![]() “My Septemeber Eleventh Story”A Story by Bobworth F. Nilly“My Septemeber Eleventh Story” By: Bob Nilly The only memories I have from Septemeber 11, 2001 is what my parents have told me. For the longest time I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing that I don’t remember 9/11, but after seeing all the videos of that tragic day I think its better that I don’t remember it. Here is my story... It was not an ordinary day - it was much more beautiful then any ordinary day. The sun was shining high in the blue raspberry cotton candy colored sky. Some might say the day was too good and beautiful to be true. It was one of the first days of school. My mom was busy getting Brian to middle school, LaMar onto the correct bus for Frost Valley, Dwayne to elementary school and me to pre school. Just after waving good-bye to Dwayne my mom turn on the radio and we were on our way to our last stop - St. Alban’s pre school. “It seems that the World Trade Center has just been hit by a small passenger plane,” announced the voice on the radio. At first we didn’t dwell to much on it, but after hearing some more about it my mom decided to call my grandma because that is where my dad worked. “Mom?”, my mom said to grandma, “Turn on the news, I heard something about a plane hitting the world trade center.” My grandma did just as my mom said but there wasnt too much information out yet about what was happening so they hung up. Then my mom picked up the phone again and called Dad’s office to see if everything was okay. “Were closed!” a voice on the other end shouted. “Wait, is Alfred there?” “No I think he left,” then the line went dead. “Caroline, daddy is golfing in Delaware,” my turned to say to me in the backseat. She sounded very relieved. “Oh that’s good mommy,” I responded, and we continued on our way to school not knowing the severity of what had happened. At 9:03 am we heard something about another plane hitting the south tower of the World Trade Center. We were nearing the school and my mom happened to see our neighbor driving in the opposite direction. They pulled the cars next to eachother and my mom asked if she had any idea what was going on. “I’m sure it was just a reflection or something,” said our neighbor. My mom started to get a little anxious. I could tell that she was trying to be as calm as possible, but something strange was definitley happening in New York. Mom pulled the car into the parking lot, parked the car and walked me into school. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I ran to go see my friends in the classroom. On her way back home my mom turned the volume on the radio loud and listened for more details. Then came another announcement that the Pentagon had been hit by a plane also. When my mom reached the house she ran up the stairs and turned on the news. She heard that planes had been hijacked by Al Queda terrorists and crashed into both the twin towers and the Pentagon. There were live shots coming from lower Manhattan. Just a few minutes later my mom watched in complete horror as the South tower crumbled and turned into a cloud of debri. Next was the news of a plane that was aimed for either the capital or the White House that had also been hijacked but failed, and landed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Oh my goodness. What was happening? Was the world ending?, my mom thought to herself. About twenty minutes later the North Tower collapsed, and people all over America hoped that would be the end of it. Later that night my dad finally got home. It was such a blessing to have him home again. My dad told me the first thing I asked him was “Daddy, are they going to rebuild the towers?”, and ten years later look how far we have come and how much stronger we have become as a nation. This is my Septemeber Eleventh story... What is yours? © 2012 Bobworth F. NillyAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 10, 2012 Last Updated on February 10, 2012 Author![]() Bobworth F. NillyAlvin, WIAboutI am a 53 year old man from Alvin, Wisconsin and i enjoy fishing with my 83 year old father. And I have a hobby of collecting stamps. I own my own beauty parlor, and I enjoy giving pedicures to old la.. more..Writing