Very cool!! : ) Personally, I think we need more people on Youtube playing with their imaginary kitties, instead of yelling about what's on the news!! : ) I like it. xoxo -Mark
Aww this is sweet. I love my kitty and your kitty sounds really cool. I outta poest my kitty poem I wrote when I was 8 and share it with you. This is a great poem it made me smile. 100/100
Posted 14 Years Ago
Aww, I really liked this poem. I used to have a cat and he really was special to me. His name was Skye, and he was gray and white and just cute. I loved to hold him and pet him! Also nothing better than watch him play! So I can relate, I love cats.
This poem was so cute, you really described the personality of a cat! And you really love your cat, I can tell!
Great poetry, keep it up!
Name: Tara
Age: 12
Love: Jesus, family, friends, movies, food, seasons and my home.
I am also a firm believer in Christ. He saved me from my sins. :)
Reviews are appreciated :)
P.S. If you wis.. more..