Ok, so here is my idea, my grand moment of “now that’s awesome.” As many of you know, I’m a huge wrestling fan. I love the excitement, the build up, the stories, the personalities, the showmanship, the pageantry, etc. Wrestling makes a great show, it keeps people entranced, and you kind of suspend belief, even if it’s just for a moment. Well I thought that all of that could be combined with something else that also captures the attention of a crowd that brings out emotion and when you’re there, it’s an undesirable feeling at times… Yes, yes I have a concept that will combine the world of professional wrestling with a wedding!!!
Some of you might think that I’ve finally lost it, and you might be right. Some of you might even think the idea is mere novelty and would never happen, but I say in response that people thought Vince McMahon could never pull off a little event called Wrestle Mania, but since we are less than a month away from Wrestle Mania XXV, I think he’s proved them wrong. Now I’m not out to shock the world, or create a phenomenon (ok, I would like to, but I really just want to share this thought,) but I want to see what happens when I place this idea down for public display/humiliation. So here it is in brief, the Wrestling Theme Wedding (The Match-tromomy©):
Now to pull this off, an open air location is needed, and of course a few permits, one being for the fireworks/pyrotechnics. You set up a huge screen behind where the ceremony will take place to play intro videos and a teaser video of how we got to this point. In the video you have to build the bride and groom as these great singles wrestlers that have decided to relinquish their respective singles titles in favor of the Tag Team Championships. The wedding party and the parents made some comments within the video. If you want to go Vegas style (hey, this is a spectacle, go all the way,) the wedding minister/official dresses as a Referee. You add someone to the wedding party that acts as the announcer (and narrates/does the interviews in the teaser video,) to introduce the wedding party as they walk the isle. Here’s how that would go, right after the video:
Bell rings (ding, ding)
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a unification bout, scheduled for one fall of love.
[Music/video hits for groom party, and here you can choose whatever]
Announcer: Introducing first (insert groomsmen’s names) the Groomsmen, accompanied by the Ring Bearer, and the Best Man (insert best man’s name)!
[Cut groomsmen music/video, cue intro for groom, with pyro]
Announcer: And now, your world champion, (insert groom’s name)!!!
(Groom enters with world title, everyone takes there place)
[Cue bridal party music/video, something regal here would work, but there’s leave way]
Announcer: And now coming down the isle (insert bridal party names), the bridesmaids with the Flower Girl, and the Maid of Honor, (inset Maid of Honor’s name)!
(Cut bridesmaid music/video, cue into for bride, which should be either “Here Comes the Bride,” a rendition thereof, or something ultra Pomp and Circumstance, like “Pomp and Circumstance,” pyro optional here)
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to greet the lady of the hour, accompanied by (insert person giving the bride away), the bell of the ball, your champion and bride… (insert bride’s name)!!!
At this point you go into a traditional wedding, with maybe a few wrestling references in during any officiating person speech and the vows. After “By the power invested in me…” speech you go to the announcer again…
Announcer: the winners of this match-tromony as a result of a unification, I am proud to present the tag team of the (insert surname of the married couple)!!!!
[Bride and groom kiss, pyro goes off, music, then they are handed the tag team titles, and proceed down the isle, bridal party follows, and end the show.]
I thought about an announcing team, but I thought that might be a bit much. You could also add a little drama by adding a plant in the crowd to object and have the bride or groom, depending on how you go with it. You either have them shut the objector up, or throw a punch, kick, move to knock them out and have the ushers (which would be like security at a wrestling event) “drag them out, but you would have to make sure to make light of it by either making a joke, or just breaking from the script and say that “it’s all part of the show.” You can add various bits of showmanship and flair to the various entrances to heighten the pageantry aspects, and an indoor venue can work, but for pyro, it’s best done outside at dusk or dark (unless the indoor venue is zoned for pyro.)
So there you have it, a little bit of my madness, a piece of my demented and entertaining mind!!! I don’t think this will ever happen (and I’m pretty sure I have no shot in hell at such a wedding, or a wedding in general at this point,) but I figure, why not share, see what others think of this thing.