A Bad Way To Meet New People pt.1

A Bad Way To Meet New People pt.1

A Chapter by Luis

As Tony and Carmen were driving off, Carmen finally said, "Hey, uh, Tony you know what you said eatlier?" "Yeah. What 'bout it?" asked Tony. "Nothin' big, but would you really....you know......kill me?" asked Carmen. Tony just looked off into the sun. Then he looked back at her and just laughed. Then Tony said, "Carmen, what I said earlier was all true. Yet the part 'bout killin' you wasn't the complete truth. See Carmen I may look like a rough edged tough guy, but there's one to two things you don't quite know about me." Carmen giggles, brushes back her hair and says, "Well what might those two things be?" Tony then gets serious and says, "I'm a cold blooded killer that will kill anyone without hesitation." Carmen gets a scared face, but then Tony says, "But there's a catch. I have a soft side, I mean, I thought you noticed that at the bar when i grazed your arm." "Oh.....yeah that's right. So, my lil' tough baby is a softy?" asked Carmen with a giggle. "Look in my trunk real quick," Tony said as they pulled over. Carmen gets off bike and opens the trunk, then she gasps. "See I have everything I need to destroy one entire city. So, maybe next time I won't be your tough lil' softy biker.....I'll probably be the cold blooded killer I am!" said Tony. Then a voice is heard from afar. "DAMN YOU!! GET BACK HERE!!" screamed the voice. Tony hops on his bike and says, "Carmen wait here!" "Wait? But why?" asked Carmen. "I think whoever this person is may just be a good test for my strength and I don't want you to get caught up in the cross-fire." said Tony. Carmen nods 'yes' and Tony drives off.
As Tony drives down to where he heard the scream he soon comes to his surprise that some idiots are fighting, but not just any fighting.....fighting that is willing for someone to die. "Hm, maybe I'll wait just a little bit longer," said Tony with a smirk. "You b*****d you cut my arm!!" screamed one guy. "Quit bein' a p***y and c'mon!! Hit me with your best shot!!" screamed the other guy. The two guys fight for a good bit, but then one guy decides to just walk away a the othr guy sits there in agony. "Hmph, that didn't last very long. Well, there's my chance!" said Tony as he drove over to the guy. The guy gets up to see Tony driving his way. "OH S**T!!" screamed the guy as he jumped out of Tony's way. Tony then turns quicklt back around making a skid mark. Then Tony stops, gets off his bike and pulls out a sword. "So, I see you got talents in sword fighting," Tony said to the guy. "Yeah, what's it to ya'?" asked the guy holding his arm. "Oh, no reason....just seein' if you can withstand my attacks. READY!! SET!! GO!!!" said Tony as he charged at the guy. The guy smirked and pulled out 2 giant blades and blocked Tony's attack. "HA! You wanna challenge me? What a laugh. Why do you think that guy just left? Because he felt like it.........no! Because I hurt him that badly!" said the guy. Tony then jumps back and says, "Well, well, well I guess i got you at a right time huh?" said Tony. Tony then charges at him again, but this time the guy disappears and reappears behind him. "BORDER SLASH!!!" screamed the guy as he tried to slash Tony. Right as Tony seen that he jumped up and landed on the guy's sword. "Oh, so I see you know Mexican Judo," said Tony. "Actually....no I don't. If you noticed I have a special gift called Rinnegan," said the guy. "Ah, yes I have heard of that before, but I have a even more sinister gift," said Tony. "Well what is it?" asked the guy. "Keep tryin' my patience and you'll find out. Now c'mon enough foolish gibberish let's continue fighting!" yelled Tony. Tony charges again at the guy and h blocks it again. The guy then trys to slash Tony again, but Tony blocks and finally cuts the guy. "AAAAA!! You b*****d!! I can't believe you cut me!!!" screamed the guy. "See just keep talkin' smack and you'll get another!" yelled Tony. The guy gets pissed and charges at Tony looking a if he did stab him, but it turns out to be a log. "What the-----" the guy says as he turns around to see Tony with a gun to his head. "Yo, that's cheatin'!" said the guy. "Hey, I'm a biker. I always cheat!! And I always win!!" said Tony. "Are you sure?" said the guy as he appeared behind Tony with a shank to his neck. "Wow, your good. Wanna call this a draw?" asked Tony. "Yeah and risk a great fight.....HEEEELLL NO!!" said the guy as he tried to slit Tony's throat, but it turns out to be another log. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" screamed the guy. Tony then reappears behind the guy and says, "Now listen I can end this here and now....or....we can just call a truce and go our seperate ways." The guy pauses then says, "Fine a truce, but wait who are you anyways?" "The names Tony Benjamin. And you are?" said Tony. The guy raps a rag around his arm and says, "I'm Raul Valentino, but you can call me Chucho." Tony gets on his bike and says, "Well, Chucho, come with me because I am to find my purpose for living and having this curse I possess." Raul thinks for a bit then says, "Ok. I'll come, but under one condition. If we ever get to the place I want to go you leave me there and don't come back for me." "Ok, but what's the place?" asked Tony. "It's a land ruled by Victor Thomas a famous dictator. He took over my planet!" said Raul. "Wait you mean your not from this world?" asked Tony looking shocked. "No, I am from an unknown planet. And now it's ruled by Victor," said Raul. Tony looks at him and nods his head in approval. Raul then asks, "Uh, do you got a ride for me?" "Yeah hold up," said Tony. Then Tony summons a bike from a random place. "Whoa.....cool," said Raul. "Yeah yeah yeah. Now c'mon gotta go get my girlfriend," said Tony. Raul hop on the bike and then says, "You have a girlfriend? Wow.....but is she hot?" "Yeah.....and no your not tryin for her," said Tony. "I would never....."said Raul with a grin. "If you try," puts sword to Raul's balls,"I'll chop your nuts off!" Raul then stops talking and they drive off.......TBC.

© 2008 Luis

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Added on March 23, 2008
Last Updated on March 29, 2008



Coatesville, PA

i'm ur evryday kid dat ju likes to write random stories nd actully get rlly in2 them. I write stories dat involve action, romance, nd comedy. So if u dont lik ma stories well t damn bad. more..

Prologe Prologe

A Chapter by Luis