An endless corridor of bleak gray walls, surrounded,Stains and puddles of black and red, spattered about,
The memories and experiences painted everywhere I trod.
I walk quickly through, avoiding the faces on the walls,
Weeping and crying out to me with their sullied impotence,
Reaching out at me with their nonexistent hands and eyes.
I begin to sprint wildly, evading the grasp of the
Memories and Experiences which have informed my Life.
The exit at the end is so close yet always far,
A white light suffusing the door with a beauty.
Finally I reach the door, grasping handle and swinging it open only to find myself once more at the very beginning.
I scream in utter futility, knowing I can't reach the end.
But still I traverse this dreaded corridor,
Desiring some sort of way out, to somewhere,
Some area in which I can completely forget.
There is no way out, no exit sign...