![]() Cruel ManA Chapter by John“Here’s how this is going to happen, boy,” Abricci
began, sitting in a simple chair near the wall across from the door and
crossing his legs. The room was dark, but Sabah could make out the shape of a
table and another chair, in front of Abricci’s. There were things hanging from
the ceiling, but he wasn’t sure what they were. “Neither you nor your friend
outside are leaving this room the way you came in. How broken, however, will be
for you to decide.” Outside,
they could hear Nailah banging on the door and screaming unintelligible things.
“What do
you mean by that?” Sabah asked, ignoring her and jumping straight to the point.
“You see,
usually I’d just have my fun with you, and save the girl for later. But I can
see that you are quite different. You
don’t beg, you don’t cry, you don’t show your feelings. But you do care for the
girl outside”"Abricci’s smile flashed through the darkness"“so you get to
choose. Who will go to sleep today in a sorrier state, you or the girl?” Sabah looked
at Abricci’s general direction, and there was no doubt in his voice. “Do
whatever you want to me. Just leave her alone.” Abricci’s
laugh came out muffled as he covered his mouth with his hand. “Ah, marvelous! I’ll
be sure to thoroughly enjoy myself with you then, boy.” He extended his arm
toward the wall and turned on the lights. On the table, two open cases revealed
a myriad of objects that included syringes, scalpels, saws and whips. Below it
stood a small, white fridge. Ropes and chains spiraled down the ceiling so that
they were in arm’s reach of anyone reasonable tall. Throwing his legs forward, Abricci jumped from
the chair to the table, and began humming as he separated this or that tool
from the rest. Meanwhile, Sabah watched apprehensively. “Right,”
Abricci sang happily, suddenly grabbing Sabah by the wrist with one hand, and
pulling down a chain. He produced a pair of leather shackles that could be tethered
together by a removable metal link. “Raise your arms, boy,” he ordered and
Sabah promptly obeyed as the now-fading bangs on the door constantly reminded
him of what was at stake. Abricci
fastened one of his wrists to the shackle and then passed the link through the
ceiling chain, tethering it to the other shackle and tightening the remaining
wrist. He then pulled on another chain, raising the first one until Sabah was
made to stand on the tip of his toes. Abricci hooked the chain to a clasp on
the wall, and pulled it a last time to make sure it wouldn’t budge. He took the chair, placed it in front of the
boy and sat down, staring at him. As tall as he was, Abricci was now almost at
eye level with Sabah. “So…?” Sabah
mumbled, already having difficulties breathing. “Do not
speak.” Abricci said simply and intensified his gaze. “I think this might be
exhilarating! For me, that is.” He stood
up, excitement coursing through his body, and rummaged through his cases, coming
up with a small MP3 device, a pair of earplugs and some tape. He put the plugs
on Sabah’s ears and taped them in place. He then touched the MP3 screen a few times,
and a high-pitched sound, the kind you get after hearing to something very
loud, started playing through the earbuds. Abricci then sat down and looked at
Sabah with a grin in his face. Minute after minute went by but much like
Abricci’s position, the sound remained the same. It dominated Sabah’s mind,
rendering him unable to focus on anything.
The boy shook his head, trying time and again to remove the earplugs,
but it was in vain. Sabah’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he could
draw increasingly shorter and desperate breaths as the exhaustion from his
position settled like a heavy weight upon his body. The more he struggled, the
more Abricci’s sadistic smile grew. It was only
when black dots started to cloud Sabah’s vision, and he was positive he would
go insane from the sound, that Abricci removed the earbuds and lowered the
chain. As soon as he did it, Sabah collapsed on his knees and elbows, breathing
and coughing heavily. Abricci opened the fridge and took a glass and some
water. He filled the glass to the brim and got a sachet from his case, dropping
the white powder on the glass. “Drink,” he
said, offering Sabah the water. He looked up from the floor and wiped saliva
off his lips, “What’s in it?” he asked. “Drink,” Abricci ordered, eyebrows
raised. Sabah took
the glass and, after finding a comfortable position, drank its contents. It had
a salty taste to it, but it wasn’t very pronounced. Abricci took his glass and
put it back inside the fridge. “Time for
round two, boy,” he announced and took the earplugs, taping them back on Sabah’s
ears. Sabah tried
to maintain a neutral expression but Abricci could see the misery that settled
in his face as soon as the earbuds were taped. He gulped and closed his eyes,
clenching his jaw as his assailant began raising the chain once more, the
effect on his breathing almost immediate. Abricci then went to the table and
came back with a scalpel. Abricci
took Sabah by the hair and as the boy resisted, he pulled harder and pressed
the blunt side of the tool against his throat. The boy quieted down, looking at
Abricci with a mix of anger and fear. His captor grinned and tapped him lightly
on the cheek before moving his fingers down to the chin, commanding the boy to
bow his head up slightly. Then, with utmost precision, Abricci used the scalpel
to make two deep but short cuts above each of Sabah’s eyebrows. Blood tickled
down"slowly at first"reaching the boy’s eyes and making him shake his head,
spilling blood around the room. It soon made its way to Sabah’s mouth, causing
him to choke when he tried to breathe through it. Between
moans of the unnerving high-pitched sound and coughs of the blood constantly
entering his mouth, Sabah struggled and thrashed, barely able to see. It did
not take long for the boy to be splattered with his own blood, and along his eyes,
the blood was mixed with tears that finally started to fall, his helplessness
taking the best of him and making him gasp even more. Abricci gave him no
respite though, taking a leather glove from his pocket, putting it on and
hitting Sabah full force in the face. The boy’s scream came out as a gargle
instead, and he swung back and forth like a bleeding pendulum. “Cry, you
m**********r!” Abricci howled at him, high enough to be heard above the earplug’s
sound, and to startle Nailah outside, for she began hitting on the door again. “Beg!” he
blared once more, hitting Sabah’s face without mercy as he pronounced each
word, all the while sporting a devilish grin, “Beg. For. Mercy!” And so
Sabah"or at least the bloody, teary, purple mess that he’d become" did. Crying,
almost unable to speak thanks to his ruptured lips and uneven breathing, he
managed to utter his plea. “Stop…” he begged
weakly, “please, I c-can’t take it…” Abricci now
had the smile of a crocodile stamped on his face, and his eyes were deep rivers
of malice. He went back to his tools and glued two small cotton balls to a bit
of tape. He then took a tiny flask and let a few drops fall on each of the
balls. Raising the tape carefully, he closed the distance to Sabah and glued it
to his nose, so that each ball covered a nostril. Finally, Abricci turned and
left the room, letting Sabah have a glimpse of Nailah, who paled for the one
second during which she saw him. The door then closed and he was left alone bleeding,
broken, exhausted, almost unable to breath and much less think. With so many
parts of his body aching for attention, it took a while for him to notice the
increasingly hot burning feeling that was spreading from the tape on his nose and
scorching through his face. © 2016 John |
Added on March 27, 2016 Last Updated on March 27, 2016 Author