina.
I sat in my room, I hadn't moved since what happen between Eric and I. My whole body tremble, my eyes were so wide, images in my mind. I sat up and screamed into my pillow. My mind raced so much the blood began to boil. I got up from bed. Went over to the desk and took my cell from the self. Twenty text and six new voicemails. I shook my head and sat down going threw the messages. I put a hand on the locket. Then I heard a voice. "STOPP!" A girl appeared in my room with a black cat on her shoulder. "Rose? What are you doing?" She asked me. I got up and took a step back, "Who are you?" I asked. "Who are we?" The cat spke. "Did that cat just speak?" I fliped. The cat jumped from the girl's shoulder and changed into a real girl, with a wand, and long blond hair with a button up shirt and a skirt and cape. " You don't remeber us from back then?" The girls asked. "We were your two best friends." They said at the same time. "I don't know what happen! All I know was there was a fire in the place I grew up in." I wounder in confustion. Both girls cocked their heads side to side and looked at eachother. "I am Cristal, I'm the Ice and fire wizard." Cristal smiled. "I'm Lina, I'm just a witch." she giggled. I looked at both of them. "Look at these, these are the magic bracelets we made together a girls." Both girls showed the bracelets around the wrist, they started to glow for some reason. Then the bracelet my parents told me to never take off glowed. My memorie started to appear in my head. I saw these two. They were my best friends. My eyes were shocked. I tackled them both and laughed and hugged them. "How, but why how did you find me?" I got up and helped them up. "Well we were signed a misson, our leader said that you were still alive and were so full of joy and cheered." Lina said. They hugged me so tight, with out my insides being crushed. I mange to smile and hug back. "Why do you look so sad?" Lina and Cristal asked. I told them everything that happen, about Eric and Kyle, the man, being controlled the wolf. School. Their eyes widen and sparked, they were enjoying the story. "Your life is like a story." Cristal said, "Full of sadness, horror, action, wounders." Lina said. "AND LOVEE." They said together cheering. "Our Little girl is all grown up." They danced. I couldn't help but smile again. Mom and dad walked up and opened my door. "Hey girls, long time no see!" My parents smiled. Cristal's and Lina's Mouths just dropped, "You two are still alive, we missed you two so much." the girls said at the same time. "Hey what that suppose to mean we're old?" Mom asked, Dad chuckled, "We missed you girls too." They said. The girls laughed and said again. "Yes you guy are old but, still good looking." I chuckled while watching. At least one thing good happen today. I looked at the window, and thought about Eric.
Chapter 11: The New students.
I was sitting at my desk doddling. I let out a long sigh, "This day cant get any slower!" I groaned and mummbled. Then my eyes were about to pop out of my head when I saw- Cristal and Lina. " This two are our new students, now I all want you to be respectful too them. Now ladies, tell us about your selfs?" Mss. Webber asked and smiled. Cristal stepped up just a foot, "I'm Cristal, and this is Lina, we came fromm a small village far away from here." She looked at Lina. " We've know Rose as well she grew up with us there. In fact she.." I suddenly rushed up and both Cristal and I covered her mouth. We told her to be quite about it. The teacher looked at me with a look like I was up to something. I cruckled nervously and went to my seat. "Well ok. Then why dont you sit next to her ladies." She pointed. After the bell rang I walked out with Cristal and Lina. "Lina, you have to keep it a secret got it?" She nodded. I kept walking till I bumped into something, it was Eric. my heart started to pount badly in pain. "Ok. Hey Rose who are your friends?" He asked. I looked down and the girls stepped up and told them, " Hi we are Lina and Cristal we are Rose's old friends from the villege!" They smiled. " Let me guess ? A witch and a Wizard?" Eric laughed. The girls smiled. I suddenly hit Eric in the shoulder by running away from them trying not to cry. Eric watched and looked down. "Girls, I need your help. I did a tarible mistake Rose hates me and she is scared of me. All I want is her to trust me." Eric looked down. " We have a plan." The girls giggled. I kept running till I suddenly I hit into something hard, and something grabbed me by my black hoodle. It was Katey, " Hello Goth Girl I'm ready for pay back." She punched me in the gut. I let out a hard sob and coughed. " Lets take a walk shall we?" she started pulling me by my hood out side. "Let go!" I yelled. She yanked hard. "Oh I'll let go alright." She threw me into the flag pole. I fell to my knees, as she walked over to me and looked at me cold eye that looked like I've seen before. The wolf's eyes. Then, suddenly my eyes flashed before me and my body started to shake. She grabbed me by the neck with the huge hand and started punching my inside in, I started to scream as my blood presser began to rise. She head budded me and I saw her knuckles bleed and my eyes widen. Eric looked out, " Was that Rose screaming?" The girls frozen. "Do you smell that?" Cristal asked. Lina nodded. "Rose is in trouble!" Lina said. "What?" Eric growled. The girls started running so did Eric. My eyes turned red little, I fell to my knees hurt, injured , and bleeding. Katey walked over and slammed her foot in my stomach. I coughed up the bleed then I felt my fangs grow. I grabbed her foot and threw her off me and I dashed over and kicked her in her spin. I screamed in pain but in anger. The girls and Eric came out and stop when they saw me. I growled and walked to Katey picking her up by the back of the shirt. "Stoppp!!!" All three said.
Chapter 12. Seal, Friends again.
© 2011 ElizabethAuthor's Note
8 Reviews Added on September 13, 2010 Last Updated on March 20, 2011 |