Black Oxygen
Knowing what is coming by what has been
To inhale you returns the truth from mystery
Holding my breath for your fine Black Oxygen
And a future paved by the lessons from history
When decisions are bad and my vision is blurry
When I lay foundations for pain and humiliation
If I'm slow to get back into your arms in a hurry
I will suffocate from Black Oxygen deprivation
It continually reveals how fundamental you are
A support that looks, moves, and sounds like me
When I need help, I look to you as the guiding star
You are the wind in my sail that is endless and free
History proves that I'm danger whenever I lose your scent
Dizziness makes me forget how everyone who looks good;
I reject spice of variety to possess the Black Oxygen brew
It is not that I am anti-anyone, I am just so intensely pro;
Handed down to me from the words of the drum
Through you comes the nectar of our native fruit
The powerful knowledge from where we all come
Only you can fathom the deepest parts of my root
So, if you notice me seeking destructive choices
When disastrous consequences are all I'll receive
If I am not heeding the warnings of ancient voices
I need your Black Oxygen...because I can't breathe
Ron Harrell