Chapter 12: Chloe

Chapter 12: Chloe

A Chapter by Blackthorne

“See you later Sir” I say as I leave singing club. As I step out into the 5 inches of snow a strong blast of wind comes gushing at me. I wrap my scarf tight around my neck trying to keep warm. I can’t believe we’ll be finishing for Christmas in 3 days. I make my way over to Claire who’s hanging out with Emma and Elinor, who are stood in the little sheltered area outside the Science buildings. As I walk across I realise Joe, Robert, Matthew and James messing about in the opposite sheltered area. They’ll probably get told off by a teacher for doing something they shouldn’t be doing in a minute. James see’s me and waves. I wave back and smile.


“Hey guys” I say when I step onto the step into the sheltered area.

“Hey, what took you so long?” Claire asks.

“Oh, I was just saying to sir that I didn’t want to sing in the assembly tomorrow” I reply.

“Aw, why not”

“Because you know I don’t like singing in front of people”

“You like singing in front of James”

“I don’t, he makes me sing. Anyway what were you all talking about before I came over here?” I ask, changing the subject.

“We were just discussing whether it was possible to jump onto that plant pot from here” Emma says.

“Of course it’s possible”

“Even though it’s covered in snow?” I decide to prove that it’s possible. I take my bag off and pass it to Claire. I fasten my coat up. I back up to the very edge of the step. I run full speed at the plant pot. I fly through the air with the icy air stabbing at my cheeks. I land on the pot perfectly. There’s a round of applause coming from behind me. I jump down off the pot only to be flown into by someone. Luckily for that person they catch me and pull me back up. I straighten myself up and realise it was James. “Sorry” He says.

“It’s ok, I’m the one that’s jumping onto pots” He smiles and walks back over to Robert who’s holding a bottle in the air.

“It wasn’t his fault” Claire says.

“I know” I say.

“Robert ran off with his bottle” I nod. I’d worked it out when I saw Robert. Claire, Emma and Elinor go back to their conversation about something I’m not concentrating on. I’m more focused on watching James. I haven’t noticed that he’s had his hair cut. It looks better than it did before. He doesn’t look right with shaggy hair, having it short makes him look hot. He looks at me. I look away quickly so he doesn’t think I’m a weirdo. After a minute of trying to listen to the others talking I realise that James is still looking at me.


“I bet you can’t jump and then flip onto the pot Chloe” Claire says when she realises that I’m looking at James again.

“Sorry what?” I say.

“I said I bet you can’t jump and then do a flip onto the plant pot”

“I bet I can” I back up and run off the step at full speed. I haven’t noticed it was snowing. It’s only snowing lightly so it probably won’t add to the snow that’s already on the ground. I close my eyes and fling my legs over my head and spin through the air. I land perfectly once again on the pot. I jump down and land with two feet on the ground. I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I turn around. James is just inches away from my face. His lips are on mine before I even know what’s going on. I can see nothing but his beautiful face. I close my eyes. I can’t believe this is actually happening. His lips are so soft, softer than I could’ve ever imagined. I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel like we’re in our own little bubble where no one can disturb us. His lips coax mine into opening, but there’s very little coaxing to be done. This can’t be happening. His kiss becomes gentler and gentler until he stops. I open my eyes. His beautiful light brown eyes are staring right back into mine.

“I should’ve asked you this before I kissed you to be honest” He says. “Will you go out with me?” I feel as though I’m going to burst with happiness.

“Yes” I say.

“Come on you two Mr Conley is around the corner. Move!”  We’re being pushed, by a rather hasty Mrs Brooks, back into the sheltered area where Claire, Emma and Elinor are stood looking gob smacked.

“If you want to kiss at school do it where a teacher can’t see you” Mrs Brooks says.

“Sorry miss” We say. She walks off back to the tower block. Mr Conley comes around the corner at that very moment. We all smile and wave at him. He looks at us, smiles and turns back the way he came from. He mumbles something to himself that sounds like he’s calling us crazy. As soon as he’s gone we all laugh. Robert, Matthew and Joe come over. Me and James are surrounded by everyone asking questions. It’s going to be one heck of a long lunch break.

© 2013 Blackthorne

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Added on September 23, 2013
Last Updated on September 23, 2013



United Kingdom

I'm a bit of a supernatural and romance fan. I enjoy writing and love to read. more..

Secrets Secrets

A Book by Blackthorne