Amazing... Takes me to an ethereal place of harsh biting cold, filled with frost demons and hopes frozen on a pike... Your lines remind me of blood magic, and the word choice, coupled with the easy breathed rhythm of rhyme, lends to a stark picture of a ritual gone bad... Whatever the meaning... It is penned with macabre precision...
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Heh, I enjoyed this review, lol.
Thanks. By the way, is "Noize" based on a Key and P.. read moreHeh, I enjoyed this review, lol.
Thanks. By the way, is "Noize" based on a Key and Peele Sketch?
8 Years Ago
Well thank you, not as much as I enjoyed reading your work. No, I actually had to go look that up, l.. read moreWell thank you, not as much as I enjoyed reading your work. No, I actually had to go look that up, lol... But I am an avid gamer, "Noizemare" was one of my main names back when I essentially lived in WoW... My main tag is "Dogmaizkool", read backwards it is "LookzIamGod"... Between the two, they are essentially my other names, hah... Even if I do not really game as much anymore...
Amazing... Takes me to an ethereal place of harsh biting cold, filled with frost demons and hopes frozen on a pike... Your lines remind me of blood magic, and the word choice, coupled with the easy breathed rhythm of rhyme, lends to a stark picture of a ritual gone bad... Whatever the meaning... It is penned with macabre precision...
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Heh, I enjoyed this review, lol.
Thanks. By the way, is "Noize" based on a Key and P.. read moreHeh, I enjoyed this review, lol.
Thanks. By the way, is "Noize" based on a Key and Peele Sketch?
8 Years Ago
Well thank you, not as much as I enjoyed reading your work. No, I actually had to go look that up, l.. read moreWell thank you, not as much as I enjoyed reading your work. No, I actually had to go look that up, lol... But I am an avid gamer, "Noizemare" was one of my main names back when I essentially lived in WoW... My main tag is "Dogmaizkool", read backwards it is "LookzIamGod"... Between the two, they are essentially my other names, hah... Even if I do not really game as much anymore...
Your poem is infused with a mixture of natural and horrific imagery that combine to give the piece a dreamlike quality.
It reads to me like standing on the precipice of life and death; surrounded by beauty yet struggling to hold on to life and sanity and gradually being sucked in to the void where only the regrets and failures of the past live to torment you forever. There are many possible interpretations for this poem.
While it is unorthodox in style, you do maintain the readers attention and leave them with something to think about and attempt to decipher. A nice write.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thanks. I'm fond of making rather unorthodox poems as they sometimes have the effect I desire better.. read moreThanks. I'm fond of making rather unorthodox poems as they sometimes have the effect I desire better than more traditional ones. I do enjoy the various interpretations people seem to have for this poem. Very enjoyable to read those interpretations. :)
The imagery through this entire poem is incredible. One doesn't need the amazing picture to understand. I enjoy the flow of this. Your technique is different but it helps the Reader with stops and pauses for a better understanding. The overall message I get from this piece is your fight for life. Beautiful and violent is life. This is very entertaining. Thank you
Sheer Terror
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
I wrote this mostly through improvisation. I just had the idea and started writing it, letting it ta.. read moreI wrote this mostly through improvisation. I just had the idea and started writing it, letting it take me wherever its crook led.
I also wrote it as having three different interpretations.
I'm either gonna be spot on, or terribly off. But I'll say first that I love the imagery.
So, it's interesting how it starts off with "wondrous" describing snow. Something that's often used to resemble something being erased, or covered and made new. The corpses here are pine and cedar. I don't know much about trees, but I know that both of these last in winter. Cedar's even bloom then. Something lasting, something "eternal" has died. And the snow can't hide it. And the trees that watched, that died when winter came, whisper. Cause that's what the dead do, isn't it? Dead men do, indeed, tell tales. The mighty have fallen.
Memories, like blood, pour forth. The snow can't hide them. Nothing but death really can. We can't see past. And once we feel it, these memories, there's no real escaping. We all become consumed. And the white, that was once wondrous, finally covers.
To me this represented a massive change. An end of one life and the beginning of another. An ending that wasn't even wanted. I think when we hit those endings we get brief moments of clarity. Moments where we can look back and see all the other deaths we've endured. The white comes and the cycle repeats.
Or I'm just crazy. Either way, thank you for the thought provoking poetry!
Wow, you saw the Copses/Corpses connection. Actually when I wrote this I had three or four elusive c.. read moreWow, you saw the Copses/Corpses connection. Actually when I wrote this I had three or four elusive concepts in mind. But you pretty much nailed one of intentions of my poem.
I have to say when I read your comment I was very impressed. Despite the fact I intended several meanings for this piece, your interpretation is one of the closest I've read.
Thank you, Nicole! ;D
8 Years Ago
Well I'm glad! And yeah. Initially I thought it was a typo, not gonna lie. But it clicked. lol .. read moreWell I'm glad! And yeah. Initially I thought it was a typo, not gonna lie. But it clicked. lol I'm glad to hear my rendition did a small bit of justice. You've got a deep mind, man.
8 Years Ago
Thank you!
I've always thought of tree's in winter as being dead "Things". Like wand.. read moreThank you!
I've always thought of tree's in winter as being dead "Things". Like wandering in a forest during wintertime. I'ts dark yet beautiful.
The only thing I'd say is that I think the word snow is used a bit repetitively, perhaps. Other than that, I like it for sure. To me it speaks of mental illness, but I could be completely wrong.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
The repetition of using snow and winter visuals was intended. Thanks, Christina. ;)
Wow i really liked it. I think the snow comes across as you being intrigued by something or someone. However you can't move forward because you are trapped by something in your past trauma or heartbreak is my guess. ;)
I love the imagery and very well written which u already know. Somehow it makes me think he's committing suicide.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Lol, there are so many different interpretations people have on this poem. That was my intention tho.. read moreLol, there are so many different interpretations people have on this poem. That was my intention though. ;)
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