is a thing for holidays.
Bark of evergreen looking for answers,
tuck the soldiers away like their
overwhelmed commissaries keep their farmers.
Noticeable star of wonder drawing us,
detaining us from our diligent authors.
Abundance becomes a game of judgments.
Nosebleeds are unpleasant, blame the bellflowers.
Tactfully shall I escape this place, trading
Spare parts for travel expenses? Antlers
abolish the need for reindeer here perhaps.
Approachable moose have got their backers.
Bash the wall in if you’re upset, but then
Baseless anger becomes expensive, barters
Originality for replacement.
Running from cops the FBI covers
Deterred statesmen, servants of each region,
Approachable to the common man. Daughters’
Bribery was nothing. All I have is God.
Influence us with social embers;
Lemonade for the kids, or maybe fruit punch,
Eve gradually fades into painstaking banter.