O, beautiful Spirit,
Your light touch reaches me soundly,
Straight into the mystery of my essence.
Our beating hearts join us in the flesh,
Our thoughts soar across the ocean -
Two birds in flight, they fail to recognize cultural boundaries.
The beauty of our world - your vision captured -
Volcanoes and lagoons,
The lost soul of Atlantis firmly beating in your chest,
And you’ve called to me, oh, so many times,
My words soothing your tender soul, a channel into the depths,
I wade into the darkness of that Church at Furnas for the first time
For you…and within that nocturnal madness the inscription is buried,
The clues you need to draw your conclusions -
It is not yet time, no…your awareness precedes the opening.
O, beautiful Spirit,
It is your very awareness of the mystery,
Your willingness to plunge into the darkness in search of the light,
The poet recognized and embraced within your being
That brings a tear to my eye…your calm acceptance
Stands sharply in contrast to my slumbering love,
My poetic caveman - given in sacrifice to his fears.
It is now, today, I accept the finality of our separation.
It is now, this moment, I understand his weakness is no match to my strength.
Dena L Moore
July 14, 2008