A Bad Way To Meet New People pt.2

A Bad Way To Meet New People pt.2

A Chapter by Luis

When Tony and Raul approached Carmen they noticed someone else was there with her. As they got closer they noticed it was Gabriel. "TONY!! COME ANY CLOSER AND THE GIRL'S DEAD!!!" yelled Gabriel. Tony hopped off his bike and yelled, "GABRIEL!! PUT HER DOWN!!!" "AND WHAT IF I DON'T?!!!" asked Gabriel. "Or I'll kill you," said Raul behind Gabriel. "Wha-what? How did you get behind me?" asked Gabriel in shock. "That's something I know and you'll never know," said Raul. Then Gabriel notices Carmen is out of his hands and with Tony. "Wa-wait how did you do that?" asked Gabriel. "Well, Gabriel I guess you really don't know about our secret now do you?" asked Tony. Then a guy shows up and slashes Raul's sword in half. "Wha-what? Who the f**k did this?!" yelled Raul. Raul looks around and notices it was the same exact guy he fought a little while ago. "What's wrong Raul? Didn't think I was this strong?" asked the guy. Raul just stands there in shock. "Raul!! Who is this guy?!" screamed Tony. "H-he's the guy i was fighting before i met you. I thought he left because I injured him, but it turns out I was wrong. I didn't leave a scratch on him," said Raul still in shock. Tony just laughs and then says to Carmen, "Carmen I want you to take my bike and go to the nearest town and stay there until I return ok. Don't come running after me either ok." "Bu-but Tony.....you left the last time and came back almost dead. So what are you gonna do now?" asked Carmen. Tony kisses Carmen and says, "Just have faith in me and believe I will come back without a scratch on me." Carmen then hops on Tony's bike and drives off. "WAIT!! NO WAY SHE AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE!!!!" yelled Gabriel as he pulled out his shot gun. Tony runs over and slashes the gun in half. "Now you need to shut the hell up and sit there like the little b***h you are," said Tony. Gabriel just falls to the ground. "Hmph, you think just because there's two of you that you can defeat me? HA! What a laugh," said the guy. Then two voices are heard in the distance. "HIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAA!!!" said one voice. "IT'S TIME TO KICK SOME MAJOR A*S!!!!" said the other voice. Then suddenly two guys show up one with karate stuff on and another with some weird mask on. "Who the hell are you two?" asked Tony. "Why were the Johnson brothers!!" yelled the two. "I'm Juto Johnson. I'm a highly trained karate master and this here is my crazy brother Travis Johnson. He is the goofy one of our family," said Juto. "Ok we care why?" asked Raul sarcastically. Juto gets a serious face and says, "Well we heard that three young teens were fighting out here and so e decided to come and face them to see how strong they really are." "Listen here....uh....what's your name again?" asked Raul. "My name is..." before Juto could finish Raul interupts and says, " IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!! WHAT MATTERS IS YOU TWO LEAVING THIS BATTLEFIELD FOR JUBRONIES ARE NOT ALOUD HERE!! AND IF YOU DON'T I'M A HAVE TO KICK YOUR CANDY A*S!!!" Juto just stands there. "Now Tony as we were," said Raul. "Right....him," said Tony. Tony and Raul began to charge at the guy, but a random fireball flies in front of them. "WHOA! What the hell was that?!" yelled Tony. "That would be me. Yes me and my brother here have special powers. I control fire he controls ice and or water. Whatever, now can we join your fight?" said Juto. "He he, this is too funny," said Travis. "Hm, you know what I need someone to test my abilities against. So, yes you can," said Tony with a smirk. 'Good. Ready Travis?!" yelled Juto. 'Yep! Ready to kick some candy a*s!!" yelled Travis. They all charged at eachother forgetting about the other guy there. "Hmph, they completely forgot about me. Aw well I can make them relize I'm here," said the guy. The guy the closes his eyes and holds out his hand and says, "SHOCK WAVE!!!" The guy sends out a giant shock wave that knocks everyone down.
"Holy s**t! What in god's name was that?!" said Raul. They all look at the guy and he's laughing. "Wow you all are weak. HA! And I thought the one with the curse would be able to withstand my blast," said the guy laughing evily. "Wait how did you know about my curse?" asked Tony. "Oh, but Tony I don't know just your secret I knw every single one you's secret!!" screamed the guy. "No he couldn't no mine could he?" Raul asked himself. "Like for example, Raul Valentino the member of the Valentino Clan. And their secret of super sonic speed, super jumping, and the power the move earth!! Juto Johnson the fire karate kid and his brother Travis Johnson the water/ice kid from the outskirts of nowhere. And Tony Benjamin the one who's family lied to him his whole life about their family secret and they were going to kill him in the long run anyway. Now Travis you are a traitor of your clan and so is Juto. Raul you were sent to earth to destroy it not to find your purpose," said the guy. "Wh-who are you?" asked Juto. The guy begins to laugh evily. "Oh me? Why I'm none other than Jamal Grundy!! I am a famous fighter known across the universe and why you may ask. And that's because I am not human or alien....I am a......cyborg. My original name was Prototype GJG-4000. I was created by the smartest yet craziest scientist is the universe, Dr. Thrangler. He tought me everything I know today," said Jamal. "Then why don't you go back to him and stay there!!!" yelled Travis. "BECAUSE MY "FATHER" KILLED HISSELF BEFORE I CAME HERE!!!" yelled Jamal.
Then everyone got quiet and no one said a thing until Tony said, "Very interesting story Jamal. I'm amazed on how you know us so well, but there's one thing you didn't know and that is my top ultimate power that I've been longing to use all these years!! And NOW is the chance so everyone let us have battle with eachother. Everyone for themselves it just makes it more harder!!" Everyone agrees and they launch into action and begin to fight.......To be continued 

© 2008 Luis

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Added on April 4, 2008
Last Updated on April 6, 2008



Coatesville, PA

i'm ur evryday kid dat ju likes to write random stories nd actully get rlly in2 them. I write stories dat involve action, romance, nd comedy. So if u dont lik ma stories well t damn bad. more..

Prologe Prologe

A Chapter by Luis