The Machine- V. 1.4A Stage Play by Hunter ZabbaiConcept album idea- Inspired by Roger Waters.
Act 1
1. Intro/Preface- MC( Main Character, man, prolly 35 ish). Is at a hideout with his wife, kids, and his mother. Scared shitless. Fearful. 2. Welcome to the Machine- Machine, a giant "factory", that manipulates, clays, molds, shapes people, controls their lives into what the Machine wants, run by government, controls everything. 3. Daddy sequence- MC's Daddy, aka Dad/Father/Daddy, sacrifices his life to save MC and his wife and their kids, his own wife, in return for his own. Epic heroic actions, killed by Machine, set's up anger/resentment/revenge/ craziness in MC. 4. Wife Sequence- MC's wife kills his Mother behind his back and keeps it a secret, elaborates on how he is a weak man, wants to be out of the hideout, tired of living in fear, and would rather be out in the Deadland and the Machine than stay hidden with him, and ultimately leaves, with their kids 5. Mother- MC remembering Mother, reliving his youth, he then realizes that Mother died, leaving MC all alone, final wishes, MC cries himself into a panic attack 6. Heroin- new character introduced, named Heroin, sexy/dirty girl, takes away MC's pain, becomes addicted to her. 7. Flashback sequence- remembers first date with wife, childhood memories, daddy, mommy, perfect family, everything is perfect. 8. Overdose/Realization- MC realizes that there was no girl, he was taking heroin, notices his delusional/crazy behavior/thinking. 9. Out there- MC hates his life, has nothing left but track marks, needs to get out, wonders what is outside of his hideout. 10. Psychotic Realization/Anger builds- realizes that his life is complete s**t because of The Machine, has lost everyone he loves and that loved him, starts taking speed, mental breakdown. Intermission- Instrumental/Random Song/Side story/Cover(s)- 20-30 minutes? Act 2. 1. Journey- MC is fed up, leaves hideout, takes everything that he owns with him, which is nothing. 2. Last Chance- Conversation between the crazy and sane part of MC, crazy part wins, sane part of MC leaves, warning him about what is going to happen if he continues. 3. Bizarre- Describing his mental state, absolutely psychotic, amphetamine psychosis, losing teeth, logic, etc. 4. Front Gate Of Hell- MC stands outside of The Machine, no moral, regard, anything, 5. Machine, described- Most elaborate system, disgusting, taking kids in, degrading, disturbing 6. Rampage- MC Murders lots of workers, no remorse, has fun, drinks blood for fun 7. Held Hostage- MC is captured by two guards, one guy one girl, look familiar, but no remembrance or recollection at all 8. Guards- MC murders the guards, escapes, is on way to The Boss, is stopped by Wife 9. Confrontation- In Wife's revenge, she is now married/cheated on MC with The Boss of The Machine, tells MC again that he is weak and will never truly be a man, because he can't think for himself 10. Revenge, continued- Wife explains also that she was the one who killed MC's Mother, MC kills her in a raged, crazed fit 11. Final Revenge- MC finds The Boss of The Machine, shoots him in the back of the head 12. Realization- The Boss of The Machine was Father the whole time, realized his Wife cheated on him with his Father, is walking out of Machine, sees the two guards he killed, they were his kids 13. Suicide Hotline- MC, realizes on his walk out the front gate, looks back, see's no Machine, there were other workers, just his wife, his kids, and his father. He realizes he went insane and psychotic and murdered his family in vain, subsequently shoots himself. 14. Alarm Clock Rings- MC wakes up, with Edgar Allen Poe's "Dream Within A Dream" open on his nightstand, is perplexed by crazy a*s dream, wonder's if that was real or not, shrugs it off, goes to work for The Machine, like any normal day... © 2008 Hunter Zabbai |
1 Review Added on October 2, 2008 Last Updated on October 13, 2008 Author