I am invisible to you
Please pay attention I need help
I am invisible to you
Can't you hear my cries in the darkest of days
I am invisible to you
Could you take a moment to come to my aid
I am invisible to you
What can I do to make you see me
Why can't you look upon me
I need a friend to help me heal
Why can't you see what is right there
I need love and understanding
Why can't you come by and just tell me hello
I feel abandoned and unappreciated
Why can't you see
I want only the kindness I've given
And you are not there
When I asked for you to listen
And you are not there
Because you are on your own misery
And you won't answer my calls
When I was the one who was in need
And you pulled your hand away
Even after I've taken in all your pain
Could you be more considerate
I need time to grieve and heal
Could you be more understanding
I have feelings and emotion
Could you be supportive
I need a break from this life
Could you a friend
I can't take this much longer
Resolve and love
I don't know what more I can do
Live and learn
I cannot make better that which is not broke
Help and be patient
I cannot bring quick relief to a long-term issue
And give to others the love you receive
My helping hand is one extended in vain
Or you find that even the greatest friend will leave
I am withdrawn with the thought of if you could ever care