![]() Descent of the DeadA Screenplay by Mathew Nicolson![]() Two explorers return to Earth, a dead planet, via an abandoned space elevator. What will they find?![]() 1 EXT. SPACE ELEVATOR - DAY FX: Space elevator rises above the clouds. Shot shows a section of cable half way up the elevator, just high enough for the curvature of the Earth’s horizon to be visible in the background but still within the atmosphere, bathed in sunlight. The shot rises, swiftly, following the elevator upwards. The atmosphere becomes darker as it rises until stars appear in the background. Rising slows, and a ball of rock is reached, expanding offscreen. HIGH ANGLE SHOT OF EARTH, ELEVATOR AND COUNTERWEIGHT ROCK. CUT TO: 2 INT. SPACE SHUTTLE. - NIGHT Two astronauts - KRISTA; 45, the leader, authoritative but not humourless, German - and DOMINIC; 39, intelligent and a dreamer, British - operate controls as the window shows descent towards the rock counterweight. Mechanical signals whir and beep. KRISTA Velocity at 110 metres per second and falling. DOMINIC Good. He flicks a pair of switches. KRISTA Touchdown in roughly five minutes. CUT TO: 3 EXT. SHUTTLE. - NIGHT FX: It speeds down towards the rock. CUT TO: 4 EXT. SHUTTLE - ROCK SURFACE - NIGHT The shuttle has smoothly landed on the rock. The surface is silent and cold. A door opens and two figures in protective body suits, carrying massive backpacks, emerge. They look around at the atmosphere. Above them the moon is twice it’s size than viewed from Earth. DOMINIC Hasn’t changed a bit. KRISTA Come on. They walk over the surface. CUT TO: 5 INT. HATCHWAY - NIGHT A metal door opens and the two astronauts clamber through, half floating during long strides. KRISTA grabs a torch attached to her suit and shines into the corridor. DOMINIC shuts the hatch door, as DOMINIC removes his helmet. KRISTA What are you doing? Dominic takes a deep breath. DOMINIC See, told you air conditioning would be fine. No structural damage to the solar panels. We probably could have entered through the Docking Port after all. KRISTA (cautiously removing helmet) Not worth the risk. DOMINIC Of course - too many risk-assessment forms? She gives him a look which isn’t entirely dirty. KRISTA You’re right, though. The air’s fine. DOMINIC It’s fresher than at home! KRISTA Don’t call it that. DOMINIC What? KRISTA Home. That’s where we’re going now. Krista heads down the corridor and enters a pin into a pad by the door. The door slides open. KRISTA Excellent! The electrics function perfectly. DOMINIC (sarcastically) That’s such a relief. I was getting worried they’d been gnawed through by spacerodents for a moment, or eroded by wind. A dirtier look. KRISTA Come on. They exit through the door. CUT TO: 6 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - NIGHT. The explorers enter. The room is hidden by darkness, but KRISTA’s torch reveals a wooden staircase leading to a landing which contains many doors. Around them are seats and tables. Televisions grace the walls. DOMINIC (walking forward) Hardly luxurious, but what can you expect from second cl- His foot crunches upon something. He looked down- His foot’s embedded within a human skull- Dominic stumbles backwards. KRISTA (shining torch around room) There’s more. A mangled body at the bottom of the stairs- Torch darts to the side- A body with the head several feet away. DOMINIC This one’s decapitated... He walks over and picks up a blood-stained kitchen knife. Krista heads to a door. CUT TO: 7 INT. BRIDGE - NIGHT KRISTA enters and pauses over the controls. She places her hand over her chin in thought. After a moment, she tries pressing some switches. Lights activate. She then pulls a large lever. CUT TO: 8 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - NIGHT Lights switch on around DOMINIC, still examining corpses. KRISTA enters. KRISTA Cause of death? DOMINIC If I didn’t know better, I’d say we were on the scene of a medieval battle. Hacked to death, beaten, decapitated by a knife... Krista walks over to a door and, using the manual handle, pulls it aside. CUT TO: 9 INT. SUPPLIES UNIT - NIGHT. KRISTA enters. To her left there is a series of fuel containers stretching back through the room. A semi-circle gauge is built into the wall by the door, with the arrow turned mostly to the ’full’ end. KRISTA (shouting through) There’s enough fuel for the descent! She turns to a series of metal cabinets, opens them and looks through into the pantry. KRISTA (frowning) I’d have expected more food... CUT TO: 10 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - NIGHT. DOMINIC (rhetorically) What happened here... ? HIGH ANGLE SHOT, FUZZY, A TIMER AT TOP RIGHT. POV OF A SECURITY CAMERA. DOMINIC LOOKS UP. OVER-THE-SHOULDER SHOT FROM DOMINIC’S POV OF SECURITY CAMERA. CUT TO: 11 INT. BRIDGE - NIGHT KRISTA and DOMINIC are sat in front of a computer screen. It’s failing. KRISTA (hammering the machine) No! Static. KRISTA Memory’s corrupt. DOMINIC Hold on, what’s this? He moves to put his hand onto the touchpad, accidentally falling onto Krista’s. They exchange an awkward glance and she moves hers off. DOMINIC I think we still have the audio. He taps a button. MALE VOICE (V/O) Initiate log, 22nd December, 2074. Coughing. MALE VOICE (V/O) Flu still doing the rounds, but nothing serious. Dr Franklin disembarked at terminal 1. Pause. MALE VOICE (V/O) A slight oddity. We picked up an unknown wavelength at 1820 hours. Probably just a stray transmission, but we’ve tuned the receivers just in case. End log. Static. DOMINIC So there’s a mysterious transmission on the same day we lose contact with Earth. Complete coincidence, right? KRISTA Could have been an encrypted plea for help. Or a warning to stay away. She taps an icon on a touchscreen on the console. KRISTA There’s another. FEMALE VOICE (V/O) Emergency; assistance heavily required! Help us, we- The sound of metal diving into flesh can be hear. Screaming- Deep breathing- Silence. KRISTA (recovering composure) The sooner we reach the surface, the sooner we can discover what happened. Help me get the elevator running. Dominic turns to the controls and they work on activating the elevator. FADE TO: 12 EXT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT Coils begin to slide, and the elevator exits the counterweight rock through a metal channel carved into the underside. Camera pans down to reveal the coil stretching to Earth, the elevator traveling down. CUT TO: 13 INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT DOMINIC and KRISTA lie in bunks on opposite ends of a room. They are wearing plain clothes, their protective suits lying in the corner. Stars jiggle in the reinforced glass window from the elevator’s movement and a humming background noise is present. DOMINIC I’m lying in a dead man’s bed. KRISTA (unfazed, reading a notebook) We changed the sheets. Dominic gets up and stands by the window. CUT TO: 14 EXT. SPACE ELEVATOR - NIGHT HIGH ANGLE SHOT OF THE EARTH, CLOSELY ZOOMED IN. The planet is covered by a cloud of grey. CUT TO: 15 INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT DOMINIC What do you think happened? On Earth? KRISTA There’s insufficient evidence to make a balanced- DOMINIC Yes, yes, I know. I asked what do you think? KRISTA Well, we know it caused an ash cloud. Either communications from Earth are being blocked, or... Well, it’s not a supervolcano - we’d have had warning. Same goes for a meteorite. DOMINIC Nuclear war? KRISTA (sighing) Stop it, Dominic. We’ve been through this enough back h- back on Moonbase. There’s never a plausible answer! She turns over in her bed. KRISTA I’m going to sleep. Dominic also sighs and continue to look out the window, deep in thought. CUT TO: 16 INT. BRIDGE - NIGHT. Flashing- A red LED pulses. Screen reads, "Unknown signal detected." FADE TO: 17 EXT. ELEVATOR - DAY. FX: The elevator continues to descend. It is within the atmosphere, falling through rays of sunlight. CUT TO: 18 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - DAY Caption reads: "Day 6 of Descent." KRISTA is sitting on couches, reading books from the elevator library. The corpses have been cleared away. DOMINIC is in a kitchen area, placing dishes into a metal dispenser. Various containers and bottles lacking labels are scattered around the worktop. Light is streaming through a window. From a large speaker system installed into the wall, Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings in C major plays. Dominic stumbles. KRISTA Steady. The Earth’s gravity takes getting used to. DOMINIC (climbing to his feet) You seem fine. KRISTA Years of ballet, my dear. DOMINIC Hm. I’ll take the stumbling. Clang! The pair freeze. They look up. LOW ANGLE LONG SHOT OF TRAP-DOOR IN CEILING. They hear the sound of scarpering feet. DOMINIC What was that? KRISTA Sounded like... A person. They exchange a glance. Dominic runs through into a utility room and grabs a pole. He uses it to push the trapdoor open and a ladder descends. DOMINIC Hold the ladder. Krista holds it as he climbs up. CUT TO: 19 INT. CARGO UNIT - DAY. The room is dark; no natural light is present. Only DOMINIC’s footsteps can be heard. Stumbling- DOMINIC Hello? Silence. Then more footsteps. DOMINIC Who are you? A flash of light- An arm in ragged cloth is holding a lantern, flame flickering within. Light shows a man with a lined face and a layer of stubble staring at Dominic. Dominic falls back- DOMINIC Don’t- MAN Don’t hurt me! Dominic pauses. MAN Please. DOMINIC (giving defensive gesture with hands) I won’t hurt you! MAN Who are you? DOMINIC My name is Dominic. My partner downstairs is called Krista. We’re from Moonbase 7, and we’re taking the elevator down to Earth. MAN To Earth? Why? DOMINIC We want to find out why everything suddenly went silent. Though, you might know a thing or two about that yourself. Have you been on this elevator for all these years? MAN (hesitantly) Yes. DOMINIC That explains the missing food. So. What happened? The bodies, they... Man shakes his head and withdraws into the dark. KRISTA (offscreen) Dominic? Any problems? DOMINIC (shouting down) No! He takes a step forward into the dark. DOMINIC It’s okay. I know you want to forget. Hell, I feel like that most days. Cooped up in an artificial world drives you rather cuckoo after a while, I know. You begin to wonder whether it would be best to just die, right? The man slowly nods. CUT TO: 20 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - DAY. KRISTA stares up at the hatch, concerned. Behind her, in the background, is the propped-open doorway leading into the Bridge. A console begins to flash red. Krista turns. CUT TO: 21 INT. STORAGE FACILITY - DAY. DOMINIC Are you on your own, here? No response. DOMINIC How did you survive? MAN (in a harsher voice than before) Get out. DOMINIC (taken aback) Sorry? MAN You’re trespassing in my home. DOMINIC Oh, I- Man steps forward- Dominic shuffles back- MAN You trespass in my home, steal limited supplies and you have the nerve to ask me questions? He steps into the light. His expression is not that of a sane person. MAN Your presumptuous ingratitude, that’s what makes my blood really boil. DOMINIC No, no, it’s not- MAN I’ll kill you! He grabs a metal case and swings it at Dominic, who swiftly ducks and runs back to the trapdoor, which he rushes down. The man turns and grabs a gun sitting on a cabinet... CUT TO: 22 INT. BRIDGE - DAY KRISTA is staring at the screen, which reads "Unknown Signal Detected." DOMINIC (V.O) Krista! CUT TO: 23 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - DAY. KRISTA runs through and sees DOMINIC at the bottom of the ladder. DOMINIC Krista! There’s a man, up there, and he’s - he’s deranged! He- The man fires the gun from the hatch. KRISTA Run! They both run through a door. CUT TO: 24 INT. CORRIDOR - DAY. They run down the corridor followed by the man firing gunshots almost randomly. He clearly has little experience of using it. The shot follows them as they run through the corridor. It takes them back to an entrance at the other end of the Passenger Suite. DOMINIC There’s nowhere to go! They run through the door. More gunshots- CUT TO: 25 INT. PASSENGER SUITE - DAY. DOMINIC and KRISTA run in and to a door the other end of the room. The MAN crashes through the door, and holds up his gun to them. Dominic is tugging at the door, but it won’t open. DOMINIC It won’t open! Krista pushes him out of the way and places her hand on the handle- Gun click- Nothing happens. The man clicks the gun several times but no bullets fired. He is out of ammunition. DOMINIC Why are you doing this? The man is shaking with rage, spluttering incomprehensible words. KRISTA You’re right. He’s deranged. He begins running towards them- Krista tears open the door and they run through. CUT TO: 26 INT. SUPPLIES UNIT - DAY. KRISTA and DOMINIC split up, running through the labyrinth of fuel tanks and pipes. The MAN follows, shouting, spitting. Completely insane. He looks around; they are out of sight. MAN (muttering manically) Drive-them-out! Drive-them-our! He hobbles over to a wall full of switches and begins moving them randomly. MAN Intruders - out - blast - gone! Krista watches, hiding behind a fuel tank. A gauge, reading "pressure gauge", is rising into an area covered by red... Krista runs through the fuel tanks to find Dominic. They run into each other. DOMINIC (whispering) Where is he? KRISTA (also whispering) Doesn’t matter. He’s increasing the pressure of the tanks. There’s going to be a collosal explosion if we don’t stop him. DOMINIC If we both rush him- The room shakes as a hole is burst in a tank in the corner, which begins blazing away. They fall off their feet. Dominic climbs upright and helps Krista up. KRISTA It’s too late! We need to get out! They look around frantically. Another explosion. DOMINIC The food pantry. Can we get past without him noticing? The man is still hammering like a madman at the dials. KRISTA I think so. Come on- She grabs his hand and they run past. They open the doorway together and climb in, shutting it swiftly behind. The man doesn’t notice. CUT TO: 27 INT. PANTRY - DAY. They’re in complete darkness. DOMINIC Krista? KRISTA Yeah? DOMINIC If we die- KRISTA We won’t die. DOMINIC (stammering) Krista. If we do... I. Well. Do you know why I volunteered for this mission? KRISTA Does it matter? DOMINIC I was worried about you. 20% success prediction, Commander Ulyanov said. I couldn’t let you go off and die and we’d never know what happened to you. I volunteered so I could protect you, because... Because I love you. The room is too dark to see Krista’s reaction. DOMINIC Rotten job I’ve done of it, too. KRISTA Dominic- She’s interrupted by a massive explosion- A door to their right is blown open by flames- The entire room shakes and seems to spin- -Until it stops. Light shines in. They are huddled together. After several long moments, they release each other and climb to their feet. DOMINIC We survived! He laughs with joy. Krista kicks open the door which falls easily off its hinges. It falls backwards- Krista steps forward- The door continues falling, out, and down, far down. The Supplies Unit’s floor has gone. The entire room has been blown apart. Below them is the ever-stretching elevator and the ash cloud layer. Dominic grabs Krista to stop her falling and pulls her back. They both stare down, taking it in. She looks up at him. KRISTA You’re redeeming yourself. CUT TO: 28 EXT. SPACE ELEVATOR. FX: Camera pans out from Dominic and Krista peering out of the pantry to show the elevator with the blown-out Supplies Unit. There is no way for them to escape the pantry. CUT TO: 29 INT. PANTRY. DOMINIC How damaged do you think the elevator is? KRISTA We haven’t gone into freefall, so it may have only sustained minimal damages. DOMINIC We’re stuck here. KRISTA The air’s breathable. We’ll reach the bottom soon. Silence. KRISTA Why did he do that? You were observing him. DOMINIC He was fine. Well, scared. But not aggressive at all. I’m guessing they don’t provide anger management on the elevator! Krista laughs, and takes his hand again. KRISTA I’m glad you volunteered. He smiles back at her. CUT TO: 30 INT. BRIDGE - DAY. The red LED begins flashing again, at a greater frequency. CUT TO: 31 INT. PANTRY - DAY. DOMINIC throws KRISTA against the wall. KRISTA Dominic! DOMINIC Why the Hell did you suggest the pantry, eh? We’re stuck here! It’s your doing! KRISTA What? I saved our lives! DOMINIC We could have rushed him and prevented the explosion! You IDIOT! He advances towards her menacingly, drunk-like. DOMINIC You’re a threat to the mission! Damn waste of space! He begins to roar and scream at her, becoming more animal than man. He grabs a shard of crusted metal blown off from the door, and swings it at her- Hacking- Screaming- Blood- Krista swings up her leg and kicks Dominic away from her- He tumbles and falls backwards- Dominic falls flailing off the elevator. Krista clambers up and watches him fall down, through the ash cloud, into oblivion. She collapses back against the ground, blood oozing out from gashes across her body. KRISTA (feebly) Dominic... ? CUT TO: 32 EXT. ELEVATOR - DAY. High Angle FX Shot: Camera pans up from KRISTA’S dying body, up from the elevator as it descends to The Earth. CUT TO: 33 INT. PANTRY - DAY. KRISTA’S eyes close. FADE TO: 34 BLACK. FADE TO: 35 INT. PANTRY - NIGHT. KRISTA is lit by a malevolent red glow which blends together with the pool of blood she lies in. She opens her eyes, so weak. Out, beyond the elevator, is Earth. FX: Metal, pyrimidal spires reach into the sky, connected to one another by a frenzy of wires and pipes. Smoke is emitted from every source possible in these buildings. In the ground are carved deep furnaces in which molten magma flows and gargantuan fires burn. Krista’s eyes glaze in disbelief. From building to building, from out of the pits and towards Krista, march an army of quadrupedal creatures glad in blue armour in a two-by-two formation. They march up to the elevator and space out, surrounding it. Krista stares out in terror as they speak in a trill of clicks and squeaks. Her heart gives way and she dies in the presence of Earth’s new masters. CUT TO: 36 END CREDITS. © 2013 Mathew Nicolson |
Added on July 21, 2013 Last Updated on July 21, 2013 Tags: explorers, space elevator, science fiction, Moon, apocalypse, space Author