He and She

He and She

A Chapter by Luis

As we left off from before Tony was just about to reveal what his family's curse was. So, anyway.......Tony came to a conclusion that the reason his parents died was because they didn't use their family curse. Now as Tony continued reading he found out that if the curse is not used before you reach the age of 35 to 40 you will most certainly die. "HOW COULD MY FATHER LIE TO ME?!!!" exclaimed Tony. Tony was enraged because he remembered that both his parents died when they were 40 years old. "I just can't believe it!! My father lied to me sayin' I can't use my power for it will kill all humanity!! Well screw humanity!! I'm gonna use this curse at it's full strength no matter the cause!!" screamed Tony. Tony ran out of the school and never returned until 2 years later. During these 2 years he went from town to town killing anyone who got in his way. Then when he turned 16 years old he stopped at this little outskirt town called Scatsville. He drove through this town with one thing in mind: KILL!! But before he done that he stopped at this old run-down Tavern called the Rusty Spoon. Right as Tony walked in he was surrounded by people who were willing to serve him. "Sir would you want some new shoes?" asked some guy. Tony replied to everybody, "BACK THE HELL OFF!! OR YOU WILL ALL DIE!!" Everyone sits back in their seats. Tony walks up to the bartender and says, "Tequila! NOW!" The bartender scurries to the back and grabs a bottle of tequila. "You know that stuff can be bad for you," said some guy. "And who are you to tell me that?!" asked Tony. "I'm a nobody according to my creator," said the guy as he took a drink of his 14th shot and got up and left. "Wow that guy was weird. Hmph, probably weirder than me," said Tony as he took a drink of the tequila. Then Tony notices a girl walk over to him and she's wearing very little clothes, but dressed like a biker. Now Tony is just dressed in a cloak with guns and knives hidden inside. So anyways.....the girl taps Tony's shoulder and says, "Mind if I sit here?" Tony nods 'yes' and the girl sits down. "So.....I see you like to act tough huh?" asked the girl. Tony grins and says, "Act? Sweet cheeks, I don't act. This is just how I am every f****n' day!" The girl chuckles and says, "Well, if your so tough then you will......" Tony interupts, "Listen, I don't do things to prove to people ok. I do things to KILL people! You wanna know why I'm even in this shithole of a town?" "Yeah sure why not?" said the girl. "Ok, well I came here for one reason only.........to kill every last of these pathetic pieces of s**t!!" said Tony. The girls gasps, but then begins to get this big grin on her face. Tony looks at her and says, "Oh you think I'm kidding? Ok I got ya'." Tony pulls out a hand gun and without looking shoots a random guy in the head. "Well?" asked Tony. The girl just looks at Tony and says, "Hmmmm, I think your just for show." Tony chuckles and says, "You just don't get it do you?!" Tony grabs the girl by her neck and slams her into a wall. Everyone gets up in shock. "Now listen you can either shut the f**k up or die right here and now!" said Tony as he put a knife to the girl's neck. The girl laughs and says,"If your so tough kill me right here and now if ya' want to! I mean c'mon you say your a killing machine, but all I've seen was a young kid who's afraid to show his true potential!!!" Tony just looks at her and then puts her down. Everyone sits back down and Tony puts his knife away. "So, I guess i was right.....you are just for show." Tony throws a knife at the girl and it just grazes her arm. "See I'm not just for show.....I'm the real deal!" exclaimed Tony. The girl looks bac at Tony and grins. Then Tony just runs up to her and they begin to make out. Tony picks her up and takes her out to a hotel where they have crazy sex. The next day comes and Tony is up making breakfast. The girl gets up and walks out and says, "Good morning." Tony throws the frying pan at her and she catches it. "Huh, so you are fully awake," said Tony. "You know what I never got your name," said the girl. Tony gets his beer and walks up to her and says, "The name's Tony....Tony Benjamin. I was the leader of a famous biker gang named the Red Dragons, but things just didn't go so well with them. So, what's your name?" The girl grins and says, "Carmen.....Carmen Janetti, but u can call me Netti." Tony laughs and sits next to her and holds her as they watch TV.

© 2008 Luis

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Added on March 20, 2008
Last Updated on March 21, 2008



Coatesville, PA

i'm ur evryday kid dat ju likes to write random stories nd actully get rlly in2 them. I write stories dat involve action, romance, nd comedy. So if u dont lik ma stories well t damn bad. more..

Prologe Prologe

A Chapter by Luis