Wish Bones - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Wish Bones - Star Trek: The Next Generation

A Screenplay by Ray J. Lonsdale

Based upon characters and situations created by Gene Roddenberry





In fixed orbit above planet Sigma 3 Prime.


Captain's log, Stardate 46576.2.  The Enterprise is now in orbit above planet Sigma 3 Prime, home to one of the largest Star Fleet medical facilities in the galaxy.  By request of our chief medical officer, Dr. Beverly Crusher, I have arranged a brief diversion here en route to a well- earned shore leave...


PICARD stands before a large window, watching the majestic image of the U.S.S. Potempkin as it drifts silently across his field of view, high above the planet.  After a moment, PICARD turns his attention away from the window and walks across the room to the food synthesis unit in the wall.




Earl Grey, hot.

PICARD appears a bit startled by the computer's completion of his request.


Am I really that predictable?

There is, of course, no reply to the captain's question except that of the food synthesis door as it slides open revealing a steaming cup of tea inside.  PICARD allows a slight grin as he takes the cup.  He and the Enterprise obviously know each other very well.


BEVERLY CRUSHER is hurriedly preparing to beam down to the Sigma Medical Complex.  She is wearing her dress uniform and is still trying to pin her communicator on her lapel as the sick bay doors open and WESLEY CRUSHER enters.  BEVERLY turns and acknowledges his presence with a half-hearted smile and then looks away, continuing to adjust the communicator.  WESLEY jumps up on a nearby examination table, watching his mother fidget with the device.


You look absolutely stunning in your dress uniform.  Tell me, who exactly is it that you're trying to impress?

BEVERLY CRUSHER turns to her son, placing her hands on her hips and gives him a stern but perhaps less than serious look.


Wesley Crusher!  Don't you think you might be reading a little too much into my visit here?

WESLEY is not just making idle conversation.  He had come here to express a genuine concern:


Come on, Mom.  You won't even tell Captain Picard why you wanted to stop on Sigma 3 Prime, and now that you're here, you look like you're more nervous and excited than I was on my first date.  Well, actually I was more nervous and excited going into the academy than I was on my first date.  Anyway, that's not the point!  Now you're asking me to pilot a shuttlecraft down to the planet, wait all day for you at the spaceport to bring you back to the Enterprise!  I can just here it now.  "Hey Wes, how'd you spend your shoreleave?"  Oh, I had the time of my life.  I spent a whole day waiting around the Sigma medical spaceport to chauffeur my mom back to the Enterprise.  WOW!  What for?  You're beaming down to the planet.  Why not just beam back when you're finished with whatever it is that you're going to do?

BEVERLY CRUSHER wraps her arms around WESLEY and sighs.


Why is it that a son has to know what his mother is up to all the time?  Do I pry into your privacy?




Wesley, all I can tell you is that sometimes doctors have many wishes or dreams beyond wanting to make other people well.  Perhaps doctors understand better than anyone that wishes can have more healing power than even the best medicines.  I know that none of this is making any sense to you right now.  I'm afraid you're just going to have to trust me.  I promise you: When you bring me back to the Enterprise tonight, you'll understand why I'm so excited.

Her words were not exactly what WESLEY wanted to hear.  If anything, they just made the mystery more intriguing.  WESLEY decides to try a different approach:


Don't you think that Captain Picard might be just a little suspicious when I ask permission to take an all day joyride in a Federation Shuttlecraft?

BEVERLY CRUSHER seems amused.


I've already explained to Captain Picard that I will be bringing a cargo of medicines and other perishable medical supplies back with me and can't afford to take a chance of altering their molecular structure with the transporter beam.  Nice try, Wes.

BEVERLY CRUSHER exits sick bay on her way to the Transporter room before WESLEY has a chance to respond.  It seems important for him to say anyway:


You lied to Captain Picard.


Feeling it necessary to tell someone about his mother's strange behavior, WESLEY CRUSHER makes his way down the passage and passes unannounced into COMMANDER DATA'S quarters.  DATA is seated with his back to CRUSHER, his head cocked to one side.  As CRUSHER draws nearer, he looks over DATA'S shoulder at the object of the Commander's fascination and sees the tiny holographic image of Lieutenant Yar.  At that instant, she begins to sing.  DATA, obviously having played and replayed this recording dozens of times before, starts to accompany her in a very flat, monotone voice.


When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...

CRUSHER immediately recognizes the song and for a moment the duet becomes a trio.


Anything your heart desires will come to you...

DATA stops singing and looks up at CRUSHER.  After having acknowledged CRUSHER'S presence, he turns to the flickering figure of YAR


Freeze program

The hologram stands motionless and silent.  DATA turns back to face CRUSHER.


I am sorry, Wesley. I did not hear you come in.


Somehow that doesn't surprise me, Data.  I guess I should have knocked first.  Must have had my mind on something else.  I'll come back later.

CRUSHER turns to leave but stops at the door when DATA begins to speak after him.


She used to call me her little wooden head.  She said that it was her nickname for me.  Of course, I tried to explain to her that none of my components are constructed of plant fibers.  She seemed to find that quite amusing.

CRUSHER looks unbelieving at DATA and starts to grin.


Do you understand what she was talking about?

CRUSHER walks back into the room and sits down beside DATA.  He is still struggling to keep a straight face.


Well, a nickname is like a term of endearment.  Usually a friend gives you a nickname because you or something you do reminds them of someone or something else.


Interesting.  So what you are saying is that somehow my head reminded Tasha of a tree?

CRUSHER can't contain himself any longer.  DATA'S innocence and sincerity alone are enough to throw him into a fit of laughter.  After a moment he manages to regain his composure.


No, I don't think so Data.

CRUSHER stands and once again makes his way to the door.  As it sides open, CRUSHER turns back to DATA who is still as confused as ever.


Check the library computer under the works of Collodi.  You might also try the ship's theater.  Ask for the archive titled animated motion pictures of the 20th century.  Cross reference by the name Walt Disney.

DATA appears to be quite astounded by CRUSHER'S knowledge.


How do you know this?

CRUSHER has, for the moment, forgotten his concerns and the reason for looking up DATA in the first place.  He turns and walks slowly out of DATA'S quarters 


I sat next to Lieutenant Yar during the show.  She sprang for the popcorn.


Outside the Sigma Medical Complex.  Several small transport ships glide slowly between the towers and buildings that stretch on to the horizon.


Several interns are gathered around the patient's bed.  The patient is a Chalnan named EBNOR, hospitalized with severe phaser burns.  Chief medical officer KALABAN enters the room and walks up to the foot of the bed.


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Ebnor, perhaps the only member of the Chalnan race ever admitted to the Sigma medical complex.  Just two weeks ago he was found adrift in a life pod, unconscious and near death on the outer edge of the Sigma system.  He was rushed here and underwent treatment for his injuries.  Considering our almost nonexistent knowledge of Chalnan physiology, Ebnor appears to have made great strides toward a complete recovery.  Oh, he will have a few scars as you can plainly see...

KALABAN folds back the blanket and bed sheet to reveal a deep gash cutting across Ebnor's chest and upper abdomen.


A phaser blast of this intensity would have killed a normal human, however the...

EBNOR, obviously annoyed at being the subject of study, decides to interject.


A normal human being would turn and run before such a blast could be inflicted!

The sudden outburst startles the interns who are obviously intimidated by the Chalnan anyway.


Leave me!  I grow weary of this foolishness.  Your freak show will wait for another day!

The physicians are not about to argue with him.  The group quickly files out of the room.  With a great deal of effort, EBNOR lifts himself out of the bed and staggers across the room.  He allows the doors to slide open just long enough to see that the corridor outside is empty.  He then backs away from the door and reaches around under a thick layer of hair to the base of his skull.  Using one of the razor sharp talons at the tips of his fingers, EBNOR cuts the flesh away from his neck to reveal a tiny metallic capsule implanted there.  Phase one of his mission is now complete.  He pulls the bloody container from it's hiding place and holds it up to the light.  Crimson reflections flicker across his face.  His is the face of an assassin.





WESLEY CRUSHER is seated at the helm of the Shuttlecraft Copernicus.  He taps the insignia on his uniform and addresses Commander Riker on the bridge.


Ensign Crusher to bridge, permission to launch shuttlecraft.

The voice of COMMANDER RIKER responds from the communicator.


Shuttlecraft Copernicus.  Permission granted, Mister Crusher.

CRUSHER keys in a short burst from the vertical maneuvering thrusters and watches the hanger deck drop from sight through the window.


The Copernicus rises several meters off the floor of the hanger bay.


CRUSHER finishes the launch sequence and fires the main thrusters.


The Copernicus accelerates forward and out through the hanger doors.


The shuttlecraft passes between the Enterprise's two giant warp drive nacelles and out over the tremendous blue globe of Sigma 3 Prime.


CRUSHER lays in a course to the spaceport at the Sigma Medical Complex.  After he enters the coordinates of the spaceport into the navigation console, CRUSHER leans back to enjoy the ride.  He switches on the aft viewer and watches the image of the Enterprise shrink to a pinpoint of light, indiscernible from the stars beyond.  CRUSHER is glad to be back serving aboard the Enterprise, if only temporarily.  He hoped that the events of the next few hours would not jeopardize his admission into the academy, not to mention his career in Star Fleet.  CRUSHER'S thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a communication from below.


Copernicus, this is Sigma Spaceport Control, clear to land on pad 09.


Shuttlecraft Copernicus to Sigma Control, acknowledged.


CRUSHER guides the small craft above a dense layer of clouds.  As the shuttlecraft begins its decent through the clouds, wispy white and gray tendrils drift around the fuselage until it drops out of sight.


RIKER is seated beside TROI.  WORF and DATA are at their stations; SUPERNUMERARIES as needed.




What is it, Mister Data?

RIKER rises from the captain's chair and walks over to the console where DATA is seated.


According to our sensors, the Enterprise computer is currently receiving a transmission from the planet's surface.

RIKER smiles, apparently somewhat amused.


Well, Mister Data, I'm sure it's nothing life threatening.  Doctor Crusher would be the last person I would suspect of infecting our system with a computer virus.


Perhaps not Sir, but I...


Data, that was just a little joke!

DATA turns his head inquisitively and looks at RIKER.


Ah, of course.  A joke, Sir.  The appropriate response on my part, assuming that you have delivered the so called punch line, would be one of amusement.  Ha.  Ha.  Ha ha.

Suddenly DATA breaks out into a wild, high pitched laughter.  Then, as abruptly as he started, DATA stops laughing and continues with his report.


Commander, I would think nothing of it myself if not for the fact that the transmission is scrambled for Admiral's eyes only.

RIKER'S grin is suddenly replaced by a look of grave concern.


Go on, Mister Data.


According to these readings, the information is not being fed into the medical database.


Can you localize the destination?


Yes, Commander.  The information is being received by the computer on Holodeck 4.

RIKER presses the communicator in the insignia on his chest.


Riker to Picard.


Go ahead, Number One.

RIKER turns to face the main viewer and the image of the planet below, an image that has somehow become a bit foreboding.


Commander Data has discovered something.  Something very peculiar.

PICARD'S response is stern but inquisitive.




I'm not sure I can, Captain.  Suggest you meet Commander Data and myself on Holodeck 4.


EBNOR has removed his hospital gown and is taking his clothing from a storage cabinet.  He has nearly finished dressing when the door to his room slides open.  An orderly enters carrying a hypo and a medical tricorder.  The orderly stops short of the bed where EBNOR is sitting, lacing up one of his boots.  Before the orderly can turn and run, EBNOR jumps up and seizes his arm in a crushing grip.  The Chalnan tears the tricorder from the orderly's hand and sends it sailing across the room.  It lands unharmed on EBNOR'S bed.  Instinctively, the orderly tries to drive the hypo into the beast's arm to break the hold.  EBNOR catches his wrist as he starts to swing and squeezes until the needle falls from his hand.  Maintaining his hold on the arm, EBNOR kneels down and picks up the hypo.  He holds it up to the orderly's face and drains its contents onto the floor.  He then pulls the plunger back out, filling the syringe with air.  EBNOR pushes the hypo against the orderly's neck, directly over the jugular vein.  The body falls lifeless to the floor.  EBNOR pauses to think how best to proceed.  If someone were to find the orderly dead, his mission on Sigma might fail.  He picks up the tricorder from his bed and studies the panel.


Although he does not fully understand the functionality of the tricorder, he is able to decipher enough to see that this device was in fact encoded and personalized to this man.  Using a small touch key pad, EBNOR accesses a menu of commands, apparently linked to a central processor.  One of the options listed is ON CALL.  EBNOR selects this option.  The screen comes to life and displays the word "LOCATION?"  EBNOR does not have an answer.  He tries the first thing that pops into his head and types "OFF WORLD."  The tricorder readout replies with the word "TRANSPORTATION" and two choices; ENTERPRISE or POTEMPKIN.  EBNOR is relieved that he doesn't have to guess which ships are currently in orbit around Sigma Prime.  He thinks for a moment and then types "POTEMPKIN."  The tricorder then prompts him to enter a destination, listing Angosia 3 and Rana 4 as the Potempkin's next scheduled stops.  There is a sound of footsteps outside his door and EBNOR quickly enters the shortest of the two.  A moment later, the tricorder confirms the request.  The words "TRANSFER APPROVED.  STATUS ON CURRENT ASSIGNMENT, SIGMA 3 PRIME MEDICAL FACILITY SUSPENDED THIS STARDATE.  ADDING YOUR NAME TO POTEMPKIN PASSENGER MANIFEST" scroll across the tiny screen.  


EBNOR gently places the tricorder back in the hand of the orderly and pulls his hand phaser from his belt.  He sets the weapon on disintegrate.


Have a pleasant journey.

EBNOR fires the phaser and the orderly's body disappears in a flash of burning light.  EBNOR then finishes tying the laces on his boot, tucks the phaser back into its holster and dashes out into the hall.


Concealed in the shadows, EBNOR makes his way down the winding corridor.  The hallway ends at a "T" intersection.  On the wall ahead, a sign indicates that his victim's room is located down the left passage.  Just as he is about to continue, a set of turbolift doors at the end of the intersection suddenly hiss open.  EBNOR ducks into a darkened room.  BEVERLY CRUSHER walks from the turbolift and turns down the left passage.  As soon as CRUSHER has disappeared around the corner, EBNOR creeps from his hiding place and watches as she proceeds to enter the room that he is trying to reach.  EBNOR pounds a fist against the wall in anger.  He slowly approaches the open doorway and strains to listen for a chance to strike.


Ebnor leans forward and looks into the room.  The silhouette of BEVERLY CRUSHER is cast on a partition curtain that has been pulled in front of the patient's bed.


Oh yes, Wesley is fine.  As a matter of fact, he's back aboard the Enterprise for a short time.  His leave from the academy just happened to coincide with our shore leave.  He will have to return soon, but it is nice to have a son again, at least for a little while.  You'll get to see Wesley very soon.  He has a shuttlecraft at the spaceport waiting to take us back to the Enterprise.


EBNOR backs away from the room and starts back down the hall.  He now knows that his best opportunity to complete the mission lies in being able to reach the shuttlecraft before they do.  As he walks up to the turbolift, the doors automatically part and he steps inside.


What is the location of the Enterprise shuttlecraft?


Enterprise shuttlecraft Copernicus is located on pad 09 of Space Port 5.

EBNOR smiles and holds up the small metal capsule.


Take me there.


The storm clouds that WESLEY CRUSHER had to pilot through on the way down are long since gone and the setting sun is casting a warm glow on the shining surface of the Copernicus.  CRUSHER is seated in the hatch of the ship.  He has spent the majority of the day engrossed in a Star Fleet text concerning various theories on Tacion travel.  Now as the sun sinks beneath the skyline of buildings, interest gives way to boredom and he decides to take a short walk.  The evening air is cool and refreshing to him as he walks across the pad and down a flight of stairs to an emporium of shops below. 


SUPERNUMERARIES as needed.  CRUSHER passes by these shops, most of which offer nothing more than medical related supplies, shops that would occupy his mother for hours.  CRUSHER decides that there is nothing to see and turns to head back to the shuttlecraft when he notices a beautiful young girl watching him from behind a rack of lab jackets.  As he returns her gaze, she smiles timidly and turns away.  CRUSHER begins making his way toward her when all at once a hulking mound of fur bounds at him from the direction of the landing pad, knocking him to the ground in its haste to get by (EBNOR).  As quickly as it appears, the massive creature darts away from the crowded emporium and into the gathering darkness.  CRUSHER picks himself up and looks back in the direction of the girl.  She is gone.  Disappointed, he makes his way back up the stairs leading to the space port.


Upon reaching the top of the steps, CRUSHER comes face to face with a curious sight.  In the dim blue glow of the landing lights encircling the pad, CRUSHER can make out the form of his mother near the hatch of the ship.  What he can't make out is WHO she is helping to board the shuttlecraft!  Already shrouded by the darkness inside the Copernicus's cabin, the silhouette of a humanoid is barely visible from CRUSHER'S vantage point.  He remembers the conversation with his mother earlier in the day.  Where are the medical supplies she had come for?  Why had she lied to Captain Picard?  Who or WHAT is she trying to smuggle off Sigma 3 Prime?  CRUSHER is understandably startled by the sound of PICARD'S voice.  He is relieved to find that it is coming from his communicator.


Wesley Crusher, this is Captain Picard.

CRUSHER quickly turns and heads back down the steps, fearful that his mother might overhear the communication.


Go ahead, Sir.


Wesley, have you been at all aware of your mother's itinerary today?


No, Sir.  I mean, well, not exactly, Sir...


Explain, Mister Crusher.

CRUSHER'S voice is riddled with tension.


What I mean is, she never even told me why she wanted to divert the Enterprise here in the first place.  After we arrived here, she never fully explained why she needed me to pilot a shuttlecraft down and wait for her here.  Now she's...

PICARD interrupts.


Wesley, she has explained all that to my satisfaction.  Necessary medicines and other perishables must be carried on board, not sent through the transporter.  What I need to know is whether or not she mentioned anything to you about obtaining a new program for the Holodeck.

This is all too much for CRUSHER to grasp.  He sits down on one of the steps, trying to think how best to proceed.  At the risk of betraying his mother's trust, he decides he must warn the Captain that something is very, very wrong.


Captain, I don't know how to say this.  Captain, she didn't say anything about a Holodeck simulation, but at this point, nothing she has said or done here makes any sense.  I just saw her a 


moment ago.  She's not bringing any medical supplies back 

to the ship.  The only thing I saw her put on board the Copernicus was alive, Sir.


PICARD, RIKER and DATA are standing near the closed door to the Holodeck.  DATA is studying the display panel for the Holodeck computer.  Upon hearing CRUSHER'S words he turns and faces PICARD.  PICARD responds.


Wesley, I don't care how you do it but keep that shuttlecraft grounded until we can find out what is going on.  Picard out.

PICARD looks at DATA and then at the Holodeck computer.


Mister Data, is there any way to override the security clearance?


I am sorry, Sir, but I'm afraid I cannot even decipher enough of the access code to see who has the code key number.  I have, however, been able to ascertain the origin of the information used to compile the program.  Most, if not all, of the program modules were assembled from Star Fleet Personal Logs and psychological, physical and historical profiles on Fleet personal.

DATA pauses before continuing.


Surely Doctor Crusher understands unauthorized access to Star Fleet Command archives is a breach of security. 


Yes, I'm sure she understands.

PICARD'S thoughts are interrupted by the soft, feminine voice of the computer.


Transmission complete.  Holodeck 4 program is ready.


CRUSHER has circled around below the landing deck and is now facing the rear of the shuttlecraft.  From this angle, he is able to traverse the short distance to the Copernicus completely undetected.  As he inches his way toward the hatch, he is able to hear the sound of his mother's voice talking to someone.  Oddly enough, the tone of the stranger's voice seemed vaguely familiar.  Although he cannot make out what is being said, CRUSHER swears that he has heard this voice before.  CRUSHER stops short of the hatch and waits.  He is close enough now to overhear the conversation.  


Unfortunately, CRUSHER'S cover is about to be exposed.  BEVERLY CRUSHER signals her son's communicator.  She looks in the direction of the hatch when the communicator tones beep back at her from just outside the ship.


Wesley, is that you out there?


Yeah, Mom, it's me.


We were wondering where you had gone.  I was beginning to think I was going to have to fly this thing myself.

WESLEY CRUSHER climbs up just outside the hatch and looks in.  He can't quite see into the passenger compartment.  Trying to sound as oblivious to his suspicions as possible, he replies.


Sorry, Mom.  I just got bored and thought I'd take a look around.  Guess I must have lost track of time.


Come in Wesley.  Say hello to an old friend on his birthday.

A muffled voice speaks out from the passenger compartment.


Who you callin' old?

WESLEY CRUSHER steps forward into the compartment and a smile forms across his face.


The hatch of the Copernicus slides shut and a moment later the vertical thrusters fire, sending the shuttlecraft up into the darkness.  Ready or not, the Enterprise is about to have a visitor.


PICARD and RIKER are on their way to the hanger bay.  PICARD has a look of suppressed anger on his face.  RIKER is trying to make some sense over the report that the Copernicus had just lifted off from the medical complex.


I simply don't understand it, Sir.  I have never known Ensign Crusher to disobey a direct order as long as he served on the Enterprise.

PICARD obviously hears RIKER'S words but does not acknowledge them.  Instead, he taps his communicator.


Mister Worf, this is the Captain.  I want four armed security guards on the hanger deck when that shuttlecraft arrives.  Commander Riker and I are on our way there now.


WORF carries out PICARD'S order.


Security.  I want four armed guards to the hanger deck.  Set phasers on stun.

On the main viewer, the Copernicus appears as a tiny pinpoint rising out of the upper atmosphere of the planet.  WORF can't help but wonder what kind of madness has possessed CRUSHER to defy PICARD and jeopardize his career in Star Fleet.


The scene that CRUSHER witnesses unfolding in the hanger bay ahead is not at all surprising as he prepares for his final approach.  He knows that Captain Picard will be furious with him for not obeying the order to remain on the planet's surface.  From this distance, CRUSHER can make out two of Lieutenant Worf's security team as they take up defensive positions around the perimeter of the hanger.  As the Copernicus glides past the hanger doors and slows to hover above the deck, CRUSHER sees PICARD step out of the turbolift, followed closely by RIKER.  Judging by the look on the Captain's face, CRUSHER decides that perhaps a few words of caution are in order.


Mom, I don't think Captain Picard is ready to sing Happy Birthday.


Calm down, Wesley, I'll handle this.

WESLEY CRUSHER isn't sure whether he should follow his mother as she opens the hatch and steps out or duck to avoid being hit by phaser fire.


BEVERLY CRUSHER smiles as she steps from the shuttlecraft and strolls over to face PICARD.  The turbolift doors open behind RIKER and WORF enters.


Jean Luc, how nice of you to send a welcoming committee down here to greet us...


Doctor Crusher, you and your son are under arrest pending general court martial.  Before I have you both placed in the brig, I demand an explanation!

Before BEVERLY CRUSHER can respond, someone from inside the shuttlecraft interjects.


Now, Captain Picard, I truly hope that won't be necessary.

All eyes turn to face the Copernicus.


Besides, I might just need medical attention after tryin' ta blow out 140 candles on my birthday cake!

PICARD, RIKER and WORF look on in complete astonishment as WESLEY CRUSHER takes the arm of Admiral LEONARD McCOY and guides him down the steps of the shuttle's hatch.





Tém Pell is Sigma 3 Primes's only natural orbiting satellite.  A small crater-pitted lump of rock, the moon's only notable feature is a great jagged rip cutting across its lower hemisphere.  Most likely a gorge cut in the wake of molten lava from eons past, the canyon provides an excellent hiding place for Ebnor's ship.


The light of a transporter beam flashes a shimmering glow on the darkened surroundings of the bridge.  All systems except for minimal life support have been shut down to prevent detection from the watchful eye of sensor probes.  After having fully materialized, EBNOR seats himself at the helm.


Computer, activate main viewer.

The picture that forms across the screen displays only the canyon walls stretching up into the distance, to a faint sprinkling of stars and the tiny blue crescent of Sigma 3 Prime.


Magnify viewer image times five.

A set of superimposed cross hairs form a rectangle near the center of the screen, and the miniature crack at the summit of the canyon leaps forward to show not only the planet but also the two Federation starships in orbit around it.  From this angle, EBNOR cannot read the markings on either of the two vessels.


Computer, search Star Fleet ship classifications and identify which of the two ships displayed on the main viewer is the Enterprise.

A small panel attached to the arm of EBNOR'S chair starts displaying schematics of various Federation ship configurations.  After a moment, the search stops on a match to the image on the viewer.


U.S.S. Enterprise.  1701-D.  Galaxy class.

The three-dimensional wireframe model shown on the panel gives EBNOR all the identification he needs.


Begin monitoring any sub space transmissions from that vessel.  Alert me if the Enterprise leaves orbit.  I would like to attend Doctor McCoy's funeral in person.  I shall be there to pay my last respects and to assist them in shooting his lifeless body from one of their own torpedo tubes!


PICARD, BEVERLY CRUSHER and WESLEY CRUSHER accompany McCOY down the corridor leading away from the hanger deck.  McCOY wears a mask that covers his nose and mouth.  The mask does not appear to assist him in breathing, PICARD thinks to himself.  PICARD looks back at BEVERLY CRUSHER, and his thoughts are once again focused on his concerns about the Holodeck.


I am sorry, Doctor, but I'm afraid I must ask you to explain these covert activities immediately!

BEVERLY CRUSHER appears to pay no attention to PICARD'S request as they approach a turbolift and step inside.


Holodeck 4, please.


Delay that.

PICARD looks into the startled face of BEVERLY CRUSHER and then at McCOY.


Admiral McCoy, it is indeed an honor to have you back aboard the Enterprise as our guest.  I am sorry if my attitude towards my own senior medical officer seems harsh but-

PICARD turns back to face BEVERLY CRUSHER


Damn it, Beverly, I must ask that you explain yourself!  Why have you intentionally violated Star Fleet regulations?  Why did you lie to me about your purpose in coming to Sigma 3 Prime?  Why do I now have an unauthorized program on the Holo...

Before PICARD can finish his sentence, BEVERLY CRUSHER interrupts, trying desperately to change the subject and avoid an awkward moment in the presence of McCOY.


Wesley, would you be so kind as to escort the Admiral to Ten Forward for some refreshments?

Before WESLEY CRUSHER can answer her, BEVERLY CRUSHER takes PICARD'S arm and pulls him out of the turbolift.  The doors hiss shut behind them.  She releases her hold on his arm and backs away, her face flush and her eyes welling up with tears.  When she speaks her voice is trembling with emotion.


Okay, Jean Luc, here goes.  First I want to make something perfectly clear.  All of the information used to compile the Holodeck program was authorized and assembled by Star Fleet personnel, at my request.  This entire "covert activity" as you so aptly put it has Star Fleet Command's seal of approval.  The rest of the story goes something like this.  In exactly two hours and thirteen minutes, Admiral Leonard McCoy will be one hundred and forty years old.  Now for some races that's just a drop in the bucket, but for a human it's still quite an accomplishment...

PICARD breaks in sternly.


I  am aware, Doctor, that average life expectancy...


Average life expectancy is only one consideration in this case, because Leonard McCoy has never led an average life.


I  never meant to suggest...


And Doctor McCoy will not have an average death, as you would know if you had read the section of the Star Fleet transmission directed to you instead of concerning yourself with a message clearly intended for someone else.

PICARD is defensive.


You make it sound as if I was prying when...


Star Fleet wanted you to know Doctor McCoy is suffering from a fatal blood disease called Xenopolisathemia.   Right now, the only thing keeping him alive is stubborness.  The so-called cure he received years ago did not eradicate the disease from his system.  Rather it placed him in a form of remission.  The disease reoccurred last year.  Leonard was admitted to Sigma Prime for further treatment.  Because of his advanced age, the treatments proved to be nearly as detrimental as the disease itself.  Leonard and I have known each other for a long time.  In the time he has left, I have honored his request not to disclose the reason for his admission here.  


You say Doctor McCoy's stubborness is keeping him alive. I suspect yours may be contributing to his longevity as well.

BEVERYLY CRUSHER looks at him sharply.


I meant that as a compliment, Beverly. Stubborness is a common trait, but few people exercise it as wisely as you have.

CRUSHER wipes her eyes and turns, staring blankly at the wall of the corridor.  Then, in the midst of her sorrow it occurs to her that a part of the story is not quite so difficult to tell.

I guess what may have set this whole thing in motion actually happened a couple of years ago, during my time away from the Enterprise.  I was attending a lecture here on Sigma 3 Prime, and Leonard was one of the speakers.  I hadn't seen him since he toured the sick bay on our maiden voyage to Far Point Station, so I cornered him after his talk and we had dinner together.  We started talking about his tour of duty on the Enterprise.  I must have sat there for hours, listening to story after story of his adventures with Captain James Kirk, Mister 


Spock and the crew.  Even though the ravages of time had taken their toll on him, his eyes were bright and alive in the richness of his past.  It seemed strange, having served on the Enterprise.  It was as though I was not only reliving his experiences but also that I was a part of a legacy.  I think that was when I realized I had to return myself.  Anyway, as the evening wore on, it became apparent that he was troubled by something.  When I 

asked him what was wrong he said something that really put the hook in me.  "Bevvie," that's what he calls me, he said "Bevvie, if I were to drop dead this very instant, I will have died an unhappy old man.  I haven't made it to the top of the mountain yet.  One chance," he said, "to say good-bye to an old friend."  When I learned of his condition eight months ago, I started making arrangements with Star Fleet for his birthday celebration.  The response was astounding.  The result may be even more astounding.  Maybe he can't blow out the candles, but damn it, I know we can make his wish come true.

BEVERLY CRUSHER turns her back to PICARD and begins to walk away.  PICARD pauses for a moment and then taps the insignia on his uniform.


Mister Crusher.  Show Admiral McCoy to the Holodeck, please.

BEVERLY CRUSHER turns to look back at PICARD and begins to smile.


And Wesley, please relay a message for your mother and me, will you?  Tell the doctor Happy Birthday... and welcome home.


McCOY, PICARD and BEVERLY CRUSHER stand before the closed entrance to the Holodeck.  PICARD points to the panel on the wall.


Admiral, this panel controls the Holodeck programs and access privileges.  The program that Doctor Crusher has prepared for you can only be activated using your individual code key.  You can enter the code here on the panel or express it verbally to the Holodeck computer.  For security purposes you may wish not to voice the code aloud.

McCOY looks amused by PICARD'S concern for secrecy.


Hell, who cares?  My security clearance code isn't good for much more than some occasional gossip anyway.  Computer.  McCoy, Admiral Leonard H.  Surgeon-General of Star Fleet Command, retired.  Clearance code 0958758.


Clearance verified.  You may enter when ready.

PICARD finishes the sequence.


Computer, run program.

The Holodeck doors slide aside and McCOY, PICARD and CRUSHER step in.  At the very moment that McCOY crosses into the Holodeck, a wondrous thing happens.  As PICARD and CRUSHER look on, it appears as if the Admiral's body has been engulfed in a rippling, gelatinous cloud.  As the cloud dissipates, McCOY turns to PICARD and CRUSHER.  The face that they see is not that of an old man, but rather the holographic rendering of the way he once was.  The breath mask has vanished.  The Admiral is apparently oblivious of the transformation.  PICARD'S and CRUSHER'S expressions worry McCOY.


What's wrong with you two?

CRUSHER says nothing, but rather takes McCOY'S arm and leads him across the room that has been fabricated by the Holodeck.  McCOY looks around in amazement.  They are on the observation deck of the Enterprise.  Not the Enterprise that PICARD and CRUSHER know.  They do not recognize the surroundings.  For McCOY, however, it is as if he has stepped back into time.  He has never been in a Holodeck before and therefore has no frame of reference.  To him it is a dream, a dream conjured up from memories buried deep in his subconscious.  Or perhaps he has gone mad.  It is at this moment that CRUSHER guides him over to the glass dome of the observation window.  McCOY catches sight of his reflection.  Like a vision out of the past, the specter of how he once was looks back at him, framed in the glittering backdrop of stars and space.


My God, how is this possible?

PICARD crosses the room and his reflection joins those of McCOY and CRUSHER.


Only on the Enterprise, Admiral.

PICARD is about to explain that the Enterprise is the only Federation Starship equipped with such a device but stops himself when he realizes that what he just told McCOY is all that is really necessary.  McCOY manages to pull himself away from the vision in the window and walks over to the captain's wheel in the center of the room.


It's perfect.  Downright perfect in every detail.  I have ta admit, this ain't exactly what I expected when Bevvie said she wanted ta celebrate ma birthday on the Enterprise.

McCOY runs his hand across the smooth wooden surface of the wheel.


Well, I'll be damned.  There it is.  This captain's wheel was Jim Kirk's pride and joy.  Salvaged it himself from an old seventeenth century sea fairin' ship.

McCOY kneels down to read the inscription at the base of the wheel.


To boldly go where no man has gone before...

A tear falls from McCOY'S eye as he reads the words aloud.  He runs his hand across the words as if reading an epitaph on a tombstone.


Damn it, Jim, where have you gone?!

McCOY breaks down sobbing.  PICARD and CRUSHER help him to his feet and over to a sofa to sit down.  CRUSHER places her hand on McCOY'S shoulder.


I'm sorry, Leonard, if this is all too painful for you...


This isn't where the pain is, Bevvie.

McCOY looks away and out the window to the blackness of space.


There.  Out there somewhere is the answer to ma question.  Out there's the enemy.  The unknown.  One day a long time ago that enemy reached out and snatched away my best friend.  It's not that I don't know who was responsible.  Hell, I know it was the Klingons took him.  Prisoner of war, that's what they called it.  Either the Klingons performed the best damn disappearin' act since the invention of the cloakin' device or Jim Kirk and his whereabouts are the biggest cover-up operation in the history of the Federation!

PICARD feels a bit uneasy about McCOY'S last remark.


Surely there is some record of his demise on file.  Granted, post-war information was sketchy at best but when the peace treaty with the Klingons was finally signed 21 years ago, all P.O.W.s were released and returned...

McCOY interrupts PICARD'S attempt to rationalize his accusation.


No, Captain.  That's how the history books read.  Star Fleet made damn sure not ta make any waves durin' peace talks.  Truth is, there were still over 800 men and women missin' in action long after the Klingons said we had the last of 'em back.  I think Klingon P.O.W. camps woulda made the concentration camps of Nazi Germany look like a playground.  I think they figured that kinda detail was best left off the negotiation table.  So Jim Kirk is not dead, not alive, just "missin' in action."

CRUSHER has not heard the entire story of KIRK'S demise and it is obvious that she wants to hear more.


Leonard, how did the Klingons manage to capture Jim Kirk?

McCOY sighs and leans back in the sofa, closing his eyes.


Tension was mountin' throughout the Federation.  Peace talks were breakin' down with the Klingons.  Klingon rebels invaded and captured the so called Planet of Galactic Peace, ah, Nimbus 3 I believe it was.  The Federation and the Romulan Empire demanded an immediate withdrawal of forces from the planet and sent in ships ta back up their threats.  Show 'em we meant business.  'Bout that time the crew of the Enterprise was enjoyin' what was left of their shore leave.  Course when news of this 

invasion got out, shore leave was over.  We was all on our way back ta Earth anyhow.  Spock and I was supposed ta meet Jim and spend the last days of R&R in Yosemite Park, campin'.  Jim had, ah, met one of his old flames back on Rigel and together they decided ta take a luxury liner, the U.S.S. Sol back ta Earth.  Never made it.  The liner's flight path took 'em close ta Klingon space.  Search parties found debris floating at the last known position of the ship.  No survivors.  It was a declaration of war.  The shot that rang out across the galaxy.  Later, the Klingons announced that they'd captured the renegade Kirk.  They must have had spies followin' him 'cause it wasn't no accident that they just happened on that ship.  One way or another, whether they locked him up in some torture chamber or whether he died when the Sol was destroyed, he was gone.  I never saw him again.

McCOY pauses for a moment and looks back at the wheel.


Spock resigned from Star Fleet shortly after Jim disappeared.  Went back ta Vulcan and completed his trainin' in Kolinahr.  I didn't understand it at the time, but Spock couldn't deal with the depression.  Kolinahr took the pain away.  Guess it ain't been quite that easy for me.  I figured when the war with the Klingon's ended that Jim woulda been returned with the rest of the prisoners... or with their remains.  Since then I've tried everythin' in ma power ta get at the truth.

The cold reality of McCOY'S story has robbed some of the magic from the Holodeck program.  CRUSHER sits down beside McCOY and puts her arm around his shoulder.


If I could at least have had the chance ta say good-bye...

As if McCOY'S words had somehow triggered a response by the Holodeck computer, out from behind the captain's wheel steps James T. Kirk.


Good-bye?!  Bones, we haven't seen each other in over 70 years and you're already saying good-bye?



McCOY leaps up from the sofa to embrace his friend.  PICARD looks over at CRUSHER with a look of utter astonishment.





As McCOY and KIRK embrace, PICARD smiles at CRUSHER.  


All your motives are quite clear to me now.  Any request to assemble such a program for the Enterprise Holodeck could not be kept secret for long.  Truly the birthday present of a lifetime, Doctor.

PICARD takes CRUSHER'S arm and starts for the Holodeck doors in an attempt to make their exit and leave the two friends to their reunion.  They don't quite make it.  McCOY relinquishes his bear hug and turns toward them.


Captain Picard, Beverly Crusher, allow me ta introduce Captain James T. Kirk.

The Holographic image of KIRK approaches PICARD and offers his hand.  A brief moment of disbelief follows before PICARD takes it in his own.


It is indeed an honor to make your acquaintance, Captain.  I find myself strangely compelled to ask whether I am addressing the ghost of Enterprise past.  My apologies.


And you the ghost of Enterprise yet to come?  It's interesting, even for a hologram to get a glimpse into the future, Captain Picard.

McCOY can not resist his response.


Well, who the hell am I, Ebenezer Scrooge?!

KIRK turns his attentions to CRUSHER.  He gently takes her hand and kisses it.


Doctor Crusher, if I'd have had a senior medical officer as beautiful as you I may have spent more time in sick bay than I ever did with this old coot!

KIRK winks at CRUSHER and puts his arm around McCOY.


If you'd had a Senior Medical Officer that looked like her you'd never have gotten the Enterprise out of dry dock.  Can't command a starship from sick bay ya know!


Gentlemen, I'm afraid I must be getting back to the bridge.  I have a crew that is most anxious for shore leave to begin.


Captain Kirk, I do hope that before the Admiral's program is concluded that we might have the opportunity to speak at greater lengths.  Not many Star Ship Captains get the chance to swap tall tales with their predecessors.


I just hope that all of my tales aren't considered ancient history, Captain Picard.  Doctor Crusher, might I have the privilege of showing you around the Enterprise?  I think you might find that it's just a bit more cozy than the Galaxy Class you're accustomed to.


That's a very tempting offer, Captain, but right now there's a handsome young ensign who took his leave from the academy to visit his mother.  We've got a lot of catching up to do.

CRUSHER turns to face McCOY.


And so do you, Leonard.

CRUSHER takes PICARD'S arm and they exit through the Holodeck doors.


EBNOR has spent the better part of an hour lying face down in the tiny engineering access tunnel of his ship.  He has just finished his task when the onboard computer signals him.


Enterprise is preparing to leave orbit.

EBNOR quickly slides back down the shaft and slams the hatch shut behind him.


Computer, monitor their trajectory.  As soon as a heading is confirmed, begin launch sequence.


EBNOR steps from the passageway onto the bridge of his ship and studies the image of the Enterprise on the viewer.


I am not without compassion, Doctor McCoy.  You will not die alone.


RIKER is seated beside TROI.  WORF and DATA are at their stations; SUPERNUMERARIES as needed.  PICARD enters through the turbolift.


Well, I believe the Enterprise is overdue for a little R & R, Number One.  Shall we get underway?

RIKER addresses the entire bridge crew with a sigh of relief.


All those in favor?

With the exception of DATA, the crew responds in unison.



DATA turns to WESLEY CRUSHER.  CRUSHER is manning the helm for the first time in quite a while.  He is obviously enjoying the opportunity.


I fail to understand the excitement expressed by humans over spending hours or even days doing absolutely nothing.

CRUSHER says nothing but smiles and turns back to the console as RIKER gives the order.


Mister Crusher, lay in a course to Centaurus, warp factor two.

CRUSHER looks confused.


Warp two, Sir?


I think Admiral McCoy may need a little extra time to get used to the Holodeck, don't you, Ensign?

CRUSHER understands and complies.


Course laid in, Sir.




The Enterprise jumps to warp speed and disappears.  A moment later, the Chalnan vessel blasts from its hiding place on Tém Pell to pursue.


WESLEY CRUSHER steps through the door to RIKER'S quarters, several minutes late for the poker game.  RIKER, TROI and LaFORGE are seated around a table in the center of the room.  RIKER is shuffling a deck of cards as he approaches the table.  Although the atmosphere of the room seems jovial, he still feels the need to apologize for his tardiness.


I'm sorry it took me so long to get he...

RIKER looks up from the table in CRUSHER'S direction and interrupts what sounds like the beginnings of an elaborate excuse.


Sit down and cut the cards, Mister Crusher.  That's an order.

CRUSHER quickly seats himself, his face flushed with embarrassment.  RIKER looks over at CRUSHER out of the corner of his eye and winks.  When CRUSHER realizes that RIKER is just giving him a hard time, he turns to DATA'S usual spot, intending to explain that androids must not be the only ones that can't take a joke.  He is disappointed to see that DATA is not present at the table.


Has anyone seen Data?


I thought I saw him earlier going into one of the ship's theaters.

CRUSHER remembers the conversation he had had with DATA about TASHA and her nickname for him.  He is suddenly compelled to see if his suggestion has helped shed some light on DATA'S quandary.  He abruptly stands up and addresses the group.


I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but I think I'm going to sit this one out.  I have a keen interest in what has become of DATA.


Don't feel bad too bad about it, Wes. I feel lucky.  I think I just might take this group to the cleaners tonight and I would hate to take advantage of you now that you're a guest on the Enterprise.

RIKER rolls his eyes skyward in response to LaFORGE'S boasting.  He obviously thinks that his confidence is unfounded.


You may want to stop back by later.  Geordi might need to borrow an extra uniform after he bets the shirt off his back and looses it.


How about tomorrow night?


Same time, same place.


Good night, Wes.

CRUSHER exits RIKER'S quarters and heads down the corridor.


As CRUSHER enters the darkened auditorium, he sees several familiar animated characters dancing across the screen singing.  The movie is Pinocchio.


I got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret or make me frown...

As CRUSHER'S eyes become accustomed to the darkness, he can make out the form of DATA, bobbing up and down and side to side, down in the front row of seats.


I had strings but now you see, there are no strings on me...

DATA has obviously memorized the song word for word.  CRUSHER stands at the end of the aisle for a moment, watching DATA'S lips move in perfect sync to the lyrics.  As quietly as possible, CRUSHER makes his way to a food synthesis unit on the back wall.  He whispers his order to the computer.


Two hot buttered popcorns.

The panel on the front of the machine slides open and CRUSHER grabs the bags.  He makes his way back down to the front of the theater and sits down beside DATA.


I hope this seat wasn't reserved.

CRUSHER hands a bag of popcorn to DATA.  DATA seems pleasantly surprised to see him as he takes the popcorn.


Wesley.  Please sit down.


PICARD will be glad to return to the quiet confines of his quarters.  For him, shore leave is not to be found rummaging through the markets and street vendors of the Centaurus Colonies.  His vacation is about to begin in the pages of Shakespeare and the company of Earl Grey.  At least that is what he is thinking to himself as he passes by the open door to Holodeck 4.  PICARD has become accustomed to seeing some rather peculiar sights through these doors before, but none quite so peculiar as the one he thinks he saw as he stops and turns a short way down the corridor.  He does not wish to intrude on McCOY'S birthday celebration and would probably decide not to if not for what he hears next.


Oh dear me, I'm late, I'm late!

The voice sounds so strange and cartoonish that PICARD cannot resist a second look.  As he passes through the Holodeck doors he finds himself standing face to face with a giant white rabbit, dressed in a vest and dinner jacket and carrying a large pocket watch.  PICARD looks on dumbfounded as the rabbit turns and ducks through a hole in some nearby briars and disappears.  No sooner has the rabbit vanished than McCOY, accompanied by a small girl, runs up to where PICARD is standing and stops.  The girl (Alice) looks up at PICARD.


Excuse me, Sir...

McCOY, grinning from ear to ear, interrupts.


Captain Picard, the little lady and I are hot on the trail of a big white cottontail.  You haven't seen...

Before McCOY can finish, PICARD points to the hole in the bushes where the rabbit has just gone.  The girl, seemingly desperate to catch up with their furry objective, tugs at McCOY'S shirt sleeve.


We must hurry.

McCOY bends down to the little girl's level and looks at her very matter of factly.


You go ahead, little missy, I'll catch up with ya later.

The girl turns and runs after the rabbit, leaving McCOY to catch his breath and PICARD to regain his composure.  PICARD examines the surroundings.  With the exception of the passageway outside the open Holodeck door, McCOY and PICARD are standing in a clearing of a beautiful forest.  A pond nearby reflects the blue sky and treetops above.  PICARD takes several steps in the direction of the pond.


Where is this place, Admiral?

McCOY pulls a reed from the grass and sticks it between his teeth.


This is a little planet we discovered where all ya have ta do is think of somethin' or someone and suddenly, there they are.  I never did get a chance ta catch up with that damn white rabbit when I's here before, so I figured what the hell, I thought I'd go back there and try again.  Accordin' ta your computer, this here Holodeck can take me back ta any time or any place in the history of the Enterprise.


I thought this celebration was supposed to be a reunion of old friends.


Well now, Captain Picard, that's true.  However, after talkin' it over with Jim we decided that even a Holographic simulation might just as well be gettin' as much outa this as I am.  Come on, I'll show ya.

PICARD follows McCOY to the edge of the tree line and over to the base of a large outcropping of rock.  They both look up just in time to see the form of a man rolling head over heels down the hill.  PICARD does not recognize the man as he rolls to a stop at their feet.  He does recognize KIRK as he comes walking down the hill, lip bleeding, uniform torn and dusty.  KIRK looks at PICARD and then points at the unconscious man sprawled on the ground before them.  He wipes his lip on the tattered sleeve of his blouse.


Captain Picard, meet Finnegan.

KIRK rests his arm on McCOY'S shoulder for support.


Bones, I don't care how old I am just as long as I can still beat the tar out of Finnegan!

McCOY turns to PICARD to offer further explanation.


He's a machine.  Manufactured on a planet in the Armicron Delta System.  The inhabitants of that world live underground 


and derive a great deal of happiness by reading a person's thoughts and making them a reality.  Anything you ever wanted ta do, even if it's not really possible can happen here.


Finnegan was in the academy with me.  Upperclassman, always playing practical jokes, always on me.  I started talking about him and poof, there he was.  I spent the majority of my shore leave getting even.  It was the most satisfying vacation I'd had in years.


Are there any Finnegans in your time, Captain Picard?  Anyone you'd give anythin' ta have right where ya want 'em?

PICARD doesn't have to think twice.  A smile forms across his face.


As a matter of fact yes, Admiral, there is.  An obnoxious super being named Q.  The Enterprise first came across this omnipresent nuisance during our maiden voyage to Farpoint, just before you toured the new sick bay facility.  Q placed us on trial for the crimes of humanity!  I wish I could bring him up on charges...

At that instant, a flash of light replaces the serene wilderness surroundings with a riotous mob of spectators leaping and jumping from their seats, seats that appear to be a part of a strange and perverted courtroom.  


This courtroom is obviously a holographic facsimile of the one that Q had subjected PICARD and his crew to on their way to Farpoint Station.  At the center of all this chaos is seated a solitary humanoid, apparently the defendant.  McCOY and KIRK are standing near the back of the room.  SUPERNUMERARIES as needed.  McCOY can not seem to locate PICARD.  Several armor clad men garnishing primitive weapons suddenly point them to the sky and start to fire.  The crowd becomes quiet as a robed figure, apparently the judge, appears riding high atop a huge platform.  The platform comes to a stop above and before the open area where the defendant is seated.  A spotlight illuminates the robed figure.  McCOY immediately recognizes the judge as PICARD.  PICARD stands and looks down into the face of the being that has been a thorn in his side far too long.  The room is silent except for the ruffling of PICARD'S robe and he raises his arm and points an accusing finger at the alien.  His voice commands authority.


Q!  You stand accused of being a grievously obnoxious entity.  How do you plead?

Q stands and walks to the edge of the platform.


Oh Mon Capitaine, a bit of revenge.  I'm quite impressed.  I must admit I didn't believe you had it in you.  Pitiful human, did you really think that just because you are seated on high that you have any control over me?

PICARD says nothing for a long moment.  A smile slowly forms across his face.


As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I think!

A gust of wind engulfs Q and a moment later his completely frostbitten body falls with a resounding thump to the floor.  From across the room, McCOY gives PICARD a thumbs up.  The room goes up in a roar of laughter as PICARD removes his robe and jumps down from the platform.  He looks down at the frozen form as he walks past on his way out of the Holodeck.


Guilty as charged.

PICARD passes through the Holodeck doors and out into the corridor, on his way to his quarters with an incredible feeling of satisfaction.


PICARD enters and walks over to the computer console on his desk.  As he bends down slightly to make an entry in his log, a strange tingling causes him to straighten up.  At first he thinks he must have hit the back of his head on something while wandering through the Holodeck.  He reaches back and feels around for a bump of some kind and is startled to find that he cannot feel his fingers touching his skin.  What is even more alarming is the fact that this numbness seems to be spreading rapidly across his entire back and shoulders.  PICARD tries to reach the communicator on his chest to no avail.  His arms fall limp to his sides.  Just before all sensation is lost in his legs, PICARD manages to stumble forward in the direction of the door, only to fall, unconscious, half way out into the corridor.  An Ensign sees PICARD fall and rushes to his aid.  She presses her communicator.


Dr. Crusher, medical emergency.  Captain Picard is unconscious and needs medical assistance...


BEVERLY CRUSHER lies face down, collapsed beneath a lab table.  The Ensign's voice can be heard coming from her communicator.


Doctor Crusher! Repeat: This is an emergency. Please, you must send someone to Captain Picard's quarters.  Please help!


RIKER is seated beside TROI.  WORF and DATA are at their stations.  WESLEY CRUSHER is manning the navigation console; SUPERNUMERARIES as needed.  All at once, the same bizarre attack that rendered PICARD unconscious just seconds before begins to overcome the entire bridge crew.  All, that is, except for DATA and WORF.  In a matter of seconds the bridge complement is reduced to two.  WORF is the first to react.  He immediately places the ship on red alert and then attempts to signal sick bay and BEVERLY CRUSHER.


Bridge to sick bay, please acknowledge.

DATA stands and walks over to navigation and lifts WESLEY CRUSHER from the chair.  After gently placing him on the floor, DATA takes over the controls and brings the Enterprise out of warp, to a full stop.


Bridge to Captain Picard.  Captain Picard, this is Lieutenant Worf.  Please respond.

DATA kneels down near the command chair and RIKER.  He checks RIKER'S pulse and finds that it is almost normal.  DATA then repeats the procedure on the others with similar results.  All are unconscious but alive.  Still, DATA reasons, immediate medical attention is imperative.


Bridge to sick bay, please acknowledge.  Doctor Crusher, this is Commander Data.  Can you hear me?

There is no response to DATA'S plea for help.  Nothing but siren sounding the red alert.  DATA turns to WORF.


Address Centercraft.


Channel open.


Bridge to all stations, please respond.

McCOY (V.O.)

Bridge this is the Holodeck.  McCoy here.



DATA seems almost excited to hear his voice.


We have a medical emergency and are not able to contact Doctor Crusher.  Can you meet Lieutenant Worf and me in sick bay?

McCOY (V.O.)

I'm on my way.

DATA and WORF run to the turbolift.


Sick bay!

The turbolift doors hiss shut behind them.


WORF and DATA step from the turbolift and make their way down the corridor leading to sick bay.  The floor outside is littered with the bodies of crew members who had apparently tried to seek medical attention for their affliction before they had been overcome by it.


WORF and DATA enter.  McCOY is standing beside an examination table, staring intently at a CRT displaying a three-dimensional cross section of the patient's spinal column.  The patient is BEVERLY CRUSHER.  McCOY doesn't even so much as look up from his work as WORF and DATA cross the room to join him.  His breathing is labored behind the fogged plastic of the breath mask.  Frustrated by the results of his test, McCOY forms a fist and makes a feeble effort to punch a hole in the display.


Damn it, you'd think that havin' lived ta be this old that I woulda seen every kinda virus or alien organism in the galaxy.

McCOY looks over at DATA and then turns the display for him to examine.


I ain't never seen nothin' like this before.

McCOY reaches down, taking BEVERLY CRUSHER'S hand and holding it tightly in his own.


I'm sorry, Bevvie.

After a long pause, McCOY sighs and continues to explain his findings.


Can't find no match ta this infection in the data base.  I've located a cluster of viral organisms that seem to have attacked the spinal column near the base of the skull, causin' a kind of neuroparalysis.  Seems the virus enters the body through either the nose or mouth.  I found traces of it in her salivary glands.  Apparently goes through some kind of incubation period, then goes on ta attack nerve endings and eventually the central nervous system.

McCOY points to the screen.


It has accumulated in a mass along the Posterior Median Fissure.  What I don't understand is how the devil the symptoms didn't manifest themselves earlier.  You'd think that the incubation period would differ dependin' on when a person was infected or the strength of an individual's immune system.  The tricorder readin's I took on some of the crew out there in the hall indicated that they had been infected within minutes of the attack.  Bevvie had been infected with the virus nearly six hours ago.

McCOY adjusts the magnification on the high definition bio-scanner until a single cell of one of the tiny invaders comes into view.  For a moment, WORF studies the screen intently.


There's something about that... that virus...


Something you wouldn't understand, since it affects humans.


May I take a closer look, Admiral McCoy?

The question seems out of character for WORF.  Even DATA appears to be surprised or at least curious about the request.  McCOY looks at WORF in disgust.  He does not like Klingons.  Even the Star Fleet uniform does not curb his prejudice toward WORF.


I don't believe so Mister, ah, Worf is it?  I'd just as soon see you slumped over on the floor right along with everyone else.  Ah, no offense intended, Lieutenant.


None taken, Admiral.  I realize that our two peoples were bitter enemies during your service on the Enterprise.  I respect your judgment.


Respect?!  You damn Klingon, you don't know the meaning of the word respect!  Respect is ta honor those killed in the line of 

duty.  Ta return the bodies of the war dead and allow for a decent burial.  Ta bring back the men and women who are prisoners of a war that ended 22 years ago!

All at once McCOY starts coughing and gasping for air.  DATA catches him before he falls and quickly adjusts the flow of oxygen to the mask.  After a moment, McCOY begins breathing normally again and gently pulls away from DATA'S grasp on his arm.


I'm all right now, son, thank you.

DATA looks around the room for WORF.  He is gone.


WORF makes his way down the deserted passage to PICARD'S quarters.  He sees PICARD lying face down in the entryway and kneels down beside him and turns him over.  Blood is dripping from a small cut on PICARD'S forehead, perhaps a result his inability to break his fall.  WORF tears a piece of fabric from the arm of his uniform and places it over the wound.  WORF then checks his vital signs.  As with the others, PICARD'S pulse and respiration seemed to be unaffected by the virus.  WORF lifts PICARD carefully over his shoulder and starts back for sick bay.  Contrary to the Admiral's assessment of him, WORF obviously has a very keen understanding of respect.


WORF and DATA are seated at one end to the long conference table.


I believe that our first course of action is to return to Sigma 3 Prime for additional medical assistance.  Although the crew does not appear to face any immediate danger as a result of infection by the virus, Admiral McCoy has not ruled out the possibility of paralysis of a pulmonary or respiratory nature.


We should be capable of plotting a course back to the planet and achieving orbit safely upon arrival, provided we do not encounter any resistance along the way.


Please explain, Lieutenant.


It may be nothing.  I do, however, have my suspicions about the origin of the virus.  To further explore my suspicions would require access to Admiral McCoy's medical findings, and the odds of that are not good.

DATA seems a bit more hopeful.


I must say that I do not fully understand the Admiral's reaction regarding Klingons.  Perhaps if I were to talk to hi...

DATA is suddenly wrenched from his seat as the Enterprise lurches forward following what sounded like an explosion.  DATA quickly picks himself up off the floor and joins WORF as they exit out to the bridge.


WORF goes directly to his weapons station and conducts a scan of the surrounding sector.


Commander, sensors indicate some kind of vessel approximately 300 meters off our starboard side.


Can you get a visual?

WORF adjusts the main viewer to display the ship.  There is nothing there.


Are these the correct coordinates for the location of the ship?


Yes, it should be within visual range... wait a moment.

WORF walks around the bridge and down near the viewer.  He stares intently for a moment at a portion of the star field near the center of the screen.


There, do you see it?

They both do.  A cluster of stars seem to flicker and bend, the telltale signature of a ship concealed by a cloaking device.  WORF quickly returns to the weapons station.


Fortunately, the shields were in place.  There has been no damage inflicted by the first attack.  Arming photon torpedoes.

At that instant the transparent, rippling outline of a ship begins to materialize.  WORF recognizes the vessel's configuration almost immediately.


It is a Chalnan vessel.  Destroyer class.  I am preparing to return fire.

DATA calmly turns to WORF.


Would it not be wise to establish communications with the vessel before we attack?  Sensors indicate the ship's defensive systems could not withstand a photon torpedo detonation.


Commander, the Chalnan are a race of warriors.  They will not listen to reason.  If they were to learn that the Enterprise has no Captain and a crew of three, they will either attempt to destroy us or board and capture the ship.  We cannot afford to show them any vulnerability.

On the viewer, the Chalnan ship begins to move.


Commander, the ship.  It appears to be circling around behind the Enterprise.  Switching to a view aft.

The ship approaches the opening to the hanger deck.  Without warning a photon torpedo crashes into the shields protecting the hanger bay.


Commander, we must take action.  They seem to be searching for a weakness in our shields.

WORF looks down to the console before him.  The Chalnan ship is attempting to establish communications.


We are being hailed.  We cannot out-maneuver them without a full crew at the helm.  We have no choice but to destroy them first!


Maybe there's another way.

Both DATA and WORF look in the direction of the turbolift as McCOY steps out onto the bridge.  Neither of them are sure how long he has been back there or how much of the current situation he is aware of.


Mister Data, I'm gonna need yer help ta pull it off, though.  Can you accompany me back down ta the Hollow deck or whatever the hell it's called?

DATA takes McCOY'S arm and leads him back to the turbolift.  Just as the doors start to close, McCOY sticks his arm out and they retreat back into the wall.


Captain Picard is your friend, isn't he, Mister Worf?


He is my commanding officer.


Oh hell, I know that, ya damn bony headed Klingon.  I didn't ask who it was ya work for, now did I?  Is he your friend?

WORF lowers his eyes to the floor and then back to McCOY.


Yes.  Captain Picard is my friend.

McCOY steps back into the turbolift, apparently satisfied.


'Bout as stubborn as a Vulcan.  Well now, suppose you go have a look at ma test results, Lieutenant.  I surely could use yer help if ya think ya know somethin' about that virus.

A smile forms across McCOY'S face, all but concealed by the breath mask.  It doesn't matter.  WORF can see the trust in the old man's eyes.


We got our job cut out for us, Mister Worf.

McCOY turns to DATA.


Well, don't just stand there, boy. You and I got work ta do!


Holodeck 4.

The turbolift doors slide shut.  WORF turns back to his board and sees that the Chalnan ship is still signaling.  He thinks for a moment for a way to stall or perhaps to delay the inevitable. 


Computer.  Relay a text only message to the Chalnan commander that we are currently experiencing communications failure.  Request that he stand by until further notice and cease any hostile action.  We will establish communications at our earliest opportunity.



Communications failure!  I find this explanation unacceptable!

EBNOR slams his fist down on the arm of his chair.


Open channel or not, I will convey my intentions to you, Enterprise.

EBNOR jabs a bony, claw-tipped finger at his command console and sends a barrage of photon torpedoes hurling at the Starship.  While the resulting explosions do not seem to affect the Enterprise's shields, they surely informed her crew that he is not pleased by this delay.





DATA and McCOY have just arrived outside the Holodeck when the torpedoes hit the ship.  McCOY topples over from the violent shaking of the explosions.  DATA helps him to his feet.


This may not be the time to return to your simulation, Admiral.  Perhaps if you have a plan, now would be the time to implement it.


Mister Data, that's exactly what I intend ta do.  Now I don't have the foggiest idea what this here room'a yers can conjure up, but it seems ta me that if it can recreate the people and places I've seen in there so far, well then, it oughta be easy to paint a picture of say, the Enterprise bridge?

DATA turns his head inquisitively and thinks for a microsecond.


Of course.  If we simulate the Enterprise bridge, we could also simulate THE BRIDGE CREW!  Communications could be transmitted to the Chalnan vessel from the Holodeck, by a holographic image of the Captain.  Brilliant, Admiral.


Can we pull it off?


Reprogramming the Holodeck does not require that we disassemble any of the computer components, Admiral.

McCOY is grinning from ear to ear, realizing DATA'S literal interpretation of "pull it off."


Son, you still sound like a Vulcan!


Thank you, Admiral.

DATA turns to the Holodeck's computer console.


Computer, new program.  Starship bridge, include Captain and a full complement bridge crew.


Please specify ship name, registry number and class.


U.S.S. Enterprise.  Registry number NCC-1701...

Before DATA can finish voicing the number, McCOY interrupts and finishes the specifications for him.


1701/A.  Constitution Class.

DATA and McCOY stand impatiently outside the door to the Holodeck until the computer acknowledges that the program is complete.


Holodeck program complete, you may enter when ready.

The door slides open, and McCOY and DATA enter.  Once again, McCOY'S appearance is transformed.


KIRK is seated in the captain's chair, facing the main viewer upon which the image of the Chalnan ship is displayed.  As McCOY approaches, KIRK spins around in the chair.


Welcome aboard, Bones.


Thanks, Jim.  Mister Data, allow me to introdu...

McCOY'S sentence trails off and ends in a gasp as he turns to look for DATA and sees him standing near the science station, face to face with Mister Spock.  McCOY cannot contain his excitement.



SPOCK looks at McCOY with casual indifference.



SPOCK turns his attention back to DATA.  He takes a couple of steps forward, studying DATA'S face.  McCOY'S grin starts to fade.


Fascinating.  You are an android.


Yes.  I am Lieutenant Commander Data.  It is indeed an honor to meet you Mister Spock, even though you are only a holographic simulation.

KIRK taps McCOY on the shoulder and leans toward him.


I don't know about you, Bones, but I think they make a cute couple.

McCOY lets loose a real belly laugh, something he hasn't done in years.


They sure do seem ta have a lot in common!

With that, the entire bridge crew goes up in a chorus of laughter.  McCOY looks around the bridge and sees SCOTT, UHURA, CHEKOV and SULU all stepping away from their posts and over to greet him.  Scotty walks up to McCOY arms outstretched and gives him a big bear hug.


Sure has been a wee bit o' time now hasn't it, Doctor?

McCOY pats SCOTT on the back.


Too long, Scotty, far too long.

UHURA wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek.  A tear falls from her eye and McCOY places his hand on her face, wiping it away.


Always knew you had the magic touch, Doc.

CHEKOV clears his throat to interrupt.


I don't know about that, Lieutenant.  I seem to remember Doctor McCoy as having little or no bedside manner.  Do the words, "Roll over, Chekov, breathe deeply, Chekov" ring a bell Doctor?

They all laugh.


One way or another, Doc, I think we all know that we owe our lives to you.  Now it's time to return the favor.

There is a brief moment of silence.  SPOCK raises an eyebrow and looks at SULU.


Illogical, Mister Sulu, considering that we, with the exception of Doctor McCoy and Commander Data, are all merely holographic images generated by the Enterprise computer.  It is, therefor, incorrect to state that we "owe our lives" to Doctor McCoy.  Perhaps it could be said that we owe our existence in part to Doctor Crusher.  She helped assemble the program that we are currently being accessed from.

McCOY is about to respond to SPOCK'S rhetoric when another photon torpedo slams into the shields.  KIRK goes into action.


Everyone, assume your stations. The party's over.  Lieutenant Uhura, open a hailing frequency.


One moment, Captain.

DATA responds to a signal from his communicator.  It is WORF'S voice that crackles over the tiny speaker.


Commander, please report to sick bay at once.  I believe I may have some answers for you.


I'm on my way.  Computer, exit program.

The Holodeck door materializes and hisses open.  DATA exits and the door vanishes again, replaced by the back wall of the bridge.  KIRK turns back to UHURA.


Proceed, Lieutenant.


Channel open, Sir.

The image of the Chalnan vessel on the viewer begins to ripple and fade.  When the image clears, the hideous maul of the Chalnan commander glares back at them from the dimly lighted interior of his ship.


This is Captain James T. Kirk of the Federation Starship Enterprise.  Identify yourself.


My apologies for the shots fired on your vessel, Captain.  I am Ebnor of the planet Chalna.  I was on Sigma Prime when an experiment involving a rare form of virus was allowed to escape a containment field and inadvertently infected your comrades on the planet's surface.  My ship was the only warp capable vessel in this sector.  I have come to help you.  I carry the precious antidote.

KIRK stands and approaches the view screen.


Your attack was unprovoked.  These acts of aggression are not those of a savior but rather a savage barbarian.  I know of your race, Ebnor.  Yours is a history of deception, treachery and lies.  As you can see, my officers and I have not been infected by this virus that you speak of.

EBNOR grunts as if amused by KIRK'S optimism.


Captain Kirk, I assure you it is the truth I speak.  Perhaps the virus has not yet effected you or your crew but it will.  The Doctors on Sigma Prime wished me to convey to you the urgency of this situation.  Please allow me to help you.  I have the serum ready for transport.  If you will notify your Doctor McCoy, I am sure he will wish to begin treating your crew as soon as possible.  Simply lower your shields and I will transport it over to him.

A chill courses through McCOY when he hears his name spoken by the furry abomination on the viewer.  KIRK steps back from the viewer and returns to the chair.  McCOY leans in close and whispers in KIRK'S ear.


Jim, I've never seen this creature before in my life, how the hell does it know ma name?


I don't know, Bones.  He obviously doesn't recognize your face.  You're standing right beside me.

KIRK quickly returns his attention to the viewer.


What of the attacks on the Enterprise?


As for the shots fired on your vessel, I thought perhaps I had arrived too late.  I assumed that if all aboard your vessel were unconscious and perhaps dying that the ship's automatic defense systems had somehow activated the shields.  I could not 

get in to provide the inoculations.  After failing to open 

communications, I decided the only course of action was to weaken your shields enough so I could beam over.  Please Captain, we are wasting time.  If you could simply inform Doctor McCoy of my intentions...


Why not tell him yourself?

SPOCK stands up from the science station and walks over to the captain's chair, across from McCOY.


Captain, I believe it would be wise not to act on Ebnor's request until the Doctor has had the opportunity to view the information currently being fed into my console.




An update from sick bay, Captain.

McCOY knows what SPOCK is referring to.  DATA and WORF have discovered something.  KIRK looks over at McCOY who motions with his finger across his neck to "cut off" the communication.  On the screen, EBNOR is obviously becoming impatient.


I await your answer Captain.  Please allow me to help you before it is too late.


We will consider your offer, Ebnor.  Please stand by.

KIRK points to UHURA who responds by closing the channel.  The image of EBNOR'S ship and the stars beyond flicker back into view.


Facinating.  The Chalnan was completely unaware of your identity, Doctor, yet he called you by name...


Not now Spock, let's see what you've got.

Just as KIRK stands to follow SPOCK to the science station, McCOY heads back in the direction of the turbolift.  KIRK turns to him with a surprised look on his face.


Where are you going, Bones?


To sick bay.


Why?  Spock can show you the update.


I'm gonna take a look first hand, Jim.  I'll be right back.  Computer, exit program.

As McCOY steps through the door into the hallway, the computer once again strips away the mask of youth from his face.  No matter.  He doesn't even notice the transformation take place.  McCOY is back at work as physician aboard the Enterprise.


McCOY, DATA and WORF are gathered around a CRT in CRUSHER'S lab.


I believe Lieutenant Worf has located the source of the virus, Doctor.

WORF appears somewhat uneasy about presenting his findings to the former surgeon general of Star Fleet Command.  McCOY sees the apprehension in his face.


Don't worry, boy.  This ain't medical school.  Just tell me what ya found out.

WORF clears his throat and turns to face the display.


I did not know why at the time, but something about the cell structure of the virus seemed strangely familiar.

McCOY raises an eyebrow.


That's very interestin' seein' as you seem ta be the only one who doesn't show any trace of the virus in your system.


Precisely.  Commander Data has run a complete bio-scan and confirmed that I am immune to this infection.  It is for this reason that I conducted a search of Klingon Medical archives.  The result proved to be quite illuminating.


Now hold on just a minute there, Worf.  Maybe I'm missin' somethin' but why check Klingon medical records for a virus that ya can't possibly contract?

WORF points to the screen.  The text displayed is in Klingonese, characters and symbols that McCOY cannot even begin to decipher.  WORF translates the findings of his inquiry aloud.


It is called T'auch Ish.  A genetically engineered organism.

As WORF speaks these words, a high resolution model of the virus is displayed on the screen.


Well, what'ya know.  It's a dead ringer.

A look of anger forms across WORF'S face as he looks at the model then over to BEVERLY CRUSHER, who's EEG and neuro activity readings are growing weaker by the minute.


This is the work of cowards!

WORF slams his fist down on the table.


There is no honor in hiding the face of death this way.  T'auch Ish is a synthetic virus developed as a weapon by scientists of the Klingon Empire.  It was used in battle against the Romulans to capture or assassinate key military leaders.  The virus, once delivered aboard the enemy vessel, was released from a tiny capsule.  Upon coming into contact with oxygen the cells begin to multiply rapidly and travel completely undetected, infecting the entire crew.

WORF turns to face McCOY.


Your theory of infection was correct Admiral.  The cells enter the body through the nose or mouth.  In order for the virus to be an effective tool in disabling the enemy ship, the bio-engineers enabled the virus to enter an incubation period upon contact with the mucus membranes in the mouth or sinuses.  This started a chain reaction.  The first individual infected spreads the mutating cells to others through airborne particles simply by breathing.  Meanwhile, other "carriers" are starting the same process in other parts of the ship.  The entire incubation process was chemically timed to completion based on estimated crew complements of the targeted vessel.  When the mutation was complete, the virus immediately enters the central nervous system and attacks, rendering the victims unconscious but unharmed.  After a ship had been neutralized, Klingon boarding parties could easily seize the ship and take all the prisoners they wanted.  Even the ship itself.

WORF clenches his fist until his knuckles begin to turn white.


Chemical and germ warfare weapons were the tools of the weak, too frightened to face their opponent.  Afraid to die in battle.  The use of these weapons was discontinued.  T'auch Ish is not cataloged in Star Fleet medical records because it was banned long before the first outbreak of war with the Federation.  As a boy I studied many Klingon texts on the interstellar war with the Romulans.  I recalled seeing T'auch Ish referenced briefly in one such text.  That is why the cell structure seemed familiar to me.


You say this T'auch Ish was induced with some kinda capsule?

WORF studies McCOY'S face for a moment before he produces a small, metallic capsule.  He hands the capsule to McCOY.


This is how it was induced on the Enterprise.  I found this small container on the floor of the shuttlecraft used to bring you here.  It is no accident as this Ebnor would have us believe.  The infection of the Enterprise was deliberate.

McCOY studies the capsule closely.  The only flaw in its shining surface is a tiny hole no larger than the head of a pin.


The opening was sealed until the device was in place.


Why?  Who would want to do this to the Enterprise?

WORF lowers his head as if ashamed.


As for who, there can be no doubt.  The capsule and its contents could only have come from somewhere inside the Klingon Empire.  As for the question why, I do not believe it was intended for the Enterprise.  Whoever went to this much trouble would most certainly have known that the Enterprise is the only ship in the Federation with a Klingon officer on board.  I think the intended target for this capsule was someone on Sigma 3 Prime.  Someone who was brought aboard the Enterprise covertly and unexpectedly.  Perhaps hiding the capsule in the shuttle craft seemed to be the only way for a hired assassin to carry out your execution, Admiral.

WORF half expects McCOY to faint dead away after he voiced his suspicions.  Instead, McCOY stares blankly at the wall for a moment and then slowly begins nodding his head in agreement.


Yes.  YES!  That makes a great deal o' sense.  Just before I took ill this last time, I was in the process of formin' a committee ta lead an investigation in ta missin' prisoners of war still trapped inside the Klingon Empire.  We was ready ta meet with several high rankin' officials at Star Fleet Command who would in turn 


set up a board of inquiry.  Bout that time I had a relapse of this damn blood disorder. Xenopolisathemia.  Just when I was startin' ta believe I was gonna live forever.

McCOY chuckles under his breath.


I guess Jim had me believin' that even I could cheat the no win scenario.

McCOY looks down at the floor for a moment and then up at WORF.


Worf, the only flaw in your theory is that I haven't seen hide nor hair of a Klingon other than you since I checked in at the Sigma Medical Complex.  I might be old but I got a memory like a steel trap.  Only strange critter I seen followin' me around lately is that big ugly furball in that ship out there.

DATA has been analyzing the conversation.


Of course.  The Chalnan vessel is equipped with a Klingon Cloaking Device.  Payment in advance for your demise, Admiral.  It is my guess that Ebnor has no cure or vaccine for the virus.  He is here for one reason only.  To make certain that his mission is carried out.


That's why he knew ma name and didn't recognize me on the Holodeck.  Klingon's had ta have given him a likeness of me so's he'd know his target when he saw it.  Chances are the picture they gave him is a little more revealin' than ma Holodeck makeover.  Seems we got quite a bit over on this fella already.  Sure hope he isn't bein' graded on this project.  Don't look like he's done all his homework.


If he fails the Klingon Empire will deny any involvement in your assassination attempt.


Kinda makes ya wonder, don't it?  I must really be on ta somethin' if their willin' ta hire a professional assassin ta keep me silent.  It's not like I got a whole lotta time left anyhow.


Ebnor has made a considerable amount of mistakes for a professional assassin.  He is obviously unaware that you wear a breathing apparatus, a device that has prevented you, his target, from becoming infected by the virus.  It also appears that he was unprepared for your departure from Sigma Prime.  As Worf pointed out, Ebnor unleashed the virus on the one ship in the Federation capable of discovering its origin.  Also, the fact that we were able to bluff him with the holographic image of a man who commanded the Enterprise years ago...


Mister Data, it's lucky for me that he's makin' plenty of mistakes.  If not I might already be dead.  Thanks ta you and Worf, I have a fightin' chance.


We will destroy him and his vessel!


Whoa now, hold on there just a minute, Lieutenant.  Let's no be too hasty.  I think Ebnor might just prove ta be more useful to us alive.  Maybe there is a light at the end a that ol' wormhole.  Maybe now I can find out what really happened ta Jim Kirk, once and for all.





EBNOR looks down at the flashing indicator on his communication console.  The fact that the Enterprise is now signaling him must mean that Captain Kirk is not quite as impervious to the infection as he has let on.  EBNOR reaches around the side of his belt and pulls his dagger from its sheath.


Not long now, Doctor.

EBNOR holds the dagger up to his face and carefully examines the razor sharp edge of the blade.


Computer.  Open a channel to the Enterprise.

EBNOR quickly places the dagger back in its hiding place, just as the viewer flickers to life.  The image that appears on the screen is exactly what he has been waiting for.  With the exception of KIRK and McCOY, the entire bridge crew lay unconscious on the floor.  McCOY appears as himself, old and feeble.  He is not wearing the breath mask.  KIRK is obviously infected.  He stumbles forward and collapses over the navigation console.  EBNOR watches on as KIRK strains to lift his head to face the viewer.


Ebnor, help us.  I will lower our shields and transmit the coordinates of the bridge to you.

KIRK'S speech is broken.  He struggles with every word as if it is a tremendous effort.


You must beam over and give Doctor McCoy the antidote.  He seems to have been the last one infected.  There may still be time.  Please help...


KIRK struggles to continue. He lowers his face as if fatigued.  With his face now out of view from the screen, KIRK mutters something under his breath.


Now, Mister Worf.


DATA and WORF have been monitoring the events transpiring on the Holodeck.  As soon as WORF hears KIRK'S order, he transmits the transporter coordinates for the Holodeck and enters the sequence to lower the Enterprise's shields.


On the screen, KIRK topples over and hits the deck with a resounding thud.  EBNOR checks his sensors.  The Enterprise shields have been lowered.  He quickly keys in the transporter coordinates received from the starship.


Computer, activate the transporter beam.


EBNOR materializes beside KIRK'S lifeless body.  When he sees the Captain lying there, he rolls him over with the toe of his boot.


It seems I have arrived to late for you, Captain Kirk, but you, Doctor...

EBNOR turns to face McCOY.


Perhaps there is still hope for you.


If you can give me the injection first, together we can begin ta revive the others.

EBNOR walks slowly around the bridge like a lion stalking its prey.  He pulls a small vial from his pocket and holds it up for McCOY to see.


You want this?

EBNOR towers over McCOY.  He holds the bottle just out of McCOY'S grasp.


Please, give me the vial.  I have a hypo prepared...

As McCOY reaches for the bottle, EBNOR lets it slip from his fingers and smash on the floor.


I'm sorry, Doctor.  It would seem that there is no hope for you now.  I cannot cure you but I will be more than happy to take you out of your misery!

With that EBNOR grabs McCOY'S uniform, pulls him to his feet and then wraps his arm across McCOY'S neck in a strangle hold.  McCOY shoves his elbow into EBNOR'S stomach, sending the beast staggering back against the turbolift.  EBNOR pulls the dagger and points it at McCOY.


Who the hell are you?  What'ya want with me?


Your life.  That is what I will take from you.

McCOY inches past the engineering station in an effort to escape.  EBNOR lunges at him, sending both of them sprawling across the deck.  EBNOR'S dagger slips from his hand and lands a short distance away.  McCOY reaches for it.  Just as he wraps his fingers around the grip, EBNOR grabs his wrist.  McCOY is able to push the tip of the blade up against EBNOR'S throat before EBNOR wrenches his wrist around.


Farewell, Doctor McCoy.

EBNOR plunges the dagger into McCOY'S chest.  For an instant, McCOY'S eyes widen with shock.  His hand slowly releases its hold on the dagger and falls at his side.  EBNOR feels the body of his victim go limp as he retrieves the dagger from the wound.  He wipes the blood soaked blade across McCOY'S uniform.  All at once a door hisses open in the wall behind him.  He turns just as WORF and DATA step into the Holodeck, phasers drawn.  From somewhere behind the two Star Fleet officers, a voice addresses the Chalnan.


Too bad that wasn't the real McCoy.

WORF steps aside as McCOY walks into the room.  EBNOR turns in disbelief and looks at the corpse behind him in time to see it vanish.  The supposedly virus infected bridge crew suddenly come to life and stand up around him.  McCOY takes a few more steps in EBNOR'S direction.


Now maybe we can make a deal.  There's no point in tryin' ta escape.  We turned on the shields again just after ya beamed over here.  Now if I know the Federation, they ain't gonna take too kindly to the attempted assassination of a Star Fleet Admiral.  Kinda funny about that, I guess.

McCOY sticks his finger out and points it at EBNOR in stern accusation.


I know it was the Klingons sent ya.  Bet ya didn't know that the Enterprise is the only starship in the Federation with a Klingon on board.  Made it real easy ta trace the origin of the T'auch Ish virus.  Oh, ah, I guess you two haven't been formally introduced.  Ebnor, meet Lieutenant Worf.

EBNOR glances over in WORF'S direction.  WORF acknowledges him with nothing more than a low-pitched growl.


They tell ya why you was supposed ta kill me or did ya just take the job for the challenge of huntin' down a 140 year old man?

WORF is becoming concerned that McCOY is getting to close to EBNOR.  He motions for DATA to circle around from behind, just in case EBNOR tries to finish the job.


Come on now, speak up boy!  I want to know the truth.  What are the Klingons tryin' to hide by silencing me?  How many P.O.W.s are still alive inside the Empire?  What kind of atrocities have been committed that warrant this kind of action from a race supposedly at peace with the Federation?  I want to know...

McCOY doesn't have the chance to finish his sentence before EBNOR reaches down on his belt for a tiny black box.



EBNOR pulls the box away from the belt and smashes it in his hand.  A split second later, EBNOR lets out a thunderous roar as his body is consumed in a blinding flash of white hot light.  At the same instant the main viewer flares as EBNOR'S ship explodes in a brilliant fireball, hurling twisted scraps of molten metal in all directions.  The countless fragments of debris impact harmlessly on the Enterprise shields until the blast slowly dissipates.  As the light in the room fades back to normal, McCOY sits and stares blankly at the spot were the holographic image of his own slain body had lain, murdered by an assassin.  DATA kneels down beside him.


Are you all right, Admiral?


I'm sorry, Mister Data.  It's just I never thought I'd have a ringside seat at my own execution.  Truly an illuminating experience.


It is unfortunate that the Chalnan destroyed himself and his ship before you could question him further, Admiral.  I am angered and confused about the motives of those responsible for this.

McCOY looks around the bridge.  KIRK has seated himself in the captain's chair and SPOCK is standing at his side.  McCOY turns back to WORF.


Mister Worf, the way I see it, Ebnor's suicide may have been just as enlightenin' as if we'd pumped him fulla truth serum.  He was just a pawn in a bigger game.  Whoever hired him has made their move.  Next time, it's my turn.

WORF nods in response to McCOY'S answer.


I will help you, when the time is right.


Thank you, Worf.


Well, Bones, I would have to say that this has been the most action we've seen in years.  Wouldn't you agree, Mister Spock?


Captain, since both you and I are merely computer simulations, I find it most illogical to say that we have "seen" or even participated in any of the events that have just transpired.  According to the Enterprise computer, I, or rather Mister Spock, currently resides on Vulcan and is no longer an officer in Star Fleet.  I was also interested to learn that I, he, is now married.  Fascinating.

That is McCOY'S cue, a moment that is worth making it to his 140th birthday for.


Spock, trust me.  The fact that you're not physically here don't make a damn bitta difference.  The personality of the Enterprise computer and the personality of a Vulcan are virtually indistinguishable.


Why thank you, Doctor.


Mister Spock, however, is quite correct.  Computer simulations generated on the Holodeck may appear to look and act very real but are for the most part incapable of experiencing...

McCOY abruptly throws his hands up in mock disgust and shouts over DATA'S continuing chatter.


For God's sake, Jim, do something!  I think we've been outnumbered!

Everyone except SPOCK and DATA break out laughing.  After the laughter dies down, DATA and WORF leave the Holodeck to plot a course back to Sigma 3 Prime.  McCOY is on his way back to sick bay when KIRK catches his arm.


Bones, wait a minute.  Seem the Enterprise computer hasn't kept tabs on me half as well as it has with Spock.

KIRK releases McCOY'S arm and walks slowly around the bridge, arms folded behind his back.


All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.  I can't tell you where I am.  I can't say whether I'm alive or dead. I don't have any answers to your questions.  But right here, right now, on the 

Enterprise, it doesn't seem to matter.  Maybe what I have become is not lost somewhere in the depths of the Klingon Empire.  I am a part of the history of the Enterprise.  I would like to think that that is where you can always find me.

McCOY says nothing.  He simply smiles and turns away, leaving the Holodeck to return to sick bay.


McCOY pulls up a chair next to the bed where BEVERLY CRUSHER is lying.  Her vital signs seem to be stabilized.  He wants desperately to thank her.  He wants to tell her how much these few short hours aboard the Enterprise both old and new have meant to him.  He has been her patient, discharged from the Enterprise with a new lease on life.  So many wonderful memories that he will cherish for the rest of his days.  He will tell her all these things.  Later.  For now, he simply holds her hand.


In orbit around Sigma 3 Prime.


Captain's log, supplemental.  The Enterprise has returned to Sigma 3 Prime where a vaccine has been administered to eliminate the virus that had infected nearly the entire ship.  By the authority of Star Fleet Command, the Star Fleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry has been awarded to Commander Data and Lieutenant Commander Worf for their acts of heroism concerning the safety of the ship and that of Admiral McCoy.  On the eve of Admiral McCoy's birthday celebration, he has asked my entire bridge crew to attend what he referred to as a "sing along" that is apparently a part of the Holodeck program that Doctor Crusher has assembled for him...


Yosemite National Park, near the foot of El Capitaine.


Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...

The chorus fills the air with the voices of past and present.  GEORDI and SCOTT seem quite oblivious to the music as they sit roasting marshmallows.  SCOTT is just finishing the story of how he disabled the Excelsior on their voyage to the Genesis planet to rescue SPOCK.


So Styles gives the order to execute the transwarp drive and the Excelsior's computer responds with "Good morning, Captain."

On the other side of the campfire, WESLEY CRUSHER is explaining to SULU how PICARD steered the Enterprise out of an asteroid field using the ships maneuvering thrusters.


As we approached a large asteroid at the edge of the field, Captain Picard fired the thruster and used the asteroid's gravity to sling-shot us out...

DATA stands up from the stump he is sitting on and starts to walk away from the light of the blazing campfire.  McCOY sees him walking away and heads across the clearing toward him.


Just where do ya think yer goin' Data?


I was on my way to the ship's theater, Admiral.


The ship's theater?! The real entertainment is right here. I thought ya were enjoyin' the party, Data. You and Spock really seemed to hit it off.

DATA takes the words "hit it off" literally and reacts with alarm.


Hit it off?

McCOY laughs.


I don't mean ya hit each other.  I mean ya made a friend.


A friend of Mister Spock, Sir?  I certainly enjoyed coordinating logical dialog with the computerized simulation, but I must remind you, Admiral, that I have never actually met Mister Spock, merely a holographic representation...


Well, I'm sure the two of ya would hit it off if ya had the chance.

When DATA seems ready to protest, McCOY hurriedly continues. 


I mean that as a compliment, Data. I have some work ta finish when I leave the Enterprise, but when I'm done I'd like to take ya to Vulcan and introduce ya to the real Mr. Spock.

DATA responds gratefully.


That's very kind of you, Admiral.  My brief interaction with Mister Spock's holographic duplicate leads me to conclude I would find his company most stimulating.


Spock couldn't have said it more obscurely himself.


Thank you. Do you really think we would... hit it off?


Well, now that you mention it, I think you and Spock are too precise to go around hitting it off with each other. But I have no doubt ya would become friends.

DATA seems shy for a moment.


I had a friend once.


And I hope you feel you have a friend now.

McCOY extends his hand. DATA seems surprised at first, then eagerly shakes hands.


This friend of yours must'a been acquainted with Jiminy Cricket.

DATA responds with amazement.


How did you know that?


Becuase I know ya. Your friend made a change in you, and knowing you has made a change in me.  That's what friends do.  True friends, at least.  I haven't thought of ol' Jiminy Cricket in years, but tonight I can hear him sing.


You can?

McCOY looks out into the forest and turns his head as if listening intently.  After a moment, a cricket begins to chirp.


There.  Ya hear him?  Somewhere over in that direction.  If I's you, I'd go check it out.

DATA appears confused as he walks off into the timber.  WESLEY CRUSHER steps up beside McCOY and they give each other satisfied grins.  DATA makes his way to the top of a small knoll.  The cricket's chirping seems to be coming from all directions now.  DATA looks up into night sky above Yosemite Park.  The countless suns of the Milky Way shine like diamonds against a velvet backdrop.  A shooting star streaks across the heavens.  DATA thinks of the song that TASHA YAR used to sing for him.


When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...

Just as DATA starts to sing, YAR walks up beside him and they finish the verse together. 


...anything your heart desires will come to you.

DATA takes her hand in his and looks up, as if he can tell which star has made his dream come true.  Back at the clearing, PICARD and BEVERLY CRUSHER stand facing McCOY, KIRK and SPOCK.  The images of SCOTT, CHEKOV, SULU and UHURA each step up to say their farewells to McCOY and one by one disappear from the Holodeck program.


Happy birthday, Leonard.  As far as I'm concerned, ya don't look a day over 130.


Thanks, Scotty.


We will have to do this again in say, another 25 years.


I'll be there, Pavel.  Thanks.


You and Doctor Crusher sure throw one hell of a party, Doc.  Happy Birthday.


Come on, Sulu. Lets get out's here before I break down and admit my weakness for older men.


Yer secret's safe with me, girl.

As SULU and UHURA fade away, PICARD raises his cup of ale and proposes a toast.


To Admiral Leonard McCoy.

KIRK smiles and returns the gesture.


To an old, OLD country doctor!

McCOY turns to KIRK, his eyebrow raised as if offended.  He finally raises his cup and clicks it across the other two.


To the Starship Enterprise.

McCOY is on the verge of tears.  The holographic illusion of youth is fading from his face.


Thank you, Captain, for helping Bevvie to make this a reality.  Bevvie, I don't know how I can ever repay ya fer this.


You already have, Leonard.  Believe me, you already have.  You saved my life.


Just returnin' the favor, sweetheart.

CRUSHER wraps her arms around McCOY then kisses him on the cheek.  PICARD places his hand on McCOY'S shoulder.


Happy Birthday, Admiral.  Be assured that this will certainly not be the end of the Enterprise's involvement in your quest.  I have already demanded an audience with the new leader of the Klingon Empire.  Along with discussing some unfinished business concerning Lieutenant Worf, I will personally lead an inquiry into the P.O.W. issue.


Thank you, Captain.  For myself...

McCOY looks at KIRK and smiles.


And for James T. Kirk, wherever he may be.

PICARD and CRUSHER walk together out of the Holodeck.  McCOY turns to SPOCK.


Well, Mister Spock, I believe I owe you a visit.  I want ta meet the woman who actually thought she could tame you.


I am certain I will await your visit most eagerly, Doctor.  Good-bye for now.

SPOCK disappears, leaving only KIRK and McCOY to deal with saying good-bye.  Perhaps the mystery of Jim Kirk's fate will be a bit easier to bear now.  Now he has the chance for a proper farewell.  What starts as a handshake ends in an embrace.


I'm gonna find ya, Jim Kirk.

Then slowly, KIRK fades away.  A cold wind blows through McCOY'S hair and causes the dying embers of the campfire to flare and then fade.  McCOY stands alone and looks up at El Capitaine.  He remembers KIRK telling him the reason to climb a mountain.


Because it's there.


Computer, end program.

Yosemite Park is replaced by the drab grid of the Holodeck walls.  McCOY slowly turns and walks through the open door.

© 2012 Ray J. Lonsdale

Author's Note

Ray J. Lonsdale
I wrote this screenplay back in 1991 when ST:TNG was still in production. The writing staff at Paramount did read this submission by alas, it was rejected. Anyway, I am very interested in feedback and welcome any and all critiques!

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1 Review
Added on April 20, 2012
Last Updated on April 20, 2012


Ray J. Lonsdale
Ray J. Lonsdale

Orlando, FL

I'm the founder and Creative Director of Flyby Studios in Orlando Florida. Writing has always been a passion of mine as far back as 6 or 7 years old! more..
