Love the stupid, it makes us better at what we can do
Abate fears for a second long enough to actually value
Good things.
Lonny, we don’t’ need to talk.
Egret, I see your long legs in water
growing longer, but you were
a baby. I don’t speak Spanish.
Nobody gets anybody really,
I mean not totally. It’s not a poem.
My friend language and lap top
Eat watts and voltage here.
Respect is a seven letter word.
Ontology and oncology have some
Truths to deal with somehow I do
Say with Alice and Wonderland
Sucking on honeysuckle in the
Unkempt garden. So we learn,
So we learn from the flowers?
I can’t do it anymore, a minutiae.
My eyes are good enough today.
Mona’s desire before was what?
Fame draws me like a flame.
Rats and bats are my company,
A moth being, I have wings again.
Monica’s monikers are various.
Untold secrets abandon derelicts.
Take my hand, let’s form a circle.
Someone whisper sweet
Nothing in my ear. I can’t do it.
A sexy life had too much danger,
Creation being too religious.
Have a heart, we cannot meditate,
Ask your questions sparingly, but
Take down your own inquiry
Spaciously on so many pages,
Not sparing curiosity in lieu of
A focused study. Don’t worry,
Crying is like chicken noodle soup.
Have some rice with it, or crackers.
A little rain never hurt anyone.
Lick experiments only occasionally.
Eves we are, so endeared, so hot,
Love boggles our minds, tripping
Anyone, us, as we feel euphoric,
Good enough to do it roughly,
Love, I mean roughly speaking, for
Expression like that is a second for
Green grapes and foxes, Jesus.
To earn a living
Love the green world to share
Each peach and various fruits,
Have a heart again let’s keep
Illiterately repeating it. Take me,
Tell me only what you observe at
Penniless moments, for that is ok,
A life lived in excess is the same as
Rich lifestyles, but famous is so
Named"famed. Let’s talk about
Exes and Ohs babies, let’s not cry.
Silently we raise our goblets, toast