Chapter 3: Chloe

Chapter 3: Chloe

A Chapter by Blackthorne

Chapter 3: Chloe

The pain is bewildering. I can’t understand what’s happening. I was fine a minute ago. There was no pain but now there is unbelievable agony. There’s nothing but darkness. I try to remember what happened before I blacked out. I remember Lorelai going out of the room and me trying to get to sleep. A doctor came in after about 5 minutes.  He was wearing some sort of glasses. I must have blacked out after then because that’s the last thing I remember. A white dot appeared. It grows bigger and bigger, and the pain’s growing stronger with it. When I’m completely surrounded by whiteness, the pain stops. My eyes fly open.  I’m in a hospital of a sort. But not the same one as before…

 This room is five times bigger than the other hospital room.  The other room was also boiling hot, this one is nice and warm with a cool breeze flowing through.  The bed I’m in is much softer and bigger. I’m no longer wearing a horrible hospital gown; instead I’m wearing some kind of white robe. What the hell! A woman comes rushing in followed by a man. They’re both wearing robes as well. I must be dreaming. The man seems familiar. He has a white beard and has a wreath on his head. I’m well and truly dreaming. The woman has brown hair and has some kind of tiara on. “Finally” The man says.

“Zeus!” The woman says.

“What? She’s been asleep for hours”

“Sorry?” I ask. “What do you mean I’ve been asleep for hours? I’m dreaming”

“You’re not dreaming” The woman says. I’m confused.

“Where am I then?” I ask.

Mount Olympus” She replies.

“Yeah right, I’m dreaming”

“No you’re not” I decide to pinch myself. It hurts. I must be awake then.

“How on earth did I get here?”

“We brought you here” The man says.

“I’m really sorry but which gods are you?”

“I am Zeus and this is Hera” The man says. My jaw drops.


“You have been chosen to be a goddess of peace” Zeus says.

 “Right and what does that mean?” I ask.

“It means you will be able to bring peace to earth using your powers”

“What powers?”

“The powers you will receive when you return to earth”

“What are these powers?” I ask.

“You will have to wait and see” Zeus says.

“But what if I don’t want these powers?”

“Then it’s tough”

“I don’t think so” I say.

“Oh, I do think so because it’s too late”

“What do you mean it’s too late?”

“I mean that you are going back to the hospital, now”

“But I still have questions that need to be answered” Everything was fading away. “You will have to figure them out yourself” I hear one of them say. Everything goes black. There’s a bright light once again and I’m back in the hospital. This is ridiculous. You can’t just kidnap someone tell them they’re a goddess and disappear. The door opens and in comes Lorelai.


“Is this some kind of joke?” Lorelai yells at the nurse. “You said that her heart had stopped!”

“Well…” The nurse begins to explain.

“Lorelai, its fine” I say getting out of the bed. Its strange because I was in a whole lot of pain before but ever since I visited Mount Olympus my injuries don’t seem to hurt any more.

“How are you able to get out of the bed?” The nurse asks.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I mean you shouldn’t be able to get out of the bed because you have severe injuries” A familiar doctor walks in behind the nurse. It was the doctor that I saw just before I blacked out.

“Excuse me nurse but I think I can take it from here” He says. The nurse is still shocked as she leaves the room.

“So, how was the trip?” He asks. How does he know?

“How do you know I went anywhere?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Lorelai asks.

“I went on a trip”

“Where to?”

Mount Olympus

“Yeah, right” She says laughing.

“She actually did” Lorelai stops laughing.

“I’m a goddess of peace” I say. “And apparently I have powers that I can’t refuse”

“Right so you’re actually a goddess of peace and you have powers?” Lorelai asks.

“Yeah” I say.

“This really is one chaotic day” I’m too busy explaining everything to Lorelai that I forgot all about the doctor.

“How come you knew I went to Mount Olympus?” I ask.

“Because I know a lot of things”

“Are you that super hero doctor?”

“Which one?” He says.

“Doctor Mid-Nite”

“You guessed correctly the first time, well done”

“Why are you here?”

“Because your sister of a sort told me to make sure you were ok”

“I don’t have a sister” I say looking at Lorelai.

“Don’t look at me!”

“No, she’s sort of your goddess sister and she’s outside your window right now”

“What? We are like 4 floors up its impossible…” I trail off as I see a woman outside the window…

© 2013 Blackthorne

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Added on September 19, 2013
Last Updated on September 19, 2013



United Kingdom

I'm a bit of a supernatural and romance fan. I enjoy writing and love to read. more..

Secrets Secrets

A Book by Blackthorne