![]() Enter Mynd, Part I - Chapter 1 (Short Story)A Story by Daniel Sebuyange![]() A thought provoking, conscious raising story that tells the transformational tale of Blue Saint as he journeys through the surreal and fantastical, yet somewhat factual, City of Mynd.![]() CHAPTER 1 " ENTER
MYND (intro) [ Our ideas are conceived in
the wombs of our inner beings; it is a deeply rooted and astute presence that
presents various wondrous thoughts that flicker, in rapid succession, through
the hollow vapid cavities of our minds. A forever moving sensation deep within
ourselves that soon blooms into something greater; it is the fruit of our
labour, for the more work that is done, the more ideas begin to bloom. Hermes
Guide had one such idea, the imaginary incandescent bulb of light had
flickered, its body materialising above his still head. An idea had struck him,
in the same manner as Franklin’s kite, a captivating thought that he wished to
implement. His elder brother, Narratio Guide, had agreed with Hermes’ idea to
orchestrate a tour for the arrival of the one people called Blue Saint. All
was well. A cold sigh escaped the narrow fissure between Hermes’ lips,
the air was hot; and not the kind of hot one enjoyed but more the type of hot
that disallowed one to react appropriately. Bus
engines’ buzzes became incessant as they continued to whirr in the far off
distance, and the sounds of wailing and whining, made by the city’s denizens,
only seemed to add to the annoyance Hermes felt. His glabella creased as he
furrowed his brows. “Are
they coming then?” the voice was quite deep, its texture rough. Hermes’ head
followed the voice to its root. It was Alexander, the elder brother of Thomas
‘Uzair, he silently watched as Alexander’s fingers slowly traced the abstract
design of a nearby seat; his fingers stopped abruptly, “Well?” There
was a brief pause as Hermes regained his senses, “Yeah, their coming.” The
thought did not seem sincere. “Or at least that’s what they said.” “Well
they seem to be taking an awfully long time,” Alexander began to trace the
abstract design once more, his fingers never wavering from the path each shape
created. “I mean, weren’t they supposed to have arrived here like an hour ago?” Another
brief pause. Hermes
released yet another melancholic sigh before answering the question he had been
presented, “Hmm, precisely…” the words trailed off; silence returned once
again. The indigenous people of Mynd were heavily known for their lack of
punctuality so it was no surprise that they had not arrived, still, waiting
made Hermes incredibly impatient. The
old and badly beaten bus, Alexander currently occupied, was a peculiarly
enormous beast, its steel frame worn and golden. Areas of its face had already
begun to corrode despite the fact it had only been used on occasion. Alexander
began to hum, “Hey, you don’t mind if I turn on the radio, do ya?” His fingers
had already began to turn the dial before a response was made; Hermes shook his
head. The
radio crackled to life, awoken from its long slumber, before finally settling.
Its tone seeming to mimic the sweet sounds of a gentle surf as it tuned in and
out of the various channels found in the City of Mynd. A depressive voice could
be heard, flickering in between each station. “It’s
them news broadcasts again ain’t it?” Alexander’s fingers had now wound
themselves around the leather steering wheel, his thumb lightly tapping the
edge of its polyurethane frame. “We seem to be getting an awful amount of them
these days.” “Hmm.”
Hermes strained his ears as he tried to pick up the words that emitted from the
radio’s speakers. “Too
muffled ain’t it? I guess I best turn it off, ain’t nuttin’ good on.” The radio
fizzled; silence returned once more. It was a mundane day; overhead the sun, a
faintly orange globe, slowly descended to the west of the City casting dark,
ink-like shadows in its wake. The silverspeeds would soon arrive and with it,
the Mynders. * Far-off a silver flicker could be seen. A flash. A glint. Glistering every so often; and it was fast approaching. There was a sudden change of pressure as the air collapsed, its body crushed by some form of unimaginable force; a shock wave. A rush of hot air spewed from the behind of an approaching vehicle, its sound seeming to appear moments after the vehicle had been sighted; a sonic boom. The silver speck grew in size, its silver flickering forever working as its shell quickly came into view. It was a peculiar transportation device, its body elongate with a highly reflective surface that prevented one from staring at it for too long - for fear of being blinded by the myriad lights that ricocheted off its glossed frame. The
vehicle snaked through the air before reaching a still halt; a rather built man
stepped out from its train-like form, his hair was slicked back and seemed to
match the lustrous appearance of the transportation device. The guy must have been in his mid-forties as
his eyes seemed to contain the fine crinkle lines found on many middle aged men.
gaze shifted from Hermes to the Captain, “Ya sure took your time, didn’t ya?” “Yeah,
sorry about that Alex, we had a few problems starting the engine.” The
Captain’s voice seemed to display some form of sincerity and so, with that,
Alex briefly nodded his head in acceptance, “Ah right okay.” “Where
are the Mynders?” Hermes had begun to fidget with his coat button, his nerves
slowly raged through his skin, seeping and setting in the hollow of his
stomach, a fluttering sensation that tickled the bottom of his belly; how much
he hated butterflies. He had prepared himself for this moment, for the way in
which he would greet the Mynders, but the preparations now felt futile. A brief
harrumph was made as he repeated the question once more, only this time
somewhat gentler, "Where are the Mynders?" "Oh right sorry, I'll get them out now," the Captain replied as he proceeded to get the passengers of the silverspeed. The Mynders slowly began to file out the argent vehicle, each of their faces containing various distinct emotions - some happy, some incredibly curious - but for the most part looks of delight danced across their visage. The
delight displayed by the denizens of Mynd quickly lifted Hermes’ spirits, all
forms of nervousness he possessed instantly dissipated, its hold retracting
back to the crevices of his mind and with his confidence raised he clearly spoke,
“Hello people, my name is Hermes Guide. I shall be your tour guide for today…”
© Daniel Sebuyange 2014 © 2014 Daniel Sebuyange |
Added on August 29, 2014 Last Updated on August 30, 2014 Tags: Literary Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Experimental, Post-modern, Prose Poem, Short Story, Novel, Novella, Fiction, Flash Fiction Author![]() Daniel SebuyangeUnited KingdomAboutA young boy with a dream, raised to believe a dream was possible to reach, races to achieve these dreams he had seen as a boy. Daniel Sebuyange, alias Blue Saint, a Congolese-born British rapper, .. more.. |