![]() Wasted TimeA Poem by JayyfosterWasted time Like sands of the shore slipping away Nothing is done day after day When sentiments and goals in the balance are weighed Like a creditor’s debt waiting to be paid My being like a candle in the storm did fade. Time is the once young fast aging pretty maid Who for decades at your heart’s door bade “Come please the judgment is set, The rules are laid, The quota is not met And you my good sir are long delayed!” Yet there I stood With my face carved like wood Motionless, emotionless, devotion-less for good “Yes,” my mind said, “I ought to do what I should. Just let me end this mission to save Robin Hood.” My task was clear and intentions unshrouded Yet my will with doubts and sloth beclouded. “I’ll get to it someday, I’ll get to it soon.” But we all know what that means: “Wait for the blue moon.” Time beckoned again and again This time a plea for me. “Would you gamble your sanity? Would you gamble your health? All for a calmed vanity and spoiling of wealth? Your family, your friends, your dearest Maria! And just think of your boss when he says to you ‘See ya!’” I am a wreck! A catastrophe! A waste among men Instead of an eagle I am silly fat hen! Tumblr, twitter, Facebook, what a novel idea The very next thing to kill me, I fear. This power over me I hate it most dear! Yet I cannot resist when the wifi is near. So I write with a heart full of dread, This net will be the end of me, my mind is now dead. I should have seen it sooner It was written in red! But then I remember, those words that I said. I said to myself, “I can handle this, In confidence, “It gives me bliss!” But lo under the gadgets, the widgets, the digits The neurons in my mind were like caffeine high midgets I crept in deeper Like a pretentious grim reaper But At the end of the abyss Was no eternal bliss, Twas but death’s beguiling cold kiss. I implore you now face your books, Tumble down a hill, Hear the tweets of the blue jay See the flickring of the humming bird. Don’t look at me as if I were absurd! Don’t stream your movies, Move to the streamies. YouTube? Please, Tubes are for plumbing And with enough force, Can be quite mind numbing Follow your mind Not Snooky, Bieber, or crew I don’t really think they give a hoot about you. Talk to people In the park, in the café, wherever you want. And remember the steeple! That just where demons love to haunt! Focus your mind, hear the voice of God Before all this noise, it wasn’t very odd. © 2013 Jayyfoster |