Chapter 13: Lorelai

Chapter 13: Lorelai

A Chapter by Blackthorne

“Hey, Luke” I say as I walk in the diner.

“Hi Luke” Chloe says.

“Come on Luke it won’t hurt to have a few streamers and a Christmas tree around here” Taylor said. Taylor is a short chubby man with almost no hair apart from around the sides. He’s also the town’s mayor.

“I said no Taylor” Luke says trying to get away from Taylor.

“Hey can we get coffee over here please?” I ask.

“And a muffin? Preferably warmed” Chloe asks. There’s no reply.

“Come on you have to decorate” Taylor says.

“I don’t have to do anything but serve food” Luke replies.

“And coffee” I say, slamming my hand on the counter.

“And muffins” Chloe says.

“I’m sick of having the same argument every year Taylor” Luke says.

“Whooo” I say waving money about in the air.

“You have lived in Star Hollows for a very long time Luke it time you became one of us and join in with the festivities” Taylor says.


“Hey my mums not wearing any underwear” Chloe says. My mouth opens with a pop. I can’t believe she said that.

“You’re just being selfish Luke” Taylor says.

“Still they don’t notice” I get up. “I can’t take it anymore” I get my own coffee. “What kind of muffin do you want?”

“Blueberry” Chloe says.

“You know where you can stick the spirit of Christmas” Luke says. He moves to my side handing me some tongs to pick up the muffin. “Here don’t use your fingers” I take the coffee and the muffin and place the money on the counter. Chloe gets up and we start to leave.

“I don’t think your taking me seriously” Taylor says.

“No tip?” Luke says.

“Yeah here’s a tip serve your customers” I say.

“Here’s another. Don’t sit on any cold benches” He replies.

“Come on let’s get you to school” I say. We leave Luke and Taylor to continue their argument.


“Hey Lorelai?” Miss Patty shouts. I’m on my way to Luke’s to meet Chloe once she gets back from school.

“Yes?” I say.

“I just wanted to say that I think it’s wonderful that Chloe’s found someone”


“Oh, hasn’t she told you? She got kissed yesterday” Miss patty says.


“Yeah. Apparently she got kissed by the guy who works in the grocery store” I can’t believe she hasn’t told me. “I’m sure she was going to tell you”

“Yeah” I say walking over to Luke’s. When I get in I sit down at the table closest to the window.

“Oh come on are you mad at me just for not putting a Christmas tree up too?” Luke asks.

“Luke I wasn’t snubbing you I just didn’t hear you and now I’m concerned about you” I say. I’m trying to understand why Chloe didn’t tell me.

“Sorry, I’m just feeling persecuted that’s all. Coffee?” He asks.

“Yes please”

 “Are you ok?” He asks.

“Yes I’m fine”

“You don’t look fine?”

“Well thank you”

“I just mean you look concerned”


“You look concerned” He says.

“Well I’m not”

“Fine, you just look it”

“Hey you know some streamers will look great I here” I say.

“Ok I’m going now” Luke says. He goes off to find another customer to bug. Chloe walks in.

“Hey” I say.


“Do you want something to drink?”

“Nah” She says. “I’ll just have some of your coffee”

“Really? You never have coffee.”

“Well you better get used to it. Any way I’ve got to go home in a minute I’ve got lots of homework to do”

“Oh ok. It’s just that we haven’t really talked in a couple of days”

“Well what do you want to talk about?” This could be my chance to get it out of her.

“I don’t know”

“Well, did you read that article in the paper about the ice caps melting?”

“Yeah, Yeah big deal”

“Fine you pick the subject”

“Oh, Ok. Well I was watching General Hospital the other night. And Lucky comes back and he supposed to be dead. He’s got a girlfriend who was so upset about his death and you could not wait to see them kiss, you know”

“When do you have time to watch General Hospital?” She asks.

“Ok let’s get back to the point what do you thing about the whole kissing part?”

“I think that their just actors playing their part” Or maybe I can’t get it out of her. “Look, Can I go because I really do need to get some homework done?”

“Yeah sure” She gets up and leaves. Luke comes back over.

“Not going to say you look concerned” He says.

“Not going to say you’ll look good in a Santa outfit”

“Fair enough” He walks off.


I decide to spy on the kid that kissed Chloe. How dare he think he can get away with it. I walk in the grocery store and pretend to look at something when I’m actually watching him. He has dark brown short hair and his face is so cute. I turn onto an aisle and start looking at a box of cereals.

“Hey” Someone says. It’s Luke. He scared the life out of me.

“Oh god. What are you doing here?” I ask.

“What are you doing here?”

“I asked you first”

“I ran out of cream”

“Yeah me too”

“What are you staring at?”

“Nothing don’t look”

 I push him all the way to the back of the store where the kid won’t see us.

“What is wrong with you today?” Luke asks.

“Chloe got kissed”


“Chloe had her first kiss and that guy did it”



“The new guy”

“Look how smug he is” I say.

“What are you on about? He’s bagging groceries”

“He just threw the lemons in the bag”

“Ok we need to get you out of here”

“No. That kid has wormed his way into my daughters heart and for that he must die”

“Come on lets go”


“You’re not going to kill the bad boy”

“Why not?”

“Because its double coupon day. You’ll bring the town down”

He pushes me out of the store. Spoil sport.

“Ok, ok stop pushing me” I say.

“Don’ spy on the kid again go home and talk to Chloe”

“Fine” I say not moving.


“Fine I’m going, I‘m going”

© 2013 Blackthorne

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Added on October 3, 2013
Last Updated on October 3, 2013



United Kingdom

I'm a bit of a supernatural and romance fan. I enjoy writing and love to read. more..

Secrets Secrets

A Book by Blackthorne