If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you

If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you

A Poem by Laura Lynn

Ambiguous ice and snow.  The car’s
Brake fluid needs to be checked.  I see
Branches covered in ice.  So far,
Orange juice continues to be
Normalized breakfast fare.  To gain
Admittance to a grand place through pain,
Run into your brothers and sisters,
Satchel up your energy and look around
Inflict your cause to conjure splendors.

A Winter Wonderland subscriber.
Brain damage is a serious crime,
Break away from the mimicking mime.
Orators be not a belittler.
North American climates, primates,
Adoptive parents, open floodgates.
Telephone directories for us,
Outdoors we run, run, run, run, run.
Abundant ice for winter is a plus. 

Break down the parts.  What’s our riddle?
Breweries are there for markets.
Outer space is full of planets.
Northerly coast, the day dwindles,
Downhearted minutes give way to
Abundant landscapes.  For the crew,
Notice boards shall give direction.
Troublesome destinations. Strike
Evenly for Stricken Sweden

© 2014 Laura Lynn

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I really like it describes Australia too.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 12, 2014
Last Updated on December 12, 2014
Tags: peninsul


Laura Lynn
Laura Lynn

Fairfax, VA

I like writing. I don't know what else to say. This has been a great website to share works in progress, some which I have abandoned some which I loose to myself and enjoy writing most of all. It'.. more..

Arrival Arrival

A Poem by Laura Lynn