It's sharpness exploded in my body, stemming from just one point
My brain received the message even before it spread and I held my heart
not my head
It was a knife entering my tender flesh, a bomb rupturing all the blood vessels
A lethal force puncturing my side and made my heart flutter, flutter...pause-
Then start again.
I had not been careful where I treaded, never cared where I stepped
I felt like kingkong, loved, appreciated and well-kept -eyeroll-
I was invincible and no one but you I allowed to get this close
The pain, la pena no es para mi
La pena, the pain trapped me
I cried out when it hit me, I spat a hundred lengths of oath
I fell like a ton a bricks to the ground
My eyes were blinded for behind them I saw nothing but
No matter how much I fought
Icould not be defeated so easily, I knew how to block further drain
I sprung up from the ground and gave my offender the eye
I held him by the trunk and lifted him high
Up, up and away I threw that dratted offender
So on I went, a limp, la pena still thrumming in my body
but not strong
I hate it when I walk beside the sea to enjoy the scene
And stub my toe so hard, it feels like I damaged a spleen.