![]() The beginningA Chapter by Madara Uchiha![]() Its a slow start.![]() While I was reading Alchemy Breaking The Science by Jesse Bloodroad, and out of nowhere I heared some one screaming. "Bloodroad-kun, Bloodroad-kun where are you. My only thought was oh s###, not here agian at this rate I will never finish reading my book. " Hey Hina-chan what are you doing" as she found me, and she punches me nocking my book out of my hand and my shirt tears from snaging the tree i was laying on. " Hey HIna-chan I love you and all but you have no right to punch me like that." She begins to cry "I;m sorry bloodroad-kun, I didn't mean to make you mad and all..." "Its ok, i promise ok". She reached for the ground where she hide some close that she was carriying with her, and hands them to me as her face turns light red. "Do you want me to change hear in front of you." "No...no you dont have too. (As her face turns bloodred)". I go behind the tree and change into the close that she brought me. "You look hot Jesse", " Yeah your right he is hot" from no where. "Hi Ariel i know thats you, and whats up with that outfityour whereing Ariel (spagetti strap and a skirt, when normal she wears black long sleaves and pants. Bam as i'm hit into a tree. "Stop playing with that mutt Ariel he might have rabies." "Hi Leilani" in a cold voice. Jesse p###ed "Wait what did you F###ing say" "You a god damn Mutt". Hinata " Quit yelling you two." Jesse "She started it." "so you said we where going on a date earlyer." "Oh yeah.". Then we kissed each other. Ariel "Wooh take it off." leilani "Get a room." while she was getting sick. Jesse " what's wrong you vampire, you cant take the heat of a Wolf demon, and a Crusnic makeing out. At that time just for a second I felt alone, but I thought what am I thinking, i'm just losing it. And I start kissing Hinata agian. We leave ariel and leilani to go on our date. While on our date a messenger hawlk fly's bye to my and my brother's Cabin, The date go's smoth as a bell for the rest of the night. © 2009 Madara Uchiha |
2 Reviews Added on June 20, 2009 Author![]() Madara UchihaBeufort, OHAbouti'm Jesse i love anime, my fav. char. are Hughs from FMA. Tobi and Kiba from Naruto. Kisuke Urahara fom bleach, Morinozuka Takashi from Ouran high school host club. and some others. i also like devil .. more..Writing