Take off and you're on your way
Fifty-five miles an hour, watch your speed
Ridding around to A and B is your destiny
Roll the window down and feel the summer's breeze
I can hear the cars moving on the outside
I can hear the wind whistling in
But I don't understand
Why you have to yell and raise your hands
No one can hear your screams
No one hears the words you try to say in rage
You look so crazy, yelling inside your mobile cage
You have calmed down as you drive around
But as everything begins to slow again
You shout your motor manifesto
With only a backseat and shotgun audience
To them not directed, to them it makes no sense
You yell your frustrations that your target never hears
It makes no sense, except to you
I can see the scenery streaking in the distance
I can feel the wind of serenity in our hair
But what can seem to grasp is why you're manic behind the wheel
Going into a rage on the things around you
The vehicle has transformed and enhanced your fuse
Driving you more with every move
What I don't really see
As a constant shotgun and backseat devotee
Is how the drive can change you
And make you so full of anger and rage
If this the cost of the thrill of moving so fast
I think I'll let it be and keep my Metro Pass