Wilbert the Wizard (Relics) Chapter 3: The Daring Date

Wilbert the Wizard (Relics) Chapter 3: The Daring Date

A Chapter by Mr. Mills

The 3rd chapter of Wilbert the Wizard books 2. Wilbert was finally bold enough to ask Gallia out, how thing went, meh.


Wilbert the Wizard and the Daring Date

A few days ago Gallia had asked me to go on a date. I had fully recovered from protecting Storagia from the Strike of Darkness. This girl Jane had come out of nowhere. We got rid of her real fast. She came at Togath’ s funeral. As soon as I woke up I began preparing myself and Frostwing for the date. Frostwing was my ride for her. Hopefully I can make it go well this time. If he could barely handle me before, I’m not sure if hold the both of us. I’ll just tell her to bring Starlight then. Gallia came to the door of my shack. I opened it and she had a sight of me and Frostwing standing there.

“Wilbert, you ready to go?” Gallia asked.

“You still haven’t told where to go.” I replied.

“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out later.” Gallia said.

“How do we get there? Do you just want me to follow you? Can you really fly Starlight now?” I asked her.

“Oh course your following me. Me and Starlight have been doing well lately.” Gallia replied. Gallia took off on Gallia before I could say a word. I took off on Frostwing after her. This time it seemed like we had it perfect. He was officially big enough. His wings were spread out wide at his glided gracefully.

Starlight was doing pretty well herself. She wasn’t swaying side to side like she was before.

“See you’ve been doing some practice.” I told Gallia.

“I really wanted to go on this date.” Gallia replied. It felt so much as an awkward statement but I just let flow through me.

“Me too. So this is the place we were going to?” I said pointing to the mage’s diner there.

“Yep. And don’ tell me you won’t enjoy it.” Gallia said. I really wouldn’t enjoy it. Last time I went there I got kicked out. I didn’t think they’d like it if I returned.

“So, is there any other good places you had in mine?” I asked her.

“No. This is our special night. I don’t see what you think is wrong for a restaurant with this high of class.” Gallia replied.

“Right. Our special night. Let’s go in I guess.” I told her. Frostwing firmly placed his claws into the ground. Roaring afterwards.

“Frostwing and Starlight don’t do anything while were in there. We’ll be back in an hour or so.” I told them. Frostwing and Starlight looked at each other.

“Let’s enjoy our night together, Honey.” I said.

“I got us our table. Separate from everyone else. Outside.” Gallia replied.

“What are we going to order. Just so you know I’m low on gems.” I said.

“I got you. I’ll get us some Salads. I don’t want to go to expensive.” Gallia said.

“That’s fine with me.” I replied. “Hopefully Frostwing and Starlight aren’t getting into any mischief. “I said afterward.

“Don’t worry about them.” Gallia replied.

“What are you doing here Wilbert! I banned you from this restraint!” The manager exclaimed.

“Wilbert what’s going on here.” Gallia asked.

“I might have used magic in here. Which is against the law. It’s fine we should just leave now.” I said.

“No. I’ll take care of this.” Gallia said.

“Now what does this gal right here think she’s doing?” Asked the manager.

“You know; I could really say the same.” I replied.

“Gallia, please don’t defend me. I want get out of here with my head.” I said.

“Your head? What could you have possibly done so wrong?” Gallia ask.

“Go on, tell her.” Said the manager.

“Yes sir. It all began in the bad old days when I was poor and had no friends or family for support. Not even my own father’s. My mother had died when I was very young. I came here to...... steal some food. I resorted in having to battle the manager on the decision whether I get food or not. He promised he would get my head delivered unto him if I ever came back. Which is exactly what we are doing right now.” I explained.

“Sorry that I dragged you back into this Wilbert.” Gallia said.

“That doesn’t change anything you know.” The manager said.

“Off with you. Me and Wilbert just wanted to have a normal date for once. With all the situations we’ve been in together our dates never turn out well. You’re doing the same for this one!” Gallia exclaimed. The manger fell silent.

“Quickly get back to your date then.” He said hesitantly. He walked away from our table back into his office.

“This is why you listen to my advice. Good thing you scared him off.” I said

“Our foods getting here soon. So Wilbert, I don’t know a whole ton about your family. Can you tell me about them now?” Gallia asked.

“Well, I guess I could tell you. I have my father which you already know, then there’s Bella, who you also already know. I don’t think you know Sam though. 3 months ago we discovered he was a werewolf. He’s been laying it on the low side ever since. There’s my mom to. But I’d rather not talk about her yet. I’m just not ready.” I explained to Gallia.

“Your family sounds a whole lot more exciting than mine. My family all wants me to work for ice ware. It’s a really lame job actually. What I wanted was to marry a prince.” Gallia exclaimed.

“Well then you’re dating the right mage.” I replied.

“Right. You’re a prince. You’re just not really the prince that I expected you to be. The imagery is a bit different, but you’re the best mage I’ll ever meet.” Said Gallia. Right then our salads came in.

“Ever since I met you I felt like I had this connection to you. You’re more than just the lady the works at ice ware. You’re more than just a friends. I like you like you if you know what I mean.” I told her.

“That’s a lot to soak in. But I can’t say I don’ have the same feelings for you. Gallia replied. Gallia kissed me on the cheek. I don’t ever think I’ll feel that sensation again. Although I probably will. Then we heard a loud crash outside.

“No, Frostwing!” I shouted. We went into the front lot. It was completely destroyed and in spikes of ice.

“It wasn’t just Frostwing. He was probably in some sort of fight with Starlight.” Gallia said. Frostwing eyed Starlight, then he snorted at her.

“Frostwing! I know you can be a playful dragon but come one! Let’s just go home.” I said grumbling. When I rode Frostwing back home I noticed he was nudging at me.

“Were still buddies you know. Don’t do this.” I told Frostwing.

“Starlight has been acting the same way for me.” Gallia said.

“They feel guilt. I understand how they feel.” I replied.

“So how’d you enjoy that little hangout of ours?” Gallia asked.

“It was more of a, date perhaps.” I said

“Yes, that was the plan. So I guess this is it. See you in the morning.” Gallia said. Right then we landed home.

“See you to sweetheart.” I replied. I blew her a kissed. She blushed and I know it. Unfortunately, Bella was standing right there.

“My older brother has a girlfriend now does he.” Said Bella.

“Just stop teasing me.” I told her

That’s when something particularly weird happened to me. I was getting lead back to the place where this all started. I had a call on my communication orb that read, the mage market. I forgot my stand at the mage market. My boss must be super mad. It’s always on Saturdays. Today is Saturday.

The adventure continues......................

Next read Wilbert the Wizard 14

Wilbert the Wizard and Mage Market

Wilbert, Gallia, and Frosting’s adventure trails further.

                                    What is this mage market job?

Look on the next chapter The Mage Market.

© 2019 Mr. Mills

Author's Note

Mr. Mills
Give me Edits! Just a manuscript.

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Added on February 15, 2019
Last Updated on February 15, 2019


Mr. Mills
Mr. Mills

Heber, UT

I like to go by Mr. Mills. I like wizard stories. Me and my wife are living the life in Heber. more..
