The Secret Revealed

The Secret Revealed

A Chapter by Luis

As we left off in chapter 2 we seen how Tony and Carmen met. So now we move on from there. As Tony and Carmen are watching TV until the doorbell rings. Tony gets up and to see that a letter is at his doorstep. He opens the door and grabs the letter. He walks back inside and sits back down next to Carmen. "What is it, babe?" asked Carmen. "I don't know, but it says it's for me," said Tony. Tony opens the letter and reads it. It says:
Dear Tony,
   You may not know who this is, but I know you. I've studied you for years now and now that you've come to my town I will hope to see you. So, meet me at Talcom Park in 35 minutes for we have some things to discuss.
                                     Hope to see you there,
"Wow what is this guy some kind of f****n' stalker?!" said Tony. "What is it?" asked Carmen. Tony hands Carmen the letter and says, "It says i have to meet him or her or whatever they may be in Talcom Park in 35 minutes. This guy must be out his damn mind!" "Well, all I have to say is go to Talcom Park and see what this crazed person wants. Now if it turns out to be a girl you turn right on around and come back here, got me?" said Carmen. Tony chuckles, kisses Carmen and says, "Netti, i ain't gonna do that to you." Carmen giggles and says, "Ok i believe you. Now go to that park ok." Tony jumps out hotel window and lands on his bike and drives off. 30 minutes go by and Tony arrives at Talcom park. "Huuuuh, well here it is.....Talcom Park," said Tony. Tony gets off his bike and walks around looking for this mystery person. Tony looks around for about 3 minutes, when a guy pops out from a bush and tries to attack Tony. Tony without even moving stops the guy in mid-air. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! AND WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME?!!" screamed Tony. "Let go you a*s!" exclaimed the guy. "Not until you tell me who you are and why you attacked me," said Tony with a gun to his head. "I'm the guy who sent you the god damn letter!!" said the guy. Tony gets up and lets the guy up, but still has the gun to his head. "Ok now that i know it was you that sent me that piece of s**t excuse for a letter, what's the reason for it?" asked Tony. "'s because I have some info on your family," said the guy. Tony's face changes from angry to shock. "Wait how do you know about my family?" aske Tony. "Well if ya' put the gun down i can tell you," said the guy. "Ok," Tony puts gun down then picks it back up,"how f****n' dumb do you think I am?!" The guy backs up and says, "Listen my name is Gabriel Fabrizio, but you can call me Rizo. Now before you blow my brains out....I know about your curse Tony." "How do you know?" asked Tony. "I know because I'm your brother Tony," said Gabriel. Tony laughs and then says, "Are you bullshitin' me? I have no brotha'!" Gabriel opens his jacket to show a scar on his chest then says, "Now look at this scar it means somethin'." Tony examines the scar and then says, "Well, Rizo, I guess you are my brotha 'cause I have the same exact scar." Tony opens his cloak to show his scar. "Ah, so now you get it? Yes I have more info on the curse brother," said Gabriel. Tony closes his cloak and puts the gun away and says, "Well, "brotha", your 3 years too late. For I already know my curse." Gabriel runs up to Tony and says, "Tony listen, we can't use that power no matter what!!" "Oh, yeah! Tell that to my dead mom and dad. They told me the same thing and check this out, "bro", the reason they died was because they didn't use their power! So, me bein' the smart one I am I used my power whenever "I" feel it needs to be used!" Tony jumps on his bike and starts it up. "Tony wait! Don't do this! It isn't the smart way to go!" screamed Gabriel. "Listen, do yourself a favor. Leave me alone, get a girl, and don't get in my way and you won't get hurt!" said Tony. Tony then drives back to the hotel and pulls up to see Carmen ready to leave. "Netti, what you doin'?" asked Tony. "Listen, Tony, we can't just stay here. We need to explore more places then just this. I mean I've lived here my whole life and I'm gettin' sick and tired of this shithole. So, please Tony take me with you," said Carmen. Tony looks at Carmen and says, "Ok, ok you can come with me. But if you do anything stupid I'ma have to kill ya'." Carmen jumps on back of Tony's bike and says, "You would never do that to me. Wanna know how I know?" "How?" asked Tony. "Because 1. you love me and 2. when you threw that knife at me it only grazed my arm and i know you could of hit me dead on if ya' wanted to," said Carmen. Tony chuckles and says, ".......Yeah you right. Bu it don't mean i won't just dump you to the side of the road." Carmen laughs as Tony starts up the bike and they drive off.
"So, Tony, what did that guy want and who was he?" asked Carmen. Tony hesitates then says, "He was my brotha, well a close related brotha, but he wanted to tell me more about my family curse I have." "A curse?" asked Carmen. Tony looks off into sun and says, "Well when I was only 13 years old I found out that my family had a curse apon them and this curse was......." Tony pauses then Carmen asks, "Was what?" Tony pulls over and looks Carmen right in the eyes and says, 'Netti, this curse i have is the power to control large amounts of lightning at my own will." Tony gets off bike and stands next to it. "And what's so bad about that?" asked Carmen. "The bad thing is if I go to this stage called Lightning God I lose all control of my mind, and my body. And appriently my father was right about one thing and that's if I use this power on Lightning God form I can destroy all humanity even you," said Tony. Tony then tells Carmen to get back on and they drve off.

© 2008 Luis

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Added on March 20, 2008
Last Updated on March 21, 2008



Coatesville, PA

i'm ur evryday kid dat ju likes to write random stories nd actully get rlly in2 them. I write stories dat involve action, romance, nd comedy. So if u dont lik ma stories well t damn bad. more..

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A Chapter by Luis