Soft Hearts

Soft Hearts

A Poem by Mr. Mills

Another hear felt poem that II hope to submit to the writing contest.

Every person has a soft spot inside
No matter how hard the heart or how cold thy mind
That soft spot that people always want to hide
If it won't show, than you shall find
They may be mean, they may not show respect
But there always something inside
All they may leave you with  is years of neglect
until there inside comes  on the outside
There's a spot in everyone's heart
It just takes one person to find it
It's through the friendship art
When they stop trying to hide it

© 2019 Mr. Mills

Author's Note

Mr. Mills
Another poem written by me. If it weren't for Dragonwing I would've never known that this talent existed.

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Very interesting poem and it had a good flow too. However I think some people don’t have a soft side maybe towards their family but not.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Aye, true true! What a lovely poem to write! Everyone does have a soft spot no matter how hard and tough the person is. There's always a place that bleeds! I enjoyed this poem greatly! The only issue I saw was that 'than' should be 'then'
haha, than is used for a comparison and then is used for something to follow. That's all! Minor detail! :D

Posted 5 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 16, 2019
Last Updated on February 15, 2019


Mr. Mills
Mr. Mills

Heber, UT

I like to go by Mr. Mills. I like wizard stories. Me and my wife are living the life in Heber. more..
